Democrat Party supporters please explain this.

poorly educated : GIs

donny : covid spreading whore

dude on motorbike : his administration.

damn - what a perfect analogy.

You assume a lot. Anyone can spread COVID. This isn’t a sexually transmitted disease. GIs are some of the bravest people on the planet. Your lack of education and basic intellect is astounding. You’re a great representative of the Democrat (no IC) party.

sooooooooooooooo............. i guess you don't know what 'analogy' means then, 'eh?

& i was being kind. i almost said donny: syphilitic brain suffering whore

after all ' STDs were [his] vietnam'

looky who hijacked his own thread.

Your analogy was off. It made you look stupid. My thread my rules.

no it wasn't off.

trump humpers ( GIs ) saw something flashy & gold plated.

trump humpers ( GIs ) were being seduced because they haven't had any 'love' from the gov'ment/politicians in a long time.

the whore ( donny ) gave them what they thought they wanted

& when they weren't looking - the dude running up behind them ( donny's pschyophants in his admin. ) - ripped them off whilst they were being distracted by the whore.

oh ya - it's spot on.

GIs wanted to use the whore, they weren't seduced LOL. Did you even see the movie? All politicians rip off the citizens. 21% approval rating in Congress. Let me guess, you are only critical of the GOP Legislative Branch. You are a partisan hack. Illogical. Stupid.

of course i saw the movie - i watch it EVERY year along with hubby. btw - all military enlisted or drafted are GIs ... Gov'ment Issue.

but they ain't army. thems Marines. ooorah.

Have another

why do you wanna start up with that again? wtf is wrong with you?

Look at your post and see for yourself. You’re either drunk or insane.

you asked if i even saw the movie.

i answered. we watch it every year on the anniversary of the USMC.

hubby - as i've told you in the past, but apparently you don't remember ... is a Marine.

Marines aren't generally known as GIs - & since t you referred to them as such in the movie - i was correcting you & myself for using that term.

i don't drink except for the occasional microbrew during the summer.

& i ain't cray cray. only those that vote for donny the 2nd time around can be factually referred to as such.

you reverting right back to that bullshit - unprovoked - says much, zoggy.

That was a coherent post. Thank you. My brother in law is an ex Seal. I get it.

i wonder what he must think of donny retweeting the truly insane ramblings about how our gov'ment killed the navy seals that got bin laden per Q-anon's conspiracies? actually saying he retweeted it so ' the american people can make up their own minds'.

what excuse do YOU have for that insane action he took?

He is 100% MAGA. You think I am bad? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. When I met him he was built like a WWE wrestler. Bad dude. Owns about 15 guns. Trump has a method to his madness. It’s a diversion IMO. You think the biggest issue in this country is Trump. I think its the insane Left. Trump isn’t the one forcing my girls to play trans girls in sports. That impacts me directly.

that didn't answer my question. the dude that killed bin laden is a huge trump humper too & spoke at the convention too i believe. he's mighty pissed at donny for throwing him & his team under the bus for a few votes.


Navy SEAL who says he killed bin Laden pushes back after Trump amplifies unfounded claims operation was a hoax
By Ellen Mitchell - 10/14/20 02:21 PM EDT
Navy SEAL who says he killed bin Laden pushes back after Trump amplifies unfounded claims operation was a hoax

And? Like I said distraction. Let me explain it differently. If Trump said trans girls can play with cisgender girls and Biden went the other way, I would vote for Biden. That is how important that issue is to me. Rest are a distant second. Do you understand?

that sad. however - i'm really curious how HE actually feels about donny throwing his brethren 'team' under the bus like that.

it has nothing to do with distraction. donny would sell his own soul for the votes he needs to stay outa prison.

How does that help him get votes? He often retweets stupid shit. That’s one of his fatal flaws.

by placating a bunch of whack jobs - he has their votes. THEIR votes for HIM. you think he cares how many there are? as long as they are

for him.

thinking critically can only help you, zogster.

Whack jobs won’t win it for him. The silent majority will. That’s how he won in 2016. By getting people like me and my parents and friends to vote for him. I do not see us as “whack jobs”. I would bet my life. Yes my life that my critical thinking skills are superior to yours. You heard me correctly. My life.

donny only won by 75K votes in a few swing states. those states are now in play.

bigley. & he knows it - that's why he is desperate to get & keep any votes he can muster up, no matter how many rocks he has to overturn. that 'silent' majority hasn't been silent for 4 years. in fact, they took out their megaphones & torches to proudly shout their loyalty.

He also lost several states by a very narrow margin. Let’s not forget that. And those are not the silent majority. Those are loud and out. People like myself are the silent majority. I dont Have Trump shirts, hats, etc. I do not go to rallies. I do Not own guns, etc.

I am middle class business owner. There are millions like me. We speak only at the voting booth and here. But here you have no idea who I really am. I could be Bat Man for all you know. That makes us the silent majority.

Doesn’t mean he wins again but if he doesn’t it shows that our country caved to mob rule. It’s sad but other than paying more in taxes it won’t impact my life significantly as I already live in a very very very blue state.

if donny loses - it means that the country is tired of him & his ilk. the country wants to go back to decency.

there's a reason why mr rogers was loved so much. joe biden is no mr rogers ---- but he's a lot closer than trump. donny is incapable of even imaging he could be.

Was Mr. Rogers ever accused of sexual assault? Did Mr. Rogers ever say that poor kids were as smart as white kids? Biden is a typical corrupt politician. Par for the course. Congress has a 21% approval rating for a reason and he has been in Congress and or in politics in general for most of his adult life.


donny has been accused of sexual assault by over 20 women. he bragged about grabbing women - & b4 you say that lame 'excuse' he used ... because 'they let him'... he also said in the same sentence that he 'doesn't even wait b4 he starts kissing them'.

so that is a non starter. anyhoo...

has biden been sued for fraud & had to shut down his sham university? how about his bogus charitable foundation? no? no you say?

how'z about joe using the courts to try to force an old woman outa her home so he can bulldoze it & pave over her property just so he can have a casino parking lot for his friends' limos?

oh, wait ... that didn't happen either. neither did he make sure his affair was splashed all over the national enquirer front pages so his then wife & 3 young spawn can be publicly humiliated.

you think 'you' are the silent majority? me thinx it's all the (R)s that won't admit they made a mistake with president tinkles & will NOT be voting for him this time - but are afraid to say it out loud.

Link that he bragged about grabbing. Also accused cause he is a rich celebrity. Charges never brought. Always debunked. But this isn't about DJT. He is no saint. Neither is Biden, who you claim is like Mr. Rogers.

he's closer to mr rogers than donny could ever be. i take it you didn't hear/read how someone on his campaign compared biden's town hall ( btw he got better ratings than donny who musta been livid about it ) to mr roger's neighborhood; as if that was a bad thing. apparently she got her ass kicked all over twitter or instagram or wherever it was she whined about it.

Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Bush: "Whatever you want."

Trump lewd video on women: Transcript

you can c/p that & multiple links come up. it's not fake news, & you thinking i made it up is cute.




