Democrat gun control destroyed.

Ever heard of due process? Trump caught flac from his supporters over that
On this site I have never seen Trump given flack by any Trump supporters on this site...or others for that matter for that comment.

Of course I could have missed a few occasional statements but certainly if a Dem had said the same thing, trumpers would still be creating threads about it.

I thought to myself when Trump said that, oh, put a fork him; he's done. (Shameless Seinfeld reference) and a month or so later multiple sites; barely a peep.

This is when I knew (well maybe it was Helsinki when I first knew) but this reaffirmed that Trump supporters only care about Trump. If Trump decided he wanted to take guns, Trumpers would fall in line.

Y'all have a scary cult addiction to Trump. It's not normal.
So your against Firearms Registration ( Like me ) ?

I also think CC carry laws should be federal and not state so you can CC across states.

Edit: On a side note, the post you responded to was about socialists, not firearms. Not sure if you knew that.

I also think CC carry laws should be federal and not state so you can CC across states.

Edit: On a side note, the post you responded to was about socialists, not firearms. Not sure if you knew that.
Democommies ( Socialists ) are The Real Gungrabbers )

I also think CC carry laws should be federal and not state so you can CC across states.

Edit: On a side note, the post you responded to was about socialists, not firearms. Not sure if you knew that.

No, all we need is the feds to require States to honor other States licenses, just like they do with drivers licenses.

Only if they call me a Nazi or a Racis or an Islamophobe or transphobe or a Bigoted Ultra Conservative or the worst one yet ( A Republican )
So is your problem with some peoples views on gun control or is it being labeled "...Nazi or a Racis or an Islamophobe or transphobe or a Bigoted Ultra Conservative or the worst one yet ( A Republican )"?

As for my earlier comment, certainly you don't advocate for registering socialists do you?
So is your problem with some peoples views on gun control or is it being labeled "...Nazi or a Racis or an Islamophobe or transphobe or a Bigoted Ultra Conservative or the worst one yet ( A Republican )"?

As for my earlier comment, certainly you don't advocate for registering socialists do you?
Yes and keeping them from immigrating to the US ( Along with Communists )

Yes and keeping them from immigrating to the US ( Along with Communists )

It doesn't violate the a matter of fact registering people for those beliefs violates the constitution.

Are there any other groups you want to register?

If so, which ones?

It doesn't violate the a matter of fact registering for those beliefs violates the constitution.

Are there any other groups you want to register?

If so, which ones?
ANTIFA , Black Bloc, BLM , La Raza , Chinese overseas Commandos and their Sapper / Spy Handlers ...
ANTIFA , Black Bloc, BLM , La Raza , Chinese overseas Commandos and their Sapper / Spy Handlers ...
So let me get this straight.

You want to register all those groups, much like Hitler registered Jews....but you take offense when called "...Nazi or a Racis or an Islamophobe or transphobe or a Bigoted Ultra Conservative or the worst one yet ( A Republican )"?
So let me get this straight.

You want to register all those groups, much like Hitler registered Jews....but you take offense when called "...Nazi or a Racis or an Islamophobe or transphobe or a Bigoted Ultra Conservative or the worst one yet ( A Republican )"?
Yep because Germany was a Socialist Government led by a Fascist Dictator from 1934-1945
The stats and facts she presents destroys the leftist anti- gun agenda.

I‘m sure the first reaction will be to call it “fake news” without any attempt to disprove the facts presented.

Good for her.

You mean like you do 40 times a day?

Yep because Germany was a Socialist Government led by a Fascist Dictator from 1934-1945
Are you an American?

Edit: Probably a stupid question. Disregard.

Well, I think ironically you want to do the same thing Hitler did in the me of being against Hitler.

You may also be a few cards short of a full deck but ultimately I appreciate your honesty.
What is an "assault" weapon?

What you call and "assault weapon" is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle that is functionally no different than any other semiautomatic rifle that civilians have been able to purchase for over a century.
Great then. Banning "assault weapons" should not be a problem. I agree, since the assault weapon is not functionally different than any other semiautomatic rifle, banning them presents little to no "loss". Well, except for the profits of the gun manufacturers.
Simple answer, YES!

Wow, what a stunningly erudite rebuttal.

What a damn dumbass. Sorry, I am going to need a little more than the word of a dumbass. Maybe you could begin by demonstrating the advantages of owning an assault weapon. I mean like all you gun nuts continue to proclaim, an assault weapon is no different than any other semi-automatic rifle. What does society lose by banning them?

The FAWB resulted in a significant decrease in public mass shootings, number of gun deaths, and number of gun
injuries. We estimate that the FAWB prevented 11 public mass shootings during the decade the ban was in place. A continuation
of the FAWB would have prevented 30 public mass shootings that killed 339 people and injured an additional 1139 people

You see that? That is called "evidence", or perhaps documentation. We can put that in the column "advantages to banning assault weapons".

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