Democrat Racism

This is an anonymous forum where everyone speaks their mind. So stay in your lane regarding what I choose to state. As far as your own racism and bigotry, I call it how I see it. If that bothers you, there is an ignore feature here that you can put to use.

Without laws in place to ensure equal treatment, you actually believe that there would be?

That in itself, is proof that you don't believe that what you claim is discrimination.

Statistics prove that there is no anti white discrimination.

It is what it is.

There is no "racism or bigotry" from me on this.

There is you, falsely spouting lies and smears against me, and white Americans in general.

You are the one supporting racial discrimination here, not me.

Not in anyway am I supporting what you claim. I just don't agree with your chicken little, poor me victimhood.

Especially since no metrics support it.

If there were not laws to control the bigotry that those like you would turn your head to, only white males would advance. Which is what you would like to see.

That makes you what you are.

I say that I want to see an end to anti-White discrimination, and you accuse me of wanting to discriminate against minorities.

You do that, because you know, on some level, that your position of supporting racist discrimination is completely indefensible, morally and ethically wrong, and is tearing this nation apart.

So, you have to lie.

Nope. I have no need to lie. I was around when this nation endorsed laws which mandated deference to even the most marginal of white males.

Without such laws in place, egotistical, arrogant individuals like you would not believe in fairness to others.

Congratulations on living to be so old.

That being said, I do not remember any of that. I have never in my life had any mandated deference, and thus do not miss it, nor want it.

All I want is equality.

That you have to lie about what I want, and insult me, to "justify" your lies, is you being a racist prick.

What you refer to as discrimination is in fact in place to ensure that past discrimination does not happen again.

I'm will aware of the stated reason for the discrimination you support.

Your issue is that you see, ANY positive gain by ANY minority(especially blacks) or even ANY female, as discrimination against white males.


And the nation is not being "torn apart". And there is NO ANTI WHITE DISCRIMINATION.

A solid quarter of the nation is being told, that the other half of the nation is out to "get them".

That sets that quarter of the nation against that other half.

That pisses off the other half, that knows that is bullshit.

Trust me. We are really done with being blamed for shit that we have or had nothing to do with.

Your "commander in cheeto" is making America great again and is coming to your rescue.....isn't he?


Trump barely touched on this issue. He has made no promises about reversing any of this shit. What the fuck are you talking about?

"What the fuck am I talking about". I guess you an issue remembering your own statements. It is you who has stated before that "Trump is acting in the interests of those like you"...or something to that effect.

So stop playing stupid

"A section of the nation, is being told that another section of the country is out to get them"?!

You are either fucking crazy, or the belief that you are being victimized is at odds with your own racist alter ego.

As far as the rest of your delusional nosense, it's good for nothing but a laugh.
Your nose is going grow to epic proportions. Youve stated that white males are being discriminated against in favor of blacks.

Which is yet another lie.

When you institute policy to hire with the goal of diversity, you are hiring based on getting more brown and black skin in the organization, based on skin color and not on merit.

This is discriminating against any qualified whites you are passing over in order to be more diverse.

YOu can't choose to discriminate in favor of someone without discriminating AGAINST someone else.

This is not a "lie". This is basic logic. You are being insane.
Stop it! There are too many companies with no black employees. And the companies who do have some black employees don’t have enough of them. Boo hoo some of us white guys might get turned down for a job. Welcome to their world?

And what do you whites tell blacks who tell you they’ve dealt with discrimination? You tell them to keep on looking. Nothing you can do about an individual hiring manager who may be prejudice. You’ve told them no excuses for decades.

But here you are making excuses.

They choose the diversity candidate to make up for your bias. Too many hiring managers have your way of thinking. Go work for one of them. If they don’t hire you what’s your excuse then?
There are literally ZERO companies owned by white people without black employees.

There are plenty of non-white companies that don’t have white employees though.


Maybe in some New England town with 97% white, or some family based business.

But otherwise, he is mostly correct, based on everything I have seen either as an employee, or even as a customer.

I have had the privilege of working at a business hotel. I saw all the white collar people coming in. They were all white men. Now you may be able to go back to the home office and show me how they hired some administrative blacks or janitor blacks or maybe one or two blacks but mostly these companies are 97% white.

Don't give us that shit "from the experiences I have had as an employee". How many companies have you worked for?

Now when I go to a trade show with thousands of exhibitors and attendees and I see all white people, there's a problem. Only the people who work at the convention center are black. Security, janitors, maids, people who work the toll booth.... Blacks are still being treated like 2nd class citizens if you ask me. From my perspective that is.
No they aren’t. I’m doing great competing on the playing field we are on now.

You better hope poor whites don’t realize that it’s not poor blacks and illegals who have been screwing them. It’s the people who pay Fox News and rush Limbaugh to lie to you.

The playing field is not level. People like you, who support the rules that discriminate against poor whites, are the ones screwing them.

And again, you are the one bringing up blacks. Not me. AGAIN.

Your nose is going grow to epic proportions. Youve stated that white males are being discriminated against in favor of blacks.

Which is yet another lie.

When you institute policy to hire with the goal of diversity, you are hiring based on getting more brown and black skin in the organization, based on skin color and not on merit.

This is discriminating against any qualified whites you are passing over in order to be more diverse.

YOu can't choose to discriminate in favor of someone without discriminating AGAINST someone else.

This is not a "lie". This is basic logic. You are being insane.
Stop it! There are too many companies with no black employees. And the companies who do have some black employees don’t have enough of them. Boo hoo some of us white guys might get turned down for a job. Welcome to their world?

And what do you whites tell blacks who tell you they’ve dealt with discrimination? You tell them to keep on looking. Nothing you can do about an individual hiring manager who may be prejudice. You’ve told them no excuses for decades.

But here you are making excuses.

They choose the diversity candidate to make up for your bias. Too many hiring managers have your way of thinking. Go work for one of them. If they don’t hire you what’s your excuse then?
There are literally ZERO companies owned by white people without black employees.

There are plenty of non-white companies that don’t have white employees though.

You say shit you can't back up.

In exploring the demography of American upper management, a Government commission on Wednesday put its official stamp on what many people have suspected all along: important barriers to the progress of women and minorities are the entrenched stereotypes and prejudices of white men.

Women, the report of the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission said, are perceived by white males as "not being tough enough" and "unable or unwilling to relocate." Black men? "Undisciplined, always late." Hispanic men are deemed "heavy drinkers and drug users who don't want to work" -- except for Cubans, who are "brave exiles from Communism." Asians? "More equipped for technical than people-oriented work." And, the report said, white males believe that none of these folks play golf.

Never mind that women's attendance records are better than men's, discounting maternity leaves; that Hispanic Americans work longer than the non-Hispanic white men putting them down, or that American management is impressed enough by Asian management that it often apes it.

