Democrat Racism

What you just said is racist.. you don’t consider the weekly murders of blacks in towns run by democrats as a issue..why are there lives not as equal as white lives??

Bullshit. I've said nothing racist. I don't consider what you say as sane logical thinking.

Everything you post is racist. You have a huge work of internet racism that will exist for all eternity.

You must be proud.

I've posted nothing racist and you can't post one quote here where I have done so.
You don’t even value black lives! You said white shooters are a problem but not blacks lol

I worked in the black community for 30 years. STFU dumb fuck white man.
Ok and so doesn’t Al Sharpton he’s a racist .. Barack Obama huge racist .. what’s your point??

You said black shooters are not a problem
Why because he destroyed your narrative

Because he's wrong.
Oh he’s wrong ,, What are you two years old?

No. I'm 58 with post grad education and I am saying he's wrong based on fact.
Ohh so you are a 2 year old with a bad education ha

If I were 2, I would not be typing on a computer. Personal attacks aren't going to work son.
You provide content like a 2 year old
What you just said is racist.. you don’t consider the weekly murders of blacks in towns run by democrats as a issue..why are there lives not as equal as white lives??

Bullshit. I've said nothing racist. I don't consider what you say as sane logical thinking.

Everything you post is racist. You have a huge work of internet racism that will exist for all eternity.

You must be proud.

I've posted nothing racist and you can't post one quote here where I have done so.
You don’t even value black lives! You said white shooters are a problem but not blacks lol

I worked in the black community for 30 years. STFU dumb fuck white man.

These guys want to be able to wear their Klan hats in public. Well that's not going to happen.

Texas Teacher Put On Leave After Alleged Ties To White Nationalist Group Exposed | HuffPost
Bullshit. I've said nothing racist. I don't consider what you say as sane logical thinking.

Everything you post is racist. You have a huge work of internet racism that will exist for all eternity.

You must be proud.

I've posted nothing racist and you can't post one quote here where I have done so.
You don’t even value black lives! You said white shooters are a problem but not blacks lol

I worked in the black community for 30 years. STFU dumb fuck white man.

These guys want to be able to wear their Klan hats in public. Well that's not going to happen.

Texas Teacher Put On Leave After Alleged Ties To White Nationalist Group Exposed | HuffPost
What’s wrong with being white in anti-globalization ?
I can only say one thing to NED. GET ER DONE!!!
That's our goal too. For white men to stop getting PREFERENTIAL treatment.
Lol in what instance?

10 Examples That Prove White Privilege Exists in Every Aspect Imaginable

White Men Account for 72% of Corporate Leadership at 16 of the Fortune 500 Companies

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
America’s C-Suites Keep Getting Whiter (and More Male, Too)
Lol WE MAKE UP 70% of the population.. you are so dumb!

You are incorrect. The white population in America is roughly 67% of the entire population, which includes females.

After white Hispanics are subtracted that number is closer to about 61%.

Non hispanic white MALES as a group are approximately 30% of the population, yet hold over 70% of corporate positions and 65% of political offices.
That was the point that you missed.
Are you saying people got jobs based off of skin color not merit ??

What I was pointed out to you is that white males as a demographic, are overrepresented in corporate positions and political positions. And in the process, I also corrected your erroneous statement that whites represent 70% of the population.

As far as whether it is because of skin color, or not, is not for me to say.

But the prevailing belief among most here is that if a black person is by chance in a position of decision making or authority, that it must be based on an AA quota which prevented a more qualified white person from being successful.

You are incorrect. The white population in America is roughly 67% of the entire population, which includes females.

After white Hispanics are subtracted that number is closer to about 61%.

Non hispanic white MALES as a group are approximately 30% of the population, yet hold over 70% of corporate positions and 65% of political offices.
That was the point that you missed.
Are you saying people got jobs based off of skin color not merit ??

What I was pointed out to you is that white males as a demographic, are overrepresented in corporate positions and political positions. And in the process, I also corrected your erroneous statement that whites represent 70% of the population.

As far as whether it is because of skin color, or not, is not for me to say.

