Democrat motive for $15 minimum wage?

and of course Republicans will make that as expensive and difficult as possible in order to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share....
But then the truth is this admin is working to make non-4 yr training and apprenticeships more available and more affordable.

So why is it you never know the facts but are always quick to sell your class warfare, Comrade Franco?

Commie much?
When any of your dreams actually happens then will talk. The GOP has never done anything 4 the non Rich except when finally forced to....talking about Communists makes you an obvious brainwashed functional moron. There aren't any.
So, minimum wage has not kept up with rising costs of college or the price of gas or cars

How about taking your girlfriend out to the movies?
In 1970, I could use that $2.10 an hour wage and buy two tickets and popcorn for $2.25

Today, that $7.25 worker would pay $24 for those two tickets and popcorn
You really are ignorant. I already pointed out why cars and fuel are more expensive. A good part of those expenses is labor costs.

As for a movie and popcorn. Do you really think that a movie costs the same to produce as it did in 1970? Come on. Special effects alone have raised prices. Add in dollar per hour help, catering, motel rooms for location, transportation prices, even the wages for a star or two. Now add in the increase in shipping the film from location to location. Prices of utilities for the theater. Personell prices, taxes on the property, both state and federal income tax. I could go on. But your answer is to artificially inflate wages which will artificially inflate the price of a car, gas, a movie and popcorn. So let's use your $24.00 for tickets and popcorn. The price might be $32.00 for those same tickets and popcorn.

Now do that for gas, lights, heat, phone, food and everything else. How much have you gained?

You want to have a minimum wage fine let a state set it.
Your sympathy for the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich brainwashers is noted, brainwashed functional moron. The minimum wage should be at$12 the equivalent of 1968 minimum wage. New Zealand has $15 and Australia has $19 why can't we lead the world again.? I'll tell you why the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.. also we are the only modern country without living living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly WITH a flat tax system like our garbage GOP one.
Damn you are ignorant. You claim that Australia has a $19.00 an hour minimum wage your problem is you don't dare post the fact that damn near every cost in Austrailia is a lot more then the U.S. Cost of living comparison between United States and Australia - Cost To Travel

As far as the rest of your senseless rant. You want healthcare, daycare, paid parental leave and all the rest. No problem just convince everyone to pay 60-65 % of their wages in federal taxes. Every political party has run on tax decreases to buy votes that is nothing new. You can try to blame one party or the other for the tax system the problem is you are again being ignorant. But sure blame one party that is soooo smart.
He also claimed - when informed the Aussie $ is only worth 70% of the American $ - that his $19/hr figure was in US $ which, as he now knows, was just angry, bitter, socialist BS.
And prices? Cost of living is 10% higher than the US with 1 gal of petrol selling for about AUS $6/gal (not liter). Lefties must obfuscate or LIE to make their case because they have no case.

Nobody is lying but you are full of garbage GOP propaganda. Sean and Rush lie non stop. Breaking... Democrats are honest GOP, the rich don't pay enough in taxes and everyone else has been going to hell for 35 years. Only propaganda makes it possible. You finally caught me on a misinformation, but everything you say is a lie, but you don't know it.. Wake up and smell the coffee Jethro.

You want coffee?
and of course Republicans will make that as expensive and difficult as possible in order to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share....
But then the truth is this admin is working to make non-4 yr training and apprenticeships more available and more affordable.

So why is it you never know the facts but are always quick to sell your class warfare, Comrade Franco?

Commie much?
When any of your dreams actually happens then will talk. The GOP has never done anything 4 the non Rich except when finally forced to....talking about Communists makes you an obvious brainwashed functional moron. There aren't any.
So, minimum wage has not kept up with rising costs of college or the price of gas or cars

How about taking your girlfriend out to the movies?
In 1970, I could use that $2.10 an hour wage and buy two tickets and popcorn for $2.25

Today, that $7.25 worker would pay $24 for those two tickets and popcorn
You really are ignorant. I already pointed out why cars and fuel are more expensive. A good part of those expenses is labor costs.

