Democrat motive for $15 minimum wage?

How about the lowlife minimum wage worker who spends his money on beer and cigarettes?

For $2.10, I could buy a six pack of beer ($1.25 )and two packs of cigarettes (40 cents a pack).

Today, that $7.25 worker would pay $20 for beer and cigarettes

Minimum wage has not kept up with inflation

The gov raised the tax on alcohol and ciggs.
In some states you pay $5 bucks a pack in taxes.
But then the truth is this admin is working to make non-4 yr training and apprenticeships more available and more affordable. So why is it you never know the facts but are always quick to sell your class warfare, Comrade Franco?
Commie much?
When any of your dreams actually happens then will talk. The GOP has never done anything 4 the non Rich except when finally forced to....talking about Communists makes you an obvious brainwashed functional moron. There aren't any...
Another lame defection, Comrade Franco, which you follow with another of your commie LIES because the truth just doesn't work for you. Imagine being the sad-sack Democrat Socialist who will have to run against the truth that you just can't handle:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
And inequality and upward mobility and the middle class and the working-class just get worse and worse. we need to change our tax system after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich.
Denial??? That is your reaction to America's success & prosperity the last 30 months?

In fact, 47% of taxpayers pay no fed income tax but get to vote for those who decide how much the rest of us must pay.

Representation without taxation. The tyranny of the freeloaders.
Happening all over the country
Not just Washington
Yep, and it's nothing but a con game. Raising minimum wage doesn't increase the buying power of minimum wage workers. In fact, it hurts the buying power of retired seniors on fixed incomes.
That money goes right into the economy. The assumption that minimum wage increases would be negated by a dollar for dollar inflation increase is a conservative myth

So why not raise the minimum to $30? If it helps the economy so much, that seems like a no brainer. It is rather obvious that not much thought has been put into the $15 wage because our country has much different costs of living from state to state. It is an arbitrary number thought up by left-wingers to get votes from the lower class. Unfortunately, we have many middle class folks who are too ignorant to see the ploy. Stop falling for the nonsense.
Because it does not need to go to $30
$15 an hour will make up for ten years of frozen wages

After that, there should be annual cost of living raises
If you're try to live on minimum wage, you're a loser.
Who says anyone has to live a life at minimum wage?
Doesn’t excuse you for being exploited while you are

Dont’t worry kid, someday, someone will pay you more........not me
But then the truth is this admin is working to make non-4 yr training and apprenticeships more available and more affordable. So why is it you never know the facts but are always quick to sell your class warfare, Comrade Franco?
Commie much?
When any of your dreams actually happens then will talk. The GOP has never done anything 4 the non Rich except when finally forced to....talking about Communists makes you an obvious brainwashed functional moron. There aren't any...
Another lame defection, Comrade Franco, which you follow with another of your commie LIES because the truth just doesn't work for you. Imagine being the sad-sack Democrat Socialist who will have to run against the truth that you just can't handle:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
And inequality and upward mobility and the middle class and the working-class just get worse and worse. we need to change our tax system after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich.
Denial??? That is your reaction to America's success & prosperity the last 30 months?

In fact, 47% of taxpayers pay no fed income tax but get to vote for those who decide how much the rest of us must pay.

Representation without taxation. The tyranny of the freeloaders.
Our President pays no income tax
I worked minimum wage while I was in college in the early 70s
Made $2.10 an hour

For that $2.10 an hour, I was able to pay for my $650 a year tuition just working three months over the summer.

At today’s $7.25, it would take six months work to pay that tuition
I applaud your work ethic. If you take a job that pays minimum, then you plan the raises you think you should get or get another job. Or go to school like you did.
It is difficult for someone working only a few months a year to negotiate a higher wage. I could pay for a year of college working minimum wage, todays students can’t.

What if a minimum wage worker wants to save for a car?
When I made $2.10 an hour, it would have taken me six months to save up to buy a brand new car (around $2,000)

Today it would take a minimum wage worker over a year.

Buy gas for that car?
For $2.10 I could buy 7 gallons of gas in the early 70s
For $7.25 today you only get 2 1/2 gallons

It would take a $15 minimum wage just to have the buying power I had at $2.10 in the 70s
I would love to keep ignoring you but when you really have no idea what you are saying it is just to hard not to.
Let's look at your claim is f college. So your idea is to artificially increase the costs the college pays out so they will be required to charge more for a degree. That is smart there yeah real smart.

When you were saving for a car there were probably no seat belts, airbags, Bluetooth, no intermittent wipers, no backup cameras, no built in navigation and I could keep going on. Each of those things adds to the cost. IF you could get a car that had just the basics you could probably pay for it in less then six months. Problem is they are not available.

