Democrat PA SOS (who made anti-Trump tweets) Now Refuses to Re-Count???

If the margin is large enough there is no recount unless a candidate wants to pay for it. Maybe Trump can reach into his own pocket instead of yours?
Earlier Friday, attorneys for the Trump campaign withdrew from representing him in challenges to election results in Pennsylvania. The New York Times reported that Porter Wright lawyers “have held internal meetings to voice similar concerns about their firm’s election-related work for Mr. Trump and the Republican Party, according to people at the firm. At least one lawyer quit in protest.”

Ouch...That smarts...
This is normal procedure so far. Trump is going to have to get enough votes thrown out by Federali judges, or even the SCOTUS, that he gets to within the margin needed to have a recount, or just have the courts order a hand recount.

IF it is true that Trump had the military seize the Dominion vote database in Frankfurt over the last few days, then he will have the evidence he needs, easily, IF fraud was committed.

Based on the unofficial returns submitted by all the counties to the Department of State, Secretary Boockvar has determined that she will not be ordering a recount and recanvass of the election returns in the counties, as no statewide candidate was defeated by one-half of one percent or less of the votes cast.

So...what's the issue? Biden won by 0.9%. A recount isn't triggered unless the margin of victory is less than 0.5%.

You seem to be angry at math.
This is normal procedure so far. Trump is going to have to get enough votes thrown out by Federali judges, or even the SCOTUS, that he gets to within the margin needed to have a recount, or just have the courts order a hand recount.

IF it is true that Trump had the military seize the Dominion vote database in Frankfurt over the last few days, then he will have the evidence he needs, easily, IF fraud was committed.

Or...he'll lose those court cases like he has virtually all the others. And nothing will change.

There's a reason that even Karl Rove had acknowledged that the election results won't be overturned

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