These are the attitudes that block the doors to the executive suites of corporate America, the commission said in trying to explain why, three decades after the civil rights movement, about 95 percent of industry's senior executives are starkly and stubbornly white and male.

Some white men are frightened and angry that people unlike them are vying for their jobs. But for many other men, higher level executives, simple inertia sustains the stereotypes and keeps top management white and male.

White Males and Management
Not in anyway am I supporting what you claim. I just don't agree with your chicken little, poor me victimhood.

Especially since no metrics support it.

If there were not laws to control the bigotry that those like you would turn your head to, only white males would advance. Which is what you would like to see.

That makes you what you are.

I say that I want to see an end to anti-White discrimination, and you accuse me of wanting to discriminate against minorities.

You do that, because you know, on some level, that your position of supporting racist discrimination is completely indefensible, morally and ethically wrong, and is tearing this nation apart.

So, you have to lie.

There is no anti white discrimination. Understand? I'm not going to argue with you about it either. There is no evidence of it's existence , you had ample time to show it's existence and have not. So it doesn't happen.

You are better off arguing for the existence of unicorns.

So, all the talk about diversity and multiculturalism, and the billions spent on increasing minority representation in this and that field and schools and employment and ect ect ect,

that's all window dressing by mastermind evul white racists behind the scene?

Hey, Seelys, see what this guy thinks of you?
The evil white racists behind the scenes faught against all these policies every step of the way.

And yet, those policies and programs are, and have been for quite some time, the norm.

Don't kid yourself. Katsteve is denying that those policies and programs, and your support, have done ANYTHING. He is dismissing you and yours and all you have done.

He lumps you in with me, and when he and his are in charge, you will be treated accordingly.

Hell, we see it already, as good little white libs are being pushed to the side, for not being diverse or left enough.

THat is your future. More and more of that.

Also consider this. A lot of CEOs who are looking for diversity hires actually agree with you. Do you think they like it? But the board of directors is telling him it looks bad that in a country as diverse as ours, every vp under you is a white male.

I've seen no evidence of that in my work history. At every turn, the word from above was conform to the Diversity/Multicultural shit or be thrown to the wolves.

And every poor and middle class person should object even if you are a white male. It’s the rich who have the system rigged for themselves. The laws and rules are different for them. Just ask Jussie Smollett and aunt Becky.

Object by supporting additional rules designed to fuck us? That is what you are asking for. That is what I am objecting to.

You are supporting the idea of NOT hiring people because they have white skin. THat is supposed to HELP us somehow?

Give me a break.

Do you guys honestly believe George Bush or Donald Trump got into the schools they went to because they were smart? Wake up poor white trash. You’re being fucked and not by just liberal Hollywood types.

First of all, poor does not mean trash. That you think it does, at least with whites, is nothing but pure racism on your part.

Second of all, the Legacy system seems to be connected to the massive endowments that so many of these schools have, that lead to widespread scholarships for the poor. I worry that trying to fix that would end those scholarships, while the rich would just find another way to look out for their own. I don't really feel "fucked" by that.

Now the effective sat bonus that minority students get for having black or brown skin and the minus the poor and/o rural whites get from lib admission officers? That is just a fucking without even a reach around.

Our best and brightest aren’t getting the jobs. Not if all the CEOs and VPs are white men. Even I know that and I’m a white man

Is your brother a racist? Cause he seemed to have a problem finding a qualified minority candidate. Maybe the problem is something that happens well before the candidates walk into the interviews.

Actually, I don't "lump you" with Sealy nor any other person here.

Just because he chooses to vote and believe a certain way, that does not affect me. I don't owe him or anyone anything for their choices.

And by the same token, I have zero regard for someone who likely has more of a chance for advancing and chooses to view themselves as a victim.

So don't try to use me to gain the empathy of Sealy.

That's not very manly at all.
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The playing field is not level. People like you, who support the rules that discriminate against poor whites, are the ones screwing them.

And again, you are the one bringing up blacks. Not me. AGAIN.

Your nose is going grow to epic proportions. Youve stated that white males are being discriminated against in favor of blacks.

Which is yet another lie.

When you institute policy to hire with the goal of diversity, you are hiring based on getting more brown and black skin in the organization, based on skin color and not on merit.

This is discriminating against any qualified whites you are passing over in order to be more diverse.

YOu can't choose to discriminate in favor of someone without discriminating AGAINST someone else.

This is not a "lie". This is basic logic. You are being insane.
Stop it! There are too many companies with no black employees. And the companies who do have some black employees don’t have enough of them. Boo hoo some of us white guys might get turned down for a job. Welcome to their world?

And what do you whites tell blacks who tell you they’ve dealt with discrimination? You tell them to keep on looking. Nothing you can do about an individual hiring manager who may be prejudice. You’ve told them no excuses for decades.

But here you are making excuses.

They choose the diversity candidate to make up for your bias. Too many hiring managers have your way of thinking. Go work for one of them. If they don’t hire you what’s your excuse then?
There are literally ZERO companies owned by white people without black employees.

There are plenty of non-white companies that don’t have white employees though.

You say shit you can't back up.

In exploring the demography of American upper management, a Government commission on Wednesday put its official stamp on what many people have suspected all along: important barriers to the progress of women and minorities are the entrenched stereotypes and prejudices of white men.

Women, the report of the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission said, are perceived by white males as "not being tough enough" and "unable or unwilling to relocate." Black men? "Undisciplined, always late." Hispanic men are deemed "heavy drinkers and drug users who don't want to work" -- except for Cubans, who are "brave exiles from Communism." Asians? "More equipped for technical than people-oriented work." And, the report said, white males believe that none of these folks play golf.

Never mind that women's attendance records are better than men's, discounting maternity leaves; that Hispanic Americans work longer than the non-Hispanic white men putting them down, or that American management is impressed enough by Asian management that it often apes it.

These are the attitudes that block the doors to the executive suites of corporate America, the commission said in trying to explain why, three decades after the civil rights movement, about 95 percent of industry's senior executives are starkly and stubbornly white and male.

Some white men are frightened and angry that people unlike them are vying for their jobs. But for many other men, higher level executives, simple inertia sustains the stereotypes and keeps top management white and male.

White Males and Management
More racist left wing articles.....
Your nose is going grow to epic proportions. Youve stated that white males are being discriminated against in favor of blacks.

Which is yet another lie.

When you institute policy to hire with the goal of diversity, you are hiring based on getting more brown and black skin in the organization, based on skin color and not on merit.

This is discriminating against any qualified whites you are passing over in order to be more diverse.

YOu can't choose to discriminate in favor of someone without discriminating AGAINST someone else.

This is not a "lie". This is basic logic. You are being insane.
Stop it! There are too many companies with no black employees. And the companies who do have some black employees don’t have enough of them. Boo hoo some of us white guys might get turned down for a job. Welcome to their world?