Its like talking to a child:

#1) I never said Trump was like Mr. Rogers you said Biden was. And I am telling you he is a corrupt politician. Always has been and he is creepy. I do not want Mr. Rogers as our President. Ever.

#2) Trump said they LET you. Let me reiterate. They LET you. He never said I just grab it. Stop being so dishonest. He was bragging about being a celebrity and a chick magnet. Happens in guys convos frequently.

#3) He got better ratings because people anticipated the Hunter Biden questions that never happened because the media is biased.

Are we going to be civil and honest or do you want to go back to how we used to be?

Its like talking to a child:

yep i thought the same about you.

#1) I never said Trump was like Mr. Rogers you said Biden was.

never said you did. neither did i ... i said ' biden IS NO mr rogers ... damn, how can you misunderstand THAT? silly me for thinking you knew i was referring to donny's team - who compared the two.

And I am telling you he is a corrupt politician. Always has been and he is creepy.

yet, you admitted that wouldn't matter & you would have no problem voting for him if he had the same ideology as you re: transgender kids participating in sports. interesting.

I do not want Mr. Rogers as our President. Ever.

you mean an empathetic soul who wouldn't rip people off for his own financial gain or treats/acts upon others horribly if he disagrees with them, no matter the subject?

#2) Trump said they LET you. Let me reiterate. They LET you.

uh-huh. LET 'YOU' DO WHAT? KISS THEM? ever stop to think they are stunned - not knowing it was coming? apparently YOU never experienced that... rarely a man would.

He never said I just grab it.

i know because i didn't write that.

Stop being so dishonest.

i am always honest. you either are deliberately misCONstruing what i said or didn't comprehend the words i wrote:

" donny has been accused of sexual assault by over 20 women. he bragged about grabbing women...

^ that's exactly what he did. bragged about grabbing them..

... - & b4 you say that lame 'excuse' he used ... because 'they let him'...

which is exactly what you JUST DID. i didn't say they ' let him' grab them.

... he also said in the same sentence that he '
doesn't even wait b4 he starts kissing them'. THAT'S what they 'let him' except if he doesn't even wait ... then they ARE NOT ' letting him'

now do you understand what i said? KISSING. i said K-I-S-S-I-N-G. he goes in & kisses them without even thinking he's invading someones' personal space & puts his lips on them. you think that's ok? wow wow wow. just wait a few years & revisit that if you as a father are told that happened & see if you feel the same way.

He was bragging about being a celebrity and a chick magnet.

LOL! he didn't say HE was a 'chick magnet' he said 'beautiful women' are the magnet:
I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. '

Happens in guys convos frequently.

ya, i know. but this is trump. he has had decades of actual behavior in the way he treats females. he also 'bragged' how he would walk into his pageant contestants' ( 15 & 16 yr olds ) dressing rooms UNANNOUNCED; where they would be in various stages of undress & line them up to 'inspect' them. i remember that convo on howard stern. but it wasn't just 'locker room talk ' - some girls ( now fully grown ) have CONFIRMED he did that. who does that in real life? donny.

#3) He got better ratings because people anticipated the Hunter Biden questions that never happened because the media is biased.


Are we going to be civil and honest or do you want to go back to how we used to be?

i am being civil. & honest. because i don't lie. i thought you were being civil as well except when YOU called me a drunk & insane - unprovoked - JUST because you didn't understand what i wrote.

i gave you a pass.

i don't know how this b/f qualifies as a back slide either ... so i recommend you not go there. the basketball is in your court. whatcha gonna do zogster? if you choose to be 'uncivil' then i'll move on. i won't actually put you on iggy - i don't put anybody on official 'ignore' - but just like a few select posters here, i will just pass any of your replies right on by.

Too long. I said if Trump were pro trans girls vs bio girls in sports and Biden was against it then I would vote for him. The rest of your post is drivel. Be concise. Be relevant.

i call bullshit. i put you in yer place. & i'll be happy to pass on by next time.

CONcise enough?

I swear on my kids lives. Believe what you will. I am being sincere.

i am talking about you claiming that my reply was drivel & irrelevant when i took on & addressed every point YOU brought up & ... like i said...

put you in yer place.

that can't get any more relevant.
poorly educated : GIs

donny : covid spreading whore

dude on motorbike : his administration.

damn - what a perfect analogy.

You assume a lot. Anyone can spread COVID. This isn’t a sexually transmitted disease. GIs are some of the bravest people on the planet. Your lack of education and basic intellect is astounding. You’re a great representative of the Democrat (no IC) party.

sooooooooooooooo............. i guess you don't know what 'analogy' means then, 'eh?

& i was being kind. i almost said donny: syphilitic brain suffering whore

after all ' STDs were [his] vietnam'

looky who hijacked his own thread.

Your analogy was off. It made you look stupid. My thread my rules.

no it wasn't off.

trump humpers ( GIs ) saw something flashy & gold plated.

trump humpers ( GIs ) were being seduced because they haven't had any 'love' from the gov'ment/politicians in a long time.

the whore ( donny ) gave them what they thought they wanted

& when they weren't looking - the dude running up behind them ( donny's pschyophants in his admin. ) - ripped them off whilst they were being distracted by the whore.

oh ya - it's spot on.

GIs wanted to use the whore, they weren't seduced LOL. Did you even see the movie? All politicians rip off the citizens. 21% approval rating in Congress. Let me guess, you are only critical of the GOP Legislative Branch. You are a partisan hack. Illogical. Stupid.

of course i saw the movie - i watch it EVERY year along with hubby. btw - all military enlisted or drafted are GIs ... Gov'ment Issue.

but they ain't army. thems Marines. ooorah.

Have another

why do you wanna start up with that again? wtf is wrong with you?

Look at your post and see for yourself. You’re either drunk or insane.

you asked if i even saw the movie.

i answered. we watch it every year on the anniversary of the USMC.

hubby - as i've told you in the past, but apparently you don't remember ... is a Marine.

Marines aren't generally known as GIs - & since t you referred to them as such in the movie - i was correcting you & myself for using that term.

i don't drink except for the occasional microbrew during the summer.

& i ain't cray cray. only those that vote for donny the 2nd time around can be factually referred to as such.

you reverting right back to that bullshit - unprovoked - says much, zoggy.

That was a coherent post. Thank you. My brother in law is an ex Seal. I get it.

i wonder what he must think of donny retweeting the truly insane ramblings about how our gov'ment killed the navy seals that got bin laden per Q-anon's conspiracies? actually saying he retweeted it so ' the american people can make up their own minds'.

what excuse do YOU have for that insane action he took?

He is 100% MAGA. You think I am bad? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. When I met him he was built like a WWE wrestler. Bad dude. Owns about 15 guns. Trump has a method to his madness. It’s a diversion IMO. You think the biggest issue in this country is Trump. I think its the insane Left. Trump isn’t the one forcing my girls to play trans girls in sports. That impacts me directly.

that didn't answer my question. the dude that killed bin laden is a huge trump humper too & spoke at the convention too i believe. he's mighty pissed at donny for throwing him & his team under the bus for a few votes.


