Democrat motive for $15 minimum wage?

Your the one claiming to be a pot head smoking liberal business owner on a anonymous political message board not me.


Sure tell me you dumb fuck where I can sign up and make millions of dollars from a pot head liberal business owner?

Tulsa only pays $15 bucks an hour in Nevada
What’s does that have to do with anything we are talking about?

Everything because your lying.

If I was lying, you’re statement would still be irrelevant none-sense

Anonymous message board board?

I am as real as they come bro...
Why don’t you answer my question? Don’t you find it annoying when people answer your questions with questions?

Already did pretend business owner
Keep avoiding the topic little troll. You obviously can’t handle a conversation about business practices but if you want to give it a shot perhaps you can explain why you think stagnant wages and growing profits is a healthy practice in business

Your the one claiming to be a pot head smoking liberal business owner on a anonymous political message board not me.

So what? Don’t believe me then fine it has nothing to do with the points I’m making about business. You obviously can’t discuss the substance so you resort to troll mode. I’m not biting

Your not making any points.
Sure I did, you are just too busy trolling to listen or respond to them.

My point was very simple. In a healthy economy businesses should increase wages with profits. The trend in our economy has been stagnant wages while profits increase. You seem to want to fight that by calling me a pothead which makes zero sense. But whatever floats your boat I guess.
Sure tell me you dumb fuck where I can sign up and make millions of dollars from a pot head liberal business owner?

Tulsa only pays $15 bucks an hour in Nevada
What’s does that have to do with anything we are talking about?

Everything because your lying.

If I was lying, you’re statement would still be irrelevant none-sense

Anonymous message board board?

I am as real as they come bro...
Was that statement suppose to make sense? You’re losing it bro
Already did pretend business owner
Keep avoiding the topic little troll. You obviously can’t handle a conversation about business practices but if you want to give it a shot perhaps you can explain why you think stagnant wages and growing profits is a healthy practice in business

Your the one claiming to be a pot head smoking liberal business owner on a anonymous political message board not me.

So what? Don’t believe me then fine it has nothing to do with the points I’m making about business. You obviously can’t discuss the substance so you resort to troll mode. I’m not biting

Your not making any points.
Sure I did, you are just too busy trolling to listen or respond to them.

My point was very simple. In a healthy economy businesses should increase wages with profits. The trend in our economy has been stagnant wages while profits increase. You seem to want to fight that by calling me a pothead which makes zero sense. But whatever floats your boat I guess.
My bank account is up and I work for a living..

Plus more important I have love..
That money goes right into the economy. The assumption that minimum wage increases would be negated by a dollar for dollar inflation increase is a conservative myth

If that was the case minimum wage would still be 25 cents

If conservatives had their way

So you admit minimum wage cause inflation?


No, but they are diminished by inflation. That is why we need to raise them after ducking the issue for ten years
Educate yourself, get training, then make yourself more valuable so you will be paid more. That's how life works.
Good idea!

How bout go to college so you can get a great career? You used to be able to pay for college working minimum wage you have to borrow and go into debt
If that was the case minimum wage would still be 25 cents

If conservatives had their way

So you admit minimum wage cause inflation?


No, but they are diminished by inflation. That is why we need to raise them after ducking the issue for ten years
Educate yourself, get training, then make yourself more valuable so you will be paid more. That's how life works.
Good idea!

How bout go to college so you can get a great career? You used to be able to pay for college working minimum wage you have to borrow and go into debt


I already know how to burn you on Chicago street smarts.
Because it does not need to go to $30
$15 an hour will make up for ten years of frozen wages

After that, there should be annual cost of living raises
If you're try to live on minimum wage, you're a loser.
Who says anyone has to live a life at minimum wage?
Doesn’t excuse you for being exploited while you are

Don’t worry kid, someday, someone will pay you more........not me

Apparently you think $15 is a "living wage".
No, I don’t
I think it is a starting wage

A wage young people can use to pay for college, buy a car, get started in life

$15 an hour. College, a car? Man are you out of touch
If conservatives had their way

So you admit minimum wage cause inflation?


No, but they are diminished by inflation. That is why we need to raise them after ducking the issue for ten years
Educate yourself, get training, then make yourself more valuable so you will be paid more. That's how life works.
Good idea!