And what do you whites tell blacks who tell you they’ve dealt with discrimination? You tell them to keep on looking. Nothing you can do about an individual hiring manager who may be prejudice. You’ve told them no excuses for decades.

But here you are making excuses.

They choose the diversity candidate to make up for your bias. Too many hiring managers have your way of thinking. Go work for one of them. If they don’t hire you what’s your excuse then?
There are literally ZERO companies owned by white people without black employees.

There are plenty of non-white companies that don’t have white employees though.

You say shit you can't back up.

In exploring the demography of American upper management, a Government commission on Wednesday put its official stamp on what many people have suspected all along: important barriers to the progress of women and minorities are the entrenched stereotypes and prejudices of white men.

Women, the report of the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission said, are perceived by white males as "not being tough enough" and "unable or unwilling to relocate." Black men? "Undisciplined, always late." Hispanic men are deemed "heavy drinkers and drug users who don't want to work" -- except for Cubans, who are "brave exiles from Communism." Asians? "More equipped for technical than people-oriented work." And, the report said, white males believe that none of these folks play golf.

Never mind that women's attendance records are better than men's, discounting maternity leaves; that Hispanic Americans work longer than the non-Hispanic white men putting them down, or that American management is impressed enough by Asian management that it often apes it.

These are the attitudes that block the doors to the executive suites of corporate America, the commission said in trying to explain why, three decades after the civil rights movement, about 95 percent of industry's senior executives are starkly and stubbornly white and male.

Some white men are frightened and angry that people unlike them are vying for their jobs. But for many other men, higher level executives, simple inertia sustains the stereotypes and keeps top management white and male.

White Males and Management
More racist left wing articles.....
Truth hurts huh?

I don't need a left wing article to know how you guys think. All that article did was confirm my beliefs about the bias you guys show here every day.
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I say that I want to see an end to anti-White discrimination, and you accuse me of wanting to discriminate against minorities.

You do that, because you know, on some level, that your position of supporting racist discrimination is completely indefensible, morally and ethically wrong, and is tearing this nation apart.

So, you have to lie.

There is no anti white discrimination. Understand? I'm not going to argue with you about it either. There is no evidence of it's existence , you had ample time to show it's existence and have not. So it doesn't happen.

You are better off arguing for the existence of unicorns.

So, all the talk about diversity and multiculturalism, and the billions spent on increasing minority representation in this and that field and schools and employment and ect ect ect,

that's all window dressing by mastermind evul white racists behind the scene?

Hey, Seelys, see what this guy thinks of you?
The evil white racists behind the scenes faught against all these policies every step of the way.

And yet, those policies and programs are, and have been for quite some time, the norm.

Don't kid yourself. Katsteve is denying that those policies and programs, and your support, have done ANYTHING. He is dismissing you and yours and all you have done.

He lumps you in with me, and when he and his are in charge, you will be treated accordingly.

Hell, we see it already, as good little white libs are being pushed to the side, for not being diverse or left enough.

THat is your future. More and more of that.

Also consider this. A lot of CEOs who are looking for diversity hires actually agree with you. Do you think they like it? But the board of directors is telling him it looks bad that in a country as diverse as ours, every vp under you is a white male.

I've seen no evidence of that in my work history. At every turn, the word from above was conform to the Diversity/Multicultural shit or be thrown to the wolves.

And every poor and middle class person should object even if you are a white male. It’s the rich who have the system rigged for themselves. The laws and rules are different for them. Just ask Jussie Smollett and aunt Becky.

Object by supporting additional rules designed to fuck us? That is what you are asking for. That is what I am objecting to.

You are supporting the idea of NOT hiring people because they have white skin. THat is supposed to HELP us somehow?

Give me a break.

Do you guys honestly believe George Bush or Donald Trump got into the schools they went to because they were smart? Wake up poor white trash. You’re being fucked and not by just liberal Hollywood types.

First of all, poor does not mean trash. That you think it does, at least with whites, is nothing but pure racism on your part.

Second of all, the Legacy system seems to be connected to the massive endowments that so many of these schools have, that lead to widespread scholarships for the poor. I worry that trying to fix that would end those scholarships, while the rich would just find another way to look out for their own. I don't really feel "fucked" by that.

Now the effective sat bonus that minority students get for having black or brown skin and the minus the poor and/o rural whites get from lib admission officers? That is just a fucking without even a reach around.

Our best and brightest aren’t getting the jobs. Not if all the CEOs and VPs are white men. Even I know that and I’m a white man

Is your brother a racist? Cause he seemed to have a problem finding a qualified minority candidate. Maybe the problem is something that happens well before the candidates walk into the interviews.

Actually, I don't "lump you" with Sealy nor any other person here.

Just because he chooses to vote and believe a certain way, that does not affect me. I don't owe him or anyone anything for their choices.

And by the same token, I have zero regard for someone who likely has more of a chance for advancing and chooses to view themselves as a victim.

So don't try to use me to gain the empathy of Sealy.

That's not very manly at all.

Even though I'm a white male I don't think this good old boy network benefits me either. I think a fair system would benefit me better than the status quo where rich people send their kids to Harvard or Yale (GW BUSH) and that fucking retard ends up running the country.

Look at the state of the middle class. Look at our national debt. Look at the gap between the rich and poor. Does it seem like the current system is working for white male Americans? It's not. And the rich have convinced Correll it's blacks who have screwed them over.

And no correll I'm not worried one day blacks are going to run everything and then discriminate against me like we did them. I think one day black men will make up about 15% of the fortune 500 ceo's. And if he's hiring inferior workers I'm sure his profits will suffer. If they don't suffer then maybe you were wrong about you being the most qualified.

That must be it. You know you aren't the most qualified and you are worried fairness will fuck you.
There is no "racism or bigotry" from me on this.

There is you, falsely spouting lies and smears against me, and white Americans in general.

You are the one supporting racial discrimination here, not me.

Not in anyway am I supporting what you claim. I just don't agree with your chicken little, poor me victimhood.

Especially since no metrics support it.

If there were not laws to control the bigotry that those like you would turn your head to, only white males would advance. Which is what you would like to see.

That makes you what you are.

I say that I want to see an end to anti-White discrimination, and you accuse me of wanting to discriminate against minorities.

You do that, because you know, on some level, that your position of supporting racist discrimination is completely indefensible, morally and ethically wrong, and is tearing this nation apart.

So, you have to lie.

Nope. I have no need to lie. I was around when this nation endorsed laws which mandated deference to even the most marginal of white males.

Without such laws in place, egotistical, arrogant individuals like you would not believe in fairness to others.

Congratulations on living to be so old.

That being said, I do not remember any of that. I have never in my life had any mandated deference, and thus do not miss it, nor want it.

All I want is equality.

That you have to lie about what I want, and insult me, to "justify" your lies, is you being a racist prick.

