Democrat Hypocrisy on Global Warming


So, how should world leaders travel to Paris to meet?

Just because they want to work together to fix the problem doesn't mean there is a solution in place ready to use now. You do understand that, right?
How about Skype? Welcome to the 21st century.

World leaders should communicate over Skype says the cyber security expert. Genius!

You don't think they communicate other than in person 99.9% of the time? You're kidding, right? Idiot.
So you are here because your ancestors are immigrants, yet somehow you're special and a "real American" while other immigrants aren't.

LOL, and those "Anti-American verses" that are on the Statue of Liberty.

You literally hate everything that America stands for.

The Americans who built the nation are not immigrants. They were settlers. This is not a nation of immigrants, in fact such a nation does not exist. It is just something people who invade/hate countries like to say for obvious reasons.

Oh the Founding Fathers were born here? I didn't realize that.

Well of course you don't, because you are likely one of the 60 IQ immigrants yourself, whose country America is not. Try Venezuela.

1. One who settles in a new region, especially a region that has few occupants or that is occupied by people of a different ethnic or religious group.

LOL ok, explain the difference between settler and immigrant.

This is amazing you're actually trying to argue that we're somehow not a nation of immigrants.

Semantics games!!!!

Why are we not a nation of immigrants? That's because we are a nation of Americans. Even if those Americans initially immigrated, that does not change the fact one bit.

However, they were not immigrants. Immigrants move from one country to other. They moved to an almost empty continent and conquered the bits that were already occupied. Therefore they are settlers, maybe conquerors, but definitely not immigrants.

You're playing weird semantics games.

I'll ask again, what is the difference between immigrants and settlers?

Lets also not forget that YOUR ancestors are immigrants.
The Americans who built the nation are not immigrants. They were settlers. This is not a nation of immigrants, in fact such a nation does not exist. It is just something people who invade/hate countries like to say for obvious reasons.

Oh the Founding Fathers were born here? I didn't realize that.

Well of course you don't, because you are likely one of the 60 IQ immigrants yourself, whose country America is not. Try Venezuela.

1. One who settles in a new region, especially a region that has few occupants or that is occupied by people of a different ethnic or religious group.

LOL ok, explain the difference between settler and immigrant.

This is amazing you're actually trying to argue that we're somehow not a nation of immigrants.

Semantics games!!!!

Why are we not a nation of immigrants? That's because we are a nation of Americans. Even if those Americans initially immigrated, that does not change the fact one bit.

However, they were not immigrants. Immigrants move from one country to other. They moved to an almost empty continent and conquered the bits that were already occupied. Therefore they are settlers, maybe conquerors, but definitely not immigrants.

You're playing weird semantics games.

I'll ask again, what is the difference between immigrants and settlers?

Lets also not forget that YOUR ancestors are immigrants.

I already answered what the difference is. It's your 60 IQ getting in the way of understanding again.

So, how should world leaders travel to Paris to meet?

Just because they want to work together to fix the problem doesn't mean there is a solution in place ready to use now. You do understand that, right?
How about Skype? Welcome to the 21st century.

World leaders should communicate over Skype says the cyber security expert. Genius!

You don't think they communicate other than in person 99.9% of the time? You're kidding, right? Idiot.

By Skype? LOL. Each time you post you somehow manage to lower the bar. Pretty neat party trick.
Oh the Founding Fathers were born here? I didn't realize that.

Well of course you don't, because you are likely one of the 60 IQ immigrants yourself, whose country America is not. Try Venezuela.

1. One who settles in a new region, especially a region that has few occupants or that is occupied by people of a different ethnic or religious group.

LOL ok, explain the difference between settler and immigrant.

This is amazing you're actually trying to argue that we're somehow not a nation of immigrants.

Semantics games!!!!

Why are we not a nation of immigrants? That's because we are a nation of Americans. Even if those Americans initially immigrated, that does not change the fact one bit.

However, they were not immigrants. Immigrants move from one country to other. They moved to an almost empty continent and conquered the bits that were already occupied. Therefore they are settlers, maybe conquerors, but definitely not immigrants.

