Democrat Maxine Waters Calls Trump Cabinet Picks: “A Bunch of Scumbags” (VIDEO

She's is way out of line to name-call like that from her position, however your minority comment is ridiculous.

Yes she said it, yes she happens to be black, one has nothing to do with the other.
I don't think the minority comment had anything to do with her being black....

I suspect it had to do with the fact that she is mentally retarded which has everything to do with her idiotic comments.

Oh, so you think OP's "reflection on minorities" is a comment that would also get thrown in if she was white?
Sure, after all, white retards are just as must of a minority as black retards. :dunno:

Have faith, you shall overcome.
Fuck "overcoming," I just want to be left the hell alone or barring that escape.

"People say being left alone is not a governing philosophy to which I say, yes we know, that's what we like about it" -- Tom Woods
Far left Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has taken on the role of spokesperson for the Democrat Party since the November election.

During an appearance on MSNBC’s
All in with Chris Hayes, Democrat Maxine Waters read off a list of people connected to the Trump team who also have connections to Russia and the oil and gas industry.

Waters then went on to call the Trump administration a “bunch of scumbags.”

Democrat Maxine Waters Calls Trump Cabinet Picks: “A Bunch of Scumbags” (VIDEO)

I'm sorry but if as a minority group wanting respect , electing dumb biatches like this does NOT help your cause.

I don't know of any minority group who expects any respect from dumb biatches like you.
Fenton I have tremendous respect for minorities and especially the black community who continue to climb out of the inner cities and all that entails, there a lot of unseen obstacles besetting them that some want to remain hidden for fear that too much too fast in terms of success in achieving that middle class status they desire will result in political suicide for some politicians who count on that vote.

Everyone in this society should withhold their vote from all of the political system.
well, it would only take one person then to throw a monkey wrench into the works

And equally well, we will never vote our way to a better place in this system. By design.
I don't disagree fenton, well maybe not the equally well part but the rest
She's is way out of line to name-call like that from her position, however your minority comment is ridiculous.

Yes she said it, yes she happens to be black, one has nothing to do with the other.
I don't think the minority comment had anything to do with her being black....

I suspect it had to do with the fact that she is mentally retarded which has everything to do with her idiotic comments.

Oh, so you think OP's "reflection on minorities" is a comment that would also get thrown in if she was white?
Sure, after all, white retards are just as must of a minority as black retards. :dunno:

Have faith, you shall overcome.
Fuck "overcoming," I just want to be left the hell alone or barring that escape.

"People say being left alone is not a governing philosophy to which I say, yes we know, that's what we like about it" -- Tom Woods

When you also want to leave everyone else alone we might see eye to eye on something.
She's is way out of line to name-call like that from her position, however your minority comment is ridiculous.

Yes she said it, yes she happens to be black, one has nothing to do with the other.
I don't think the minority comment had anything to do with her being black....

I suspect it had to do with the fact that she is mentally retarded which has everything to do with her idiotic comments.

Oh, so you think OP's "reflection on minorities" is a comment that would also get thrown in if she was white?
Sure, after all, white retards are just as must of a minority as black retards. :dunno:

Maxine Waters has indeed become quite loquacious; however, her uncultivated and unrefined delivery of her nescient appraisal of President Trump's Cabinet Member selection leaves those listening with an impression that they are attending a simple-minded solo 1-act thespian performance.
The Dems need to put her in front of the camera all day every day.

What a moron. I mean like LITERALLY a moron....the actual definition.
I don't think the minority comment had anything to do with her being black....

I suspect it had to do with the fact that she is mentally retarded which has everything to do with her idiotic comments.

Oh, so you think OP's "reflection on minorities" is a comment that would also get thrown in if she was white?
Sure, after all, white retards are just as must of a minority as black retards. :dunno:

Have faith, you shall overcome.
Fuck "overcoming," I just want to be left the hell alone or barring that escape.

"People say being left alone is not a governing philosophy to which I say, yes we know, that's what we like about it" -- Tom Woods

When you also want to leave everyone else alone we might see eye to eye on something.
Hate to break your lil' bubble of unreality, I already do "leave everyone else alone", unless of course you count being forced at the point of a government gun to pay for everybody Else's wants as not "leaving them alone". As far as seeing "eye to eye" on something, doubtful unless you've suddenly sworn off the gub'mint worshiper, authoritarian Kool-Aid and actually mean it, we'll see I suppose.

"Liberty means refusing to allow some men to use the state to compel other men to serve their interests or opinion." -- Auberon Herbert
Oh, so you think OP's "reflection on minorities" is a comment that would also get thrown in if she was white?
Sure, after all, white retards are just as must of a minority as black retards. :dunno:

Have faith, you shall overcome.
Fuck "overcoming," I just want to be left the hell alone or barring that escape.

"People say being left alone is not a governing philosophy to which I say, yes we know, that's what we like about it" -- Tom Woods

When you also want to leave everyone else alone we might see eye to eye on something.
Hate to break your lil' bubble of unreality, I already do "leave everyone else alone", unless of course you count being forced at the point of a government gun to pay for everybody Else's wants as not "leaving them alone". As far as seeing "eye to eye" on something, doubtful unless you've suddenly sworn off the gub'mint worshiper, authoritarian Kool-Aid and actually mean it, we'll see I suppose.

"Liberty means refusing to allow some men to use the state to compel other men to serve their interests or opinion." -- Auberon Herbert

Oh no, not the government gun!
Can you imagine Maxine Waters and Hank 'Guam might tip over' Johnson hosting a 1-hour daily DNC show in which they just rattle off whatever comes into their little pea brains?!

:lmao: :lmao:

Can you imagine Maxine Waters and Hank 'Guam might tip over' Johnson hosting a 1-hour daily DNC show in which they just rattle off whatever comes into their little pea brains?!

:lmao: :lmao:

I can, and I can imagine you reposting everything you could about it too. Whereas most of us would never pay any attention.
Sure, after all, white retards are just as must of a minority as black retards. :dunno:

Have faith, you shall overcome.
Fuck "overcoming," I just want to be left the hell alone or barring that escape.

"People say being left alone is not a governing philosophy to which I say, yes we know, that's what we like about it" -- Tom Woods

When you also want to leave everyone else alone we might see eye to eye on something.
Hate to break your lil' bubble of unreality, I already do "leave everyone else alone", unless of course you count being forced at the point of a government gun to pay for everybody Else's wants as not "leaving them alone". As far as seeing "eye to eye" on something, doubtful unless you've suddenly sworn off the gub'mint worshiper, authoritarian Kool-Aid and actually mean it, we'll see I suppose.

"Liberty means refusing to allow some men to use the state to compel other men to serve their interests or opinion." -- Auberon Herbert

Oh no, not the government gun!
Sorry if I offended your statist sensibilities, next time I'll try use a less threatening metaphor to symbolize government coercion, so as not to frighten you. :rolleyes:
I don't think every one of Trump's cabinet is scum, but we have to wait and see.
The stupid MORON called for the impeachment of Trump on the basis he supports the Russian invasion of Korea.

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