What you refer to as discrimination is in fact in place to ensure that past discrimination does not happen again.

I'm will aware of the stated reason for the discrimination you support.

Your issue is that you see, ANY positive gain by ANY minority(especially blacks) or even ANY female, as discrimination against white males.


And the nation is not being "torn apart". And there is NO ANTI WHITE DISCRIMINATION.

A solid quarter of the nation is being told, that the other half of the nation is out to "get them".

That sets that quarter of the nation against that other half.

That pisses off the other half, that knows that is bullshit.

Trust me. We are really done with being blamed for shit that we have or had nothing to do with.

Your "commander in cheeto" is making America great again and is coming to your rescue.....isn't he?


Trump barely touched on this issue. He has made no promises about reversing any of this shit. What the fuck are you talking about?

"What the fuck am I talking about". I guess you an issue remembering your own statements. It is you who has stated before that "Trump is acting in the interests of those like you"...or something to that effect.

So stop playing stupid

"A section of the nation, is being told that another section of the country is out to get them"?!

You are either fucking crazy, or the belief that you are being victimized is at odds with your own racist alter ego.

As far as the rest of your delusional nosense, it's good for nothing but a laugh.

Now here is something for you to ponder

In light of this data, you might expect that in organizations where women and minorities are at the top, they’ll try to help others like them climb the organizational ladder. Yet, this popular belief is not supported by data. In fact, research suggests, it is women and nonwhites themselves who often impede the advancement of their own peers. They do not advocate for them when positions come open or there is an opportunity for a promotion, and they do not provide the mentorship and support that everybody needs to navigate their careers successfully.

Scholars from a wide range of disciplines – from management to psychology and economics – have examined why this is the case.

Another Reason Top Managers Are Disproportionally White Men
When you institute policy to hire with the goal of diversity, you are hiring based on getting more brown and black skin in the organization, based on skin color and not on merit.

This is discriminating against any qualified whites you are passing over in order to be more diverse.

YOu can't choose to discriminate in favor of someone without discriminating AGAINST someone else.

This is not a "lie". This is basic logic. You are being insane.
Stop it! There are too many companies with no black employees. And the companies who do have some black employees don’t have enough of them. Boo hoo some of us white guys might get turned down for a job. Welcome to their world?

And what do you whites tell blacks who tell you they’ve dealt with discrimination? You tell them to keep on looking. Nothing you can do about an individual hiring manager who may be prejudice. You’ve told them no excuses for decades.

But here you are making excuses.

They choose the diversity candidate to make up for your bias. Too many hiring managers have your way of thinking. Go work for one of them. If they don’t hire you what’s your excuse then?
There are literally ZERO companies owned by white people without black employees.

There are plenty of non-white companies that don’t have white employees though.

You say shit you can't back up.

In exploring the demography of American upper management, a Government commission on Wednesday put its official stamp on what many people have suspected all along: important barriers to the progress of women and minorities are the entrenched stereotypes and prejudices of white men.

Women, the report of the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission said, are perceived by white males as "not being tough enough" and "unable or unwilling to relocate." Black men? "Undisciplined, always late." Hispanic men are deemed "heavy drinkers and drug users who don't want to work" -- except for Cubans, who are "brave exiles from Communism." Asians? "More equipped for technical than people-oriented work." And, the report said, white males believe that none of these folks play golf.

Never mind that women's attendance records are better than men's, discounting maternity leaves; that Hispanic Americans work longer than the non-Hispanic white men putting them down, or that American management is impressed enough by Asian management that it often apes it.

These are the attitudes that block the doors to the executive suites of corporate America, the commission said in trying to explain why, three decades after the civil rights movement, about 95 percent of industry's senior executives are starkly and stubbornly white and male.

Some white men are frightened and angry that people unlike them are vying for their jobs. But for many other men, higher level executives, simple inertia sustains the stereotypes and keeps top management white and male.

White Males and Management
More racist left wing articles.....
Truth hurts huh?

I don't need a left wing article to know how you guys think. All that article did was confirm my beliefs about the bias you guys show here every day.
I know you are an idiot.

You don’t have to tell me again.
There is no anti white discrimination. Understand? I'm not going to argue with you about it either. There is no evidence of it's existence , you had ample time to show it's existence and have not. So it doesn't happen.

You are better off arguing for the existence of unicorns.

So, all the talk about diversity and multiculturalism, and the billions spent on increasing minority representation in this and that field and schools and employment and ect ect ect,

that's all window dressing by mastermind evul white racists behind the scene?

Hey, Seelys, see what this guy thinks of you?
The evil white racists behind the scenes faught against all these policies every step of the way.

And yet, those policies and programs are, and have been for quite some time, the norm.

Don't kid yourself. Katsteve is denying that those policies and programs, and your support, have done ANYTHING. He is dismissing you and yours and all you have done.

He lumps you in with me, and when he and his are in charge, you will be treated accordingly.

Hell, we see it already, as good little white libs are being pushed to the side, for not being diverse or left enough.

THat is your future. More and more of that.

Also consider this. A lot of CEOs who are looking for diversity hires actually agree with you. Do you think they like it? But the board of directors is telling him it looks bad that in a country as diverse as ours, every vp under you is a white male.

I've seen no evidence of that in my work history. At every turn, the word from above was conform to the Diversity/Multicultural shit or be thrown to the wolves.

And every poor and middle class person should object even if you are a white male. It’s the rich who have the system rigged for themselves. The laws and rules are different for them. Just ask Jussie Smollett and aunt Becky.

Object by supporting additional rules designed to fuck us? That is what you are asking for. That is what I am objecting to.

You are supporting the idea of NOT hiring people because they have white skin. THat is supposed to HELP us somehow?

Give me a break.

Do you guys honestly believe George Bush or Donald Trump got into the schools they went to because they were smart? Wake up poor white trash. You’re being fucked and not by just liberal Hollywood types.

First of all, poor does not mean trash. That you think it does, at least with whites, is nothing but pure racism on your part.

Second of all, the Legacy system seems to be connected to the massive endowments that so many of these schools have, that lead to widespread scholarships for the poor. I worry that trying to fix that would end those scholarships, while the rich would just find another way to look out for their own. I don't really feel "fucked" by that.

Now the effective sat bonus that minority students get for having black or brown skin and the minus the poor and/o rural whites get from lib admission officers? That is just a fucking without even a reach around.

Our best and brightest aren’t getting the jobs. Not if all the CEOs and VPs are white men. Even I know that and I’m a white man

Is your brother a racist? Cause he seemed to have a problem finding a qualified minority candidate. Maybe the problem is something that happens well before the candidates walk into the interviews.

Actually, I don't "lump you" with Sealy nor any other person here.

Just because he chooses to vote and believe a certain way, that does not affect me. I don't owe him or anyone anything for their choices.

