Democrat gun control destroyed.

From your link,

"Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year... in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008."

How in the hell does that make sense? 300,000 violent crimes, three million defensive use of guns? What the hell, you mean an armed thug gets shot ten times before they can successfully complete a crime? Or at least are chased away with a gun ten times for every victim.

The numbers are laughably stupid. It is the damn Kleck study that has been ripped apart so many times that it should never be quoted yet is probably the most cited source by all the gun nuts. He contacted two thousand households and asked them, have you used a gun in self defense in the last six months?

"Hell yeah I have", says Cletus Redneck. "I heard a noise outside, pulled out my handy dandy assault rifle from under the bed, stepped out on the back porch, saw some movement in the nearby woods, and let em have it. Damn sure I shot at least one of the thugs."

First problem--that wasn't six months ago, it was three years ago.

Second problem--nobody showed up at the local emergency room with a gun shot, no blood was found in the woods, hell, not even footprints.

Third problem--the noise Cletus heard was not criminals, it was a raccoon going through his trash.

I doubt less than ten percent of those self identified defensive gun uses were legit. And of that ten percent, probably not ten percent of them actually happened in the last six months. That turns the three million into 30,000, a much more reasonable number.

And here is the thing. Can an assault weapon be used in self-defense? Sure it can, but so can a flame-thrower. That is not the argument.

Is an assault weapon more effective in self-defense than other weapons? Probably not, but that is not the argument either.

The argument is simple. Does the legalization of assault weapons provide more benefits to society than the harm caused by them? That is the argument and I have yet to see anyone, anywhere, even attempt to make that argument.
What you people always ignore is that most defensive uses of a firearm do not result in any shots being fired or any people being killed.

You use successful crimes as a measure but unsuccessful attempts to commit crimes are often not reported and are rarely if ever reported in the news.

And it doesn't matter if any law abiding gun owners use their guns in self defense or not.

and having a gun for self defense is not unreasonable especially since the Supreme Court has ruled that the police have absolutely no legal obligation to come to the aid of anyone.

And a so called "assault weapon" is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle just like every other semiautomatic rifle that has been available to civilians for over a century now.
Feed scrap presses? ... And psychiatric hospitals? ... Or whatelse to do with a weaponed drunkard or drug addict like you?

I am by the way a German and not a citizen of the USA. So you like to do a civil war in the USA on reason a German criticized one of your US-American
absurdities. Do you really think you are sane?

Meh, we kicked Germany's ass and put those uppity bastards in their place.
From your link,

"Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year... in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008."

How in the hell does that make sense? 300,000 violent crimes, three million defensive use of guns? What the hell, you mean an armed thug gets shot ten times before they can successfully complete a crime? Or at least are chased away with a gun ten times for every victim.

The numbers are laughably stupid. It is the damn Kleck study that has been ripped apart so many times that it should never be quoted yet is probably the most cited source by all the gun nuts. He contacted two thousand households and asked them, have you used a gun in self defense in the last six months?

"Hell yeah I have", says Cletus Redneck. "I heard a noise outside, pulled out my handy dandy assault rifle from under the bed, stepped out on the back porch, saw some movement in the nearby woods, and let em have it. Damn sure I shot at least one of the thugs."

First problem--that wasn't six months ago, it was three years ago.

Second problem--nobody showed up at the local emergency room with a gun shot, no blood was found in the woods, hell, not even footprints.

Third problem--the noise Cletus heard was not criminals, it was a raccoon going through his trash.

I doubt less than ten percent of those self identified defensive gun uses were legit. And of that ten percent, probably not ten percent of them actually happened in the last six months. That turns the three million into 30,000, a much more reasonable number.

And here is the thing. Can an assault weapon be used in self-defense? Sure it can, but so can a flame-thrower. That is not the argument.

Is an assault weapon more effective in self-defense than other weapons? Probably not, but that is not the argument either.

The argument is simple. Does the legalization of assault weapons provide more benefits to society than the harm caused by them? That is the argument and I have yet to see anyone, anywhere, even attempt to make that argument.
What a stupid post

Pure fiction.
Facts, like these

Eor every person who uses a gun in self-defense, the research finds, nearly six people use a gun to commit a crime.

the percentage of people who told Kleck they used a gun in self-defense is similar to the percentage of Americans who said they were abducted by aliens.