You're playing weird semantics games.

I'll ask again, what is the difference between immigrants and settlers?

Lets also not forget that YOUR ancestors are immigrants.

I already answered what the difference is. It's your 60 IQ getting in the way of understanding again.

You said "immigrants move from one country to another". How is that different than settlers?
Bzzz wrong again.

America has been and is a melting pot.

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Hate to break it to you but perhaps being American doesn't suit you well. May I suggest Iran.

Total and utter bullshit. Go entertain your delusions elsewhere. America is a nation of Americans, and nothing less. Americans are about done with this bullshit and ready to defend our nation, it won't be a 3rd world utopia as you have envisioned.

So your ancestors are all native born American Indians?
Indians? You do realize that Columbus called them Indians because he thought he landed in India. You’re so dumb. LOL.

And? What's your point exactly?

My point is that you're an uneducated buffoon and a Leftist. Same thing?

So you don't have a point. Figured as much.

Once again you provide for some good laughs. Now you should get it over with and declare victory.
Well of course you don't, because you are likely one of the 60 IQ immigrants yourself, whose country America is not. Try Venezuela.

1. One who settles in a new region, especially a region that has few occupants or that is occupied by people of a different ethnic or religious group.

LOL ok, explain the difference between settler and immigrant.

This is amazing you're actually trying to argue that we're somehow not a nation of immigrants.

Semantics games!!!!

Why are we not a nation of immigrants? That's because we are a nation of Americans. Even if those Americans initially immigrated, that does not change the fact one bit.

However, they were not immigrants. Immigrants move from one country to other. They moved to an almost empty continent and conquered the bits that were already occupied. Therefore they are settlers, maybe conquerors, but definitely not immigrants.

You're playing weird semantics games.

I'll ask again, what is the difference between immigrants and settlers?

Lets also not forget that YOUR ancestors are immigrants.

I already answered what the difference is. It's your 60 IQ getting in the way of understanding again.

You said "immigrants move from one country to another". How is that different than settlers?

Holy fucking dumb...

Because settlers move to an unsettled area, where no nation exists.
LOL ok, explain the difference between settler and immigrant.

This is amazing you're actually trying to argue that we're somehow not a nation of immigrants.

Semantics games!!!!

Why are we not a nation of immigrants? That's because we are a nation of Americans. Even if those Americans initially immigrated, that does not change the fact one bit.

However, they were not immigrants. Immigrants move from one country to other. They moved to an almost empty continent and conquered the bits that were already occupied. Therefore they are settlers, maybe conquerors, but definitely not immigrants.

You're playing weird semantics games.

I'll ask again, what is the difference between immigrants and settlers?

Lets also not forget that YOUR ancestors are immigrants.

I already answered what the difference is. It's your 60 IQ getting in the way of understanding again.

You said "immigrants move from one country to another". How is that different than settlers?

Holy fucking dumb...

Because settlers move to an unsettled area, where no nation exists.

Ok, so once the initial "settlers" came here, everyone else after that who joined this new nation were "immigrants" by your definition.

This includes you. You are here because your ancestors are immigrants.

Our nation is made up of immigrants.
It was a simple question, why are you afraid to answer it?

Christianity has nothing to do with the thread.

You just had to undermine again, because that's what bitches do. The foot ball players got all the chicks in high school, and gammas were left with nothing, so it is the only way forward. Useless guy...

You are correct, it is about hypocrisy. I am trying to see if people like you will apply the same standard to all things or just a few...making you a hypocrite.

Sure I can apply hypocrisy to other things as well. For example, libertarians who support policies that will destroy all freedoms, because they are too insecure and lack balls.

Good thing there are none of those around here!

Oh there is one, who is not particularly sharp.

In a other thread, you were celebrating that Americans are being replaced by the following vision:


So which country that looks like this enjoys American freedoms?

What country that looks like this enjoys American freedoms?

AMERICA you dumb fuck, that is what country.

That is what we look like. If you would ever go beyond your KKK meeting you would know this.