How bout go to college so you can get a great career? You used to be able to pay for college working minimum wage you have to borrow and go into debt


I already know how to burn you on Chicago street smarts.

No college needed..

Because you stupid.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power

Except it will cause job loss as employers move to automation.
They are moving to automation with the wage at $7.25

There is a cost benefit analysis and at $8 say it still makes sense to keep human employees but at $15 it becomes less expensive to go the automation route. Min wage was never intended for people to support themselves. It was intended for part timers and students.
No your wrong, minimum wage was /is racist.
Eh? Nah
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power

Except it will cause job loss as employers move to automation.
They are moving to automation with the wage at $7.25

There is a cost benefit analysis and at $8 say it still makes sense to keep human employees but at $15 it becomes less expensive to go the automation route. Min wage was never intended for people to support themselves. It was intended for part timers and students.
No your wrong, minimum wage was /is racist.
Eh? Nah
You could play the game I suppose..

But history is what it is.
And inequality and upward mobility and the middle class and the working-class just get worse and worse. we need to change our tax system after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich.
Denial??? That is your reaction to America's success & prosperity the last 30 months?

In fact, 47% of taxpayers pay no fed income tax but get to vote for those who decide how much the rest of us must pay.

Representation without taxation. The tyranny of the freeloaders.
cut our useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror to cut costs. We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

Why is it that cities that try to implement your social utopias always end up as shitholes? I'll tell you why,your ideals attract losers looking for handouts and lax drug laws.
I have no idea what you are talking about. We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

We should be insisting our Representatives to Government, faithfully execute our own laws.

Try and get a CCL in California.

only the unorganized militia should have that problem.
Except it will cause job loss as employers move to automation.
They are moving to automation with the wage at $7.25

There is a cost benefit analysis and at $8 say it still makes sense to keep human employees but at $15 it becomes less expensive to go the automation route. Min wage was never intended for people to support themselves. It was intended for part timers and students.
No your wrong, minimum wage was /is racist.
Eh? Nah
You could play the game I suppose..

But history is what it is.

From my life experience it has been for students and part timers. Never saw it as racism.
If that was the case minimum wage would still be 25 cents

If conservatives had their way

So you admit minimum wage cause inflation?


No, but they are diminished by inflation. That is why we need to raise them after ducking the issue for ten years
Educate yourself, get training, then make yourself more valuable so you will be paid more. That's how life works.
Good idea!

How bout go to college so you can get a great career? You used to be able to pay for college working minimum wage you have to borrow and go into debt

You went to a 4th rate school. Can still do that.
Denial??? That is your reaction to America's success & prosperity the last 30 months?

In fact, 47% of taxpayers pay no fed income tax but get to vote for those who decide how much the rest of us must pay.

Representation without taxation. The tyranny of the freeloaders.
cut our useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror to cut costs. We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

Why is it that cities that try to implement your social utopias always end up as shitholes? I'll tell you why,your ideals attract losers looking for handouts and lax drug laws.
I have no idea what you are talking about. We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

We should be insisting our Representatives to Government, faithfully execute our own laws.

Try and get a CCL in California.

only the unorganized militia should have that problem.

You just said security shouldnt be a problem with the 2nd amendment.
So which is it?
They are moving to automation with the wage at $7.25

There is a cost benefit analysis and at $8 say it still makes sense to keep human employees but at $15 it becomes less expensive to go the automation route. Min wage was never intended for people to support themselves. It was intended for part timers and students.
No your wrong, minimum wage was /is racist.
Eh? Nah
You could play the game I suppose..

But history is what it is.

From my life experience it has been for students and part timers. Never saw it as racism.
When any of your dreams actually happens then will talk. The GOP has never done anything 4 the non Rich except when finally forced to....talking about Communists makes you an obvious brainwashed functional moron. There aren't any...
Another lame defection, Comrade Franco, which you follow with another of your commie LIES because the truth just doesn't work for you. Imagine being the sad-sack Democrat Socialist who will have to run against the truth that you just can't handle:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
And inequality and upward mobility and the middle class and the working-class just get worse and worse. we need to change our tax system after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich.
Then vote for Schultz.
That is how we got George W bush and Trump. Vote Democratic always!
I voted for Carter-had to hide that fact for 40 years. Trump is OK but I think Schultz would have more success with the hair on fire people in the resistance.
Don't know Schultz.. Teddy screwed up Carter...
There is a cost benefit analysis and at $8 say it still makes sense to keep human employees but at $15 it becomes less expensive to go the automation route. Min wage was never intended for people to support themselves. It was intended for part timers and students.
No your wrong, minimum wage was /is racist.
Eh? Nah
You could play the game I suppose..

