Democrat presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, has no problem with taking 90% of your income

The righties want to pay down the debt. But they don't want to pay taxes. Or even have the .1% , people they will never know, pay their fair share.

We're giving tax breaks to rich corporations and wealthy speculators and spending obscene amounts of money on war. How long can this go on before we go under?
The righties want to pay down the debt. But they don't want to pay taxes. Or even have the .1% , people they will never know, pay their fair share.

We're giving tax breaks to rich corporations and wealthy speculators and spending obscene amounts of money on war. How long can this go on before we go under?
Stop being such a whiney jealous bitch

The numbers are the numbers. You can't get away from them. If you want to pay down the debt, you have to raise taxes.

No you reduce spending.

If you want infrastructure repaired, you have to raise taxes. You can't do this by cutting costs because the vast majority of the costs can't be cut.

We spend more money on "infrastructure than we ever have before. We collect tons of roadbuilding money through the highway taxes that we all pay when we buy a gallon of gas. The Federal government is notorious about not spending the money wisely. We could save a ton of money by not contracting work requiring Davis Bacon wages.

Not unless you want to toss millions of retirees out on the street. We tried trickle down, it failed. We tried tax cuts, they failed. We tried sequestration, it failed. When we increased the tax rate to 90%, it made businesses reinvest in their business rather than horde money and pay huge salaries to executives, and that succeeded. I have to go with what works.

Retirees pay into the SS fund but the government spent the money on other shit and added in a welfare scheme with disability so don't complain to me if the program falls apart as we know it will.

Taking money away from the people that earned it and using it to support a big bloated out of control welfare economy does noting to stimulate the economy and it hurts the economy by taking money out of investments.

This unbelievable stupid Liberal idea that it is better for the government to have the money that you earn rather than you having it yourself is one of the most demented and convoluted ideas the idiotic Liberals have ever come up with. I am much better at determining how to spend the money I earn rather than some corrupt bureaucrat elected by special groups.

Wanting to tax the rich is nothing more than sorry ass greed from dickheads. It is morally wrong to use the government to steal money not to mention destroying the economy. Funny thing. this idea to "tax the rich" always seems to filter down to all of us sooner or later. For instance, this prick Obama promised not to tax anybody making less than $250K a year but he blew that big time, didn't he?

Why don't we take the 90% out of your salary? If it is right to steal it from somebody else then it is just as right to take your money. Any justification you have for taking it from others also applies to you.

If you think the government needs more money then send it to them. Leave me out of it. I sure as hell don't want to give any more money to the government than it needs to do the minimal government functions and I sure as hell don't want to be a party in stealing it from others.

As long as modern Dem's hold office we will never pay down the debt

You are of course correct but if Bush and the six years of Republican government is any measurement neither are the Republicans.

This highly vaulted Republican Congress that was elected in 2012 is doing nothing to defund Obama's bloated spending.

Democrats promise bad government and delivers bad government.

Republicans promise good government but delivers bad government the same as the Democrats.
It's not possible that Republicans are so stupid and lame they believe this stuff, right? Can they be that stupid?
Bernie like other Democrats believe that no matter how much you earn, it is not your money.
The man is nothing but a socialist, and if he doesn't like the the system in the US, he is more that free to leave to a country more to his liking, say Cuba for instance.

Not in the least. Democrats are promoting giving back, something that un-American sociopaths like you can't fathom.

You promote taking what isn't yours, asshole.
Talk about inequality. The government has it all while you're at their mercy under his ideas.

Bernie Sanders A 90 tax rate sounds fine to me Hot Air

You mean like they did during the Eisenhower administration, when we created one of the greatest infrastructure programs of our history and entered into a period of unprecedented prosperity. What a horrible idea.

Sorry the money would have to be spent to pay down the debt,no new programs for you.
As long as modern Dem's hold office we will never pay down the debt

We had 4 budget surpluses under Clinton.

You know when the last one before that was? 1969, and that came about because of a tax surcharge that was imposed to pay for the Vietnam War.
It's not possible that Republicans are so stupid and lame they believe this stuff, right? Can they be that stupid?

I think that they honestly believe that back in the time of a 90% top rate,

a person making a million dollars a year actually only took home $100,000.
Bernie is a loon who's campaign's sole purpose is to make Hillary appear centrist and same.
Bernie is a loon who's campaign's sole purpose is to make Hillary appear centrist and same.

Of course, you are wrong again, but if you don't like him then you don't have to vote for him. You can have your choice of any one of the crazies in your clown car.
The righties want to pay down the debt. But they don't want to pay taxes. Or even have the .1% , people they will never know, pay their fair share.