But the prevailing belief among most here is that if a black person is by chance in a position of decision making or authority, that it must be based on an AA quota which prevented a more qualified white person from being successful.
So you think a business will hire a ceo based on skin color not how much money they can make the business?? Interesting.. god I hope you don’t run a business haha

You are incorrect. The white population in America is roughly 67% of the entire population, which includes females.

After white Hispanics are subtracted that number is closer to about 61%.

Non hispanic white MALES as a group are approximately 30% of the population, yet hold over 70% of corporate positions and 65% of political offices.
That was the point that you missed.
Are you saying people got jobs based off of skin color not merit ??

What I was pointed out to you is that white males as a demographic, are overrepresented in corporate positions and political positions. And in the process, I also corrected your erroneous statement that whites represent 70% of the population.

As far as whether it is because of skin color, or not, is not for me to say.

But the prevailing belief among most here is that if a black person is by chance in a position of decision making or authority, that it must be based on an AA quota which prevented a more qualified white person from being successful.

Interesting. So when white men see a woman or black boss, their bias tells them that must be a person who benefited from unfair AA.

But when we point out that bias is why 95% of executives are white men, they say that's ridiculous to suggest bias is at play.

They can't even see how racist their thinking is. They believe there are good reasons why women and minorities are under represented and only see bad reasons when they do see a black or woman break through the class ceiling.

You are incorrect. The white population in America is roughly 67% of the entire population, which includes females.

After white Hispanics are subtracted that number is closer to about 61%.

Non hispanic white MALES as a group are approximately 30% of the population, yet hold over 70% of corporate positions and 65% of political offices.
That was the point that you missed.
Are you saying people got jobs based off of skin color not merit ??

What I was pointed out to you is that white males as a demographic, are overrepresented in corporate positions and political positions. And in the process, I also corrected your erroneous statement that whites represent 70% of the population.

As far as whether it is because of skin color, or not, is not for me to say.

But the prevailing belief among most here is that if a black person is by chance in a position of decision making or authority, that it must be based on an AA quota which prevented a more qualified white person from being successful.
So you think a business will hire a ceo based on skin color not how much money they can make the business?? Interesting.. god I hope you don’t run a business haha

No, we think a business will hire a black ceo because they see that person is qualified to run the business.

It's just a bonus that they'll be able to show off their diversity pick. Seeing as how there are so few black CEO's it'll look great for their public image and PR.

You are incorrect. The white population in America is roughly 67% of the entire population, which includes females.

After white Hispanics are subtracted that number is closer to about 61%.

Non hispanic white MALES as a group are approximately 30% of the population, yet hold over 70% of corporate positions and 65% of political offices.
That was the point that you missed.
Are you saying people got jobs based off of skin color not merit ??

What I was pointed out to you is that white males as a demographic, are overrepresented in corporate positions and political positions. And in the process, I also corrected your erroneous statement that whites represent 70% of the population.

As far as whether it is because of skin color, or not, is not for me to say.

But the prevailing belief among most here is that if a black person is by chance in a position of decision making or authority, that it must be based on an AA quota which prevented a more qualified white person from being successful.

Interesting. So when white men see a woman or black boss, their bias tells them that must be a person who benefited from unfair AA.

But when we point out that bias is why 95% of executives are white men, they say that's ridiculous to suggest bias is at play.

They can't even see how racist their thinking is. They believe there are good reasons why women and minorities are under represented and only see bad reasons when they do see a black or woman break through the class ceiling.
Or maybe most businesses are started by white men lol call me crazy ha
Lol WE MAKE UP 70% of the population.. you are so dumb!

You are incorrect. The white population in America is roughly 67% of the entire population, which includes females.

After white Hispanics are subtracted that number is closer to about 61%.

Non hispanic white MALES as a group are approximately 30% of the population, yet hold over 70% of corporate positions and 65% of political offices.
That was the point that you missed.
Are you saying people got jobs based off of skin color not merit ??

What I was pointed out to you is that white males as a demographic, are overrepresented in corporate positions and political positions. And in the process, I also corrected your erroneous statement that whites represent 70% of the population.

As far as whether it is because of skin color, or not, is not for me to say.