Navy SEAL who says he killed bin Laden pushes back after Trump amplifies unfounded claims operation was a hoax
By Ellen Mitchell - 10/14/20 02:21 PM EDT
Navy SEAL who says he killed bin Laden pushes back after Trump amplifies unfounded claims operation was a hoax

And? Like I said distraction. Let me explain it differently. If Trump said trans girls can play with cisgender girls and Biden went the other way, I would vote for Biden. That is how important that issue is to me. Rest are a distant second. Do you understand?

that sad. however - i'm really curious how HE actually feels about donny throwing his brethren 'team' under the bus like that.

it has nothing to do with distraction. donny would sell his own soul for the votes he needs to stay outa prison.

How does that help him get votes? He often retweets stupid shit. That’s one of his fatal flaws.

by placating a bunch of whack jobs - he has their votes. THEIR votes for HIM. you think he cares how many there are? as long as they are

for him.

thinking critically can only help you, zogster.

Whack jobs won’t win it for him. The silent majority will. That’s how he won in 2016. By getting people like me and my parents and friends to vote for him. I do not see us as “whack jobs”. I would bet my life. Yes my life that my critical thinking skills are superior to yours. You heard me correctly. My life.

donny only won by 75K votes in a few swing states. those states are now in play.

bigley. & he knows it - that's why he is desperate to get & keep any votes he can muster up, no matter how many rocks he has to overturn. that 'silent' majority hasn't been silent for 4 years. in fact, they took out their megaphones & torches to proudly shout their loyalty.

He also lost several states by a very narrow margin. Let’s not forget that. And those are not the silent majority. Those are loud and out. People like myself are the silent majority. I dont Have Trump shirts, hats, etc. I do not go to rallies. I do Not own guns, etc.

I am middle class business owner. There are millions like me. We speak only at the voting booth and here. But here you have no idea who I really am. I could be Bat Man for all you know. That makes us the silent majority.

Doesn’t mean he wins again but if he doesn’t it shows that our country caved to mob rule. It’s sad but other than paying more in taxes it won’t impact my life significantly as I already live in a very very very blue state.

if donny loses - it means that the country is tired of him & his ilk. the country wants to go back to decency.

there's a reason why mr rogers was loved so much. joe biden is no mr rogers ---- but he's a lot closer than trump. donny is incapable of even imaging he could be.

Was Mr. Rogers ever accused of sexual assault? Did Mr. Rogers ever say that poor kids were as smart as white kids? Biden is a typical corrupt politician. Par for the course. Congress has a 21% approval rating for a reason and he has been in Congress and or in politics in general for most of his adult life.


donny has been accused of sexual assault by over 20 women. he bragged about grabbing women - & b4 you say that lame 'excuse' he used ... because 'they let him'... he also said in the same sentence that he 'doesn't even wait b4 he starts kissing them'.

so that is a non starter. anyhoo...

has biden been sued for fraud & had to shut down his sham university? how about his bogus charitable foundation? no? no you say?

how'z about joe using the courts to try to force an old woman outa her home so he can bulldoze it & pave over her property just so he can have a casino parking lot for his friends' limos?

oh, wait ... that didn't happen either. neither did he make sure his affair was splashed all over the national enquirer front pages so his then wife & 3 young spawn can be publicly humiliated.

you think 'you' are the silent majority? me thinx it's all the (R)s that won't admit they made a mistake with president tinkles & will NOT be voting for him this time - but are afraid to say it out loud.

Link that he bragged about grabbing. Also accused cause he is a rich celebrity. Charges never brought. Always debunked. But this isn't about DJT. He is no saint. Neither is Biden, who you claim is like Mr. Rogers.

he's closer to mr rogers than donny could ever be. i take it you didn't hear/read how someone on his campaign compared biden's town hall ( btw he got better ratings than donny who musta been livid about it ) to mr roger's neighborhood; as if that was a bad thing. apparently she got her ass kicked all over twitter or instagram or wherever it was she whined about it.

Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Bush: "Whatever you want."

Trump lewd video on women: Transcript

you can c/p that & multiple links come up. it's not fake news, & you thinking i made it up is cute.




Its like talking to a child:

#1) I never said Trump was like Mr. Rogers you said Biden was. And I am telling you he is a corrupt politician. Always has been and he is creepy. I do not want Mr. Rogers as our President. Ever.

#2) Trump said they LET you. Let me reiterate. They LET you. He never said I just grab it. Stop being so dishonest. He was bragging about being a celebrity and a chick magnet. Happens in guys convos frequently.

#3) He got better ratings because people anticipated the Hunter Biden questions that never happened because the media is biased.

Are we going to be civil and honest or do you want to go back to how we used to be?

Its like talking to a child:

yep i thought the same about you.

#1) I never said Trump was like Mr. Rogers you said Biden was.

never said you did. neither did i ... i said ' biden IS NO mr rogers ... damn, how can you misunderstand THAT? silly me for thinking you knew i was referring to donny's team - who compared the two.

And I am telling you he is a corrupt politician. Always has been and he is creepy.

yet, you admitted that wouldn't matter & you would have no problem voting for him if he had the same ideology as you re: transgender kids participating in sports. interesting.

I do not want Mr. Rogers as our President. Ever.

you mean an empathetic soul who wouldn't rip people off for his own financial gain or treats/acts upon others horribly if he disagrees with them, no matter the subject?

#2) Trump said they LET you. Let me reiterate. They LET you.

uh-huh. LET 'YOU' DO WHAT? KISS THEM? ever stop to think they are stunned - not knowing it was coming? apparently YOU never experienced that... rarely a man would.

He never said I just grab it.

i know because i didn't write that.

Stop being so dishonest.

i am always honest. you either are deliberately misCONstruing what i said or didn't comprehend the words i wrote:

" donny has been accused of sexual assault by over 20 women. he bragged about grabbing women...

^ that's exactly what he did. bragged about grabbing them..

... - & b4 you say that lame 'excuse' he used ... because 'they let him'...

which is exactly what you JUST DID. i didn't say they ' let him' grab them.

... he also said in the same sentence that he '
doesn't even wait b4 he starts kissing them'. THAT'S what they 'let him' except if he doesn't even wait ... then they ARE NOT ' letting him'

now do you understand what i said? KISSING. i said K-I-S-S-I-N-G. he goes in & kisses them without even thinking he's invading someones' personal space & puts his lips on them. you think that's ok? wow wow wow. just wait a few years & revisit that if you as a father are told that happened & see if you feel the same way.

He was bragging about being a celebrity and a chick magnet.

LOL! he didn't say HE was a 'chick magnet' he said 'beautiful women' are the magnet:
I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. '

Happens in guys convos frequently.

ya, i know. but this is trump. he has had decades of actual behavior in the way he treats females. he also 'bragged' how he would walk into his pageant contestants' ( 15 & 16 yr olds ) dressing rooms UNANNOUNCED; where they would be in various stages of undress & line them up to 'inspect' them. i remember that convo on howard stern. but it wasn't just 'locker room talk ' - some girls ( now fully grown ) have CONFIRMED he did that. who does that in real life? donny.

#3) He got better ratings because people anticipated the Hunter Biden questions that never happened because the media is biased.