As for a movie and popcorn. Do you really think that a movie costs the same to produce as it did in 1970? Come on. Special effects alone have raised prices. Add in dollar per hour help, catering, motel rooms for location, transportation prices, even the wages for a star or two. Now add in the increase in shipping the film from location to location. Prices of utilities for the theater. Personell prices, taxes on the property, both state and federal income tax. I could go on. But your answer is to artificially inflate wages which will artificially inflate the price of a car, gas, a movie and popcorn. So let's use your $24.00 for tickets and popcorn. The price might be $32.00 for those same tickets and popcorn.

Now do that for gas, lights, heat, phone, food and everything else. How much have you gained?

You want to have a minimum wage fine let a state set it.
Your sympathy for the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich brainwashers is noted, brainwashed functional moron. The minimum wage should be at$12 the equivalent of 1968 minimum wage. New Zealand has $15 and Australia has $19 why can't we lead the world again.? I'll tell you why the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.. also we are the only modern country without living living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly WITH a flat tax system like our garbage GOP one.
Damn you are ignorant. You claim that Australia has a $19.00 an hour minimum wage your problem is you don't dare post the fact that damn near every cost in Austrailia is a lot more then the U.S. Cost of living comparison between United States and Australia - Cost To Travel

As far as the rest of your senseless rant. You want healthcare, daycare, paid parental leave and all the rest. No problem just convince everyone to pay 60-65 % of their wages in federal taxes. Every political party has run on tax decreases to buy votes that is nothing new. You can try to blame one party or the other for the tax system the problem is you are again being ignorant. But sure blame one party that is soooo smart.
He also claimed - when informed the Aussie $ is only worth 70% of the American $ - that his $19/hr figure was in US $ which, as he now knows, was just angry, bitter, socialist BS.
And prices? Cost of living is 10% higher than the US with 1 gal of petrol selling for about AUS $6/gal (not liter). Lefties must obfuscate or LIE to make their case because they have no case.

Nobody is lying but you are full of garbage GOP propaganda. Sean and Rush lie non stop. Breaking... Democrats are honest GOP, the rich don't pay enough in taxes and everyone else has been going to hell for 35 years. Only propaganda makes it possible. You finally caught me on a misinformation, but everything you say is a lie, but you don't know it.. Wake up and smell the coffee Jethro.
FFS dude, you can't just cover your previous lies with more lies or by pretending you didn't post 'em. You have LIED repeatedly today and you've just doubled and tripled down and then whined about "GOP propaganda" and "Sean and Rush" as though that's an excuse for all your lying.

Once more for the brain-dead leftard: Aussie min wage is NOT US $19/hr but rather AUS $19 which is less than US $15 and their cost of living is 10% higher bringing it down to US $13 ... and then there are the taxes.

As for the pitiful poor in the US, the bottom 47% of tax filers pay no federal income tax but do get to vote for who decides how much the rest of us must pay.

Representation without taxation or the tyranny of the freeloaders.
Last edited:
And inequality and upward mobility and the middle class and the working-class just get worse and worse. we need to change our tax system after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich.
Denial??? That is your reaction to America's success & prosperity the last 30 months?

In fact, 47% of taxpayers pay no fed income tax but get to vote for those who decide how much the rest of us must pay.

Representation without taxation. The tyranny of the freeloaders.
cut our useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror to cut costs. We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

Why is it that cities that try to implement your social utopias always end up as shitholes? I'll tell you why,your ideals attract losers looking for handouts and lax drug laws.
I have no idea what you are talking about. We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

We should be insisting our Representatives to Government, faithfully execute our own laws.

Try and get a CCL in California.

DP has NC (no clue). He does have a dozen nonsensical slogans someone wrote for him which he posts randomly - sometimes even jumbling the words - in response to posts he does not understand. Basically, he is Rain Man ... lights are on, nobody home.
But then the truth is this admin is working to make non-4 yr training and apprenticeships more available and more affordable.

So why is it you never know the facts but are always quick to sell your class warfare, Comrade Franco?

