Democrat policies of attacking the police, freeing criminals and treating the criminals better than victims was done before, it led to a blood bath


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This column points out that the democrat party policies of attacking the police, freeing criminals, and treating violent killers and rapists better than the victims of those killers and rapists was tried before.....and it led to a blood bath.......this is one of the reasons the democrat party wants to destroy history...because all of their mistakes have been tried before and failed....

That framework should be familiar to anybody who lived through the decades following World War II, when rehabilitationist thinking was the consensus among academics, policymakers, and the public. "If in 1960 one had been asked what steps society might take to prevent a sharp increase in the crime rate," the influential criminologist James Q. Wilson wrote, the popular answer would be "reducing poverty, increasing educational attainment, eliminating dilapidated housing, encouraging community organization, and providing troubled or delinquent youth with counseling services."

This mindset drove policy changes. Prisons shrunk and police were treated with suspicion. The incarceration rate declined between 1961 and 1976, and as late as 1981, murderers served an average of just five years. Rapists got 3.4. President Lyndon Johnson's Kerner Commission derided the cops as a symbol of "white power, white racism, and white repression," and the Warren Court shackled them at every turn.

The results rolled in. Between 1960 and 1991, the violent crime rate rose 370 percent. There were more than 20,000 homicides a year for much of the '80s and '90s; at its peak, New York City alone saw over 2,600 murders annually. The weight of this violence fell disproportionately on poor and black Americans, the same groups jailbreak liberalism meant to help.

A change in governing philosophy saved America from the crime wave. More violent offenders were sent away for longer sentences; more police funding and better tactics helped to clean up streets, famously transforming New York City's Times Square.

Proponents of criminal justice reform routinely omit these facts because the reality undercuts their narrative. Jailbreak liberalism was meant to end crime but instead prompted a wave of violence.

This column points out that the democrat party policies of attacking the police, freeing criminals, and treating violent killers and rapists better than the victims of those killers and rapists was tried before.....and it led to a blood bath.......this is one of the reasons the democrat party wants to destroy history...because all of their mistakes have been tried before and failed....

That framework should be familiar to anybody who lived through the decades following World War II, when rehabilitationist thinking was the consensus among academics, policymakers, and the public. "If in 1960 one had been asked what steps society might take to prevent a sharp increase in the crime rate," the influential criminologist James Q. Wilson wrote, the popular answer would be "reducing poverty, increasing educational attainment, eliminating dilapidated housing, encouraging community organization, and providing troubled or delinquent youth with counseling services."

This mindset drove policy changes. Prisons shrunk and police were treated with suspicion. The incarceration rate declined between 1961 and 1976, and as late as 1981, murderers served an average of just five years. Rapists got 3.4. President Lyndon Johnson's Kerner Commission derided the cops as a symbol of "white power, white racism, and white repression," and the Warren Court shackled them at every turn.

The results rolled in. Between 1960 and 1991, the violent crime rate rose 370 percent. There were more than 20,000 homicides a year for much of the '80s and '90s; at its peak, New York City alone saw over 2,600 murders annually. The weight of this violence fell disproportionately on poor and black Americans, the same groups jailbreak liberalism meant to help.

A change in governing philosophy saved America from the crime wave. More violent offenders were sent away for longer sentences; more police funding and better tactics helped to clean up streets, famously transforming New York City's Times Square.

Proponents of criminal justice reform routinely omit these facts because the reality undercuts their narrative. Jailbreak liberalism was meant to end crime but instead prompted a wave of violence.

2aguy, EXCELLENT!!! I REALLY appreciate WELL INFORMED factual posts like this one you have posted. You are either into Historical Sociology(my first guess), U.S. History or history in general. You pack a lot of to the point info into a small space. I believe this post of yours to be the best post I have read so far on the U.S. Message Board for sure. Keep em' coming for 2aguy speakum truth!
This column points out that the democrat party policies of attacking the police, freeing criminals, and treating violent killers and rapists better than the victims of those killers and rapists was tried before.....and it led to a blood bath.......this is one of the reasons the democrat party wants to destroy history...because all of their mistakes have been tried before and failed....

That framework should be familiar to anybody who lived through the decades following World War II, when rehabilitationist thinking was the consensus among academics, policymakers, and the public. "If in 1960 one had been asked what steps society might take to prevent a sharp increase in the crime rate," the influential criminologist James Q. Wilson wrote, the popular answer would be "reducing poverty, increasing educational attainment, eliminating dilapidated housing, encouraging community organization, and providing troubled or delinquent youth with counseling services."

This mindset drove policy changes. Prisons shrunk and police were treated with suspicion. The incarceration rate declined between 1961 and 1976, and as late as 1981, murderers served an average of just five years. Rapists got 3.4. President Lyndon Johnson's Kerner Commission derided the cops as a symbol of "white power, white racism, and white repression," and the Warren Court shackled them at every turn.

The results rolled in. Between 1960 and 1991, the violent crime rate rose 370 percent. There were more than 20,000 homicides a year for much of the '80s and '90s; at its peak, New York City alone saw over 2,600 murders annually. The weight of this violence fell disproportionately on poor and black Americans, the same groups jailbreak liberalism meant to help.

A change in governing philosophy saved America from the crime wave. More violent offenders were sent away for longer sentences; more police funding and better tactics helped to clean up streets, famously transforming New York City's Times Square.

Proponents of criminal justice reform routinely omit these facts because the reality undercuts their narrative. Jailbreak liberalism was meant to end crime but instead prompted a wave of violence.

No doubt about it, Democrats want more criminals and dead law enforcement officers. Oh, and icing on the cake is the fucking retarded idea of reparations.

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