Democrat gun control destroyed.

You all saw me cheer? ROFL.

I could care less what happens to hunter.

Feel free to search my posts and tell me when I cheered.

Good grief, it's like trumpers just make shit up as they go.

Exactly. You "could care less" that Hunter's dad got him out of facing prosecution for illegal handgun possession...because you LOVE illegal handgun possession.
And the other 19 studies........that were not done by Kleck...
Damn, can we stop with the stupid. Every one of those flippin studies are phone surveys. They call someone up, ask them if they have used a gun in defense in the last year or so, and completely accept their response. Total horseshit.

To me, the biggest problem is time biased. I mean the person responding may have actually used their gun in defense, but not in the last year. The event happened three years ago. That greatly distorts the results.

But perhaps the bigger problem is that, other than the word of the respondent, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that backs up those results. Defensive gun use is as common as a crime, seriously? That makes no damn sense. I mean let's be honest, if some gun owner actually stopped a crime, it would be posted on every damn gun nut site on the internet, screamed from the highest tower, and trumpeted out for everyone to see. I mean we see this, there are dozens of links posted in this thread of exactly that, just not a couple million a year.

I mean come on, one study listed, nineteen people, nineteen people responded positively to the question, and then 1.5 million defensive use of guns is extrapolated from that. Damn, that is comically stupid. Like I have pointed out, using the same method two million Americans have been abducted by aliens. If true, that would be a major problem.

As the Second Amendment’s plain text covers the ownership and use of an AR15, et al, , the Constitution presumtively protects that ownership and use..

To justify banning the AR15, et al, , the government - or, in this case, those who support said ban - may not simply posit that the regulation promotes an important interest. Rather, they must demonstrate a ban on the AR15, et al, is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.

Only if it can be demonstrated than a ban on the ownership and use of the AR15, et al, is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition may a court conclude that the individual’s conduct falls outside the Second Amendment’s “unqualified command.”
The nation's historical record of firearm regulation. That is comical. That is merely an example of the SCOTUS blowing smoke up your ass. Want historical record, fine, all guns must be stored at a local Armory. Private ownership of guns, stored in the home, IS NOW ILLEGAL. That is the historical record. I mean just exactly where were the British headed during the battles of Lexington and Concord? What the hell was Paul Revere doing, what was his purpose?

You people have no damn clue. In Colonial times the private ownership of guns, held at home, was strictly illegal in almost all areas. The risk of those guns held at home being taken by Native Americans was too high. Especially since a skilled archer was way more effective than some damn musket bearing redneck. A musket attempting to fight off a group of Native Americans with bows and arrows was an exercise in futility. In the end, the gun owner gets scalped and his gun falls into enemy hands. Damn don't even talk to me about "historical record".

And hunting, don't even get me started. There are more raccoons today than during Colonial times. And rabbits, who the hell hunts rabbits anymore? Deer, holy hell, we got a problem with over population. Damn cars kill more game than people. I guarantee, my cats take more game than a dozen of you gun nuts. It is the starving times all over again. History calls it the "starving times", settlers starving to death and game teeming right outside their community. What a bunch of dumbasses. What did they do? They traded their guns for food. Fools, just like you gun nuts.

This thread degraded to a bunch of horseshit just like I knew it would. Things never change. If push comes to shove, aliens finally show up and invade, the Chinese launch an offensive on American soil, you gun nuts will be trembling under your bed, clutching your AR-15 like a child holding on to a teddy bear. Your bravado fools no one.

Here is what I propose. No one can own a gun unless they can out score me at the range. Appleseed qualification is a must. When the shit hits the fan it won't be you gun nuts that saves the day. It will be people like me and mine. Damn skippy I own guns, each with its own purpose. And every one of my kids is Appleseed qualified, but not a damn one thinks that a gun is protecting them from criminals. None of them have a gun in the home, all of them knows where the armory is. That is the American way, that is Daniel Morgan's legacy. The sad part, you morons don't even know who Daniel Morgan is.
Damn, can we stop with the stupid. Every one of those flippin studies are phone surveys. They call someone up, ask them if they have used a gun in defense in the last year or so, and completely accept their response. Total horseshit.