And by the same token, I have zero regard for someone who likely has more of a chance for advancing and chooses to view themselves as a victim.

So don't try to use me to gain the empathy of Sealy.

That's not very manly at all.

Even though I'm a white male I don't think this good old boy network benefits me either. I think a fair system would benefit me better than the status quo where rich people send their kids to Harvard or Yale (GW BUSH) and that fucking retard ends up running the country.

Look at the state of the middle class. Look at our national debt. Look at the gap between the rich and poor. Does it seem like the current system is working for white male Americans? It's not. And the rich have convinced Correll it's blacks who have screwed them over.

And no correll I'm not worried one day blacks are going to run everything and then discriminate against me like we did them. I think one day black men will make up about 15% of the fortune 500 ceo's. And if he's hiring inferior workers I'm sure his profits will suffer. If they don't suffer then maybe you were wrong about you being the most qualified.

That must be it. You know you aren't the most qualified and you are worried fairness will fuck you.
There are plenty of black men and others who will be more than happy to treat you like the slave that you want to be.

They aren’t interested in fairness.
The playing field is not level. People like you, who support the rules that discriminate against poor whites, are the ones screwing them.

And again, you are the one bringing up blacks. Not me. AGAIN.

Your nose is going grow to epic proportions. Youve stated that white males are being discriminated against in favor of blacks.

Which is yet another lie.

When you institute policy to hire with the goal of diversity, you are hiring based on getting more brown and black skin in the organization, based on skin color and not on merit.

This is discriminating against any qualified whites you are passing over in order to be more diverse.

YOu can't choose to discriminate in favor of someone without discriminating AGAINST someone else.

This is not a "lie". This is basic logic. You are being insane.
Stop it! There are too many companies with no black employees. And the companies who do have some black employees don’t have enough of them. Boo hoo some of us white guys might get turned down for a job. Welcome to their world?

And what do you whites tell blacks who tell you they’ve dealt with discrimination? You tell them to keep on looking. Nothing you can do about an individual hiring manager who may be prejudice. You’ve told them no excuses for decades.

But here you are making excuses.

They choose the diversity candidate to make up for your bias. Too many hiring managers have your way of thinking. Go work for one of them. If they don’t hire you what’s your excuse then?
There are literally ZERO companies owned by white people without black employees.

There are plenty of non-white companies that don’t have white employees though.

You have a lot to prove before I accept that one-word condemnation of this complex issue just because I'm picky about who and what I believe. :cool:
Not in anyway am I supporting what you claim. I just don't agree with your chicken little, poor me victimhood.

Especially since no metrics support it.

If there were not laws to control the bigotry that those like you would turn your head to, only white males would advance. Which is what you would like to see.

That makes you what you are.

I say that I want to see an end to anti-White discrimination, and you accuse me of wanting to discriminate against minorities.

You do that, because you know, on some level, that your position of supporting racist discrimination is completely indefensible, morally and ethically wrong, and is tearing this nation apart.

So, you have to lie.

Nope. I have no need to lie. I was around when this nation endorsed laws which mandated deference to even the most marginal of white males.

Without such laws in place, egotistical, arrogant individuals like you would not believe in fairness to others.

Congratulations on living to be so old.

That being said, I do not remember any of that. I have never in my life had any mandated deference, and thus do not miss it, nor want it.

All I want is equality.

That you have to lie about what I want, and insult me, to "justify" your lies, is you being a racist prick.

What you refer to as discrimination is in fact in place to ensure that past discrimination does not happen again.

I'm will aware of the stated reason for the discrimination you support.

Your issue is that you see, ANY positive gain by ANY minority(especially blacks) or even ANY female, as discrimination against white males.


And the nation is not being "torn apart". And there is NO ANTI WHITE DISCRIMINATION.

A solid quarter of the nation is being told, that the other half of the nation is out to "get them".

That sets that quarter of the nation against that other half.

That pisses off the other half, that knows that is bullshit.

Trust me. We are really done with being blamed for shit that we have or had nothing to do with.

Your "commander in cheeto" is making America great again and is coming to your rescue.....isn't he?


Trump barely touched on this issue. He has made no promises about reversing any of this shit. What the fuck are you talking about?

"What the fuck am I talking about". I guess you an issue remembering your own statements. It is you who has stated before that "Trump is acting in the interests of those like you"...or something to that effect.

So stop playing stupid

"A section of the nation, is being told that another section of the country is out to get them"?!

You are either fucking crazy, or the belief that you are being victimized is at odds with your own racist alter ego.

As far as the rest of your delusional nosense, it's good for nothing but a laugh.

Now here is something for you to ponder

In light of this data, you might expect that in organizations where women and minorities are at the top, they’ll try to help others like them climb the organizational ladder. Yet, this popular belief is not supported by data. In fact, research suggests, it is women and nonwhites themselves who often impede the advancement of their own peers. They do not advocate for them when positions come open or there is an opportunity for a promotion, and they do not provide the mentorship and support that everybody needs to navigate their careers successfully.

Scholars from a wide range of disciplines – from management to psychology and economics – have examined why this is the case.

Another Reason Top Managers Are Disproportionally White Men

I have seen that happen as well.
There is no anti white discrimination. Understand? I'm not going to argue with you about it either. There is no evidence of it's existence , you had ample time to show it's existence and have not. So it doesn't happen.

You are better off arguing for the existence of unicorns.

So, all the talk about diversity and multiculturalism, and the billions spent on increasing minority representation in this and that field and schools and employment and ect ect ect,

that's all window dressing by mastermind evul white racists behind the scene?

Hey, Seelys, see what this guy thinks of you?
The evil white racists behind the scenes faught against all these policies every step of the way.

And yet, those policies and programs are, and have been for quite some time, the norm.

Don't kid yourself. Katsteve is denying that those policies and programs, and your support, have done ANYTHING. He is dismissing you and yours and all you have done.

He lumps you in with me, and when he and his are in charge, you will be treated accordingly.

Hell, we see it already, as good little white libs are being pushed to the side, for not being diverse or left enough.

THat is your future. More and more of that.

Also consider this. A lot of CEOs who are looking for diversity hires actually agree with you. Do you think they like it? But the board of directors is telling him it looks bad that in a country as diverse as ours, every vp under you is a white male.

I've seen no evidence of that in my work history. At every turn, the word from above was conform to the Diversity/Multicultural shit or be thrown to the wolves.

And every poor and middle class person should object even if you are a white male. It’s the rich who have the system rigged for themselves. The laws and rules are different for them. Just ask Jussie Smollett and aunt Becky.

Object by supporting additional rules designed to fuck us? That is what you are asking for. That is what I am objecting to.

You are supporting the idea of NOT hiring people because they have white skin. THat is supposed to HELP us somehow?

Give me a break.

Do you guys honestly believe George Bush or Donald Trump got into the schools they went to because they were smart? Wake up poor white trash. You’re being fucked and not by just liberal Hollywood types.

