Democrat presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, has no problem with taking 90% of your income

The righties want to pay down the debt. But they don't want to pay taxes. Or even have the .1% , people they will never know, pay their fair share.

We're giving tax breaks to rich corporations and wealthy speculators and spending obscene amounts of money on war. How long can this go on before we go under?

Once more for the permanently dense:
The top 10% of America's earners pay 68% of personal federal income taxes.
How much would satisfy you? 78%? 88%? 108%?
BTW, the bottom 50% of Americans pay no personal federal income tax. Zippo. Zilch. Nada. No skin in the game. Free ride.
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You mean like they did during the Eisenhower administration, when we created one of the greatest infrastructure programs of our history and entered into a period of unprecedented prosperity. What a horrible idea.

I just love when Marxists bring up the 80% income tax rates of the 1950s as "proof" that high taxes result in prosperity. It shows how ignorant and uneducated you are when it comes to economics.
Bernie like other Democrats believe that no matter how much you earn, it is not your money.
The man is nothing but a socialist, and if he doesn't like the the system in the US, he is more that free to leave to a country more to his liking, say Cuba for instance.

Not in the least. Democrats are promoting giving back, something that un-American sociopaths like you can't fathom.

The only things Democrats give back are poverty, misery, and hopelessness.
"Democrat presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, has no problem with taking 90% of your income"


Sanders isn't a democrat, he's an independent, and his views are not representative of democrats, which is why he won't be the nominee.
Bernie is a loon who's campaign's sole purpose is to make Hillary appear centrist and same.

Of course, you are wrong again, but if you don't like him then you don't have to vote for him. You can have your choice of any one of the crazies in your clown car.
At least Repubicans have a choice. You fools are being force fed Hillary. Sadly she is the best the Democrats have. You fools can't fill a sardine can with your bench......

And you have so many till they won't all fit on a stage. They will be divided up based on name recognition. That means Trump will be in the big debate while real possibilities have to eat at the children's table. Let the laughs begin.
He's a communist disguised as a socialist.

Good luck with that Bernie. Although the left is so fucking crazy it would not surprise me if this idiot won.
You want people like Bernie to lie, and keep their mouths shut, rather than say what they feel?

There are enough politicians already that betray their own electorate for a quick buck to enrich themselves, and flip flop on their promises every election.

So even if you don't like the guy, if more people like him were in Congress (in both parties), this country wouldn't be in as big a mess.
The righties want to pay down the debt. But they don't want to pay taxes. Or even have the .1% , people they will never know, pay their fair share.

We're giving tax breaks to rich corporations and wealthy speculators and spending obscene amounts of money on war. How long can this go on before we go under?

Once more for the permanently dense:
The top 10% of America's earners pay 68% of personal federal income taxes.
How much would satisfy you? 78%? 88%? 108%?
BTW, the bottom 50% of Americans pay no personal federal income tax. Zippo. Zilch. Nada. No skin in the game. Free ride.

Well then get your GOP politicians to run on raising taxes on the poor and cutting taxes on the Rich.
Talk about inequality. The government has it all while you're at their mercy under his ideas.

Bernie Sanders A 90 tax rate sounds fine to me Hot Air

You mean like they did during the Eisenhower administration, when we created one of the greatest infrastructure programs of our history and entered into a period of unprecedented prosperity. What a horrible idea.

The U.S. was a Creditor Nation back Then, not a Debtor Nation. Big Difference.
Bernie has a better chance of being added to the cast of The Simpsons than being President.
As extremist as he is and as much as I do not agree with his policies, I respect that he does not hide behind who he is.
"Democrat presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, has no problem with taking 90% of your income"


Sanders isn't a democrat, he's an independent, and his views are not representative of democrats, which is why he won't be the nominee.

I hate to be the one to tell you thing but he is running as President on the Democrat Party ticket.

The Democrats will be the one to vote for him in the Primaries and if he wins he will have the big despicable "D" by his name in the General Election.
He's a communist disguised as a socialist.

Good luck with that Bernie. Although the left is so fucking crazy it would not surprise me if this idiot won.

So was John Wayne. :)

"When I was a sophomore at USC, I was a socialist, pretty much to the left."
Talk about inequality. The government has it all while you're at their mercy under his ideas.

Bernie Sanders A 90 tax rate sounds fine to me Hot Air

We have had that tax rate before and the country prospered and people still got rich

Thank Eisenhower

Why we can t go back to sky-high 1950s tax rates - AEI Economics Blog AEIdeas

Like all progressive positions, its based on myths and hopes.

Real tax rates were a lot lower. Even Levine concedes that “not many people paid that much. Only three baseball players — Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio and Willie Mays — got there.” Indeed, the top effective tax rate was probably somewhere between 50-60% because of a tax code full of loopholes. Now, that’s still higher than today’s top effective tax rate of around 30%. But those 1950s tax rates actually generated less tax revenue than subsequent periods of lower rates. From 1950 to 1963, income tax revenue averaged 7.5 percent of GDP; that’s less than in the Reagan years when rates were being slashed. This could suggest that rates are right around the Laffer Curve equilibrium point in the current economy. Indeed, the following chart from the WSJ makes this calculation over a variety of time periods:
Bernie is a loon who's campaign's sole purpose is to make Hillary appear centrist and same.

Of course, you are wrong again, but if you don't like him then you don't have to vote for him. You can have your choice of any one of the crazies in your clown car.
At least Repubicans have a choice. You fools are being force fed Hillary. Sadly she is the best the Democrats have. You fools can't fill a sardine can with your bench......

Republicans have a choice, Hobson's Choice! The clown car is filled with people in makeup - some on both of their faces - and all sing the same tune: "Ain't it Awful"; yet each has no set of solutions or plans, other than to parrot decades long Guns, God, Gays & Taxes.
The righties want to pay down the debt. But they don't want to pay taxes. Or even have the .1% , people they will never know, pay their fair share.

We're giving tax breaks to rich corporations and wealthy speculators and spending obscene amounts of money on war. How long can this go on before we go under?

Once more for the permanently dense:
The top 10% of America's earners pay 68% of personal federal income taxes.
How much would satisfy you? 78%? 88%? 108%?
BTW, the bottom 50% of Americans pay no personal federal income tax. Zippo. Zilch. Nada. No skin in the game. Free ride.

And which would you prefer to be! And which would each of the bottom 50% want to be? And how many of the top 10% are willing take the place of those in the bottom 50%?

You're once again parroting of the right wing hackneyed meme which does take into account reality. I bet you really believe the 10% actually are the source of job creation. Here's the truth, we are a society whose economy is driven by consumers.
You mean like they did during the Eisenhower administration, when we created one of the greatest infrastructure programs of our history and entered into a period of unprecedented prosperity. What a horrible idea.

I just love when Marxists bring up the 80% income tax rates of the 1950s as "proof" that high taxes result in prosperity. It shows how ignorant and uneducated you are when it comes to economics.

Cherry-picking America's post WW2 economic boom when we were the world's only fully functional industrial nation is disingenuous at best. You think they are ignorant of the facts ... I believe they are dishonest POSs who stoop to lying to justify their "Worker's Paradise" dream.

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