Are we going to be civil and honest or do you want to go back to how we used to be?

i am being civil. & honest. because i don't lie. i thought you were being civil as well except when YOU called me a drunk & insane - unprovoked - JUST because you didn't understand what i wrote.

i gave you a pass.

i don't know how this b/f qualifies as a back slide either ... so i recommend you not go there. the basketball is in your court. whatcha gonna do zogster? if you choose to be 'uncivil' then i'll move on. i won't actually put you on iggy - i don't put anybody on official 'ignore' - but just like a few select posters here, i will just pass any of your replies right on by.

Too long. I said if Trump were pro trans girls vs bio girls in sports and Biden was against it then I would vote for him. The rest of your post is drivel. Be concise. Be relevant.

i call bullshit. i put you in yer place. & i'll be happy to pass on by next time.

CONcise enough?

I swear on my kids lives. Believe what you will. I am being sincere.

i am talking about you claiming that my reply was drivel & irrelevant when i took on & addressed every point YOU brought up & ... like i said...

put you in yer place.

that can't get any more relevant.

Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.
poorly educated : GIs

donny : covid spreading whore

dude on motorbike : his administration.

damn - what a perfect analogy.

You assume a lot. Anyone can spread COVID. This isn’t a sexually transmitted disease. GIs are some of the bravest people on the planet. Your lack of education and basic intellect is astounding. You’re a great representative of the Democrat (no IC) party.

sooooooooooooooo............. i guess you don't know what 'analogy' means then, 'eh?

& i was being kind. i almost said donny: syphilitic brain suffering whore

after all ' STDs were [his] vietnam'

looky who hijacked his own thread.

Your analogy was off. It made you look stupid. My thread my rules.

no it wasn't off.

trump humpers ( GIs ) saw something flashy & gold plated.

trump humpers ( GIs ) were being seduced because they haven't had any 'love' from the gov'ment/politicians in a long time.

the whore ( donny ) gave them what they thought they wanted

& when they weren't looking - the dude running up behind them ( donny's pschyophants in his admin. ) - ripped them off whilst they were being distracted by the whore.

oh ya - it's spot on.

GIs wanted to use the whore, they weren't seduced LOL. Did you even see the movie? All politicians rip off the citizens. 21% approval rating in Congress. Let me guess, you are only critical of the GOP Legislative Branch. You are a partisan hack. Illogical. Stupid.

of course i saw the movie - i watch it EVERY year along with hubby. btw - all military enlisted or drafted are GIs ... Gov'ment Issue.

but they ain't army. thems Marines. ooorah.

Have another

why do you wanna start up with that again? wtf is wrong with you?

Look at your post and see for yourself. You’re either drunk or insane.

you asked if i even saw the movie.

i answered. we watch it every year on the anniversary of the USMC.

hubby - as i've told you in the past, but apparently you don't remember ... is a Marine.

Marines aren't generally known as GIs - & since t you referred to them as such in the movie - i was correcting you & myself for using that term.

i don't drink except for the occasional microbrew during the summer.

& i ain't cray cray. only those that vote for donny the 2nd time around can be factually referred to as such.

you reverting right back to that bullshit - unprovoked - says much, zoggy.

That was a coherent post. Thank you. My brother in law is an ex Seal. I get it.

i wonder what he must think of donny retweeting the truly insane ramblings about how our gov'ment killed the navy seals that got bin laden per Q-anon's conspiracies? actually saying he retweeted it so ' the american people can make up their own minds'.

what excuse do YOU have for that insane action he took?

He is 100% MAGA. You think I am bad? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. When I met him he was built like a WWE wrestler. Bad dude. Owns about 15 guns. Trump has a method to his madness. It’s a diversion IMO. You think the biggest issue in this country is Trump. I think its the insane Left. Trump isn’t the one forcing my girls to play trans girls in sports. That impacts me directly.

that didn't answer my question. the dude that killed bin laden is a huge trump humper too & spoke at the convention too i believe. he's mighty pissed at donny for throwing him & his team under the bus for a few votes.


Navy SEAL who says he killed bin Laden pushes back after Trump amplifies unfounded claims operation was a hoax
By Ellen Mitchell - 10/14/20 02:21 PM EDT
Navy SEAL who says he killed bin Laden pushes back after Trump amplifies unfounded claims operation was a hoax

And? Like I said distraction. Let me explain it differently. If Trump said trans girls can play with cisgender girls and Biden went the other way, I would vote for Biden. That is how important that issue is to me. Rest are a distant second. Do you understand?

that sad. however - i'm really curious how HE actually feels about donny throwing his brethren 'team' under the bus like that.

it has nothing to do with distraction. donny would sell his own soul for the votes he needs to stay outa prison.

How does that help him get votes? He often retweets stupid shit. That’s one of his fatal flaws.

by placating a bunch of whack jobs - he has their votes. THEIR votes for HIM. you think he cares how many there are? as long as they are

for him.

thinking critically can only help you, zogster.

Whack jobs won’t win it for him. The silent majority will. That’s how he won in 2016. By getting people like me and my parents and friends to vote for him. I do not see us as “whack jobs”. I would bet my life. Yes my life that my critical thinking skills are superior to yours. You heard me correctly. My life.

donny only won by 75K votes in a few swing states. those states are now in play.

bigley. & he knows it - that's why he is desperate to get & keep any votes he can muster up, no matter how many rocks he has to overturn. that 'silent' majority hasn't been silent for 4 years. in fact, they took out their megaphones & torches to proudly shout their loyalty.

He also lost several states by a very narrow margin. Let’s not forget that. And those are not the silent majority. Those are loud and out. People like myself are the silent majority. I dont Have Trump shirts, hats, etc. I do not go to rallies. I do Not own guns, etc.

I am middle class business owner. There are millions like me. We speak only at the voting booth and here. But here you have no idea who I really am. I could be Bat Man for all you know. That makes us the silent majority.

Doesn’t mean he wins again but if he doesn’t it shows that our country caved to mob rule. It’s sad but other than paying more in taxes it won’t impact my life significantly as I already live in a very very very blue state.

if donny loses - it means that the country is tired of him & his ilk. the country wants to go back to decency.

there's a reason why mr rogers was loved so much. joe biden is no mr rogers ---- but he's a lot closer than trump. donny is incapable of even imaging he could be.

Was Mr. Rogers ever accused of sexual assault? Did Mr. Rogers ever say that poor kids were as smart as white kids? Biden is a typical corrupt politician. Par for the course. Congress has a 21% approval rating for a reason and he has been in Congress and or in politics in general for most of his adult life.


donny has been accused of sexual assault by over 20 women. he bragged about grabbing women - & b4 you say that lame 'excuse' he used ... because 'they let him'... he also said in the same sentence that he 'doesn't even wait b4 he starts kissing them'.

so that is a non starter. anyhoo...

has biden been sued for fraud & had to shut down his sham university? how about his bogus charitable foundation? no? no you say?

how'z about joe using the courts to try to force an old woman outa her home so he can bulldoze it & pave over her property just so he can have a casino parking lot for his friends' limos?

oh, wait ... that didn't happen either. neither did he make sure his affair was splashed all over the national enquirer front pages so his then wife & 3 young spawn can be publicly humiliated.

you think 'you' are the silent majority? me thinx it's all the (R)s that won't admit they made a mistake with president tinkles & will NOT be voting for him this time - but are afraid to say it out loud.

