Democrat Platform?

They are prolonging the mandates for a pandemic that is already showing signs of petering out. Do you have trouble with comprehension or something?
Post a link to Democrats prolonging mandates.
Biden is trying to mandate shots. It goes before SCOTUS. Democrat States still have mask mandates and are shutting down schools and I didn't mention 'dastardly'...YOU did. Calling me a liar does 0 to promote your opinion.
“OSHA has never before mandated vaccines or widespread testing, much less across all industries,” he said. “A single federal agency tasked with occupational standards cannot commandeer businesses economy-wide into becoming de facto public health agencies.”
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Post a link to Democrats prolonging mandates.
"Lurking among the jubilant Americans venturing back out to bars and planning their summer-wedding travel is a different group: liberals who aren’t quite ready to let go of pandemic restrictions. For this subset, diligence against COVID-19 remains an expression of political identity—even when that means overestimating the disease’s risks or setting limits far more strict than what public-health guidelines permit. In surveys, Democrats express more worry about the pandemic than Republicans do."
Plus, the radical leftists (including Biden ) enjoy controlling the People and the power they have over citizens so they prolong the COVID pandemic hysteria declaring that they are somehow righteous when science says the virus is waning.
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"Lurking among the jubilant Americans venturing back out to bars and planning their summer-wedding travel is a different group: liberals who aren’t quite ready to let go of pandemic restrictions. For this subset, diligence against COVID-19 remains an expression of political identity—even when that means overestimating the disease’s risks or setting limits far more strict than what public-health guidelines permit. In surveys, Democrats express more worry about the pandemic than Republicans do."
Plus, the radical leftists (including Biden ) enjoy controlling the People and the power they have over citizens so they prolong the COVID pandemic hysteria declaring that they are somehow righteous when science says the virus is waning. MAY of 2021...liberals didn't think schools should be reopened?

That's back when what...60,000 people had died?

How many now...800,000? MAY of 2021...liberals didn't think schools should be reopened?

That's back when what...60,000 people had died?

How many now...800,000?
No one knows how many because of false reporting yet, democrats keep beating the same drum spreading fear and uncertainty throughout their totally controlled MSM. Just Google anything having to do with COVID and you'll get the same fake stories using almost the same verbiage as they just copy the Democrat talking points and fake stats. Here is some alternate information.......

Inflated Reporting Of COVID Deaths Is A Real Conspiracy | Citizens Journal
In the early months of 2020, many mainstream news media laughingly called concerns that there were more deaths reported from COVID than could be attributed to the disease a “death toll conspiracy”1 they said was led by conservative Republicans and “anti-vaxxers.”2 Yet, a few short months later, data confirm what many already knew: The number of people who died “from” COVID-19 were not the same as those who died “with” COVID-19.

Although the governor denied the allegation, internal emails revealed in May 2020 that the Department of Health was counting deaths in their official COVID numbers that were not directly due to the virus.5 The high death count with COVID-19 was supported by the shameless way in which experts manipulated the PCR test they used to confirm the presence of the virus.

But what authorities found was that 22% of the deaths recorded from COVID could not be attributed to the virus.6

According to Olszewski, patients who tested negative were routinely listed as positive and quickly placed on ventilators, a largely inappropriate treatment that ended up killing virtually all of them.

As reported in the Washington Examiner,9 hospitals have had a financial incentive to inflate coronavirus death, just as they do with deaths in other diseases. In response to a question before a House panel committee asked by Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Mo., about potential “perverse incentives” that hospitals might have to alter death certificates, Redfield said:1

IOW the Democrats keep promoting their fake pandemic in order to control people and, most importantly, to keep US from expressing our Constitutional freedoms and rights and to keep from turning over the reins of power to We The People.
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No one knows how many because of false reporting yet, democrats keep beating the same drum spreading fear and uncertainty throughout their totally controlled MSM. Just Google anything having to do with COVID and you'll get the same fake stories using almost the same verbiage as they just copy the Democrat talking points and fake stats. Here is some alternate information.......

Inflated Reporting Of COVID Deaths Is A Real Conspiracy | Citizens Journal
In the early months of 2020, many mainstream news media laughingly called concerns that there were more deaths reported from COVID than could be attributed to the disease a “death toll conspiracy”1 they said was led by conservative Republicans and “anti-vaxxers.”2 Yet, a few short months later, data confirm what many already knew: The number of people who died “from” COVID-19 were not the same as those who died “with” COVID-19.

Although the governor denied the allegation, internal emails revealed in May 2020 that the Department of Health was counting deaths in their official COVID numbers that were not directly due to the virus.5 The high death count with COVID-19 was supported by the shameless way in which experts manipulated the PCR test they used to confirm the presence of the virus.

But what authorities found was that 22% of the deaths recorded from COVID could not be attributed to the virus.6

According to Olszewski, patients who tested negative were routinely listed as positive and quickly placed on ventilators, a largely inappropriate treatment that ended up killing virtually all of them.

As reported in the Washington Examiner,9 hospitals have had a financial incentive to inflate coronavirus death, just as they do with deaths in other diseases. In response to a question before a House panel committee asked by Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Mo., about potential “perverse incentives” that hospitals might have to alter death certificates, Redfield said:1

IOW the Democrats keep promoting their fake pandemic in order to control people and, most importantly, to keep US from expressing our Constitutional freedoms and rights and to keep from turning over the reins of power to We The People.
Nutblog sites dispute the death count?

That's been shown to be bullshit long ago by excess death statistics
Nutblog sites dispute the death count?

That's been shown to be bullshit long ago by excess death statistics
So, you have nothing, as usual. The 'excess death stats' were the result of over counting. You didn't read what I gave you, you just regurgitated the same Democrat-MSM talking points. The article I gave you had many sourced references and you choose to completely ignore any information that disagrees with your media created fantasy.
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