But history is what it is.

From my life experience it has been for students and part timers. Never saw it as racism.

Why live in the past?
So naive and ignorant. This is not how it works. Remember how Democrats have said that raising taxes(tarriffs) on corporations is just a tax on the consumer? Well, corporations do pass along their expenses and that includes to a VERY large extent, their payroll. Many times, these companies will automate because the long term cost of the payroll surpasses the cost of automation. These un-skilled folks with then be out of a job entirely. For those who keep their jobs, they will be paying more for the products they buy and their net gain is minimal if at all.

Keep in mind, many of these low-skilled jobs are taken by teenagers to earn extra money. Sorry, but $15/hr mandatory wage (31k/yr) for a McDonald's drive-thru worker or an ice cream scooper in most states is ridiculous. These jobs require very little skill if any. If you want to make 31k, learn a skill.
and of course Republicans will make that as expensive and difficult as possible in order to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share....
But then the truth is this admin is working to make non-4 yr training and apprenticeships more available and more affordable.

So why is it you never know the facts but are always quick to sell your class warfare, Comrade Franco?

Commie much?
When any of your dreams actually happens then will talk. The GOP has never done anything 4 the non Rich except when finally forced to....talking about Communists makes you an obvious brainwashed functional moron. There aren't any.
I would love to keep ignoring you but when you really have no idea what you are saying it is just to hard not to.
Let's look at your claim is f college. So your idea is to artificially increase the costs the college pays out so they will be required to charge more for a degree. That is smart there yeah real smart.

When you were saving for a car there were probably no seat belts, airbags, Bluetooth, no intermittent wipers, no backup cameras, no built in navigation and I could keep going on. Each of those things adds to the cost. IF you could get a car that had just the basics you could probably pay for it in less then six months. Problem is they are not available.

Most of the easy to get oil is gone there is still easy to retrieve oil in the Middle East but that requires shipping which means refining, which means higher costs. Oil that requires deeper drilling, fracking, more material to reach means higher costs. This oil still needs refined adding to the cost. It still needs to be transported to the refinery and the refined product transported for sale, more costs. I could go on.

In the seventies there were no cellphones, no iPads, no iPods, not a lot of bottled water was being sold, most still ate at home and went out to eat as a treat. The world and what is considered normal changes.
Adding more costs to everything to give someone a higher wage that buys nothing extra will not make it better.
So, minimum wage has not kept up with rising costs of college or the price of gas or cars

How about taking your girlfriend out to the movies?
In 1970, I could use that $2.10 an hour wage and buy two tickets and popcorn for $2.25

Today, that $7.25 w toorker would pay $24 for those two tickets and popcorn
You really are ignorant. I already pointed out why cars and fuel are more expensive. A good part of those expenses is labor costs.

As for a movie and popcorn. Do you really think that a movie costs the same to produce as it did in 1970? Come on. Special effects alone have raised prices. Add in dollar per hour help, catering, motel rooms for location, transportation prices, even the wages for a star or two. Now add in the increase in shipping the film from location to location. Prices of utilities for the theater. Personell prices, taxes on the property, both state and federal income tax. I could go on. But your answer is to artificially inflate wages which will artificially inflate the price of a car, gas, a movie and popcorn. So let's use your $24.00 for tickets and popcorn. The price might be $32.00 for those same tickets and popcorn.

Now do that for gas, lights, heat, phone, food and everything else. How much have you gained?