Commie much?
When any of your dreams actually happens then will talk. The GOP has never done anything 4 the non Rich except when finally forced to....talking about Communists makes you an obvious brainwashed functional moron. There aren't any.
You really are ignorant. I already pointed out why cars and fuel are more expensive. A good part of those expenses is labor costs.

As for a movie and popcorn. Do you really think that a movie costs the same to produce as it did in 1970? Come on. Special effects alone have raised prices. Add in dollar per hour help, catering, motel rooms for location, transportation prices, even the wages for a star or two. Now add in the increase in shipping the film from location to location. Prices of utilities for the theater. Personell prices, taxes on the property, both state and federal income tax. I could go on. But your answer is to artificially inflate wages which will artificially inflate the price of a car, gas, a movie and popcorn. So let's use your $24.00 for tickets and popcorn. The price might be $32.00 for those same tickets and popcorn.

Now do that for gas, lights, heat, phone, food and everything else. How much have you gained?

You want to have a minimum wage fine let a state set it.
Your sympathy for the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich brainwashers is noted, brainwashed functional moron. The minimum wage should be at$12 the equivalent of 1968 minimum wage. New Zealand has $15 and Australia has $19 why can't we lead the world again.? I'll tell you why the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.. also we are the only modern country without living living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly WITH a flat tax system like our garbage GOP one.
Damn you are ignorant. You claim that Australia has a $19.00 an hour minimum wage your problem is you don't dare post the fact that damn near every cost in Austrailia is a lot more then the U.S. Cost of living comparison between United States and Australia - Cost To Travel

As far as the rest of your senseless rant. You want healthcare, daycare, paid parental leave and all the rest. No problem just convince everyone to pay 60-65 % of their wages in federal taxes. Every political party has run on tax decreases to buy votes that is nothing new. You can try to blame one party or the other for the tax system the problem is you are again being ignorant. But sure blame one party that is soooo smart.
He also claimed - when informed the Aussie $ is only worth 70% of the American $ - that his $19/hr figure was in US $ which, as he now knows, was just angry, bitter, socialist BS.
And prices? Cost of living is 10% higher than the US with 1 gal of petrol selling for about AUS $6/gal (not liter). Lefties must obfuscate or LIE to make their case because they have no case.

Nobody is lying but you are full of garbage GOP propaganda. Sean and Rush lie non stop. Breaking... Democrats are honest GOP, the rich don't pay enough in taxes and everyone else has been going to hell for 35 years. Only propaganda makes it possible. You finally caught me on a misinformation, but everything you say is a lie, but you don't know it.. Wake up and smell the coffee Jethro.
FFS dude, you can't just cover your previous lies with more lies or by pretending you didn't post 'em. I've caught you lying repeatedly today and you've just doubled and tripled down and then whined about "GOP propaganda" and "Sean and Rush" as though that's an excuse for all your lying.

Once more for the brain-dead leftard: Aussie min wage is NOT US $19/hr but rather AUS $19 which is less than US $15 and their cost of living is 10% higher bringing it down to US $13 ... and then there are the taxes.

As for the pitiful poor in the US, the bottom 47% of tax filers pay no federal income tax but do get to vote for who decides how much the rest of us must pay.

Representation without taxation or the tyranny of the freeloaders.
No that was the only misinformation you have ever caught me on. somebody told me $19 but it was Australian dollars. as always I do not blame you because I know you are a brainwashed functional moron.

Google the only tax graph you need to know and learn something. If you count all taxes oh, we have a flat tax system. A giveaway to the rich and the reason we are a mess. Only propaganda and dupes like you make it possible....
Aussie $$ are worth 1/3 less than US $$. How is it you NEVER manage to tell the truth ... only your idiotic commie POV, Comrade Franco?
$19 in American dollars, idiot.
No it's not, it's in Aussie $$ so either you are a bitter, LYING commie or just a plain old ignorant one.
so many ad hominems, so little time.
Or in your case so many non-sequiturs...