Most of the easy to get oil is gone there is still easy to retrieve oil in the Middle East but that requires shipping which means refining, which means higher costs. Oil that requires deeper drilling, fracking, more material to reach means higher costs. This oil still needs refined adding to the cost. It still needs to be transported to the refinery and the refined product transported for sale, more costs. I could go on.

In the seventies there were no cellphones, no iPads, no iPods, not a lot of bottled water was being sold, most still ate at home and went out to eat as a treat. The world and what is considered normal changes.
Adding more costs to everything to give someone a higher wage that buys nothing extra will not make it better.
So, minimum wage has not kept up with rising costs of college or the price of gas or cars

How about taking your girlfriend out to the movies?
In 1970, I could use that $2.10 an hour wage and buy two tickets and popcorn for $2.25

Today, that $7.25 worker would pay $24 for those two tickets and popcorn

If the gov hadnt gotten into the college loan business tuition wouldnt be so high.
How do you know?
Everything else went up
Yep, and it's nothing but a con game. Raising minimum wage doesn't increase the buying power of minimum wage workers. In fact, it hurts the buying power of retired seniors on fixed incomes.
That money goes right into the economy. The assumption that minimum wage increases would be negated by a dollar for dollar inflation increase is a conservative myth

So why not raise the minimum to $30? If it helps the economy so much, that seems like a no brainer. It is rather obvious that not much thought has been put into the $15 wage because our country has much different costs of living from state to state. It is an arbitrary number thought up by left-wingers to get votes from the lower class. Unfortunately, we have many middle class folks who are too ignorant to see the ploy. Stop falling for the nonsense.
Because it does not need to go to $30
$15 an hour will make up for ten years of frozen wages

After that, there should be annual cost of living raises
If you're try to live on minimum wage, you're a loser.
Who says anyone has to live a life at minimum wage?
Doesn’t excuse you for being exploited while you are

Don’t worry kid, someday, someone will pay you more........not me

Apparently you think $15 is a "living wage".
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?

Everything good for America is bad for Democrats.
I applaud your work ethic. If you take a job that pays minimum, then you plan the raises you think you should get or get another job. Or go to school like you did.
It is difficult for someone working only a few months a year to negotiate a higher wage. I could pay for a year of college working minimum wage, todays students can’t.

What if a minimum wage worker wants to save for a car?
When I made $2.10 an hour, it would have taken me six months to save up to buy a brand new car (around $2,000)

Today it would take a minimum wage worker over a year.

Buy gas for that car?
For $2.10 I could buy 7 gallons of gas in the early 70s
For $7.25 today you only get 2 1/2 gallons

It would take a $15 minimum wage just to have the buying power I had at $2.10 in the 70s
I would love to keep ignoring you but when you really have no idea what you are saying it is just to hard not to.
Let's look at your claim is f college. So your idea is to artificially increase the costs the college pays out so they will be required to charge more for a degree. That is smart there yeah real smart.

When you were saving for a car there were probably no seat belts, airbags, Bluetooth, no intermittent wipers, no backup cameras, no built in navigation and I could keep going on. Each of those things adds to the cost. IF you could get a car that had just the basics you could probably pay for it in less then six months. Problem is they are not available.

Most of the easy to get oil is gone there is still easy to retrieve oil in the Middle East but that requires shipping which means refining, which means higher costs. Oil that requires deeper drilling, fracking, more material to reach means higher costs. This oil still needs refined adding to the cost. It still needs to be transported to the refinery and the refined product transported for sale, more costs. I could go on.

In the seventies there were no cellphones, no iPads, no iPods, not a lot of bottled water was being sold, most still ate at home and went out to eat as a treat. The world and what is considered normal changes.
Adding more costs to everything to give someone a higher wage that buys nothing extra will not make it better.
So, minimum wage has not kept up with rising costs of college or the price of gas or cars

How about taking your girlfriend out to the movies?
In 1970, I could use that $2.10 an hour wage and buy two tickets and popcorn for $2.25

Today, that $7.25 worker would pay $24 for those two tickets and popcorn

If the gov hadnt gotten into the college loan business tuition wouldnt be so high.
How do you know?
Everything else went up

It's common least for those of us that pay attention.

Damn you liberals are stupid!!

How Unlimited Student Loans Drive Up Tuition

Rising Tuition Costs and the History of Student Loans

College is more expensive than it's ever been, and the 5 reasons why suggest it's only going to get worse
How about the lowlife minimum wage worker who spends his money on beer and cigarettes?