You want to have a minimum wage fine let a state set it.
Your sympathy for the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich brainwashers is noted, brainwashed functional moron. The minimum wage should be at$12 the equivalent of 1968 minimum wage. New Zealand has $15 and Australia has $19 why can't we lead the world again.? I'll tell you why the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.. also we are the only modern country without living living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly WITH a flat tax system like our garbage GOP one.
Damn you are ignorant. You claim that Australia has a $19.00 an hour minimum wage your problem is you don't dare post the fact that damn near every cost in Austrailia is a lot more then the U.S. Cost of living comparison between United States and Australia - Cost To Travel

As far as the rest of your senseless rant. You want healthcare, daycare, paid parental leave and all the rest. No problem just convince everyone to pay 60-65 % of their wages in federal taxes. Every political party has run on tax decreases to buy votes that is nothing new. You can try to blame one party or the other for the tax system the problem is you are again being ignorant. But sure blame one party that is soooo smart.
He also claimed - when informed the Aussie $ is only worth 70% of the American $ - that his $19/hr figure was in US $ which, as he now knows, was just angry, bitter, socialist BS.
And prices? Cost of living is 10% higher than the US with 1 gal of petrol selling for about AUS $6/gal (not liter). Lefties must obfuscate or LIE to make their case because they have no case.

Nobody is lying but you are full of garbage GOP propaganda. Sean and Rush lie non stop. Breaking... Democrats are honest, the rich don't pay enough in taxes and everyone else has been going to hell for 35 years. Only propaganda makes it possible. You finally caught me on a misinformation, but everything you say is a lie, but you don't know it.. Wake up and smell the coffee Jethro.
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and of course Republicans will make that as expensive and difficult as possible in order to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share....
But then the truth is this admin is working to make non-4 yr training and apprenticeships more available and more affordable.

So why is it you never know the facts but are always quick to sell your class warfare, Comrade Franco?

Commie much?
When any of your dreams actually happens then will talk. The GOP has never done anything 4 the non Rich except when finally forced to....talking about Communists makes you an obvious brainwashed functional moron. There aren't any.
So, minimum wage has not kept up with rising costs of college or the price of gas or cars

How about taking your girlfriend out to the movies?
In 1970, I could use that $2.10 an hour wage and buy two tickets and popcorn for $2.25

Today, that $7.25 worker would pay $24 for those two tickets and popcorn
You really are ignorant. I already pointed out why cars and fuel are more expensive. A good part of those expenses is labor costs.

As for a movie and popcorn. Do you really think that a movie costs the same to produce as it did in 1970? Come on. Special effects alone have raised prices. Add in dollar per hour help, catering, motel rooms for location, transportation prices, even the wages for a star or two. Now add in the increase in shipping the film from location to location. Prices of utilities for the theater. Personell prices, taxes on the property, both state and federal income tax. I could go on. But your answer is to artificially inflate wages which will artificially inflate the price of a car, gas, a movie and popcorn. So let's use your $24.00 for tickets and popcorn. The price might be $32.00 for those same tickets and popcorn.

Now do that for gas, lights, heat, phone, food and everything else. How much have you gained?

You want to have a minimum wage fine let a state set it.
Your sympathy for the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich brainwashers is noted, brainwashed functional moron. The minimum wage should be at$12 the equivalent of 1968 minimum wage. New Zealand has $15 and Australia has $19 why can't we lead the world again.? I'll tell you why the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.. also we are the only modern country without living living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly WITH a flat tax system like our garbage GOP one.
Damn you are ignorant. You claim that Australia has a $19.00 an hour minimum wage your problem is you don't dare post the fact that damn near every cost in Austrailia is a lot more then the U.S. Cost of living comparison between United States and Australia - Cost To Travel

As far as the rest of your senseless rant. You want healthcare, daycare, paid parental leave and all the rest. No problem just convince everyone to pay 60-65 % of their wages in federal taxes. Every political party has run on tax decreases to buy votes that is nothing new. You can try to blame one party or the other for the tax system the problem is you are again being ignorant. But sure blame one party that is soooo smart.
He also claimed - when informed the Aussie $ is only worth 70% of the American $ - that his $19/hr figure was in US $ which, as he now knows, was just angry, bitter, socialist BS.
And prices? Cost of living is 10% higher than the US with 1 gal of petrol selling for about AUS $6/gal (not liter). Lefties must obfuscate or LIE to make their case because they have no case.

Nobody is lying but you are full of garbage GOP propaganda. Sean and Rush lie non stop. Breaking... Democrats are honest GOP, the rich don't pay enough in taxes and everyone else has been going to hell for 35 years. Only propaganda makes it possible. You finally caught me on a misinformation, but everything you say is a lie, but you don't know it.. Wake up and smell the coffee Jethro.

Franco, you’re the super duper worst. We have tangible debates. I defeat You and instead of admitting it you disappear and then reappear to spew more BS. What is wrong with you?

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