But the prevailing belief among most here is that if a black person is by chance in a position of decision making or authority, that it must be based on an AA quota which prevented a more qualified white person from being successful.
So you think a business will hire a ceo based on skin color not how much money they can make the business?? Interesting.. god I hope you don’t run a business haha

No, we think a business will hire a black ceo because they see that person is qualified to run the business.

It's just a bonus that they'll be able to show off their diversity pick. Seeing as how there are so few black CEO's it'll look great for their public image and PR.
That wasn’t my question.. don’t deflect
Crime and that means violent crime, white collar crime, etc., is an American problem. It is no respecter of race, sex, age, sexual orientation, handicapped status, mental disability wealth or position. I have studied the UCR when I had to read it in the libraries reference section. Every year for at least the last 25 years, whites have lead in arrests. They have lead in arrest in 27 out of the 30 classifications of crime including: violent crimes, property crimes, crimes against family and white collar crime. Yet crime is painted black and white men like Larry Nassar can rape over 156 little girls in the safety of a suburban doctors office or white swim coaches can rape little girls in the safety of the suburban swim club and whites try telling me the white community is safe.

We have problems in the black community but we don't live in the consistent denial whites do. Every year whites are arrested at damn near 3 times the rate of blacks but have created what they think are fail safe excuses using population proportion and Hispanic origin.

End the excuses white folk. Democrat and republican. No one is safe from crime here anywhere at any time. That's a fact.

Yea but don't you see the difference between Larry Nasser and this guy?
View attachment 254040 2003

Larry Nassar is a horrible person but he wasn't raping women. He was molesting them.

or this guy
View attachment 254041

I would much rather find out that my doctor was inappropriately fondling my daughters genitals than to find out one of these guys broke into my house and violently raped my kid.

Or what about this girl who accidentally thought this guy was a uber driver and he killed her


I don't think you would prefer a 40 year old doctor playing with your seven year old daughters pussy. I'm quiet sure you would prefer Charles Manson dating your daughter or perhaps ted bundy. And you pull the white boy and post big pictures of blacks who have committed crimes.


I'm sure you'd love your daughter to be in the company of these guys.


You see bobo I am aware of black crime. I worked in the trenches. You haven't. You're a big mouth white sales man living in the Detroit suburbs who is liberal and thinks that because he is blacks should be grateful for his support and advice. The blacks I have worked with would have told you to go fuck yourself in no uncertain terms. And I'm talking about pastors.

You want to preach to us like saltine kingdom is perfect and crime free. You say that you'd feel more comfortable with the 40 year old white doctor forcing himself on your seven year old daughter than the latest white boys negroes to use to lie to ourselves about our crime problem. Whites commit more crimes. White neighborhoods are more dangerous. And they are more dangerous because whites allow themselves to get away with crimes in saltine kingdom that are not allowed in the hood.

I've existed in both places bobo. That means I have seen day to day life in both places. You have not. I have seen in every black community the 70-80 year old inhabitant who own businesses that close after dark, who take their money bags with them and who have never been harmed. If Mr. Rucker can have a shoe repair business smack dab in the middle of the terrible and dangerous black community for 75 years, if Mrs. McCool can continue her and her husbands businesses for over 60 years before passing it to her sons, if Wilsons grocery can now be in it's 3rd generation and that's just 3 in that city because there are more, then there is something wrong in this narrative your white ass is trying to tell me about a community you really know nothing about.


Lets add another one to your list


Why are white men so angry?

He was a divorced Navy veteran
Crime and that means violent crime, white collar crime, etc., is an American problem. It is no respecter of race, sex, age, sexual orientation, handicapped status, mental disability wealth or position. I have studied the UCR when I had to read it in the libraries reference section. Every year for at least the last 25 years, whites have lead in arrests. They have lead in arrest in 27 out of the 30 classifications of crime including: violent crimes, property crimes, crimes against family and white collar crime. Yet crime is painted black and white men like Larry Nassar can rape over 156 little girls in the safety of a suburban doctors office or white swim coaches can rape little girls in the safety of the suburban swim club and whites try telling me the white community is safe.

We have problems in the black community but we don't live in the consistent denial whites do. Every year whites are arrested at damn near 3 times the rate of blacks but have created what they think are fail safe excuses using population proportion and Hispanic origin.