To me, the biggest problem is time biased. I mean the person responding may have actually used their gun in defense, but not in the last year. The event happened three years ago. That greatly distorts the results.

But perhaps the bigger problem is that, other than the word of the respondent, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that backs up those results. Defensive gun use is as common as a crime, seriously? That makes no damn sense. I mean let's be honest, if some gun owner actually stopped a crime, it would be posted on every damn gun nut site on the internet, screamed from the highest tower, and trumpeted out for everyone to see. I mean we see this, there are dozens of links posted in this thread of exactly that, just not a couple million a year.

I mean come on, one study listed, nineteen people, nineteen people responded positively to the question, and then 1.5 million defensive use of guns is extrapolated from that. Damn, that is comically stupid. Like I have pointed out, using the same method two million Americans have been abducted by aliens. If true, that would be a major problem.

Dipshit....if you read Kleck's work you would know he covered those detail when he did the surveys....

If some gun owner is approached by a criminal who tries to rob them, they draw and point their weapon and the idiot runs away.......then reporting it to the police is unnecessary and legally risky, since the wrong cop may arrest them for brandishing a dumb ass....

The 20 studies on gun self defense were executed by actual research professionals....using actual research methodologies, from both the private and public have to deny all of that research and you just can't....
The nation's historical record of firearm regulation. That is comical.
You may not like the rulings from the USSC but you don't get to ignore them - its opinion is law; your opinion is meaningless.
Thus, we don't have to show --anything-- regarding AR15s, etc --- onus is entirely on you and your ilk.
In Colonial times the private ownership of guns, held at home, was strictly illegal in almost all areas.
Someone lied to you, and you let them.
For you this time........

You are German?

Your country murdered between 15-20 million innocent men, women and children in just 6 years.....

This numbers are incorrect nevertheless we are indeed very effective when we like to do something. But we never did do anything bad to the USA in history of all mankind. So where from comes your unbearable arrogance, racist asshole?

more people than are murdered with guns in the entire 247 year history of the United States.....

Not really. I heard you murdered most Red Indians in North-America in the 19th century after you invented [semi-]automatic rifles.

That you would think to comment on this issue is just funny.........


In the 1920s, they began the process of registering make their people safer. That was the lie. by the mid 1930s, the socialists in Germany began the process of banning and confiscating guns, and the same for the countries they defeated......

By 1939, the German socialists began to murder 15 million - 20 million 6, women and over 1 million children.

Very short: What you say here is an absurde nonsense. You fought on the side of the Soviets (="Socialists") in world war 2. And if your nation had not been so damned honorless, stupid and criminal after world war 1 the rise of a mad man like Hitler in the mad world which you created had not been possible.

6 years, 15 million- 20 million murdered citizens..not war dead, innocent people rounded up and murdered in camps and forests....

15 million in 6 years.

In the United States, gun murder for our entire 247 year history?

Around 2,470,000

Europe.... 15-20 million in 6 years.

U.S..... 2,470,000 in 247 years.

Now the math part...get out your pencil....

How many hundreds of years will it take the U.S. to catch up with the number of Europeans murdered by their governments.....

Show your work.


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In the 16th century lived in North America about 60 million Red Indians and worldwide about 600 million people. Today live about 8 billion people wordwide - so in North America would live today about 800 million Red Indians - if the situation had been the same in average as in the rest of the world.

Also we Germans and the Japanese die out after we had contact with you. "American", I fear your prename is "death". And what curse is it when everything dies what you touch? The curse of the greed for gold?
Let's watch an expert explain to your dumb ass why the AR-15 is a valid tool for self defense...

This is one of the stupidest anti gun arguments.

What's the best firearm for home defense?

