Democrat presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, has no problem with taking 90% of your income

Bernie is a loon who's campaign's sole purpose is to make Hillary appear centrist and same.

Of course, you are wrong again, but if you don't like him then you don't have to vote for him. You can have your choice of any one of the crazies in your clown car.
At least Repubicans have a choice. You fools are being force fed Hillary. Sadly she is the best the Democrats have. You fools can't fill a sardine can with your bench......
Because they know their base. they know they will file in a single line like sheep, and pull that lever for her. how sad is that. sheesh
The righties want to pay down the debt. But they don't want to pay taxes. Or even have the .1% , people they will never know, pay their fair share.

We're giving tax breaks to rich corporations and wealthy speculators and spending obscene amounts of money on war. How long can this go on before we go under?

Once more for the permanently dense:
The top 10% of America's earners pay 68% of all personal federal income taxes.
How much would satisfy you? 78%? 88%? 108%?
BTW, the bottom 50% of Americans pay no personal federal income tax. Zippo. Zilch. Nada. No skin in the game. Free ride.

Well then get your GOP politicians to run on raising taxes on the poor and cutting taxes on the Rich.

It's not my party and we can keep the tax structure as it is for now but we must cut SPENDING. The point remains that all your loony leftist whining about the rich not paying their fair share is just class warfare BS.
Gotta love The Great Liberal Dilemma!

If (fat chance Hillary and Crazy Old Uncle Bernie are on the ballot will they be true to their Socialist creed and vote Sanders? Or would they rather see their party have a chance --- no matter how slight?
Talk about inequality. The government has it all while you're at their mercy under his ideas.

Bernie Sanders A 90 tax rate sounds fine to me Hot Air

You mean like they did during the Eisenhower administration, when we created one of the greatest infrastructure programs of our history and entered into a period of unprecedented prosperity. What a horrible idea.

The U.S. was a Creditor Nation back Then, not a Debtor Nation. Big Difference.

We were a cred nation because we were the only fully functional industrialized nation on the planet. In order to rebuild everyone needed to buy (on credit) from the US.

Germany ... 1945

Japan ... 1945
The righties want to pay down the debt. But they don't want to pay taxes. Or even have the .1% , people they will never know, pay their fair share.

We're giving tax breaks to rich corporations and wealthy speculators and spending obscene amounts of money on war. How long can this go on before we go under?

Once more for the permanently dense:
The top 10% of America's earners pay 68% of personal federal income taxes.
How much would satisfy you? 78%? 88%? 108%?
BTW, the bottom 50% of Americans pay no personal federal income tax. Zippo. Zilch. Nada. No skin in the game. Free ride.

And which would you prefer to be! And which would each of the bottom 50% want to be? And how many of the top 10% are willing take the place of those in the bottom 50%?

You're once again parroting of the right wing hackneyed meme which does take into account reality. I bet you really believe the 10% actually are the source of job creation. Here's the truth, we are a society whose economy is driven by consumers.

All you loony lefties are pathetic weasels and the point remains that the rich are already carrying 68% of our personal federal income tax load. What would satisfy you? 78%? 88%? 108%?
America is an industrial nation and jobs are created by those who invest their time, talent and treasure to build, nurture and grow our businesses. You must actually believe the bottom 50% of America's earners are the source of job creation.
Because they know their base. they know they will file in a single line like sheep, and pull that lever for her. how sad is that. sheesh

Tigerred59 authored a thread in which she lamented the carnage in our black communities. When it was pointed out that pandering Dem policies were in large part responsible for it she emphatically said she could not and would not ever vote for a Repub. A willing single-file sheeple.
They already have the means and ability to hide their money.
What F*cking rock did you just crawl out from under?

Wheee! He's talking about Billionaires! Whee!!!!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Billionaires will just hide their money stupid ass.

Ask bill gates where he hides his money. Private prisons where he gets Microsoft products made for free with no taxes.
All you loony lefties are pathetic weasels and the point remains that the rich are already carrying 68% of our personal federal income tax load. What would satisfy you? 78%? 88%? 108%?

You didn't mention that those abused rich folk paying 68% of the personal tax load are making 85% of the nation's personal income. Why are they not paying their 85%?

Why is the tax rate for stock speculators only 15%?

Why are ceo's allowed the deferred income scam?

Why does the 130 year old oil industry still get tax breaks?

All because our tax code has slanted so far to the wealthy that we can't take care of our infrastructure. Sanders want's to fix that. Haven't heard of any Republican with any good ideas in that direction.
All you loony lefties are pathetic weasels and the point remains that the rich are already carrying 68% of our personal federal income tax load. What would satisfy you? 78%? 88%? 108%?

You didn't mention that those abused rich folk paying 68% of the personal tax load are making 85% of the nation's personal income. Why are they not paying their 85%?

Why is the tax rate for stock speculators only 15%?

Why are ceo's allowed the deferred income scam?

Why does the 130 year old oil industry still get tax breaks?

All because our tax code has slanted so far to the wealthy that we can't take care of our infrastructure. Sanders want's to fix that. Haven't heard of any Republican with any good ideas in that direction.

You have it wrong.

Sanders wants to raise more money for the filthy government and like all greedy envious socialists he wants to punish those that are successful. He want to use the tax code to further his despicable big government agenda and stick it to anybody that makes more money than himself.

By the way if you want the price of gasoline to shoot up at the pump then take away the tax deduction for oil exploration as a legitimate business expense. That will add at least a dollar or two to the price of a gallon of gas. I hope you are prepared to pay that. That winds up be an indirect tax on a lot of people that work for a living not to mention driving up the cost of goods and services for everybody. Libtards never think these things out very well, do they?