We're giving tax breaks to rich corporations and wealthy speculators and spending obscene amounts of money on war. How long can this go on before we go under?
Stop being such a whiney jealous bitch

just another whiny leftwinger. the right blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa
Talk about inequality. The government has it all while you're at their mercy under his ideas.

Bernie Sanders A 90 tax rate sounds fine to me Hot Air

You mean like they did during the Eisenhower administration, when we created one of the greatest infrastructure programs of our history and entered into a period of unprecedented prosperity. What a horrible idea.

Sorry the money would have to be spent to pay down the debt,no new programs for you.
As long as modern Dem's hold office we will never pay down the debt

We taxpayers had to pay for your upkeep when you were in prison. That was very socialist of us, even though you added to the debt of we law abiding citizens, so kwityerbitchin.
Talk about inequality. The government has it all while you're at their mercy under his ideas.

Bernie Sanders A 90 tax rate sounds fine to me Hot Air

You mean like they did during the Eisenhower administration, when we created one of the greatest infrastructure programs of our history and entered into a period of unprecedented prosperity. What a horrible idea.

Sorry the money would have to be spent to pay down the debt,no new programs for you.
As long as modern Dem's hold office we will never pay down the debt

We taxpayers had to pay for your upkeep when you were in prison. That was very socialist of us, even though you added to the debt of we law abiding citizens, so kwityerbitchin.
We I guess shouldn't be surprised at you bringing that up. Make sure when you take your next trip through the ghetto that you remind all the real criminals of that.
Bernie would also limit all households to a 12 pack of toilet paper per month, just like they do in Russia/South America
Talk about inequality. The government has it all while you're at their mercy under his ideas.

Bernie Sanders A 90 tax rate sounds fine to me Hot Air

You mean like they did during the Eisenhower administration, when we created one of the greatest infrastructure programs of our history and entered into a period of unprecedented prosperity. What a horrible idea.

Sorry the money would have to be spent to pay down the debt,no new programs for you.
As long as modern Dem's hold office we will never pay down the debt

We taxpayers had to pay for your upkeep when you were in prison. That was very socialist of us, even though you added to the debt of we law abiding citizens, so kwityerbitchin.
You know the funny thing is I've more than paid my debt back.

1. I did all my time.
2. I fulfilled the conditions of my parole without being sent back.
3. I paid my restitution & it was substantial for someone who was dirt poor upon release.
4. Paid taxes
5. Created a profitable business
6. Employed others
7. Taught some enough that they now run their own business.
8. Raised two children without government help.
9. Give to charity regularly.

Now, do you jackasses that like to give me a hard time about my past give the same grief to your liberal voter base whom likes to riot, steal, burn, and live off of all of us?

No, didn't think so because you're both a hypocrite & too much of a coward to speak the truth from anywhere except behind your god damn computer.

Kiss my ass Scrub
Bernie is a loon who's campaign's sole purpose is to make Hillary appear centrist and same.

Of course, you are wrong again, but if you don't like him then you don't have to vote for him. You can have your choice of any one of the crazies in your clown car.
At least Repubicans have a choice. You fools are being force fed Hillary. Sadly she is the best the Democrats have. You fools can't fill a sardine can with your bench......
The guy is a kook

He also said we don't need to have a choice between 20 different types of deodorant when people are going hungry. I guess he doesn't understand how companies employ people and pay taxes, which helps people survive.

The guy is a raging commie.
You know the funny thing is I've more than paid my debt back.

1. I did all my time.
2. I fulfilled the conditions of my parole without being sent back.
3. I paid my restitution & it was substantial for someone who was dirt poor upon release.
4. Paid taxes
5. Created a profitable business
6. Employed others
7. Taught some enough that they now run their own business.
8. Raised two children without government help.
9. Give to charity regularly.

Now, do you jackasses that like to give me a hard time about my past give the same grief to your liberal voter base whom likes to riot, steal, burn, and live off of all of us?

No, didn't think so because you're both a hypocrite & too much of a coward to speak the truth from anywhere except behind your god damn computer.

Kiss my ass Scrub

The liberals in Baltimore want tax payers to pay for the damage done by those who were given space to destroy. The mayor and governor said they can use their rainy day funds to pay the $20 million spent on police gear and clean up of the city, but they want the tax payers to reimburse them 75%.

I don't mind taxes going for jail. People need to pay their debt and we are obligated to provide them with basics. In Baltimore's case, I would be happy to donate even more so those rioters can pay their debt to society, but I don't approve of FEMA money going to clean up after the riots.
Not in the least. Democrats are promoting giving back, something that un-American sociopaths like you can't fathom.

Nope. Giving back is what people do voluntarily. Democrats promote confiscation of private wealth and pissing it away. You know ... cooking and eating the goose that laid the golden eggs:
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

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