Democrat Racism

BS. Barter doesn't pay for the equipment needed for medical services. That bushel of corn just won't buy that x-ray machine.
And then these rural hicks beg the federal government to pay to bring them high speed internet.

And it’s very expensive to pay a mailman to drive all the way out to their farms to deliver mail but we do it for the cost of a stamp. They should be paying $20 and have their mail delivered once a week.
So they should have high regulations that destroy jobs because of a long trip for a mail man? :21:
Huh? I'm not following you. The point is you guys sure do like to crawl to the US FEDERAL GUBMENT when you want us to pay to put the high speed internet lines to your farms or when you want us to drive all the way out to your hick farm just to deliver the mail for 50 cents.

I wish the GOP would do away with the USPS so you have to pay $10 just to get your pills.

OMG I tried to write the name of a pill that makes you get an erection and it's a term that is banned here? Weird. Starts with a V and ends with iagra. LOL. You can't say that here???
America’s future is small rural towns,small government.. might want to get used to it
What about all of us in the cities? Can we come move to where you are?

The funny thing is, your kids move to the big cities to find jobs. They wish they could stay in your town but there are no jobs for them. So they have to move to the cities.
Bullshit. I don't need to compare maps. All I have to do is see the towns.

So I will explain this again; if democrats are winning over and over with failed plans, what republicans are offering must be so piss poor that people would rather fail. And the richest county in our state is majority democrat.
Lol not according to crime data, the towns
High in crime all vote democrat, local mayors local municipalities all democrats..
yes usually the richest towns are elite libs locates next to the poor.. they use the poor for local votes

So I will explain this again; if democrats are winning over and over, what republicans are offering is worse. In our state the richest city is located far from the poor. It's an entirely different county and zip code. You don't get to keep lying son.
Because public education in towns that vote blue that are high in crime have democrat principles, they destroyed education for generations, and when most people hear free shit they take it. Poor education produces bad decisions.. voting being one.

Elite democrats are every where.. they prey on the poor. I bet if you look deep into they rich democrat neighborhoods you will find deep roots in the poor neighborhoods.

Bullshit. And I hate to state the obvious but there are many cities run by republicans that are high crime. Republicans give free shit to the rich.
They don't run any big cities. Any cities run by Republicans are very rich, very heavily police patrolled, have the best schools, gated communities, and did I mention money?

No shit Republican cities aren't shit holes. They have all the money. And yet still white men are so so very angry and afraid.

Actually there are some. And what's worse is the republicans come in from the burbs and work in those cities. Some of them run city agencies or influence city policy as business owners, financial execs, etc. Last you have city councils who are not going to be all democrats who each have the same one vote as the Mayor.
Rural towns they use barter for medical services

BS. Barter doesn't pay for the equipment needed for medical services. That bushel of corn just won't buy that x-ray machine.
And then these rural hicks beg the federal government to pay to bring them high speed internet.

And it’s very expensive to pay a mailman to drive all the way out to their farms to deliver mail but we do it for the cost of a stamp. They should be paying $20 and have their mail delivered once a week.
So they should have high regulations that destroy jobs because of a long trip for a mail man? :21:
Huh? I'm not following you. The point is you guys sure do like to crawl to the US FEDERAL GUBMENT when you want us to pay to put the high speed internet lines to your farms or when you want us to drive all the way out to your hick farm just to deliver the mail for 50 cents.

I wish the GOP would do away with the USPS so you have to pay $10 just to get your pills.

OMG I tried to write the name of a pill that makes you get an erection and it's a term that is banned here? Weird. Starts with a V and ends with iagra. LOL. You can't say that here???
America’s future is small rural towns,small government.. might want to get used to it

That was the past.
Lol not according to crime data, the towns
High in crime all vote democrat, local mayors local municipalities all democrats..
yes usually the richest towns are elite libs locates next to the poor.. they use the poor for local votes

So I will explain this again; if democrats are winning over and over, what republicans are offering is worse. In our state the richest city is located far from the poor. It's an entirely different county and zip code. You don't get to keep lying son.
Because public education in towns that vote blue that are high in crime have democrat principles, they destroyed education for generations, and when most people hear free shit they take it. Poor education produces bad decisions.. voting being one.

Elite democrats are every where.. they prey on the poor. I bet if you look deep into they rich democrat neighborhoods you will find deep roots in the poor neighborhoods.

Bullshit. And I hate to state the obvious but there are many cities run by republicans that are high crime. Republicans give free shit to the rich.
They don't run any big cities. Any cities run by Republicans are very rich, very heavily police patrolled, have the best schools, gated communities, and did I mention money?

No shit Republican cities aren't shit holes. They have all the money. And yet still white men are so so very angry and afraid.
Lol bettyville Kentucky is the poorest town in America everyone owns a gun and almost no crime lol

bettyville Kentucky has 1,300 people. That's smaller than my high school and I didn't grow up in a big city. Now you put 1.3 million people there and it's that poor, you'd have to ban guns. So you are just off when you try making such claims as you try doing here.
Republicans are rioting ?? Lol where haha

You try your best to lie but republican policies have ruined states and almost sent us into a national depression. Yet you keep trying to lie about how only democratic towns are struggling. But those republican towns in the rust belt are complaining about lost jobs.
Which trump just deregulated and now are getting much better.
EPA was putting people in jail for puddles on farms!
Now democrats want to put taxes on poor people sitting in traffic.. over regulations kill production

Bullshit. Farmers were getting subsidies not to farm. There are farmers in our state who get paid to let their land be part of the prairie. The EPA was not putting people in jail for having puddles on their farms. Try telling the truth. And where did you get the lie that democrats want to tax people for sitting in traffic? You might want "over regulated" food. Or would you rather die from eating tainted meat, fruits and vegetables?