I suppose you didn't even notice that Comrade Franco LIED. Sadly, one such as you wouldn't.
But then the truth is this admin is working to make non-4 yr training and apprenticeships more available and more affordable.

So why is it you never know the facts but are always quick to sell your class warfare, Comrade Franco?

Commie much?
When any of your dreams actually happens then will talk. The GOP has never done anything 4 the non Rich except when finally forced to....talking about Communists makes you an obvious brainwashed functional moron. There aren't any.
You really are ignorant. I already pointed out why cars and fuel are more expensive. A good part of those expenses is labor costs.

As for a movie and popcorn. Do you really think that a movie costs the same to produce as it did in 1970? Come on. Special effects alone have raised prices. Add in dollar per hour help, catering, motel rooms for location, transportation prices, even the wages for a star or two. Now add in the increase in shipping the film from location to location. Prices of utilities for the theater. Personell prices, taxes on the property, both state and federal income tax. I could go on. But your answer is to artificially inflate wages which will artificially inflate the price of a car, gas, a movie and popcorn. So let's use your $24.00 for tickets and popcorn. The price might be $32.00 for those same tickets and popcorn.

Now do that for gas, lights, heat, phone, food and everything else. How much have you gained?

You want to have a minimum wage fine let a state set it.
Your sympathy for the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich brainwashers is noted, brainwashed functional moron. The minimum wage should be at$12 the equivalent of 1968 minimum wage. New Zealand has $15 and Australia has $19 why can't we lead the world again.? I'll tell you why the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.. also we are the only modern country without living living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly WITH a flat tax system like our garbage GOP one.
Damn you are ignorant. You claim that Australia has a $19.00 an hour minimum wage your problem is you don't dare post the fact that damn near every cost in Austrailia is a lot more then the U.S. Cost of living comparison between United States and Australia - Cost To Travel

As far as the rest of your senseless rant. You want healthcare, daycare, paid parental leave and all the rest. No problem just convince everyone to pay 60-65 % of their wages in federal taxes. Every political party has run on tax decreases to buy votes that is nothing new. You can try to blame one party or the other for the tax system the problem is you are again being ignorant. But sure blame one party that is soooo smart.
He also claimed - when informed the Aussie $ is only worth 70% of the American $ - that his $19/hr figure was in US $ which, as he now knows, was just angry, bitter, socialist BS.
And prices? Cost of living is 10% higher than the US with 1 gal of petrol selling for about AUS $6/gal (not liter). Lefties must obfuscate or LIE to make their case because they have no case.

Nobody is lying but you are full of garbage GOP propaganda. Sean and Rush lie non stop. Breaking... Democrats are honest GOP, the rich don't pay enough in taxes and everyone else has been going to hell for 35 years. Only propaganda makes it possible. You finally caught me on a misinformation, but everything you say is a lie, but you don't know it.. Wake up and smell the coffee Jethro.

You want coffee?View attachment 268134
Dinner and coffee sounds good cheerio. Google the only tax graph you need to know and you will see how we have a flat tax system which is not a good idea never been tried before or recently at least. Ever anywhere. LOL
Keep avoiding the topic little troll. You obviously can’t handle a conversation about business practices but if you want to give it a shot perhaps you can explain why you think stagnant wages and growing profits is a healthy practice in business

Your the one claiming to be a pot head smoking liberal business owner on a anonymous political message board not me.

So what? Don’t believe me then fine it has nothing to do with the points I’m making about business. You obviously can’t discuss the substance so you resort to troll mode. I’m not biting

Your not making any points.
Sure I did, you are just too busy trolling to listen or respond to them.

My point was very simple. In a healthy economy businesses should increase wages with profits. The trend in our economy has been stagnant wages while profits increase. You seem to want to fight that by calling me a pothead which makes zero sense. But whatever floats your boat I guess.
My bank account is up and I work for a living..