But I know, all those non-white people scare you as well as women in the workplace.
Why are we not a nation of immigrants? That's because we are a nation of Americans. Even if those Americans initially immigrated, that does not change the fact one bit.

However, they were not immigrants. Immigrants move from one country to other. They moved to an almost empty continent and conquered the bits that were already occupied. Therefore they are settlers, maybe conquerors, but definitely not immigrants.

You're playing weird semantics games.

I'll ask again, what is the difference between immigrants and settlers?

Lets also not forget that YOUR ancestors are immigrants.

I already answered what the difference is. It's your 60 IQ getting in the way of understanding again.

You said "immigrants move from one country to another". How is that different than settlers?

Holy fucking dumb...

Because settlers move to an unsettled area, where no nation exists.

Ok, so once the initial "settlers" came here, everyone else after that who joined this new nation were "immigrants" by your definition.

This includes you. You are here because your ancestors are immigrants.

Our nation is made up of immigrants.

Well, according to statistics 13.5% of the population of the nation are immigrants, which is highest ever as a result of the invasion act. How is that if this is a nation of immigrants?

It's a nation of Americans and your stupid obsession about how the people initially came here is completely useless, most of them were settlers and their brothers.
Bzzz wrong again.

America has been and is a melting pot.

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Hate to break it to you but perhaps being American doesn't suit you well. May I suggest Iran.

Total and utter bullshit. Go entertain your delusions elsewhere. America is a nation of Americans, and nothing less. Americans are about done with this bullshit and ready to defend our nation, it won't be a 3rd world utopia as you have envisioned.

So your ancestors are all native born American Indians?
Indians? You do realize that Columbus called them Indians because he thought he landed in India. You’re so dumb. LOL.

And? What's your point exactly?

My point is that you're an uneducated buffoon and a Leftist. Same thing?


So, how should world leaders travel to Paris to meet?

Just because they want to work together to fix the problem doesn't mean there is a solution in place ready to use now. You do understand that, right?
How about Skype? Welcome to the 21st century.

World leaders should communicate over Skype says the cyber security expert. Genius!

You don't think they communicate other than in person 99.9% of the time? You're kidding, right? Idiot.

By Skype? LOL. Each time you post you somehow manage to lower the bar. Pretty neat party trick.
Skype was an example. There are other virtual methods. Don’t be so literal. Dumb Leftist.
Total and utter bullshit. Go entertain your delusions elsewhere. America is a nation of Americans, and nothing less. Americans are about done with this bullshit and ready to defend our nation, it won't be a 3rd world utopia as you have envisioned.

So your ancestors are all native born American Indians?
Indians? You do realize that Columbus called them Indians because he thought he landed in India. You’re so dumb. LOL.

And? What's your point exactly?

My point is that you're an uneducated buffoon and a Leftist. Same thing?

Total and utter bullshit. Go entertain your delusions elsewhere. America is a nation of Americans, and nothing less. Americans are about done with this bullshit and ready to defend our nation, it won't be a 3rd world utopia as you have envisioned.

So your ancestors are all native born American Indians?
Indians? You do realize that Columbus called them Indians because he thought he landed in India. You’re so dumb. LOL.

And? What's your point exactly?

My point is that you're an uneducated buffoon and a Leftist. Same thing?

Get lost, stalker
Christianity has nothing to do with the thread.

You just had to undermine again, because that's what bitches do. The foot ball players got all the chicks in high school, and gammas were left with nothing, so it is the only way forward. Useless guy...

You are correct, it is about hypocrisy. I am trying to see if people like you will apply the same standard to all things or just a few...making you a hypocrite.

Sure I can apply hypocrisy to other things as well. For example, libertarians who support policies that will destroy all freedoms, because they are too insecure and lack balls.

Good thing there are none of those around here!

Oh there is one, who is not particularly sharp.

In a other thread, you were celebrating that Americans are being replaced by the following vision:


So which country that looks like this enjoys American freedoms?

What country that looks like this enjoys American freedoms?

AMERICA you dumb fuck, that is what country.