End the excuses white folk. Democrat and republican. No one is safe from crime here anywhere at any time. That's a fact.

Yea but don't you see the difference between Larry Nasser and this guy?
View attachment 254040 2003

Larry Nassar is a horrible person but he wasn't raping women. He was molesting them.

or this guy
View attachment 254041

I would much rather find out that my doctor was inappropriately fondling my daughters genitals than to find out one of these guys broke into my house and violently raped my kid.

Or what about this girl who accidentally thought this guy was a uber driver and he killed her


I don't think you would prefer a 40 year old doctor playing with your seven year old daughters pussy. I'm quiet sure you would prefer Charles Manson dating your daughter or perhaps ted bundy. And you pull the white boy and post big pictures of blacks who have committed crimes.


I'm sure you'd love your daughter to be in the company of these guys.


You see bobo I am aware of black crime. I worked in the trenches. You haven't. You're a big mouth white sales man living in the Detroit suburbs who is liberal and thinks that because he is blacks should be grateful for his support and advice. The blacks I have worked with would have told you to go fuck yourself in no uncertain terms. And I'm talking about pastors.

You want to preach to us like saltine kingdom is perfect and crime free. You say that you'd feel more comfortable with the 40 year old white doctor forcing himself on your seven year old daughter than the latest white boys negroes to use to lie to ourselves about our crime problem. Whites commit more crimes. White neighborhoods are more dangerous. And they are more dangerous because whites allow themselves to get away with crimes in saltine kingdom that are not allowed in the hood.

I've existed in both places bobo. That means I have seen day to day life in both places. You have not. I have seen in every black community the 70-80 year old inhabitant who own businesses that close after dark, who take their money bags with them and who have never been harmed. If Mr. Rucker can have a shoe repair business smack dab in the middle of the terrible and dangerous black community for 75 years, if Mrs. McCool can continue her and her husbands businesses for over 60 years before passing it to her sons, if Wilsons grocery can now be in it's 3rd generation and that's just 3 in that city because there are more, then there is something wrong in this narrative your white ass is trying to tell me about a community you really know nothing about.


Lets add another one to your list

View attachment 254152

Why are white men so angry?

He was a divorced Navy veteran
Lol 100 blacks were shot in America Saturday nite lol do they not matter to you??
There, I said it. Why is it that Democrat 'colored/black' skinned people are always considered victims by the old-white Democrats? Could it be that SOME 'colored/black' skinned people traded slavery for victimhood? True Conservatives are color-blind and everyone is considered equally by their contribution. Competence is rewarded in $$$$ it doesn't matter the color of the skin. My advice to 'colored/black' people is to STAY AWAY from the Democrat party. Remember, THEY were the original slave-holders. They STILL consider 'colored/black' people to be inferior.
There were slaves before there were democrats in the colonies..
Lol WE MAKE UP 70% of the population.. you are so dumb!

You are incorrect. The white population in America is roughly 67% of the entire population, which includes females.

After white Hispanics are subtracted that number is closer to about 61%.

Non hispanic white MALES as a group are approximately 30% of the population, yet hold over 70% of corporate positions and 65% of political offices.
That was the point that you missed.
Are you saying people got jobs based off of skin color not merit ??

What I was pointed out to you is that white males as a demographic, are overrepresented in corporate positions and political positions. And in the process, I also corrected your erroneous statement that whites represent 70% of the population.

As far as whether it is because of skin color, or not, is not for me to say.

But the prevailing belief among most here is that if a black person is by chance in a position of decision making or authority, that it must be based on an AA quota which prevented a more qualified white person from being successful.

Interesting. So when white men see a woman or black boss, their bias tells them that must be a person who benefited from unfair AA.

But when we point out that bias is why 95% of executives are white men, they say that's ridiculous to suggest bias is at play.

They can't even see how racist their thinking is. They believe there are good reasons why women and minorities are under represented and only see bad reasons when they do see a black or woman break through the class ceiling.
Or maybe most businesses are started by white men lol call me crazy ha

Who started the Fortune 500 companies? None of the CEO's at any of the fortune 500 companies started those companies. They were selected by a board of directors or the previous CEO. All of whom are/were white.