For $2.10, I could buy a six pack of beer ($1.25 )and two packs of cigarettes (40 cents a pack).

Today, that $7.25 worker would pay $20 for beer and cigarettes

Minimum wage has not kept up with inflation

The gov raised the tax on alcohol and ciggs.
In some states you pay $5 bucks a pack in taxes.
A pack of Marlboro is over $10 in Washington state. Alcohol is outrageous. I live near the Washington/Idaho state line. Guess where everyone in my Washington neighborhood goes to buy alcohol, tobacco and gasoline?
I worked for minimum once-the rest of the time I got raises on merit-the lazy did not.
I worked minimum wage while I was in college in the early 70s
Made $2.10 an hour

For that $2.10 an hour, I was able to pay for my $650 a year tuition just working three months over the summer.

At today’s $7.25, it would take six months work to pay that tuition
I applaud your work ethic. If you take a job that pays minimum, then you plan the raises you think you should get or get another job. Or go to school like you did.
It is difficult for someone working only a few months a year to negotiate a higher wage. I could pay for a year of college working minimum wage, todays students can’t.

What if a minimum wage worker wants to save for a car?
When I made $2.10 an hour, it would have taken me six months to save up to buy a brand new car (around $2,000)

Today it would take a minimum wage worker over a year.

Buy gas for that car?
For $2.10 I could buy 7 gallons of gas in the early 70s
For $7.25 today you only get 2 1/2 gallons

It would take a $15 minimum wage just to have the buying power I had at $2.10 in the 70s
My point is there are ways for the go getters to do this-I worked full time while attending school. If a person stays at minimum making no effort to improve himself, he deserves it. You don't have to own a car or expensive cell phone either-never had one.
Minimum wage applies to ALL minimum wage workers, not just the go getters
As I have shown in multiple examples, the buying power of that minimum wage is half of what I had in the 1970s

It would take a $15 wage to duplicate what I had available in the 70s at $2.10 an hour

And who would pay?
That money goes right into the economy. The assumption that minimum wage increases would be negated by a dollar for dollar inflation increase is a conservative myth

So why not raise the minimum to $30? If it helps the economy so much, that seems like a no brainer. It is rather obvious that not much thought has been put into the $15 wage because our country has much different costs of living from state to state. It is an arbitrary number thought up by left-wingers to get votes from the lower class. Unfortunately, we have many middle class folks who are too ignorant to see the ploy. Stop falling for the nonsense.
Because it does not need to go to $30
$15 an hour will make up for ten years of frozen wages

After that, there should be annual cost of living raises
If you're try to live on minimum wage, you're a loser.
Who says anyone has to live a life at minimum wage?
Doesn’t excuse you for being exploited while you are

Don’t worry kid, someday, someone will pay you more........not me

Apparently you think $15 is a "living wage".
No, I don’t
I think it is a starting wage

A wage young people can use to pay for college, buy a car, get started in life
$15 is not enough I say $20.

Heck, lets make it $50. A 16 year old making snow cone can bring home 90k/yr. Seems like a great idea. What could possibly go wrong. According to what I have read in this thread, corporations could pay it and it wouldn't negatively affect anything.
Shut the f up, brainwashed functional moron. In Australia it is $19. How horrible that would be right fool?
Aussie $$ are worth 1/3 less than US $$. How is it you NEVER manage to tell the truth ... only your idiotic commie POV, Comrade Franco?
$19 in American dollars, idiot.
No it's not, so either you are a bitter, LYING commie or just a plain old ignorant one.
No brainwashed functional I was is $13.44 an hour in Australia which is perfect for me. $19 was kind of pissing me off anyway...the thread title is propaganda as Democrats seem to want $12 most places and $15 and cities like Seattle and New York anyway..... Bernie wants $15 everywhere and I say myself go for it. And one month paid vacations and Health Care daycare cheap college and training like every other rich country...
That's pure ignorance. When minimum wage increases, the price for everything increases.
History shows it doesn’t
When CEO pay increases, does the price of a burger go up?
BS. I live in Washington state and our minimum wage is $12/hr. I've witnessed the increase in everything over the last 5 years when minimum wage was $9 to where it is now. It's common sense. I've seen fast food lunches go from $5 to $8 and $9 in that time. You're not dealing with reality. You must think the business owner is going to take the loss in paying higher wages instead of raising prices. Nope. Talk about a con game. There is no increase in buying power for the minimum wage worker, or for anyone.
Happening all over the country
Not just Washington
Yep, and it's nothing but a con game. Raising minimum wage doesn't increase the buying power of minimum wage workers. In fact, it hurts the buying power of retired seniors on fixed incomes.
That money goes right into the economy. The assumption that minimum wage increases would be negated by a dollar for dollar inflation increase is a conservative myth

If that was the case minimum wage would still be 25 cents

I worked minimum wage while I was in college in the early 70s
Made $2.10 an hour

For that $2.10 an hour, I was able to pay for my $650 a year tuition just working three months over the summer.