First of all, poor does not mean trash. That you think it does, at least with whites, is nothing but pure racism on your part.

Second of all, the Legacy system seems to be connected to the massive endowments that so many of these schools have, that lead to widespread scholarships for the poor. I worry that trying to fix that would end those scholarships, while the rich would just find another way to look out for their own. I don't really feel "fucked" by that.

Now the effective sat bonus that minority students get for having black or brown skin and the minus the poor and/o rural whites get from lib admission officers? That is just a fucking without even a reach around.

Our best and brightest aren’t getting the jobs. Not if all the CEOs and VPs are white men. Even I know that and I’m a white man

Is your brother a racist? Cause he seemed to have a problem finding a qualified minority candidate. Maybe the problem is something that happens well before the candidates walk into the interviews.

Actually, I don't "lump you" with Sealy nor any other person here.

Just because he chooses to vote and believe a certain way, that does not affect me. I don't owe him or anyone anything for their choices.

And by the same token, I have zero regard for someone who likely has more of a chance for advancing and chooses to view themselves as a victim.

So don't try to use me to gain the empathy of Sealy.

That's not very manly at all.

Even though I'm a white male I don't think this good old boy network benefits me either. I think a fair system would benefit me better than the status quo where rich people send their kids to Harvard or Yale (GW BUSH) and that fucking retard ends up running the country.

Look at the state of the middle class. Look at our national debt. Look at the gap between the rich and poor. Does it seem like the current system is working for white male Americans? It's not. And the rich have convinced Correll it's blacks who have screwed them over.

And no correll I'm not worried one day blacks are going to run everything and then discriminate against me like we did them. I think one day black men will make up about 15% of the fortune 500 ceo's. And if he's hiring inferior workers I'm sure his profits will suffer. If they don't suffer then maybe you were wrong about you being the most qualified.

That must be it. You know you aren't the most qualified and you are worried fairness will fuck you.

The current system does favor the 1%
And the far right uses subliminal language that causes low in information, low achievers to be moved in the direction of utter hysteria.

The same type of scapegoating occurred in Nazi Germany.

I'm not actually optimistic regarding black people representing 15% in the ranks of CEOS.

Before I retired, I was the only black managing director in a national company that was considered to be "progressive".
The best possible future for black Americans in the workforce is personal ownership of their own businesses.

Of course there are many layers to that type of venture with necessary capitalization being most important.
So, all the talk about diversity and multiculturalism, and the billions spent on increasing minority representation in this and that field and schools and employment and ect ect ect,

that's all window dressing by mastermind evul white racists behind the scene?

Hey, Seelys, see what this guy thinks of you?
The evil white racists behind the scenes faught against all these policies every step of the way.

And yet, those policies and programs are, and have been for quite some time, the norm.

Don't kid yourself. Katsteve is denying that those policies and programs, and your support, have done ANYTHING. He is dismissing you and yours and all you have done.

He lumps you in with me, and when he and his are in charge, you will be treated accordingly.

Hell, we see it already, as good little white libs are being pushed to the side, for not being diverse or left enough.

THat is your future. More and more of that.

Also consider this. A lot of CEOs who are looking for diversity hires actually agree with you. Do you think they like it? But the board of directors is telling him it looks bad that in a country as diverse as ours, every vp under you is a white male.

I've seen no evidence of that in my work history. At every turn, the word from above was conform to the Diversity/Multicultural shit or be thrown to the wolves.

And every poor and middle class person should object even if you are a white male. It’s the rich who have the system rigged for themselves. The laws and rules are different for them. Just ask Jussie Smollett and aunt Becky.

Object by supporting additional rules designed to fuck us? That is what you are asking for. That is what I am objecting to.

You are supporting the idea of NOT hiring people because they have white skin. THat is supposed to HELP us somehow?

Give me a break.

Do you guys honestly believe George Bush or Donald Trump got into the schools they went to because they were smart? Wake up poor white trash. You’re being fucked and not by just liberal Hollywood types.

First of all, poor does not mean trash. That you think it does, at least with whites, is nothing but pure racism on your part.

Second of all, the Legacy system seems to be connected to the massive endowments that so many of these schools have, that lead to widespread scholarships for the poor. I worry that trying to fix that would end those scholarships, while the rich would just find another way to look out for their own. I don't really feel "fucked" by that.

Now the effective sat bonus that minority students get for having black or brown skin and the minus the poor and/o rural whites get from lib admission officers? That is just a fucking without even a reach around.

Our best and brightest aren’t getting the jobs. Not if all the CEOs and VPs are white men. Even I know that and I’m a white man

Is your brother a racist? Cause he seemed to have a problem finding a qualified minority candidate. Maybe the problem is something that happens well before the candidates walk into the interviews.

Actually, I don't "lump you" with Sealy nor any other person here.

Just because he chooses to vote and believe a certain way, that does not affect me. I don't owe him or anyone anything for their choices.

And by the same token, I have zero regard for someone who likely has more of a chance for advancing and chooses to view themselves as a victim.

So don't try to use me to gain the empathy of Sealy.

That's not very manly at all.

Even though I'm a white male I don't think this good old boy network benefits me either. I think a fair system would benefit me better than the status quo where rich people send their kids to Harvard or Yale (GW BUSH) and that fucking retard ends up running the country.

Look at the state of the middle class. Look at our national debt. Look at the gap between the rich and poor. Does it seem like the current system is working for white male Americans? It's not. And the rich have convinced Correll it's blacks who have screwed them over.

And no correll I'm not worried one day blacks are going to run everything and then discriminate against me like we did them. I think one day black men will make up about 15% of the fortune 500 ceo's. And if he's hiring inferior workers I'm sure his profits will suffer. If they don't suffer then maybe you were wrong about you being the most qualified.

That must be it. You know you aren't the most qualified and you are worried fairness will fuck you.
There are plenty of black men and others who will be more than happy to treat you like the slave that you want to be.

They aren’t interested in fairness.
Just like you aren't.
I say that I want to see an end to anti-White discrimination, and you accuse me of wanting to discriminate against minorities.

You do that, because you know, on some level, that your position of supporting racist discrimination is completely indefensible, morally and ethically wrong, and is tearing this nation apart.

So, you have to lie.

Nope. I have no need to lie. I was around when this nation endorsed laws which mandated deference to even the most marginal of white males.

Without such laws in place, egotistical, arrogant individuals like you would not believe in fairness to others.

Congratulations on living to be so old.

That being said, I do not remember any of that. I have never in my life had any mandated deference, and thus do not miss it, nor want it.

All I want is equality.

That you have to lie about what I want, and insult me, to "justify" your lies, is you being a racist prick.

What you refer to as discrimination is in fact in place to ensure that past discrimination does not happen again.

I'm will aware of the stated reason for the discrimination you support.