Plus more important I have love..
That’s wonderful. But yet again, your reply has nothing to do with this conversation or what I said about business and economics.
Aussie $$ are worth 1/3 less than US $$. How is it you NEVER manage to tell the truth ... only your idiotic commie POV, Comrade Franco?
$19 in American dollars, idiot.
No it's not, it's in Aussie $$ so either you are a bitter, LYING commie or just a plain old ignorant one.
so many ad hominems, so little time.
Or in your case so many non-sequiturs...

I suppose you didn't even notice that Comrade Franco LIED. Sadly, one such as you wouldn't.
They finally caught me on misinformation I was misinformed it's not $19 American its $13.44. if they had given me 10 seconds I would have been back with that. That's the way it goes with your brainwashed functional morons who never stop lying but just don't know it...
Aussie $$ are worth 1/3 less than US $$. How is it you NEVER manage to tell the truth ... only your idiotic commie POV, Comrade Franco?
$19 in American dollars, idiot.
No it's not, it's in Aussie $$ so either you are a bitter, LYING commie or just a plain old ignorant one.
so many ad hominems, so little time.
Or in your case so many non-sequiturs...

I suppose you didn't even notice that Comrade Franco LIED. Sadly, one such as you wouldn't.
They finally caught me on misinformation I was misinformed it's not $19 American its $13.44. if they had given me 10 seconds I would have been back with that. That's the way it goes with your brainwashed functional morons who never stop lying but just don't know it...
And now they actually are starting to lie here LOL
When any of your dreams actually happens then will talk. The GOP has never done anything 4 the non Rich except when finally forced to....talking about Communists makes you an obvious brainwashed functional moron. There aren't any.
Your sympathy for the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich brainwashers is noted, brainwashed functional moron. The minimum wage should be at$12 the equivalent of 1968 minimum wage. New Zealand has $15 and Australia has $19 why can't we lead the world again.? I'll tell you why the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.. also we are the only modern country without living living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly WITH a flat tax system like our garbage GOP one.
Damn you are ignorant. You claim that Australia has a $19.00 an hour minimum wage your problem is you don't dare post the fact that damn near every cost in Austrailia is a lot more then the U.S. Cost of living comparison between United States and Australia - Cost To Travel

As far as the rest of your senseless rant. You want healthcare, daycare, paid parental leave and all the rest. No problem just convince everyone to pay 60-65 % of their wages in federal taxes. Every political party has run on tax decreases to buy votes that is nothing new. You can try to blame one party or the other for the tax system the problem is you are again being ignorant. But sure blame one party that is soooo smart.
He also claimed - when informed the Aussie $ is only worth 70% of the American $ - that his $19/hr figure was in US $ which, as he now knows, was just angry, bitter, socialist BS.
And prices? Cost of living is 10% higher than the US with 1 gal of petrol selling for about AUS $6/gal (not liter). Lefties must obfuscate or LIE to make their case because they have no case.

Nobody is lying but you are full of garbage GOP propaganda. Sean and Rush lie non stop. Breaking... Democrats are honest GOP, the rich don't pay enough in taxes and everyone else has been going to hell for 35 years. Only propaganda makes it possible. You finally caught me on a misinformation, but everything you say is a lie, but you don't know it.. Wake up and smell the coffee Jethro.
FFS dude, you can't just cover your previous lies with more lies or by pretending you didn't post 'em. I've caught you lying repeatedly today and you've just doubled and tripled down and then whined about "GOP propaganda" and "Sean and Rush" as though that's an excuse for all your lying.

Once more for the brain-dead leftard: Aussie min wage is NOT US $19/hr but rather AUS $19 which is less than US $15 and their cost of living is 10% higher bringing it down to US $13 ... and then there are the taxes.

As for the pitiful poor in the US, the bottom 47% of tax filers pay no federal income tax but do get to vote for who decides how much the rest of us must pay.