That is what we look like. If you would ever go beyond your KKK meeting you would know this.

But I know, all those non-white people scare you as well as women in the workplace.
Look a race card. LOL
Gator Bait is a closet Leftist.
You're playing weird semantics games.

I'll ask again, what is the difference between immigrants and settlers?

Lets also not forget that YOUR ancestors are immigrants.

I already answered what the difference is. It's your 60 IQ getting in the way of understanding again.

You said "immigrants move from one country to another". How is that different than settlers?

Holy fucking dumb...

Because settlers move to an unsettled area, where no nation exists.

Ok, so once the initial "settlers" came here, everyone else after that who joined this new nation were "immigrants" by your definition.

This includes you. You are here because your ancestors are immigrants.

Our nation is made up of immigrants.

Well, according to statistics 13.5% of the population of the nation are immigrants, which is highest ever as a result of the invasion act. How is that if this is a nation of immigrants?

It's a nation of Americans and your stupid obsession about how the people initially came here is completely useless, most of them were settlers and their brothers.
Because all of our ancestors are immigrants you turnip. 13.5% are those who are 1st generation. The rest of us can all trace our roots to immigration. Hence a nation of immigrants.
So, how should world leaders travel to Paris to meet?

Just because they want to work together to fix the problem doesn't mean there is a solution in place ready to use now. You do understand that, right?
How about Skype? Welcome to the 21st century.

World leaders should communicate over Skype says the cyber security expert. Genius!

You don't think they communicate other than in person 99.9% of the time? You're kidding, right? Idiot.

By Skype? LOL. Each time you post you somehow manage to lower the bar. Pretty neat party trick.
Skype was an example. There are other virtual methods. Don’t be so literal. Dumb Leftist.
Oh yeah? Like AOL chat room?
You are correct, it is about hypocrisy. I am trying to see if people like you will apply the same standard to all things or just a few...making you a hypocrite.

Sure I can apply hypocrisy to other things as well. For example, libertarians who support policies that will destroy all freedoms, because they are too insecure and lack balls.

Good thing there are none of those around here!

Oh there is one, who is not particularly sharp.

In a other thread, you were celebrating that Americans are being replaced by the following vision:


So which country that looks like this enjoys American freedoms?

What country that looks like this enjoys American freedoms?

AMERICA you dumb fuck, that is what country.

That is what we look like. If you would ever go beyond your KKK meeting you would know this.

But I know, all those non-white people scare you as well as women in the workplace.
Look a race card. LOL
Gator Bait is a closet Leftist.

To use the words of another poster....Each time you post you somehow manage to lower the bar. Pretty neat party trick.
Sure I can apply hypocrisy to other things as well. For example, libertarians who support policies that will destroy all freedoms, because they are too insecure and lack balls.

Good thing there are none of those around here!

Oh there is one, who is not particularly sharp.

In a other thread, you were celebrating that Americans are being replaced by the following vision:


So which country that looks like this enjoys American freedoms?

What country that looks like this enjoys American freedoms?

AMERICA you dumb fuck, that is what country.

That is what we look like. If you would ever go beyond your KKK meeting you would know this.

But I know, all those non-white people scare you as well as women in the workplace.
Look a race card. LOL
Gator Bait is a closet Leftist.

To use the words of another poster....Each time you post you somehow manage to lower the bar. Pretty neat party trick.

He has America confused with Brazil.

And no, Brazil does not enjoy American freedoms.

And almost every one of those 3rd world "diverse" immigrants who Gamma Gator wants in votes against our freedoms if given the chance. Brilliant "libertarian" this guy.
How about Skype? Welcome to the 21st century.

World leaders should communicate over Skype says the cyber security expert. Genius!

You don't think they communicate other than in person 99.9% of the time? You're kidding, right? Idiot.

By Skype? LOL. Each time you post you somehow manage to lower the bar. Pretty neat party trick.
Skype was an example. There are other virtual methods. Don’t be so literal. Dumb Leftist.
Oh yeah? Like AOL chat room?
So you believe all conversations between say Trump
And Boris Johnson take place in person?

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