Link that he bragged about grabbing. Also accused cause he is a rich celebrity. Charges never brought. Always debunked. But this isn't about DJT. He is no saint. Neither is Biden, who you claim is like Mr. Rogers.

he's closer to mr rogers than donny could ever be. i take it you didn't hear/read how someone on his campaign compared biden's town hall ( btw he got better ratings than donny who musta been livid about it ) to mr roger's neighborhood; as if that was a bad thing. apparently she got her ass kicked all over twitter or instagram or wherever it was she whined about it.

Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Bush: "Whatever you want."

Trump lewd video on women: Transcript

you can c/p that & multiple links come up. it's not fake news, & you thinking i made it up is cute.




Its like talking to a child:

#1) I never said Trump was like Mr. Rogers you said Biden was. And I am telling you he is a corrupt politician. Always has been and he is creepy. I do not want Mr. Rogers as our President. Ever.

#2) Trump said they LET you. Let me reiterate. They LET you. He never said I just grab it. Stop being so dishonest. He was bragging about being a celebrity and a chick magnet. Happens in guys convos frequently.

#3) He got better ratings because people anticipated the Hunter Biden questions that never happened because the media is biased.

Are we going to be civil and honest or do you want to go back to how we used to be?

Its like talking to a child:

yep i thought the same about you.

#1) I never said Trump was like Mr. Rogers you said Biden was.

never said you did. neither did i ... i said ' biden IS NO mr rogers ... damn, how can you misunderstand THAT? silly me for thinking you knew i was referring to donny's team - who compared the two.

And I am telling you he is a corrupt politician. Always has been and he is creepy.

yet, you admitted that wouldn't matter & you would have no problem voting for him if he had the same ideology as you re: transgender kids participating in sports. interesting.

I do not want Mr. Rogers as our President. Ever.

you mean an empathetic soul who wouldn't rip people off for his own financial gain or treats/acts upon others horribly if he disagrees with them, no matter the subject?

#2) Trump said they LET you. Let me reiterate. They LET you.

uh-huh. LET 'YOU' DO WHAT? KISS THEM? ever stop to think they are stunned - not knowing it was coming? apparently YOU never experienced that... rarely a man would.

He never said I just grab it.

i know because i didn't write that.

Stop being so dishonest.

i am always honest. you either are deliberately misCONstruing what i said or didn't comprehend the words i wrote:

" donny has been accused of sexual assault by over 20 women. he bragged about grabbing women...

^ that's exactly what he did. bragged about grabbing them..

... - & b4 you say that lame 'excuse' he used ... because 'they let him'...

which is exactly what you JUST DID. i didn't say they ' let him' grab them.

... he also said in the same sentence that he '
doesn't even wait b4 he starts kissing them'. THAT'S what they 'let him' except if he doesn't even wait ... then they ARE NOT ' letting him'

now do you understand what i said? KISSING. i said K-I-S-S-I-N-G. he goes in & kisses them without even thinking he's invading someones' personal space & puts his lips on them. you think that's ok? wow wow wow. just wait a few years & revisit that if you as a father are told that happened & see if you feel the same way.

He was bragging about being a celebrity and a chick magnet.

LOL! he didn't say HE was a 'chick magnet' he said 'beautiful women' are the magnet:
I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. '

Happens in guys convos frequently.

ya, i know. but this is trump. he has had decades of actual behavior in the way he treats females. he also 'bragged' how he would walk into his pageant contestants' ( 15 & 16 yr olds ) dressing rooms UNANNOUNCED; where they would be in various stages of undress & line them up to 'inspect' them. i remember that convo on howard stern. but it wasn't just 'locker room talk ' - some girls ( now fully grown ) have CONFIRMED he did that. who does that in real life? donny.

#3) He got better ratings because people anticipated the Hunter Biden questions that never happened because the media is biased.


Are we going to be civil and honest or do you want to go back to how we used to be?

i am being civil. & honest. because i don't lie. i thought you were being civil as well except when YOU called me a drunk & insane - unprovoked - JUST because you didn't understand what i wrote.

i gave you a pass.

i don't know how this b/f qualifies as a back slide either ... so i recommend you not go there. the basketball is in your court. whatcha gonna do zogster? if you choose to be 'uncivil' then i'll move on. i won't actually put you on iggy - i don't put anybody on official 'ignore' - but just like a few select posters here, i will just pass any of your replies right on by.

Too long. I said if Trump were pro trans girls vs bio girls in sports and Biden was against it then I would vote for him. The rest of your post is drivel. Be concise. Be relevant.

i call bullshit. i put you in yer place. & i'll be happy to pass on by next time.

CONcise enough?

I swear on my kids lives. Believe what you will. I am being sincere.

i am talking about you claiming that my reply was drivel & irrelevant when i took on & addressed every point YOU brought up & ... like i said...

put you in yer place.

that can't get any more relevant.

Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.

there was way more than that that YOU wrote & i answered every point.

lol ... the rest of your reply was too long & full of pablum.

ba bye.
poorly educated : GIs

donny : covid spreading whore

dude on motorbike : his administration.

damn - what a perfect analogy.

You assume a lot. Anyone can spread COVID. This isn’t a sexually transmitted disease. GIs are some of the bravest people on the planet. Your lack of education and basic intellect is astounding. You’re a great representative of the Democrat (no IC) party.

sooooooooooooooo............. i guess you don't know what 'analogy' means then, 'eh?

& i was being kind. i almost said donny: syphilitic brain suffering whore

after all ' STDs were [his] vietnam'

looky who hijacked his own thread.

Your analogy was off. It made you look stupid. My thread my rules.

no it wasn't off.

trump humpers ( GIs ) saw something flashy & gold plated.

trump humpers ( GIs ) were being seduced because they haven't had any 'love' from the gov'ment/politicians in a long time.

the whore ( donny ) gave them what they thought they wanted

& when they weren't looking - the dude running up behind them ( donny's pschyophants in his admin. ) - ripped them off whilst they were being distracted by the whore.

oh ya - it's spot on.

GIs wanted to use the whore, they weren't seduced LOL. Did you even see the movie? All politicians rip off the citizens. 21% approval rating in Congress. Let me guess, you are only critical of the GOP Legislative Branch. You are a partisan hack. Illogical. Stupid.

of course i saw the movie - i watch it EVERY year along with hubby. btw - all military enlisted or drafted are GIs ... Gov'ment Issue.

but they ain't army. thems Marines. ooorah.

Have another

why do you wanna start up with that again? wtf is wrong with you?

Look at your post and see for yourself. You’re either drunk or insane.

you asked if i even saw the movie.

i answered. we watch it every year on the anniversary of the USMC.

hubby - as i've told you in the past, but apparently you don't remember ... is a Marine.

Marines aren't generally known as GIs - & since t you referred to them as such in the movie - i was correcting you & myself for using that term.

i don't drink except for the occasional microbrew during the summer.

& i ain't cray cray. only those that vote for donny the 2nd time around can be factually referred to as such.

you reverting right back to that bullshit - unprovoked - says much, zoggy.