So they are bias. They pick people who are like them. Maybe you didn't learn this stuff in college.
This doesn't seem to be the case.

Yes it does, Democrats identify people by skin color then relegate them to 'victims' in order to keep them 'voting-victims.' This is why they champion no border walls and illegal aliens. They are the perfect victim voting block because Democrats promise them government cheese even though they're not citizens. Shameful really.
Those people get that "cheese" no matter who is in power..So much for that argument..
You are incorrect. The white population in America is roughly 67% of the entire population, which includes females.

After white Hispanics are subtracted that number is closer to about 61%.

Non hispanic white MALES as a group are approximately 30% of the population, yet hold over 70% of corporate positions and 65% of political offices.
That was the point that you missed.
Are you saying people got jobs based off of skin color not merit ??

What I was pointed out to you is that white males as a demographic, are overrepresented in corporate positions and political positions. And in the process, I also corrected your erroneous statement that whites represent 70% of the population.

As far as whether it is because of skin color, or not, is not for me to say.

But the prevailing belief among most here is that if a black person is by chance in a position of decision making or authority, that it must be based on an AA quota which prevented a more qualified white person from being successful.

Interesting. So when white men see a woman or black boss, their bias tells them that must be a person who benefited from unfair AA.

But when we point out that bias is why 95% of executives are white men, they say that's ridiculous to suggest bias is at play.

They can't even see how racist their thinking is. They believe there are good reasons why women and minorities are under represented and only see bad reasons when they do see a black or woman break through the class ceiling.
Or maybe most businesses are started by white men lol call me crazy ha

Who started the Fortune 500 companies? None of the CEO's at any of the fortune 500 companies started those companies. They were selected by a board of directors or the previous CEO. All of whom are/were white.

So they are bias. They pick people who are like them. Maybe you didn't learn this stuff in college.
Not only white but rich..So that narrows the field a little more..
You are incorrect. The white population in America is roughly 67% of the entire population, which includes females.

After white Hispanics are subtracted that number is closer to about 61%.

Non hispanic white MALES as a group are approximately 30% of the population, yet hold over 70% of corporate positions and 65% of political offices.
That was the point that you missed.
Are you saying people got jobs based off of skin color not merit ??

What I was pointed out to you is that white males as a demographic, are overrepresented in corporate positions and political positions. And in the process, I also corrected your erroneous statement that whites represent 70% of the population.

As far as whether it is because of skin color, or not, is not for me to say.

But the prevailing belief among most here is that if a black person is by chance in a position of decision making or authority, that it must be based on an AA quota which prevented a more qualified white person from being successful.
So you think a business will hire a ceo based on skin color not how much money they can make the business?? Interesting.. god I hope you don’t run a business haha

No, we think a business will hire a black ceo because they see that person is qualified to run the business.

It's just a bonus that they'll be able to show off their diversity pick. Seeing as how there are so few black CEO's it'll look great for their public image and PR.
That wasn’t my question.. don’t deflect

The CEO of my brothers former company is an idiot. Why they picked him is any ones guess. But he will try and fail and be replaced by another white male. Who may or may not succeed.

We don't have enough examples of blacks who have been given the chance and failed.

In fact, usually a black is put in charge when the companies is already failing. Then when they dont' turn it around they say "see he failed". Well what about the white CEO before him who put him in that position?

Hell look at how you guys said Obama failed to get us out of Bush's recession. Then when you couldn't say he failed you said, "it took too long".

We know you would judge the black ceo harder because we saw you do it to Obama.

Does that answer your question?

You are incorrect. The white population in America is roughly 67% of the entire population, which includes females.

After white Hispanics are subtracted that number is closer to about 61%.

Non hispanic white MALES as a group are approximately 30% of the population, yet hold over 70% of corporate positions and 65% of political offices.
That was the point that you missed.
Are you saying people got jobs based off of skin color not merit ??

What I was pointed out to you is that white males as a demographic, are overrepresented in corporate positions and political positions. And in the process, I also corrected your erroneous statement that whites represent 70% of the population.

As far as whether it is because of skin color, or not, is not for me to say.