As far as a better way it is simple. Stop the filthy ass government from spending so much money and then taxes for all of us will be lower and the economy will boom. It is not rocket science.

Socialists don't want to hear about less government and fewer taxes. All they want to hear about is how they can tax more money away from those that earn more than themselves. That is the greedy Left way.
The righties want to pay down the debt. But they don't want to pay taxes. Or even have the .1% , people they will never know, pay their fair share.

We're giving tax breaks to rich corporations and wealthy speculators and spending obscene amounts of money on war. How long can this go on before we go under?

Once more for the permanently dense:
The top 10% of America's earners pay 68% of personal federal income taxes.
How much would satisfy you? 78%? 88%? 108%?
BTW, the bottom 50% of Americans pay no personal federal income tax. Zippo. Zilch. Nada. No skin in the game. Free ride.

And which would you prefer to be! And which would each of the bottom 50% want to be? And how many of the top 10% are willing take the place of those in the bottom 50%?

You're once again parroting of the right wing hackneyed meme which does take into account reality. I bet you really believe the 10% actually are the source of job creation. Here's the truth, we are a society whose economy is driven by consumers.

Ooops, pleae change the last phrase of the first sentence in the second paragraph to "does not take into account reality".
The righties want to pay down the debt. But they don't want to pay taxes. Or even have the .1% , people they will never know, pay their fair share.

We're giving tax breaks to rich corporations and wealthy speculators and spending obscene amounts of money on war. How long can this go on before we go under?

Once more for the permanently dense:
The top 10% of America's earners pay 68% of personal federal income taxes.
How much would satisfy you? 78%? 88%? 108%?
BTW, the bottom 50% of Americans pay no personal federal income tax. Zippo. Zilch. Nada. No skin in the game. Free ride.

And which would you prefer to be! And which would each of the bottom 50% want to be? And how many of the top 10% are willing take the place of those in the bottom 50%?

You're once again parroting of the right wing hackneyed meme which does take into account reality. I bet you really believe the 10% actually are the source of job creation. Here's the truth, we are a society whose economy is driven by consumers.

All you loony lefties are pathetic weasels and the point remains that the rich are already carrying 68% of our personal federal income tax load. What would satisfy you? 78%? 88%? 108%?
America is an industrial nation and jobs are created by those who invest their time, talent and treasure to build, nurture and grow our businesses. You must actually believe the bottom 50% of America's earners are the source of job creation.

Tell us oh wise one, who do the great and wonderful growers of business cater to? Each other? The people in Asia, Africa and Antarctica? Or to you, me and the postman?

And BTW, how much more income tax would the great OZ's pay if they had not lobbied for tax breaks, been given corporate welfare and moved production (or simply their mailing address to the Cayman Islands) overseas putting their profits into foreign banks and stock markets?

Corporations are not people, but if they were they sure as hell aren't the type of Americans who put America first. Of course Romney was partially correct when he claimed "corporations are people too", it was people who polluted our water, air and soil because it was easy, profitable and if they got caught, the fine was less than if they had been responsible citizens and disposed of pollutants safely, and of course, none of them have ever gone to jail.
Bernie is a loon who's campaign's sole purpose is to make Hillary appear centrist and same.

Of course, you are wrong again, but if you don't like him then you don't have to vote for him. You can have your choice of any one of the crazies in your clown car.
At least Repubicans have a choice. You fools are being force fed Hillary. Sadly she is the best the Democrats have. You fools can't fill a sardine can with your bench......
Because they know their base. they know they will file in a single line like sheep, and pull that lever for her. how sad is that. sheesh

Not exactly how things happen, but I'm sure it is sad for you. Your side might get more votes if your politicians weren't so crazy.
All you loony lefties are pathetic weasels and the point remains that the rich are already carrying 68% of our personal federal income tax load. What would satisfy you? 78%? 88%? 108%?

You didn't mention that those abused rich folk paying 68% of the personal tax load are making 85% of the nation's personal income. Why are they not paying their 85%?

Because the top 10% does not earn 85% of America's income. In fact, the top 20% earns 49.98%, of all income in the US but pays over 80% of the personal federal income tax burden. If you are going to sell your pathetic class war the least you can do is try to refrain from LYING.
Thank you.
All you loony lefties are pathetic weasels and the point remains that the rich are already carrying 68% of our personal federal income tax load. What would satisfy you? 78%? 88%? 108%?

You didn't mention that those abused rich folk paying 68% of the personal tax load are making 85% of the nation's personal income. Why are they not paying their 85%?

Because the top 10% does not earn 85% of America's income. In fact, the top 20% earns 49.98%, of all income in the US but pays over 80% of the personal federal income tax burden. If you are going to sell your pathetic class war the least you can do is try to refrain from LYING.
Thank you.

In fact the top 10% doesn't earn income, they get their money from the labor of others and or moving other peoples money around.
Dem's drool over higher long as they are on the receiving end. If they have to pay the higher taxes they wale and throw a tantrum.
Dem's drool over higher long as they are on the receiving end. If they have to pay the higher taxes they wale and throw a tantrum.

I'm a registered Democrat and I suspect I paid more in Federal Taxes than you earned in 2014.
Nope. Giving back is what people do voluntarily. Democrats promote confiscation of private wealth and pissing it away. You know ... cooking and eating the goose that laid the golden eggs:
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

Giving back is a responsibility and the right thing to do.

I couldn't have gotten where I am today without employees. They make me all of my money, so I give back by much higher than average wages and much higher than average benefits.

It's the values and efforts of those that you support allows me to pay zero federal tax. Thanks for your support!

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