Representation without taxation or the tyranny of the freeloaders.
No that was the only misinformation you have ever caught me on. somebody told me $19 but it was Australian dollars. as always I do not blame you because I know you are a brainwashed functional moron...
Wait, just so I'm clear ... you are saying that your LIE was actually just your ignorance and therefore I'm the "brainwashed functional moron???" :laughing0301:
Yeah little buddy ... you are NOTHING if not entertaining.
I'm just watching a very good program on the statue of liberty a great gift from la Belle France. Four times I came into New York on ocean liners and saw it. too bad about scumbag GOP liars and the Chumps lately but the United States will survive this too, the age of dis information from the right. Google the only tax graph you need to know they are so misinformed about who is paying taxes it's ridiculous. All the respected media in the world and law enforcement think they are nuts. LOL
Last edited:
Denial??? That is your reaction to America's success & prosperity the last 30 months?

In fact, 47% of taxpayers pay no fed income tax but get to vote for those who decide how much the rest of us must pay.

Representation without taxation. The tyranny of the freeloaders.
cut our useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror to cut costs. We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

Why is it that cities that try to implement your social utopias always end up as shitholes? I'll tell you why,your ideals attract losers looking for handouts and lax drug laws.
I have no idea what you are talking about. We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

We should be insisting our Representatives to Government, faithfully execute our own laws.

Try and get a CCL in California.

DP has NC (no clue). He does have a dozen nonsensical slogans someone wrote for him which he posts randomly - sometimes even jumbling the words - in response to posts he does not understand. Basically, he is Rain Man ... lights are on, nobody home.

He does use some terms I am not familiar with like at will hiring.... But people from the GOP imaginary planet are worse off.
Damn you are ignorant. You claim that Australia has a $19.00 an hour minimum wage your problem is you don't dare post the fact that damn near every cost in Austrailia is a lot more then the U.S. Cost of living comparison between United States and Australia - Cost To Travel

As far as the rest of your senseless rant. You want healthcare, daycare, paid parental leave and all the rest. No problem just convince everyone to pay 60-65 % of their wages in federal taxes. Every political party has run on tax decreases to buy votes that is nothing new. You can try to blame one party or the other for the tax system the problem is you are again being ignorant. But sure blame one party that is soooo smart.
He also claimed - when informed the Aussie $ is only worth 70% of the American $ - that his $19/hr figure was in US $ which, as he now knows, was just angry, bitter, socialist BS.
And prices? Cost of living is 10% higher than the US with 1 gal of petrol selling for about AUS $6/gal (not liter). Lefties must obfuscate or LIE to make their case because they have no case.

Nobody is lying but you are full of garbage GOP propaganda. Sean and Rush lie non stop. Breaking... Democrats are honest GOP, the rich don't pay enough in taxes and everyone else has been going to hell for 35 years. Only propaganda makes it possible. You finally caught me on a misinformation, but everything you say is a lie, but you don't know it.. Wake up and smell the coffee Jethro.
FFS dude, you can't just cover your previous lies with more lies or by pretending you didn't post 'em. I've caught you lying repeatedly today and you've just doubled and tripled down and then whined about "GOP propaganda" and "Sean and Rush" as though that's an excuse for all your lying.

Once more for the brain-dead leftard: Aussie min wage is NOT US $19/hr but rather AUS $19 which is less than US $15 and their cost of living is 10% higher bringing it down to US $13 ... and then there are the taxes.

As for the pitiful poor in the US, the bottom 47% of tax filers pay no federal income tax but do get to vote for who decides how much the rest of us must pay.

Representation without taxation or the tyranny of the freeloaders.
No that was the only misinformation you have ever caught me on. somebody told me $19 but it was Australian dollars. as always I do not blame you because I know you are a brainwashed functional moron...
Wait, just so I'm clear ... you are saying that your LIE was actually just your ignorance and therefore I'm the "brainwashed functional moron???" :laughing0301:
Yeah little buddy ... you are NOTHING if not entertaining.
I am saying nobody is lying, I thought the minimum wage in Australia was $19 American and it turned out to be $19 Australian or 1344 which is good though I did not like somebody else being that far ahead of us. I am not lying and you are not lying 99.9% of the time, but everything you know is wrong propaganda. All the Democrats scandals and character assassination go nowhere in the real world. Only on Sean Rush propaganda Network... Respected journalists and law enforcement think you are nuts. But this too shall pass. Many are figuring it out....
Aussie $$ are worth 1/3 less than US $$. How is it you NEVER manage to tell the truth ... only your idiotic commie POV, Comrade Franco?
$19 in American dollars, idiot.
No it's not, it's in Aussie $$ so either you are a bitter, LYING commie or just a plain old ignorant one.
so many ad hominems, so little time.
Or in your case so many non-sequiturs...