At today’s $7.25, it would take six months work to pay that tuition
I applaud your work ethic. If you take a job that pays minimum, then you plan the raises you think you should get or get another job. Or go to school like you did.
It is difficult for someone working only a few months a year to negotiate a higher wage. I could pay for a year of college working minimum wage, todays students can’t.

What if a minimum wage worker wants to save for a car?
When I made $2.10 an hour, it would have taken me six months to save up to buy a brand new car (around $2,000)

Today it would take a minimum wage worker over a year.

Buy gas for that car?
For $2.10 I could buy 7 gallons of gas in the early 70s
For $7.25 today you only get 2 1/2 gallons

It would take a $15 minimum wage just to have the buying power I had at $2.10 in the 70s
My point is there are ways for the go getters to do this-I worked full time while attending school. If a person stays at minimum making no effort to improve himself, he deserves it. You don't have to own a car or expensive cell phone either-never had one.
Minimum wage applies to ALL minimum wage workers, not just the go getters
As I have shown in multiple examples, the buying power of that minimum wage is half of what I had in the 1970s

It would take a $15 wage to duplicate what I had available in the 70s at $2.10 an hour

And who would pay?
Those who benefit from the labor
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power

Except it will cause job loss as employers move to automation.
History shows it doesn’t
When CEO pay increases, does the price of a burger go up?
BS. I live in Washington state and our minimum wage is $12/hr. I've witnessed the increase in everything over the last 5 years when minimum wage was $9 to where it is now. It's common sense. I've seen fast food lunches go from $5 to $8 and $9 in that time. You're not dealing with reality. You must think the business owner is going to take the loss in paying higher wages instead of raising prices. Nope. Talk about a con game. There is no increase in buying power for the minimum wage worker, or for anyone.
Happening all over the country
Not just Washington
Yep, and it's nothing but a con game. Raising minimum wage doesn't increase the buying power of minimum wage workers. In fact, it hurts the buying power of retired seniors on fixed incomes.
That money goes right into the economy. The assumption that minimum wage increases would be negated by a dollar for dollar inflation increase is a conservative myth

If that was the case minimum wage would still be 25 cents

If conservatives had their way
I applaud your work ethic. If you take a job that pays minimum, then you plan the raises you think you should get or get another job. Or go to school like you did.
It is difficult for someone working only a few months a year to negotiate a higher wage. I could pay for a year of college working minimum wage, todays students can’t.

What if a minimum wage worker wants to save for a car?
When I made $2.10 an hour, it would have taken me six months to save up to buy a brand new car (around $2,000)

Today it would take a minimum wage worker over a year.

Buy gas for that car?
For $2.10 I could buy 7 gallons of gas in the early 70s
For $7.25 today you only get 2 1/2 gallons

It would take a $15 minimum wage just to have the buying power I had at $2.10 in the 70s
My point is there are ways for the go getters to do this-I worked full time while attending school. If a person stays at minimum making no effort to improve himself, he deserves it. You don't have to own a car or expensive cell phone either-never had one.
Minimum wage applies to ALL minimum wage workers, not just the go getters
As I have shown in multiple examples, the buying power of that minimum wage is half of what I had in the 1970s

It would take a $15 wage to duplicate what I had available in the 70s at $2.10 an hour

And who would pay?
Those who benefit from the labor
They would move..

Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power

Except it will cause job loss as employers move to automation.
They are moving to automation with the wage at $7.25
BS. I live in Washington state and our minimum wage is $12/hr. I've witnessed the increase in everything over the last 5 years when minimum wage was $9 to where it is now. It's common sense. I've seen fast food lunches go from $5 to $8 and $9 in that time. You're not dealing with reality. You must think the business owner is going to take the loss in paying higher wages instead of raising prices. Nope. Talk about a con game. There is no increase in buying power for the minimum wage worker, or for anyone.
Happening all over the country
Not just Washington
Yep, and it's nothing but a con game. Raising minimum wage doesn't increase the buying power of minimum wage workers. In fact, it hurts the buying power of retired seniors on fixed incomes.
That money goes right into the economy. The assumption that minimum wage increases would be negated by a dollar for dollar inflation increase is a conservative myth

If that was the case minimum wage would still be 25 cents

If conservatives had their way

So you admit minimum wage cause inflation?


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