. It’s odd to cite hunting and home defense as reasons to keep selling a rifle that’s not particularly well suited, and definitely not necessary, for either. Bolt-action rifles and shotguns can also be used for hunting and home defense. Unfortunately, those guns aren’t particularly lucrative for gunmakers. The lobby’s fervent defense of military-style semi-automatic weapons like the AR-15 seems motivated primarily by a desire to protect the profits in the rapidly growing “modern sporting rifle” segment of the industry.

You have no facts.
To call the members of eeh polituical party "the Democrats" fascsists" is by the way nothing else than a fascsist brainwash. Which Borg Queen is producing what you call in the USA "politics" which is without any form of reality?
Well simp if democrats don't want to be called fascist maybe they should stop acting like the party of fascism
The stats and facts she presents destroys the leftist anti- gun agenda.

I‘m sure the first reaction will be to call it “fake news” without any attempt to disprove the facts presented.

Good for her.

Bypassing the courts and simply taking the guns from the crazies would go a long ways to helping control gun violence.
Meh, we kicked Germany's ass and put those uppity bastards in their place.

"You" had been the worst enemy of Germany although Germany never had done anything bad to the USA. "You" murdered millions of Germans and wiped out complete German nations as the Prussians, the Silesians and the Bohemians for example. And "you" got a lot of stupid children ... oh sorry "you" are one of this children or grand children on your own - who are proud on the USA on totally wrong reasons. For example on reason that you had been an ally of the mass-murderer Stalin duringf world war 2 and that you had sold a big part of Europe - and the whole world - to the Soviets before you awoke in Korea.
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Well simp if democrats don't want to be called fascist maybe they should stop acting like the party of fascism

It it nothing else than totally stupid nonsense which is far from reality what you say. You have absolutelly
not any light idea about how to survive under conditions of a real tyranny.

Feed scrap presses? ... And psychiatric hospitals? ... Or whatelse to do with a weaponed drunkard or drug addict like you?

I am by the way a German and not a citizen of the USA. So you like to do a civil war in the USA on reason a German criticized one of your US-American
absurdities. Do you really think you are sane?

Do us a favor.
STAY there.
Hopefully Putin has his way with you, eunuch.
Much like Hitler, you want to seize guns with no due process.
Oh, good point. It is a pretty stupid and fascist idea. You have changed my mind. I agree with you. We have to change other people's minds though.

“Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court, because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early. Like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms – they saw everything – to go to court would have taken a long time, so you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” ~ DJT

If you don't understand English, quit the forum.

What a luck that I don't have a deadly virtual AI-gun in my hands now and like to solve the problem not to have to speak with absurde idiots like you are one in this way, isn't it?

What for are private war guns good in a normal civilized community? For nothing or for less than nothing? The weapon fetishism in the USA started by the way a long time after world war 2.
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What a luck that I don't have a deadly virtual AI-gun in my hands now and like to solve the problem not to have to speak with absurde idiots like you are one in this way, isn't it?

What for are private war guns good in a normal civilized community? For nothing or for less than nothing? The weapon fetishism in the USA started by the way a long time after world war 2.
I don't speak only for myself when I say couldn't care less what you think of us. Stay away. And work on your English.

If you don't want guns in your country, then don't have them. Fuck off and leave ours alone. In our country a vast percentage of us don't want to be nursed and taken care of by a quasi-socialist nanny state like yours. I have guns. It's not a "fetish". For some it might be, but not for most of us. For me and many others it's a hobby which also has a practical survival value. Hopefully I will never need to use my guns in self-defense, but if I do I won't have to wait for your storm-troopers to save me while someone else stabs or shoots me.

You asked for clarification and you got it. I'm not interested in your opinion any further as long as it remains the same. So again, stay in your "safe" little terrarium of a country and fuck off.
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Stay away. And work on your English.

You seem not to be a master in logic. If I stay away I do not need English. And if I stay I also do not need English in a conversation with you because you are not able to explain what you say on what reasons, anti-philosopher.
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