I suppose you didn't even notice that Comrade Franco LIED. Sadly, one such as you wouldn't.
They finally caught me on misinformation I was misinformed it's not $19 American its $13.44. if they had given me 10 seconds I would have been back with that. That's the way it goes with your brainwashed functional morons who never stop lying but just don't know it...
t they think everybody is lying when they make a mistake and they just hate oh, the poor brainwash tools. I love the so many ad hominems so little time, and I just saw it.
$19 in American dollars, idiot.
No it's not, it's in Aussie $$ so either you are a bitter, LYING commie or just a plain old ignorant one.
so many ad hominems, so little time.
Or in your case so many non-sequiturs...

I suppose you didn't even notice that Comrade Franco LIED. Sadly, one such as you wouldn't.
They finally caught me on misinformation I was misinformed it's not $19 American its $13.44. if they had given me 10 seconds I would have been back with that. That's the way it goes with your brainwashed functional morons who never stop lying but just don't know it...
t they think everybody is lying when they make a mistake and they just hate oh, the poor brainwash tools. I love the so many ad hominems so little time, and I just saw it.
The world is a huge conspiracy of Democrats against them. Absolutely hilarious unfortunately. poor America will get past this too.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
I don’t support a nation wide $15 an hour bill however if you want to know the dems motivation behind the policy it is very simple. They want people to be able to make a livable wage and not have to work multiple jobs or work full time and still be in poverty. A healthy free market should show wage increases to keep up with living costs however our system is not very healthy so things are going to start being regulated by the government. This is unfortunate but it’s the truth.

That's now how it works, genius. When you artificially raise the minimum wage, all prices must go up to now cover the expense of the artificially raised 15$ an hour, essentially wiping out any gain for the raise......on top of that, low level workers get their hours cut, to cover the cost of having to pay entry level workers $15 dollars an hour....

So no one get helped, everyone gets hurt.

Wages increased under Trump....because the economy is booming, businesses have to get people to work for them instead of other they have to pay higher wages...
The minimum wage is being artificially held down by a Congress that refuses to act.
Minimum wage increases in the past di
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years.

Why should it have been?

Because inflation has gone up and taxpayers have to support those who make substandard wages

Because inflation has gone up

So what? Why are unskilled workers worth more?

taxpayers have to support those who make substandard wages

Taxpayers would spend more to support them if their wages were hiked above their worth.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
I don’t support a nation wide $15 an hour bill however if you want to know the dems motivation behind the policy it is very simple. They want people to be able to make a livable wage and not have to work multiple jobs or work full time and still be in poverty. A healthy free market should show wage increases to keep up with living costs however our system is not very healthy so things are going to start being regulated by the government. This is unfortunate but it’s the truth.

That's now how it works, genius. When you artificially raise the minimum wage, all prices must go up to now cover the expense of the artificially raised 15$ an hour, essentially wiping out any gain for the raise......on top of that, low level workers get their hours cut, to cover the cost of having to pay entry level workers $15 dollars an hour....

So no one get helped, everyone gets hurt.

Wages increased under Trump....because the economy is booming, businesses have to get people to work for them instead of other they have to pay higher wages...
The minimum wage is being artificially held down by a Congress that refuses to act.
Minimum wage increases in the past di
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years.

Why should it have been?

Because inflation has gone up and taxpayers have to support those who make substandard wages

Because inflation has gone up

So what? Why are unskilled workers worth more?

taxpayers have to support those who make substandard wages

Taxpayers would spend more to support them if their wages were hiked above their worth.
Yeah screw the poor and the working class! LOL

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