ANSWER: The one you have and can fire accurately.
What a stupid post

Pure fiction.
My mother and daughter both defended themselves from an attack. My mother fired two shots from a tiny S&W LadySmith .22 short revolver above the head of her attacker and he ran. My daughter merely pointed her S&W Model 25 .45 acp revolver at the man breaking into our home and he ran. My mother’s attack occurred in the 1920s, my daughters in the 1990s.

If my mother’s attacker had been successful, I might not be here to write this post. If my daughter had not had access to her revolver I would not have 2 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

I have carried a concealed handgun for a quarter of a century and never had a reason to draw it. I hope I never do.

In the 16th century lived in North America about 60 million Red Indians and worldwide about 600 million people. Today live about 8 billion people wordwide - so in North America would live today about 800 million Red Indians - if the situation had been the same in average as in the rest of the world.

Also we Germans and the Japanese die out after we had contact with you. "American", I fear your prename is "death". And what curse is it when everything dies what you touch? The curse of the greed for gold?
Maybe you shouldn't have started two major wars?

Your misplaced moral outrage is noted. The smell of German aggression is still in the nostrils of many Americans.

In the 16th century lived in North America about 60 million Red Indians and worldwide about 600 million people. Today live about 8 billion people wordwide - so in North America would live today about 800 million Red Indians - if the situation had been the same in average as in the rest of the world.

Also we Germans and the Japanese die out after we had contact with you. "American", I fear your prename is "death". And what curse is it when everything dies what you touch? The curse of the greed for gold?
US should have nuked Germany into ashes. You jew butchering scum started it.
Maybe you shouldn't have started two major wars?

We had absolutelly nothing to do with the beginnin of world war 1 and world war 2 was started from Stalin and Hitler together in the secret part of the Molotow-Ribbentrop pact. You was an ally of the mass-murderer Stalin - a "Socialist" - what was the same as if you had started world war 2 on your own. For sure you only decided on your own free will - without any facts in the background - to waste in world war 1 Europe and to murder Germans in masses. Again: Never Germany did do anything bad to the USA in history. It eixst nit any rational reason which had frioced tehn USA to gop tinto a war with Germany. A result of this descsions was the creation of Nazis, Commies and Islamists - and the death of an unknonw history where Germany and athe Multi-natijnal mejpiere Austria-Hungaria and the Osman Empire and their allies had won world war 1 and the colonial empires France, Enland and Russia had lost world war 1.

And I fear that's the real perverted reason why you hate us. You slaughtered one of your grandparent nations which you should had to honor - without any real reason to have to do so. What else than your hate on us could excuse your own sociopsychotic behavior?

Your misplaced moral outrage is noted.

A moral ourtrage is something for children who don't have any idea about what is moral. I tell you that I have reasons to contempt the USA, that's all. Contempt is not moral. I'm quite sure a big part of the Nazi ideology was made in the English speaking world.

The smell of German aggression is still in the nostrils of many Americans.

You smell your own aggressions and stupidity - that's all. You feel this aggressions because someone tells you it makes not any sense to play with hundreds of millions of guns like little children. That's why you need your hate on Germany. As a wrong alibi for your own murderous attitudes.

By the way: It looks like that Russia plans in the moment a much bigger war than only the war in the Ukraine. I hope you have a good shield against their nukes. We Germans have not. Reason: The USA took care that Germany is not able to defend Europe against anything else than tin soldiers - mainly on reason of the extremely stupid "politics" - if someone is able to call this politics at all - of the NATO and the USA. I hope you will not kill us when we neverthelels will stop the Russians, superstupid superidiot of world history.

Now go and play with your guns, baby boy, and kill some other US-Americans who you will not need to defend you, asshole.

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US should have nuked Germany into ashes. You jew butchering scum started it.

Aha. If I will not stop a Russian nuke which is on the way into your living room then you know why. ... Or lives your mom also there who is punished with such a son? ... Tell your mother she don't has to be sad that you are a shame for all mankind. It's not her fault.
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