Democrat gun control destroyed.

If you don't want guns in your country, then don't have them. Fuck off and leave ours alone.

No. Perhaps later.

In our country a vast percentage of us don't want to be nursed and taken care of by a quasi-socialist nanny state like yours.

If you do not notice this: You speak here exactly the language of Nazis who spoke for everyone and no one with "we" and "us". And continously they used the word "Germany" while they ruined Germany.

I have guns.

So what? I have no guns. And I have not any idea what to do with a gun. Shooting little pieces of metal on bottles and to produce splinters - makes such a behavior any sense?

It's not a "fetish".

It is. You have more weapons than inhabitants. This fetishism started in the end of the 1960ies and grew more and more worse every years. And this weapon fetishism conquered meanwhile all of your minds. You really thought when policmen and soldiers in Aghanistan are able to use guns then everything is okay and they will be able to defend their new born democracy against barbars. :lol:

For some it might be, but not for most of us. For me and many others it's a hobby

A hobby? War weapons are in your country a hobby? Do you also have a nuke at home - just for fun?

which also has a practical survival value.

You are kidding. Survival against the weapons of other weapon hobbyists? Who is shooting faster lives longer?

Hopefully I will never need to use my guns in self-defense,

Hopefully you will never have to make the experience how a very little mistake with your own guns is able to destroy your life and your own family.

but if I do I won't have to wait for your storm-troopers to save me while someone else stabs or shoots me.

Even if you have a gun I would suggest to you to wait until an experienced policeman speaks with the child - before you try to shoot the child down because you "wait" your whole life to be able to shoot someone down.

I remember in this context a car accident in the USA. Someone shot someone else down who did do nothing else than to go direction his car because he liked to help in case someone needs help. The killer lived in fear this helper could be a robber or murderer. A big roof over the USA and ready is the greatest psychiatric hospital in the world.

You asked for clarification and you got it. I'm not interested in your opinion any further as long as it remains the same. So again, stay in your "safe" little terrarium of a country and fuck off.

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There are many gun owners here who don't want them taken away by Nazis like you. That is "us". Nazism is an ideology which was implemented by disarming the Untermenschen and then forcing that ideology upon them. Keep your Nazism in your country. I'll keep my guns in mine.

Thanks, Heinrich.
Oh, good point. It is a pretty stupid and fascist idea. You have changed my mind. I agree with you. We have to change other people's minds though.

“Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court, because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early. Like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms – they saw everything – to go to court would have taken a long time, so you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” ~ DJT

Yeah all those rights people have get in the way of the tyranny you propose. That sucks for you doesn't it?
So what makes you the authority that you can tell other people what gun they should buy for home defense?

What do you care? An AR 15 is just a semiautomatic rifle just like any other semiautomatic rifle that has been available to civilians for over 100 years now.

If you want to discuss whether any rifle is suitable for home defense then start that debate and it still comes down to personal preference and even economics for people.

Maybe a person can't afford multiple firearms and wants just one that can be used for several purposes.

When it comes down to brass tacks the single best firearm for home defense is the one you have not the one people like you say you should have.
What is so damn hard about working on the calculus that I presented? Show me that the advantages of the legal ownership of assault weapons outweigh the cost to society that legal status presents. It ain't that damn hard. Or it is really damn hard, you can't make the argument, and therefore you attempt to spin and turn and counter with nothing but bullshit and lies.

What makes me an authority? I am informed. I mean who the hell are you to tell me that I can't have a flame thrower as my weapon of self defense? Or hell, maybe I want a flare gun firing a 26.5mm projectile, why can't I have one?

But no, an AR-15 is not "just another semi-automatic weapon". The muzzle velocity can reach 3,000 fps. An SKS might get to 1,154 fps. Do you even know the definition of force? Have you ever even been in a Physics class?

And no, I don't want to debate on rather an assault rifle is suitable for self-defense. I personally think it is a stupid ass choice. And for hunting, well for the love of God, if someone is in the woods hunting with an assault rifle please let me know, so I can stay the hell out of those woods. But the argument is not germane to the question at hand.

Again, it is really damn simple. Those that support the legal status of assault rifles need to step up and demonstrate that the legal status affords more benefits to society than costs. The fact that no one even attempts to make that argument tells me all I need to know. I am here to ask you, if it is your grandkids sitting in that classroom when the deranged shooter shows up would you rather that shooter have a standard semi-automatic weapon or an AR-15? If it is an AR-15 then survivability drops by half. Choose carefully.

And back to the op. Funny, we only see Amy Swearer's opening statements. We don't see any of the questions from the committee. Did you know she was charged with perjury? I mean you can sense a problem when you look at the deranged look in her eyes. Why is it that you gun nuts, and especially you Trumptards, can't read non-verbal clues?

The whole fight to keep assault weapons legal is nothing more than protecting the profits of the gun manufacturers. The assault rifle is their profit maker. Needle dick suckers pay big bucks for a cheap ass gun that looks bad ass. And at the first sign of legislation against those pea-shooters, well it is Katy bar the door, they horde up on the damn things. SUCKERS. Seriously, suckers.

The NRA used to be a legit organization, but that was way back in the day when they sponsored my rifle team, had me teach gun safety at schools throughout the state, and actually supported strict gun control. Now they are a totally corrupt organization that is little more than a lobbying arm for the gun manufacturers, who couldn't give two shits about the deaths from mass shootings and are more concerned about profits. Thousands of people, from my own father to George Bush Jr., have canceled their memberships because of this change.