That was a coherent post. Thank you. My brother in law is an ex Seal. I get it.

i wonder what he must think of donny retweeting the truly insane ramblings about how our gov'ment killed the navy seals that got bin laden per Q-anon's conspiracies? actually saying he retweeted it so ' the american people can make up their own minds'.

what excuse do YOU have for that insane action he took?

He is 100% MAGA. You think I am bad? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. When I met him he was built like a WWE wrestler. Bad dude. Owns about 15 guns. Trump has a method to his madness. It’s a diversion IMO. You think the biggest issue in this country is Trump. I think its the insane Left. Trump isn’t the one forcing my girls to play trans girls in sports. That impacts me directly.

that didn't answer my question. the dude that killed bin laden is a huge trump humper too & spoke at the convention too i believe. he's mighty pissed at donny for throwing him & his team under the bus for a few votes.


Navy SEAL who says he killed bin Laden pushes back after Trump amplifies unfounded claims operation was a hoax
By Ellen Mitchell - 10/14/20 02:21 PM EDT
Navy SEAL who says he killed bin Laden pushes back after Trump amplifies unfounded claims operation was a hoax

And? Like I said distraction. Let me explain it differently. If Trump said trans girls can play with cisgender girls and Biden went the other way, I would vote for Biden. That is how important that issue is to me. Rest are a distant second. Do you understand?

that sad. however - i'm really curious how HE actually feels about donny throwing his brethren 'team' under the bus like that.

it has nothing to do with distraction. donny would sell his own soul for the votes he needs to stay outa prison.

How does that help him get votes? He often retweets stupid shit. That’s one of his fatal flaws.

by placating a bunch of whack jobs - he has their votes. THEIR votes for HIM. you think he cares how many there are? as long as they are

for him.

thinking critically can only help you, zogster.

Whack jobs won’t win it for him. The silent majority will. That’s how he won in 2016. By getting people like me and my parents and friends to vote for him. I do not see us as “whack jobs”. I would bet my life. Yes my life that my critical thinking skills are superior to yours. You heard me correctly. My life.

donny only won by 75K votes in a few swing states. those states are now in play.

bigley. & he knows it - that's why he is desperate to get & keep any votes he can muster up, no matter how many rocks he has to overturn. that 'silent' majority hasn't been silent for 4 years. in fact, they took out their megaphones & torches to proudly shout their loyalty.

He also lost several states by a very narrow margin. Let’s not forget that. And those are not the silent majority. Those are loud and out. People like myself are the silent majority. I dont Have Trump shirts, hats, etc. I do not go to rallies. I do Not own guns, etc.

I am middle class business owner. There are millions like me. We speak only at the voting booth and here. But here you have no idea who I really am. I could be Bat Man for all you know. That makes us the silent majority.

Doesn’t mean he wins again but if he doesn’t it shows that our country caved to mob rule. It’s sad but other than paying more in taxes it won’t impact my life significantly as I already live in a very very very blue state.

if donny loses - it means that the country is tired of him & his ilk. the country wants to go back to decency.

there's a reason why mr rogers was loved so much. joe biden is no mr rogers ---- but he's a lot closer than trump. donny is incapable of even imaging he could be.

Was Mr. Rogers ever accused of sexual assault? Did Mr. Rogers ever say that poor kids were as smart as white kids? Biden is a typical corrupt politician. Par for the course. Congress has a 21% approval rating for a reason and he has been in Congress and or in politics in general for most of his adult life.


donny has been accused of sexual assault by over 20 women. he bragged about grabbing women - & b4 you say that lame 'excuse' he used ... because 'they let him'... he also said in the same sentence that he 'doesn't even wait b4 he starts kissing them'.

so that is a non starter. anyhoo...

has biden been sued for fraud & had to shut down his sham university? how about his bogus charitable foundation? no? no you say?

how'z about joe using the courts to try to force an old woman outa her home so he can bulldoze it & pave over her property just so he can have a casino parking lot for his friends' limos?

oh, wait ... that didn't happen either. neither did he make sure his affair was splashed all over the national enquirer front pages so his then wife & 3 young spawn can be publicly humiliated.

you think 'you' are the silent majority? me thinx it's all the (R)s that won't admit they made a mistake with president tinkles & will NOT be voting for him this time - but are afraid to say it out loud.

Link that he bragged about grabbing. Also accused cause he is a rich celebrity. Charges never brought. Always debunked. But this isn't about DJT. He is no saint. Neither is Biden, who you claim is like Mr. Rogers.

he's closer to mr rogers than donny could ever be. i take it you didn't hear/read how someone on his campaign compared biden's town hall ( btw he got better ratings than donny who musta been livid about it ) to mr roger's neighborhood; as if that was a bad thing. apparently she got her ass kicked all over twitter or instagram or wherever it was she whined about it.

Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Bush: "Whatever you want."

Trump lewd video on women: Transcript

you can c/p that & multiple links come up. it's not fake news, & you thinking i made it up is cute.




Its like talking to a child:

#1) I never said Trump was like Mr. Rogers you said Biden was. And I am telling you he is a corrupt politician. Always has been and he is creepy. I do not want Mr. Rogers as our President. Ever.

#2) Trump said they LET you. Let me reiterate. They LET you. He never said I just grab it. Stop being so dishonest. He was bragging about being a celebrity and a chick magnet. Happens in guys convos frequently.

#3) He got better ratings because people anticipated the Hunter Biden questions that never happened because the media is biased.

Are we going to be civil and honest or do you want to go back to how we used to be?

Its like talking to a child:

yep i thought the same about you.

#1) I never said Trump was like Mr. Rogers you said Biden was.

never said you did. neither did i ... i said ' biden IS NO mr rogers ... damn, how can you misunderstand THAT? silly me for thinking you knew i was referring to donny's team - who compared the two.

And I am telling you he is a corrupt politician. Always has been and he is creepy.

yet, you admitted that wouldn't matter & you would have no problem voting for him if he had the same ideology as you re: transgender kids participating in sports. interesting.

I do not want Mr. Rogers as our President. Ever.

you mean an empathetic soul who wouldn't rip people off for his own financial gain or treats/acts upon others horribly if he disagrees with them, no matter the subject?

#2) Trump said they LET you. Let me reiterate. They LET you.

uh-huh. LET 'YOU' DO WHAT? KISS THEM? ever stop to think they are stunned - not knowing it was coming? apparently YOU never experienced that... rarely a man would.

He never said I just grab it.

i know because i didn't write that.

Stop being so dishonest.

i am always honest. you either are deliberately misCONstruing what i said or didn't comprehend the words i wrote:

" donny has been accused of sexual assault by over 20 women. he bragged about grabbing women...

^ that's exactly what he did. bragged about grabbing them..

... - & b4 you say that lame 'excuse' he used ... because 'they let him'...

which is exactly what you JUST DID. i didn't say they ' let him' grab them.