But the prevailing belief among most here is that if a black person is by chance in a position of decision making or authority, that it must be based on an AA quota which prevented a more qualified white person from being successful.
So you think a business will hire a ceo based on skin color not how much money they can make the business?? Interesting.. god I hope you don’t run a business haha

You said that I think that. I did not say that.

I'm retired from running multiple businesses. And those that I hired and worked with were educated thinkers.

You would not have been considered to be employable.
Lol WE MAKE UP 70% of the population.. you are so dumb!

You are incorrect. The white population in America is roughly 67% of the entire population, which includes females.

After white Hispanics are subtracted that number is closer to about 61%.

Non hispanic white MALES as a group are approximately 30% of the population, yet hold over 70% of corporate positions and 65% of political offices.
That was the point that you missed.
Are you saying people got jobs based off of skin color not merit ??

What I was pointed out to you is that white males as a demographic, are overrepresented in corporate positions and political positions. And in the process, I also corrected your erroneous statement that whites represent 70% of the population.

As far as whether it is because of skin color, or not, is not for me to say.

But the prevailing belief among most here is that if a black person is by chance in a position of decision making or authority, that it must be based on an AA quota which prevented a more qualified white person from being successful.

Interesting. So when white men see a woman or black boss, their bias tells them that must be a person who benefited from unfair AA.

But when we point out that bias is why 95% of executives are white men, they say that's ridiculous to suggest bias is at play.

They can't even see how racist their thinking is. They believe there are good reasons why women and minorities are under represented and only see bad reasons when they do see a black or woman break through the class ceiling.
Or maybe most businesses are started by white men lol call me crazy ha

You know what's funny about you guys? CEO's come from places like Harvard. They are the best and brightest. So why don't you believe the studies they produce on diversity?

Why Aren’t Black Employees Getting More White-Collar Jobs?
Lol WE MAKE UP 70% of the population.. you are so dumb!

You are incorrect. The white population in America is roughly 67% of the entire population, which includes females.

After white Hispanics are subtracted that number is closer to about 61%.

Non hispanic white MALES as a group are approximately 30% of the population, yet hold over 70% of corporate positions and 65% of political offices.
That was the point that you missed.
Are you saying people got jobs based off of skin color not merit ??

What I was pointed out to you is that white males as a demographic, are overrepresented in corporate positions and political positions. And in the process, I also corrected your erroneous statement that whites represent 70% of the population.

As far as whether it is because of skin color, or not, is not for me to say.

But the prevailing belief among most here is that if a black person is by chance in a position of decision making or authority, that it must be based on an AA quota which prevented a more qualified white person from being successful.
So you think a business will hire a ceo based on skin color not how much money they can make the business?? Interesting.. god I hope you don’t run a business haha

You said that I think that. I did not say that.

I'm retired from running multiple businesses. And those that I hired and worked with were educated thinkers.

You would not have been considered to be employable.

Forty years ago, two companies were known for aggressively recruiting minorities on college campuses: IBM and Xerox, both considered hot tech companies of that era. Decades later, I’ve seen very little progress in minority executive employment. It seems the so called liberal medias focus on the subject have resulted in minimal impact. And yet the ecosystem supporting diversity is quite large — government agencies, formal corporate diversity programs, universities, consultants, and dozens of civil rights advocacy groups. So why has change been so slow?

For one thing, political rhetoric has created public tumult about the drivers of middle-class decline: globalization, technology, and immigration’s impact on U.S. jobs. Another recurring theme is an allegedly unlevel playing field for white males created by public- and private-sector diversity programs (affirmative action) to attract and promote a more diverse workforce. And the courts have weighed in on “reverse discrimination” cases, slowing the growth of diversity in some universities and companies.

As a longtime African-American executive who’s skeptical of reverse-discrimination claims, I wanted to find answers to a few questions: What exactly do black employment numbers look like today? How are blacks faring in promotions? Are blacks’ gains in executive and management ranks keeping pace with gains in the professional workforce?

The Numbers

Detailed analysis of employment numbers can help us understand racial and gender income inequality in America. A review of white-collar employment data from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reveals serious gaps in income, promotional opportunities, and advancement for minorities and women of all races.

Why Aren’t Black Employees Getting More White-Collar Jobs? | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

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