I mean here is the deal, short and sweet. Address the question at hand, does the legal status of assault rifles provide a greater benefit to society than the cost it in entails, or STFU.
Come on fellow North Carolinian. Although I suspect someone as stupid as you must be a transplant. Address the question at hand. Does the legal status of assault weapons provide more benefits than costs to society? I mean it is easy peasy.
All enemies Foreign & Domestic
What is so damn hard about working on the calculus that I presented? Show me that the advantages of the legal ownership of assault weapons outweigh the cost to society that legal status presents. It ain't that damn hard. Or it is really damn hard, you can't make the argument, and therefore you attempt to spin and turn and counter with nothing but bullshit and lies.

What makes me an authority? I am informed. I mean who the hell are you to tell me that I can't have a flame thrower as my weapon of self defense? Or hell, maybe I want a flare gun firing a 26.5mm projectile, why can't I have one?

But no, an AR-15 is not "just another semi-automatic weapon". The muzzle velocity can reach 3,000 fps. An SKS might get to 1,154 fps. Do you even know the definition of force? Have you ever even been in a Physics class?

And no, I don't want to debate on rather an assault rifle is suitable for self-defense. I personally think it is a stupid ass choice. And for hunting, well for the love of God, if someone is in the woods hunting with an assault rifle please let me know, so I can stay the hell out of those woods. But the argument is not germane to the question at hand.

Again, it is really damn simple. Those that support the legal status of assault rifles need to step up and demonstrate that the legal status affords more benefits to society than costs. The fact that no one even attempts to make that argument tells me all I need to know. I am here to ask you, if it is your grandkids sitting in that classroom when the deranged shooter shows up would you rather that shooter have a standard semi-automatic weapon or an AR-15? If it is an AR-15 then survivability drops by half. Choose carefully.

And back to the op. Funny, we only see Amy Swearer's opening statements. We don't see any of the questions from the committee. Did you know she was charged with perjury? I mean you can sense a problem when you look at the deranged look in her eyes. Why is it that you gun nuts, and especially you Trumptards, can't read non-verbal clues?

The whole fight to keep assault weapons legal is nothing more than protecting the profits of the gun manufacturers. The assault rifle is their profit maker. Needle dick suckers pay big bucks for a cheap ass gun that looks bad ass. And at the first sign of legislation against those pea-shooters, well it is Katy bar the door, they horde up on the damn things. SUCKERS. Seriously, suckers.

The NRA used to be a legit organization, but that was way back in the day when they sponsored my rifle team, had me teach gun safety at schools throughout the state, and actually supported strict gun control. Now they are a totally corrupt organization that is little more than a lobbying arm for the gun manufacturers, who couldn't give two shits about the deaths from mass shootings and are more concerned about profits. Thousands of people, from my own father to George Bush Jr., have canceled their memberships because of this change.

I mean here is the deal, short and sweet. Address the question at hand, does the legal status of assault rifles provide a greater benefit to society than the cost it in entails, or STFU.
What is an "assault" weapon?

What you call and "assault weapon" is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle that is functionally no different than any other semiautomatic rifle that civilians have been able to purchase for over a century.

You don't even understand that an AR 15 is a semiautomatic rifle.

Muzzle velocity is a property of the round fired and the barrel length of the rifle. Your 3000 ft per sec MV is only possible with barrels over 18 inches. ANY rifle chambered for a 5.56/.223 round that has a barrel length of 18 in or more will have that same MV. Most AR 15 rifles sold have 16 in barrels.

It doesn't matter what rifle fires the round the muzzle velocity will be determined by the round load and the barrel length.

And if you think a deranged shooter in a classroom can't kill just as many children with ANY firearm then you are delusional.

What you idiots don't understand is that if you ban one rifle all anyone has to do is just use anther semiautomatic rifle that fires the same round as an AR 15 in order to get the same results.

There is nothing about the AR 15 that makes it any better at killing people than any other semiautomatic rifle.

And it doesn't matter what you think.

If you don't want an AR 15 then don't fucking buy one. I don't own an AR 15 because I have no use for a small caliber sporting rifle. I much prefer my 6.5 Creedmor
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Come on fellow North Carolinian. Although I suspect someone as stupid as you must be a transplant. Address the question at hand. Does the legal status of assault weapons provide more benefits than costs to society? I mean it is easy peasy.
Fuck off troll you have no fact liar
There is no legal status on assault weapons the second amendment trumps all gun laws. Unless you lose your rights by due process.
Facts, like these

Eor every person who uses a gun in self-defense, the research finds, nearly six people use a gun to commit a crime.

the percentage of people who told Kleck they used a gun in self-defense is similar to the percentage of Americans who said they were abducted by aliens.

. It’s odd to cite hunting and home defense as reasons to keep selling a rifle that’s not particularly well suited, and definitely not necessary, for either. Bolt-action rifles and shotguns can also be used for hunting and home defense. Unfortunately, those guns aren’t particularly lucrative for gunmakers. The lobby’s fervent defense of military-style semi-automatic weapons like the AR-15 seems motivated primarily by a desire to protect the profits in the rapidly growing “modern sporting rifle” segment of the industry.

What is to you Moon Bats if I chose to have an AR-15 for self defense or use it for hunting?

Just go mind you own goddamn business.
Reading comprehension not your strong point I see. From your initial link,

It has since been refuted by several studies, including one by Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck, indicating Americans use guns for self-defense 2.5 million times annually.

2.5 million DGUs appears to fall well within the numbers in the CDC study, seems to me they agree.
Come on fellow North Carolinian. Although I suspect someone as stupid as you must be a transplant. Address the question at hand. Does the legal status of assault weapons provide more benefits than costs to society? I mean it is easy peasy.

Simple answer, YES!


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