... he also said in the same sentence that he '
doesn't even wait b4 he starts kissing them'. THAT'S what they 'let him' except if he doesn't even wait ... then they ARE NOT ' letting him'

now do you understand what i said? KISSING. i said K-I-S-S-I-N-G. he goes in & kisses them without even thinking he's invading someones' personal space & puts his lips on them. you think that's ok? wow wow wow. just wait a few years & revisit that if you as a father are told that happened & see if you feel the same way.

He was bragging about being a celebrity and a chick magnet.

LOL! he didn't say HE was a 'chick magnet' he said 'beautiful women' are the magnet:
I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. '

Happens in guys convos frequently.

ya, i know. but this is trump. he has had decades of actual behavior in the way he treats females. he also 'bragged' how he would walk into his pageant contestants' ( 15 & 16 yr olds ) dressing rooms UNANNOUNCED; where they would be in various stages of undress & line them up to 'inspect' them. i remember that convo on howard stern. but it wasn't just 'locker room talk ' - some girls ( now fully grown ) have CONFIRMED he did that. who does that in real life? donny.

#3) He got better ratings because people anticipated the Hunter Biden questions that never happened because the media is biased.


Are we going to be civil and honest or do you want to go back to how we used to be?

i am being civil. & honest. because i don't lie. i thought you were being civil as well except when YOU called me a drunk & insane - unprovoked - JUST because you didn't understand what i wrote.

i gave you a pass.

i don't know how this b/f qualifies as a back slide either ... so i recommend you not go there. the basketball is in your court. whatcha gonna do zogster? if you choose to be 'uncivil' then i'll move on. i won't actually put you on iggy - i don't put anybody on official 'ignore' - but just like a few select posters here, i will just pass any of your replies right on by.

Too long. I said if Trump were pro trans girls vs bio girls in sports and Biden was against it then I would vote for him. The rest of your post is drivel. Be concise. Be relevant.

i call bullshit. i put you in yer place. & i'll be happy to pass on by next time.

CONcise enough?

I swear on my kids lives. Believe what you will. I am being sincere.

i am talking about you claiming that my reply was drivel & irrelevant when i took on & addressed every point YOU brought up & ... like i said...

put you in yer place.

that can't get any more relevant.

Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.

there was way more than that that YOU wrote & i answered every point.

lol ... the rest of your reply was too long & full of pablum.

ba bye.

I accept your surrender.
Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.

The biggest issue to you today is that there is a one in 100,000 chance you might encounter a Tranny on a sports team in a sport no one will care about in five years.

You see, I worry about more important things, like Covid, Riots, the collapsing economy... you know, all things Trump has fucked up.

Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.

The biggest issue to you today is that there is a one in 100,000 chance you might encounter a Tranny on a sports team in a sport no one will care about in five years.

You see, I worry about more important things, like Covid, Riots, the collapsing economy... you know, all things Trump has fucked up.

View attachment 404680

rolling back environmental laws to pre 1970...

eliminating & not replacing healthcare for 20 million people...
rolling back environmental laws to pre 1970...

eliminating & not replacing healthcare for 20 million people...

Now, Playtime, the biggest issue is that they might let a boy who thinks he's a girl run in a race. This could be the end of Western Civilization, according to Zoggie...
Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.

The biggest issue to you today is that there is a one in 100,000 chance you might encounter a Tranny on a sports team in a sport no one will care about in five years.

You see, I worry about more important things, like Covid, Riots, the collapsing economy... you know, all things Trump has fucked up.

View attachment 404680
COVID and riots will be around regardless of who is in the WH. You do you.
Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.

The biggest issue to you today is that there is a one in 100,000 chance you might encounter a Tranny on a sports team in a sport no one will care about in five years.

You see, I worry about more important things, like Covid, Riots, the collapsing economy... you know, all things Trump has fucked up.

View attachment 404680

rolling back environmental laws to pre 1970...

eliminating & not replacing healthcare for 20 million people...
Don’t care. I have healthcare. Environmental laws don’t impact me.
Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.

The biggest issue to you today is that there is a one in 100,000 chance you might encounter a Tranny on a sports team in a sport no one will care about in five years.

You see, I worry about more important things, like Covid, Riots, the collapsing economy... you know, all things Trump has fucked up.

View attachment 404680

rolling back environmental laws to pre 1970...

eliminating & not replacing healthcare for 20 million people...
Don’t care. I have healthcare. Environmental laws don’t impact me.

ya, we are all familiar with your lack of empathy as well. them thar environmental laws sure do affect you. the air you breathe, the water you drink & the food you eat.

i'm just astounded that you don't care enough about your kids & future grand kids.

35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

  • Before President Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970, water and air pollution weren't federally regulated.
  • Between 1971 and 1977, the EPA enlisted 100 photographers to document the conditions of the country and the environment with "The Documerica Project."
  • The result was 81,000 photos, often filled with smoke, smog, acid, oil, rubbish, and sewage. We've selected 35 of those photos to show what American cities used to look like.
35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

& donny, your president - put us right back there.
Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.

The biggest issue to you today is that there is a one in 100,000 chance you might encounter a Tranny on a sports team in a sport no one will care about in five years.

You see, I worry about more important things, like Covid, Riots, the collapsing economy... you know, all things Trump has fucked up.

View attachment 404680

rolling back environmental laws to pre 1970...

eliminating & not replacing healthcare for 20 million people...
Don’t care. I have healthcare. Environmental laws don’t impact me.

ya, we are all familiar with your lack of empathy as well. them thar environmental laws sure do affect you. the air you breathe, the water you drink & the food you eat.

i'm just astounded that you don't care enough about your kids & future grand kids.

35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

  • Before President Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970, water and air pollution weren't federally regulated.
  • Between 1971 and 1977, the EPA enlisted 100 photographers to document the conditions of the country and the environment with "The Documerica Project."
  • The result was 81,000 photos, often filled with smoke, smog, acid, oil, rubbish, and sewage. We've selected 35 of those photos to show what American cities used to look like.
35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

& donny, your president - put us right back there.
Nope. Zero impact on me. Don't care about cities. I care about Azog, Mrs. Azog, Azog kids and Azog dog.

Rest of you are irrelevant to me.
Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.

The biggest issue to you today is that there is a one in 100,000 chance you might encounter a Tranny on a sports team in a sport no one will care about in five years.

You see, I worry about more important things, like Covid, Riots, the collapsing economy... you know, all things Trump has fucked up.

View attachment 404680

rolling back environmental laws to pre 1970...

eliminating & not replacing healthcare for 20 million people...
Don’t care. I have healthcare. Environmental laws don’t impact me.

ya, we are all familiar with your lack of empathy as well. them thar environmental laws sure do affect you. the air you breathe, the water you drink & the food you eat.

i'm just astounded that you don't care enough about your kids & future grand kids.

35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

  • Before President Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970, water and air pollution weren't federally regulated.
  • Between 1971 and 1977, the EPA enlisted 100 photographers to document the conditions of the country and the environment with "The Documerica Project."
  • The result was 81,000 photos, often filled with smoke, smog, acid, oil, rubbish, and sewage. We've selected 35 of those photos to show what American cities used to look like.
35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

& donny, your president - put us right back there.
Nope. Zero impact on me. Don't care about cities. I care about Azog, Mrs. Azog, Azog kids and Azog dog.

