Democrat gun control destroyed.

What a stupid post

Pure fiction.
Pure fiction is that idea that there are some three million defensive uses of a gun every year. I mean that is like over eight thousand times per day. Do we live in a flippin war zone?

For the love of God, do you people not have any common sense?
Great then. Banning "assault weapons" should not be a problem. I agree, since the assault weapon is not functionally different than any other semiautomatic rifle, banning them presents little to no "loss". Well, except for the profits of the gun manufacturers.

Well that's another thing you got wrong. AR style weapons are great for getting rid of nuisance critters like wild hogs. I'm assuming you're never had your property torn to hell by them, I have. They are the reason I currently own an AR and have no plans to sell it.

2.5 million DGUs appears to fall well within the numbers in the CDC study, seems to me they agree.
That is just stupid. Even using the 2.5 million number. That is every day, in every state, a person uses a gun defensively at least 136 times. Every single day in every single state. What kind of dystopian world would that be?

I mean I got to admit, if I believed that number to be true, well hell yeah I would have an assault rifle, probably two dozen of them, and I would live in a compound surrounded by a twenty foot fence with razor wire on top and order everything I needed from Amazon.
That is just stupid. Even using the 2.5 million number. That is every day, in every state, a person uses a gun defensively at least 136 times. Every single day in every single state. What kind of dystopian world would that be?

I mean I got to admit, if I believed that number to be true, well hell yeah I would have an assault rifle, probably two dozen of them, and I would live in a compound surrounded by a twenty foot fence with razor wire on top and order everything I needed from Amazon.

Just because it doesn't make the news or on a police blotter, doesn't mean it never happens. As I said before, with most DGUs, there's no shot fired. That's your reality, deal with it.

Well that's another thing you got wrong. AR style weapons are great for getting rid of nuisance critters like wild hogs. I'm assuming you're never had your property torn to hell by them, I have. They are the reason I currently own an AR and have no plans to sell it.

Sorry about your wild hog problem. But do you really need a folding stock, or a flash suppressor, or any of the "attachments" that define an assault rifle? Would not a Winchester Hog Hunter not work as well?
Just because it doesn't make the news or on a police blotter, doesn't mean it never happens. As I said before, with most DGUs, there's no shot fired. That's your reality, deal with it.

Look, gun threads are always a futile exercise. But can we at least accomplish something here. The Kleck study is sheer horseshit. It makes no sense whatsoever. I mean just think a moment. Three million defensive uses of a gun in a year? That is insane. Like I said, what kind of dystopian world do you think we live in?

The 2.5 million figure would lead us to conclude that, in a serious crime, the victim is three to four times more likely than the offender to have and use a gun. Although the criminal determines when and where a crime occurs, although pro-gun advocates claim that criminals can always get guns, although few potential victims carry guns away from home, the criminal, according to Kleck’s survey, is usually outgunned by the individual he is trying to assault, burglarize, rob or rape.
Does that make any sense to you? The victim is three to four times more likely to use a gun? Being a criminal is a hard life for damn sure if that number is even close to reality. But it isn't. The article goes on to explain with another extrapolation,

Consider the responses to a national random-digit-dial telephone survey of over 1,500 adults conducted in May 1994 by ABC News and the Washington Post. One question asked: "Have you yourself ever seen anything that you believe was a spacecraft from another planet?" 10% of respondents answered in the affirmative. These 150 individuals were then asked, "Have you personally ever been in contact with aliens from another planet or not?" and 6% answered "Yes."

By extrapolating to the national population, we might conclude that almost 20 million Americans have seen spacecraft from another planet, and over a million have been in personal contact with aliens from other planets. That more than a million Americans had contact with aliens would be incredible news—but not the kind actively publicized by reputable scientists. Yet the ABC News/Washington Post data on aliens are as good as or better than that from any of the thirteen surveys cited by K-G as supporting their conclusions about self-defense gun use.”

If there are 2.5 million defensive uses of a gun a year, one million Americans have been in contact with aliens. Do you believe that as well?
Sorry about your wild hog problem. But do you really need a folding stock, or a flash suppressor, or any of the "attachments" that define an assault rifle? Would not a Winchester Hog Hunter not work as well?

A Winchester might work for a single hog, not so much for a herd of them, and it's not easy to mount a IR scope on one. Hogs run mostly at night and can make the ground look like it's been plowed.

Look, gun threads are always a futile exercise. But can we at least accomplish something here. The Kleck study is sheer horseshit. It makes no sense whatsoever. I mean just think a moment. Three million defensive uses of a gun in a year? That is insane. Like I said, what kind of dystopian world do you think we live in?

The 2.5 million figure would lead us to conclude that, in a serious crime, the victim is three to four times more likely than the offender to have and use a gun. Although the criminal determines when and where a crime occurs, although pro-gun advocates claim that criminals can always get guns, although few potential victims carry guns away from home, the criminal, according to Kleck’s survey, is usually outgunned by the individual he is trying to assault, burglarize, rob or rape.
Does that make any sense to you? The victim is three to four times more likely to use a gun? Being a criminal is a hard life for damn sure if that number is even close to reality. But it isn't. The article goes on to explain with another extrapolation,

Consider the responses to a national random-digit-dial telephone survey of over 1,500 adults conducted in May 1994 by ABC News and the Washington Post. One question asked: "Have you yourself ever seen anything that you believe was a spacecraft from another planet?" 10% of respondents answered in the affirmative. These 150 individuals were then asked, "Have you personally ever been in contact with aliens from another planet or not?" and 6% answered "Yes."

