Democrat Poll Workers Telling Republican Voters They Can't Register There Votes Till Sometime Later(Who Knows When)Because Of Busted Dominion Machines

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

So let me get this straight.....the poll-workers in GOP districts in Georgia can't count Republican votes today?
Well.....that seems to be the issue here.

My guess is they're trying to call the election for the Democrats to suppress the GOP vote even before most of the Republican votes are counted.
Not to mention the fact that poll-watchers have to be there when they actually decide to count those ballots.
I guess Democrats are just gonna dump em in the trash.

Stop the Steal Again.
You are like several hours late... this is okay for you?

Georgia radio host John Fredricks said several voters in Republican precincts called his show Tuesday morning and told him that they were unable to cast their votes in the state’s runoff election due to malfunctions by Dominion machines. The callers said workers at the polls told them to put their ballots in a box, telling them their ballots would be scanned later.
Fredericks spoke about the problems reported by voters during an appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic.
Gabriel Sterling announced a problem in Columbia County, “Some issues in Columbia Co. There was a programming error on security keys for some locations scanners & pollworker cards. Voting continues on backup emergency ballots. Newly programmed keys&cards are being taken to locations via law enforcement.”
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First hand claim posted to Twitter by a voter in the city of Covington in Newton County, “Just voted in Newton County Georgia. Heavy republican district.. When I went to place my printed ballot into the dominion machine, the poll worked said the scanner was broken and someone was coming to fix it, I placed it in the machine slot but not in the scanner.

So let me get this straight.....the poll-workers in GOP districts in Georgia can't count Republican votes today?
Well.....that seems to be the issue here.

My guess is they're trying to call the election for the Democrats to suppress the GOP vote even before most of the Republican votes are counted.
Not to mention the fact that poll-watchers have to be there when they actually decide to count those ballots.
I guess Democrats are just gonna dump em in the trash.

Stop the Steal Again.

I heard they are only telling registered republicans that the machines are not working, but they are letting democrats vote. I saw this on twitter and I don't see any reason to doubt it or verify it, because I know it's true.
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