Rest of you are irrelevant to me.

lol - which makes you the poster boy for donny's base.
Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.

The biggest issue to you today is that there is a one in 100,000 chance you might encounter a Tranny on a sports team in a sport no one will care about in five years.

You see, I worry about more important things, like Covid, Riots, the collapsing economy... you know, all things Trump has fucked up.

View attachment 404680

rolling back environmental laws to pre 1970...

eliminating & not replacing healthcare for 20 million people...
Don’t care. I have healthcare. Environmental laws don’t impact me.

ya, we are all familiar with your lack of empathy as well. them thar environmental laws sure do affect you. the air you breathe, the water you drink & the food you eat.

i'm just astounded that you don't care enough about your kids & future grand kids.

35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

  • Before President Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970, water and air pollution weren't federally regulated.
  • Between 1971 and 1977, the EPA enlisted 100 photographers to document the conditions of the country and the environment with "The Documerica Project."
  • The result was 81,000 photos, often filled with smoke, smog, acid, oil, rubbish, and sewage. We've selected 35 of those photos to show what American cities used to look like.
35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

& donny, your president - put us right back there.
Nope. Zero impact on me. Don't care about cities. I care about Azog, Mrs. Azog, Azog kids and Azog dog.

Rest of you are irrelevant to me.

lol - which makes you the poster boy for donny's base.
Hey, I can be honest or I can lie to you. What do you prefer? Its less about base and more about which candidate does more for my selfish needs. Azog dog is more important to me than playtime for example.
Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.

The biggest issue to you today is that there is a one in 100,000 chance you might encounter a Tranny on a sports team in a sport no one will care about in five years.

You see, I worry about more important things, like Covid, Riots, the collapsing economy... you know, all things Trump has fucked up.

View attachment 404680

rolling back environmental laws to pre 1970...

eliminating & not replacing healthcare for 20 million people...
Don’t care. I have healthcare. Environmental laws don’t impact me.

ya, we are all familiar with your lack of empathy as well. them thar environmental laws sure do affect you. the air you breathe, the water you drink & the food you eat.

i'm just astounded that you don't care enough about your kids & future grand kids.

35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

  • Before President Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970, water and air pollution weren't federally regulated.
  • Between 1971 and 1977, the EPA enlisted 100 photographers to document the conditions of the country and the environment with "The Documerica Project."
  • The result was 81,000 photos, often filled with smoke, smog, acid, oil, rubbish, and sewage. We've selected 35 of those photos to show what American cities used to look like.
35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

& donny, your president - put us right back there.
Nope. Zero impact on me. Don't care about cities. I care about Azog, Mrs. Azog, Azog kids and Azog dog.

Rest of you are irrelevant to me.

lol - which makes you the poster boy for donny's base.
Hey, I can be honest or I can lie to you. What do you prefer? Its less about base and more about which candidate does more for my selfish needs. Azog dog is more important to me than playtime for example.

<pfffft> had you lied - i wouldn't have believed it anyways.
Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.

The biggest issue to you today is that there is a one in 100,000 chance you might encounter a Tranny on a sports team in a sport no one will care about in five years.

You see, I worry about more important things, like Covid, Riots, the collapsing economy... you know, all things Trump has fucked up.

View attachment 404680

rolling back environmental laws to pre 1970...

eliminating & not replacing healthcare for 20 million people...
Don’t care. I have healthcare. Environmental laws don’t impact me.

ya, we are all familiar with your lack of empathy as well. them thar environmental laws sure do affect you. the air you breathe, the water you drink & the food you eat.

i'm just astounded that you don't care enough about your kids & future grand kids.

35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

  • Before President Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970, water and air pollution weren't federally regulated.
  • Between 1971 and 1977, the EPA enlisted 100 photographers to document the conditions of the country and the environment with "The Documerica Project."
  • The result was 81,000 photos, often filled with smoke, smog, acid, oil, rubbish, and sewage. We've selected 35 of those photos to show what American cities used to look like.
35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

& donny, your president - put us right back there.
Nope. Zero impact on me. Don't care about cities. I care about Azog, Mrs. Azog, Azog kids and Azog dog.

Rest of you are irrelevant to me.

lol - which makes you the poster boy for donny's base.
Hey, I can be honest or I can lie to you. What do you prefer? Its less about base and more about which candidate does more for my selfish needs. Azog dog is more important to me than playtime for example.

<pfffft> had you lied - i wouldn't have believed it anyways.
Well you lied so I don't take you seriously anymore. Tell me again about how you're an "indy"? Come on man. You're a liar.
Admit have no understanding of the transgender situation, so wont address that. Because I am really old think I have enough information to talk about problems with both the Gays & Blacks When people have to hide who they are, or have to stay invisible as much as possible because the general population will treat you very harshly if you don't. When at last you receive a measure of equality, its a normal human reaction to both celebrate & push for more. It takes a lot of time for the general population to adjust. for those who live in more insolated parts of the country its harder & takes longer .
You will get to pay for the free health care of illegals as America takes it up to ass and all that is true beautiful and great fades.
Again. If Trump supported trans girls playing sports vs biological girls and Biden didn’t I would vote for Biden. That is the biggest issue impacting me. Not sure how that means you put me in my place but whatever helps you and your dentures sleep at night..

At least you learned what the word “let” means.

The biggest issue to you today is that there is a one in 100,000 chance you might encounter a Tranny on a sports team in a sport no one will care about in five years.

You see, I worry about more important things, like Covid, Riots, the collapsing economy... you know, all things Trump has fucked up.

View attachment 404680

rolling back environmental laws to pre 1970...

eliminating & not replacing healthcare for 20 million people...
Don’t care. I have healthcare. Environmental laws don’t impact me.

ya, we are all familiar with your lack of empathy as well. them thar environmental laws sure do affect you. the air you breathe, the water you drink & the food you eat.

i'm just astounded that you don't care enough about your kids & future grand kids.

35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

  • Before President Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970, water and air pollution weren't federally regulated.
  • Between 1971 and 1977, the EPA enlisted 100 photographers to document the conditions of the country and the environment with "The Documerica Project."
  • The result was 81,000 photos, often filled with smoke, smog, acid, oil, rubbish, and sewage. We've selected 35 of those photos to show what American cities used to look like.
35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

& donny, your president - put us right back there.
Nope. Zero impact on me. Don't care about cities. I care about Azog, Mrs. Azog, Azog kids and Azog dog.

Rest of you are irrelevant to me.

lol - which makes you the poster boy for donny's base.
Hey, I can be honest or I can lie to you. What do you prefer? Its less about base and more about which candidate does more for my selfish needs. Azog dog is more important to me than playtime for example.

<pfffft> had you lied - i wouldn't have believed it anyways.
Well you lied so I don't take you seriously anymore. Tell me again about how you're an "indy"? Come on man. You're a liar.

nope i did not. but that's one huuuuge pretzel you had to twist yerself into believing it. guess you let yerself.

pity. if you think i care whether you take me seriously, then as par for the course - you are sadly mistaken. it's just easier to be civil & you seem to backslide quite frequently. it does get tiresome, & i'm ready to bail. for the most part - you bring very little to the table worth debating. you revert back to the basket so easily...


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