Your issue is that you see, ANY positive gain by ANY minority(especially blacks) or even ANY female, as discrimination against white males.


And the nation is not being "torn apart". And there is NO ANTI WHITE DISCRIMINATION.

A solid quarter of the nation is being told, that the other half of the nation is out to "get them".

That sets that quarter of the nation against that other half.

That pisses off the other half, that knows that is bullshit.

Trust me. We are really done with being blamed for shit that we have or had nothing to do with.

Your "commander in cheeto" is making America great again and is coming to your rescue.....isn't he?


Trump barely touched on this issue. He has made no promises about reversing any of this shit. What the fuck are you talking about?

"What the fuck am I talking about". I guess you an issue remembering your own statements. It is you who has stated before that "Trump is acting in the interests of those like you"...or something to that effect.

So stop playing stupid

"A section of the nation, is being told that another section of the country is out to get them"?!

You are either fucking crazy, or the belief that you are being victimized is at odds with your own racist alter ego.

As far as the rest of your delusional nosense, it's good for nothing but a laugh.

Now here is something for you to ponder

In light of this data, you might expect that in organizations where women and minorities are at the top, they’ll try to help others like them climb the organizational ladder. Yet, this popular belief is not supported by data. In fact, research suggests, it is women and nonwhites themselves who often impede the advancement of their own peers. They do not advocate for them when positions come open or there is an opportunity for a promotion, and they do not provide the mentorship and support that everybody needs to navigate their careers successfully.

Scholars from a wide range of disciplines – from management to psychology and economics – have examined why this is the case.

Another Reason Top Managers Are Disproportionally White Men

I have seen that happen as well.

Obama did this too. He should have appointed a lot more blacks but he didn't want to seem like he was playing favoritism so he didn't. He should have. Especially judges.
The evil white racists behind the scenes faught against all these policies every step of the way.

And yet, those policies and programs are, and have been for quite some time, the norm.

Don't kid yourself. Katsteve is denying that those policies and programs, and your support, have done ANYTHING. He is dismissing you and yours and all you have done.

He lumps you in with me, and when he and his are in charge, you will be treated accordingly.

Hell, we see it already, as good little white libs are being pushed to the side, for not being diverse or left enough.

THat is your future. More and more of that.

Also consider this. A lot of CEOs who are looking for diversity hires actually agree with you. Do you think they like it? But the board of directors is telling him it looks bad that in a country as diverse as ours, every vp under you is a white male.

I've seen no evidence of that in my work history. At every turn, the word from above was conform to the Diversity/Multicultural shit or be thrown to the wolves.

And every poor and middle class person should object even if you are a white male. It’s the rich who have the system rigged for themselves. The laws and rules are different for them. Just ask Jussie Smollett and aunt Becky.

Object by supporting additional rules designed to fuck us? That is what you are asking for. That is what I am objecting to.

You are supporting the idea of NOT hiring people because they have white skin. THat is supposed to HELP us somehow?

Give me a break.

Do you guys honestly believe George Bush or Donald Trump got into the schools they went to because they were smart? Wake up poor white trash. You’re being fucked and not by just liberal Hollywood types.

First of all, poor does not mean trash. That you think it does, at least with whites, is nothing but pure racism on your part.

Second of all, the Legacy system seems to be connected to the massive endowments that so many of these schools have, that lead to widespread scholarships for the poor. I worry that trying to fix that would end those scholarships, while the rich would just find another way to look out for their own. I don't really feel "fucked" by that.

Now the effective sat bonus that minority students get for having black or brown skin and the minus the poor and/o rural whites get from lib admission officers? That is just a fucking without even a reach around.

Our best and brightest aren’t getting the jobs. Not if all the CEOs and VPs are white men. Even I know that and I’m a white man

Is your brother a racist? Cause he seemed to have a problem finding a qualified minority candidate. Maybe the problem is something that happens well before the candidates walk into the interviews.

Actually, I don't "lump you" with Sealy nor any other person here.

Just because he chooses to vote and believe a certain way, that does not affect me. I don't owe him or anyone anything for their choices.

And by the same token, I have zero regard for someone who likely has more of a chance for advancing and chooses to view themselves as a victim.

So don't try to use me to gain the empathy of Sealy.

That's not very manly at all.

Even though I'm a white male I don't think this good old boy network benefits me either. I think a fair system would benefit me better than the status quo where rich people send their kids to Harvard or Yale (GW BUSH) and that fucking retard ends up running the country.

Look at the state of the middle class. Look at our national debt. Look at the gap between the rich and poor. Does it seem like the current system is working for white male Americans? It's not. And the rich have convinced Correll it's blacks who have screwed them over.

And no correll I'm not worried one day blacks are going to run everything and then discriminate against me like we did them. I think one day black men will make up about 15% of the fortune 500 ceo's. And if he's hiring inferior workers I'm sure his profits will suffer. If they don't suffer then maybe you were wrong about you being the most qualified.

That must be it. You know you aren't the most qualified and you are worried fairness will fuck you.
There are plenty of black men and others who will be more than happy to treat you like the slave that you want to be.

They aren’t interested in fairness.
Just like you aren't.
I am interested in peace. Fairness isn’t needed when you truly achieve peace.
And yet, those policies and programs are, and have been for quite some time, the norm.

Don't kid yourself. Katsteve is denying that those policies and programs, and your support, have done ANYTHING. He is dismissing you and yours and all you have done.

He lumps you in with me, and when he and his are in charge, you will be treated accordingly.

Hell, we see it already, as good little white libs are being pushed to the side, for not being diverse or left enough.

THat is your future. More and more of that.

I've seen no evidence of that in my work history. At every turn, the word from above was conform to the Diversity/Multicultural shit or be thrown to the wolves.

Object by supporting additional rules designed to fuck us? That is what you are asking for. That is what I am objecting to.

You are supporting the idea of NOT hiring people because they have white skin. THat is supposed to HELP us somehow?

Give me a break.

First of all, poor does not mean trash. That you think it does, at least with whites, is nothing but pure racism on your part.

Second of all, the Legacy system seems to be connected to the massive endowments that so many of these schools have, that lead to widespread scholarships for the poor. I worry that trying to fix that would end those scholarships, while the rich would just find another way to look out for their own. I don't really feel "fucked" by that.

Now the effective sat bonus that minority students get for having black or brown skin and the minus the poor and/o rural whites get from lib admission officers? That is just a fucking without even a reach around.

Is your brother a racist? Cause he seemed to have a problem finding a qualified minority candidate. Maybe the problem is something that happens well before the candidates walk into the interviews.

Actually, I don't "lump you" with Sealy nor any other person here.

Just because he chooses to vote and believe a certain way, that does not affect me. I don't owe him or anyone anything for their choices.

And by the same token, I have zero regard for someone who likely has more of a chance for advancing and chooses to view themselves as a victim.