By extrapolating to the national population, we might conclude that almost 20 million Americans have seen spacecraft from another planet, and over a million have been in personal contact with aliens from other planets. That more than a million Americans had contact with aliens would be incredible news—but not the kind actively publicized by reputable scientists. Yet the ABC News/Washington Post data on aliens are as good as or better than that from any of the thirteen surveys cited by K-G as supporting their conclusions about self-defense gun use.”

If there are 2.5 million defensive uses of a gun a year, one million Americans have been in contact with aliens. Do you believe that as well?

There ya go moving to fairy tale land again. 2.5 million DGUs would only represent .007% of the population. So the likelihood of a criminal running into an armed citizen in public is pretty slim, that's why most DGUs happen at peoples homes. And BTW, congress just had people in a public hearing that say alien biologics have been recovered from UAP crash sites.

What is an "assault" weapon?

What you call and "assault weapon" is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle that is functionally no different than any other semiautomatic rifle that civilians have been able to purchase for over a century.

You don't even understand that an AR 15 is a semiautomatic rifle.

Muzzle velocity is a property of the round fired and the barrel length of the rifle. Your 3000 ft per sec MV is only possible with barrels over 18 inches. ANY rifle chambered for a 5.56/.223 round that has a barrel length of 18 in or more will have that same MV. Most AR 15 rifles sold have 16 in barrels.

It doesn't matter what rifle fires the round the muzzle velocity will be determined by the round load and the barrel length.

And if you think a deranged shooter in a classroom can't kill just as many children with ANY firearm then you are delusional.

What you idiots don't understand is that if you ban one rifle all anyone has to do is just use anther semiautomatic rifle that fires the same round as an AR 15 in order to get the same results.

There is nothing about the AR 15 that makes it any better at killing people than any other semiautomatic rifle.

And it doesn't matter what you think.

If you don't want an AR 15 then don't fucking buy one. I don't own an AR 15 because I have no use for a small caliber sporting rifle. I much prefer my 6.5 Creedmor
They'll all kill ye dead. Idiot liberals think that there's some level of deadness that somehow turns everything into a different level of right and wrong.
There are many gun owners here who don't want them taken away by Nazis like you. That is "us". Nazism is an ideology which was implemented by disarming the Untermenschen and then forcing that ideology upon them. Keep your Nazism in your country. I'll keep my guns in mine.

Thanks, Heinrich.

You have absolutelly not any light idea what you try to speak about. The street fights between Nazis and Soviets nerved all Germans after world war 1 and the superstupid criminal winners of world war 1 limited the possibilities of the republic of Weimar to disarm this extremist idiots. In the end many people had been happy when one of them with their party army wan - it had been the Nazis - and the street fights stopped.

And what is your problem with the name "Heinrich" (=Henry), anti-Semite and/or anti-German?

Aus meinen großen Schmerzen
Mach' ich die kleinen Lieder;
Die heben ihr klingend Gefieder
Und flattern nach ihrem Herzen.

Sie fanden den Weg zur Trauten,
Doch kommen sie wieder und klagen,
Und klagen, und wollen nicht sagen,
Was sie im Herzen schauten.

Heinrich Heine
Last edited:
Great then. Banning "assault weapons" should not be a problem. I agree, since the assault weapon is not functionally different than any other semiautomatic rifle, banning them presents little to no "loss". Well, except for the profits of the gun manufacturers.
No such thing as a civilian "assault" weapon.

So I guess you can't ban any AR 15
They'll all kill ye dead. Idiot liberals think that there's some level of deadness that somehow turns everything into a different level of right and wrong.
And they think it's somehow worse to get killed by a guy using an AR 15 than in any other way
And they think it's somehow worse to get killed by a guy using an AR 15 than in any other way

Good grief - where for heavens sake is in my cellar full of historical junk the slingshot from my grandfather David? ... Hmmm ... What's that? ... A dirty piece of paper where's written on "Life always likes to live". ... ? ... Hmmm ... Who wrote this? ...

Facts, like these

Eor every person who uses a gun in self-defense, the research finds, nearly six people use a gun to commit a crime.

the percentage of people who told Kleck they used a gun in self-defense is similar to the percentage of Americans who said they were abducted by aliens.

. It’s odd to cite hunting and home defense as reasons to keep selling a rifle that’s not particularly well suited, and definitely not necessary, for either. Bolt-action rifles and shotguns can also be used for hunting and home defense. Unfortunately, those guns aren’t particularly lucrative for gunmakers. The lobby’s fervent defense of military-style semi-automatic weapons like the AR-15 seems motivated primarily by a desire to protect the profits in the rapidly growing “modern sporting rifle” segment of the industry.

"military-style semi-automatic weapons like the AR-15"

I served in the military and was never issued an AR-15. The same for two of my children who joined. This also includes a cousin, my Father, two Uncles, and my maternal Grandfather. In fact no country on earth has ever fielded an AR-15. The last main battle rifle the US Army issued that was a semi-automatic was the M-1 and that hasn't been fielded since 1957.

If you morons would just listen to those who know better you wouldn't look so stupid.
So you don't agree with Trump's gun control plan?

Me neither.

Who you going to vote for in 2024?
Why would I?

Don't tell me you're one of those idiots who thinks that everyone who defends their rights is a Trump supporter.

And I don't know who I am voting for in 2024 but I can tell you it will NOT be anyone that is a current member of the corrupt duopoly.

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