So don't try to use me to gain the empathy of Sealy.

That's not very manly at all.

Even though I'm a white male I don't think this good old boy network benefits me either. I think a fair system would benefit me better than the status quo where rich people send their kids to Harvard or Yale (GW BUSH) and that fucking retard ends up running the country.

Look at the state of the middle class. Look at our national debt. Look at the gap between the rich and poor. Does it seem like the current system is working for white male Americans? It's not. And the rich have convinced Correll it's blacks who have screwed them over.

And no correll I'm not worried one day blacks are going to run everything and then discriminate against me like we did them. I think one day black men will make up about 15% of the fortune 500 ceo's. And if he's hiring inferior workers I'm sure his profits will suffer. If they don't suffer then maybe you were wrong about you being the most qualified.

That must be it. You know you aren't the most qualified and you are worried fairness will fuck you.
There are plenty of black men and others who will be more than happy to treat you like the slave that you want to be.

They aren’t interested in fairness.
Just like you aren't.
I am interested in peace. Fairness isn’t needed when you truly achieve peace.

Yea just ask Russians.
Actually, I don't "lump you" with Sealy nor any other person here.

Just because he chooses to vote and believe a certain way, that does not affect me. I don't owe him or anyone anything for their choices.

And by the same token, I have zero regard for someone who likely has more of a chance for advancing and chooses to view themselves as a victim.

So don't try to use me to gain the empathy of Sealy.

That's not very manly at all.

Even though I'm a white male I don't think this good old boy network benefits me either. I think a fair system would benefit me better than the status quo where rich people send their kids to Harvard or Yale (GW BUSH) and that fucking retard ends up running the country.

Look at the state of the middle class. Look at our national debt. Look at the gap between the rich and poor. Does it seem like the current system is working for white male Americans? It's not. And the rich have convinced Correll it's blacks who have screwed them over.

And no correll I'm not worried one day blacks are going to run everything and then discriminate against me like we did them. I think one day black men will make up about 15% of the fortune 500 ceo's. And if he's hiring inferior workers I'm sure his profits will suffer. If they don't suffer then maybe you were wrong about you being the most qualified.

That must be it. You know you aren't the most qualified and you are worried fairness will fuck you.
There are plenty of black men and others who will be more than happy to treat you like the slave that you want to be.

They aren’t interested in fairness.
Just like you aren't.
I am interested in peace. Fairness isn’t needed when you truly achieve peace.

Yea just ask Russians.
Your post made no sense.
Your nose is going grow to epic proportions. Youve stated that white males are being discriminated against in favor of blacks.

Which is yet another lie.

When you institute policy to hire with the goal of diversity, you are hiring based on getting more brown and black skin in the organization, based on skin color and not on merit.

This is discriminating against any qualified whites you are passing over in order to be more diverse.

YOu can't choose to discriminate in favor of someone without discriminating AGAINST someone else.

This is not a "lie". This is basic logic. You are being insane.
Stop it! There are too many companies with no black employees. And the companies who do have some black employees don’t have enough of them. Boo hoo some of us white guys might get turned down for a job. Welcome to their world?

And what do you whites tell blacks who tell you they’ve dealt with discrimination? You tell them to keep on looking. Nothing you can do about an individual hiring manager who may be prejudice. You’ve told them no excuses for decades.

But here you are making excuses.

They choose the diversity candidate to make up for your bias. Too many hiring managers have your way of thinking. Go work for one of them. If they don’t hire you what’s your excuse then?
There are literally ZERO companies owned by white people without black employees.

There are plenty of non-white companies that don’t have white employees though.

You say shit you can't back up.

In exploring the demography of American upper management, a Government commission on Wednesday put its official stamp on what many people have suspected all along: important barriers to the progress of women and minorities are the entrenched stereotypes and prejudices of white men.

Women, the report of the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission said, are perceived by white males as "not being tough enough" and "unable or unwilling to relocate." Black men? "Undisciplined, always late." Hispanic men are deemed "heavy drinkers and drug users who don't want to work" -- except for Cubans, who are "brave exiles from Communism." Asians? "More equipped for technical than people-oriented work." And, the report said, white males believe that none of these folks play golf.

Never mind that women's attendance records are better than men's, discounting maternity leaves; that Hispanic Americans work longer than the non-Hispanic white men putting them down, or that American management is impressed enough by Asian management that it often apes it.

These are the attitudes that block the doors to the executive suites of corporate America, the commission said in trying to explain why, three decades after the civil rights movement, about 95 percent of industry's senior executives are starkly and stubbornly white and male.

Some white men are frightened and angry that people unlike them are vying for their jobs. But for many other men, higher level executives, simple inertia sustains the stereotypes and keeps top management white and male.

White Males and Management
More racist left wing articles.....

I have a real world example straight out of the news today that proves what I'm saying is indeed true, despite the fact you don't like hearing the truth form left wing sources. Well, sorry if the Huffington Post is telling you the truth and Fox aint.

Remember earlier when I said "Women, the report of the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission said, are perceived by white males as "not being tough enough"

Ok, so do you want an example from today's news?

The mounting pressure Nielsen faced her last weekend at work largely originated with Trump’s policy adviser and speechwriter Stephen Miller, who’d been “locked in a bitter cold war of backbiting and paranoia” with her for the last year and a half, according to the Daily Beast.

Miller, considered the White House’s immigration hard-liner, viewed her as too soft on border issues.

Too soft. I wonder where he got that idea. Oh yea, it's a bias he has about women. Forget the fact what Trump wanted her to do was against the law and unconstitutional. She was too soft for not following his orders.
Even though I'm a white male I don't think this good old boy network benefits me either. I think a fair system would benefit me better than the status quo where rich people send their kids to Harvard or Yale (GW BUSH) and that fucking retard ends up running the country.

Look at the state of the middle class. Look at our national debt. Look at the gap between the rich and poor. Does it seem like the current system is working for white male Americans? It's not. And the rich have convinced Correll it's blacks who have screwed them over.

And no correll I'm not worried one day blacks are going to run everything and then discriminate against me like we did them. I think one day black men will make up about 15% of the fortune 500 ceo's. And if he's hiring inferior workers I'm sure his profits will suffer. If they don't suffer then maybe you were wrong about you being the most qualified.

That must be it. You know you aren't the most qualified and you are worried fairness will fuck you.
There are plenty of black men and others who will be more than happy to treat you like the slave that you want to be.

They aren’t interested in fairness.
Just like you aren't.
I am interested in peace. Fairness isn’t needed when you truly achieve peace.

Yea just ask Russians.
Your post made no sense.

Fairness isn't necessary in Russia either. As long as there is peace they are happy. As long as corporate profits are up you are happy.

They don't care that they are ruled by a lying evil prick who doesn't play fair either. They remind me of Republicans.

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