Here is a great example of how the rich are fucking us all IM2. The high cost of college.

Today, the country’s best colleges are an overpriced gated community whose benefits accrue mostly to the wealthy. At 38 colleges, including Yale, Princeton, Brown and Penn, there are more students from the top 1 percent than the bottom 60 percent. This isn't benefitting USMB Republicans but they'll defend the colleges right to charge whatever they want and let whoever they want in. They say that's fairness.

Public university tuition has doubled in the last two decades, tripled in the last three. Prestige-hungry universities admit large numbers of students who can pay ever-increasing fees and only a relative handful of low-income students. The U.S. now has more student loan debt than credit card debt—upward of $1.5 trillion. Nearly 40 percent of borrowers who entered college in the 2003 academic year could default on their loans by 2023, the Brookings Institution predicts.

Now who do you think the majority of the people who will default on their student loans are? White or blacks? Obviously it'll be overwhelmingly a bunch of white men.
Yes and 98% of colleges are run by democrats.. the party of failure

The democrats are the party of failure but they run everything. Start making sense.
Lol not according to crime data, the towns
High in crime all vote democrat, local mayors local municipalities all democrats..
yes usually the richest towns are elite libs locates next to the poor.. they use the poor for local votes

So I will explain this again; if democrats are winning over and over, what republicans are offering is worse. In our state the richest city is located far from the poor. It's an entirely different county and zip code. You don't get to keep lying son.
Because public education in towns that vote blue that are high in crime have democrat principles, they destroyed education for generations, and when most people hear free shit they take it. Poor education produces bad decisions.. voting being one.

Elite democrats are every where.. they prey on the poor. I bet if you look deep into they rich democrat neighborhoods you will find deep roots in the poor neighborhoods.

Bullshit. And I hate to state the obvious but there are many cities run by republicans that are high crime. Republicans give free shit to the rich.
They don't run any big cities. Any cities run by Republicans are very rich, very heavily police patrolled, have the best schools, gated communities, and did I mention money?

No shit Republican cities aren't shit holes. They have all the money. And yet still white men are so so very angry and afraid.
Lol bettyville Kentucky is the poorest town in America everyone owns a gun and almost no crime lol

Yea, kind of hard to steal rob or mug your neighbor in Bettyville. And those people are comfortable living in poverty. We have a vacation home in a town like this. We wonder why no one robs the homes when we all leave at the end of the summer. Lots of poor people in that town that could steal all our shit when we are gone for 4 months. Why don't they? They'll get caught I suppose.

And they aren't desperate. They have homes, food, heat. They don't have much else including teeth but they are content.

Hey, when I retire I'm going to move to a town like you describe. I would now but there are no jobs in those towns. No industry. Are you familiar with East Jordan Iron Works? If you see a man hole cover they make them. Homepage

This is the only company in East Jordan. We purchased property real cheap and we are building a home on the property in this area. No jobs. Only one home builder in the area. Taking forever to finish the home. Bunch of goobers. What they need is some illegal mexican help to get the job done.

No Kroger, Meijers. You have to drive 40 minutes to get to the store. So no jobs for your kids. Your kid will go away to college and never find a job in your home town. Do you see the problem? Your kids need the cities to come find work. If not they stay home and work some lower middle class existence. It would be nice if this were 1860.
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So I will explain this again; if democrats are winning over and over, what republicans are offering is worse. In our state the richest city is located far from the poor. It's an entirely different county and zip code. You don't get to keep lying son.
Because public education in towns that vote blue that are high in crime have democrat principles, they destroyed education for generations, and when most people hear free shit they take it. Poor education produces bad decisions.. voting being one.

Elite democrats are every where.. they prey on the poor. I bet if you look deep into they rich democrat neighborhoods you will find deep roots in the poor neighborhoods.

Bullshit. And I hate to state the obvious but there are many cities run by republicans that are high crime. Republicans give free shit to the rich.
There are no cities with Republican voters that are committing high crimes ...all cries of oppression are only coming from towns affected by Democrats .. that’s a fact

What major US Cities are run by Republicans?

Actually, I think you'll find that the answer is very few. One reason is that, because of suburban migration, very few of the biggest American cities are run by Republicans today and in recent history. Cities that one might think would be Republican-run (Dallas, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City, let's say) because they are in red states are in fact governed by Democrats.

Another reason is that cities in conservative areas that you might think would have been Republican-run in earlier times when the big-city population was whiter and more conservative were in fact Democratic-run then because of the evolution of the parties, especially in the South. For example, let's look at Dallas again: in the 1940s and 1950s a heavily white city (and even more so voting population) with a generally socially conservative and religious bent. Prime territory for Republican mayors, right? Nope. Because of issues too long to go into here (google the "Solid South"), in that era the voting South was thoroughly Democratic, as were Dallas's mayors.

You may have to go to a place like Spokane or Boise to find a big city (and those might not qualify as big cities depending on your definition) that has been consistently Republican-run since the 1940s.

Maybe Republican policies don't work in the big cities. And since we are what makes America great......All the big business and jobs are here. We love our wide open spaces but you can't govern Detroit like you do Hooterville or Mayberry.
But these cities are getting worse.. Boston is a police state, cops cameras everywhere, 5 different gang units .. why can’t people In Democrat cities be civil? What’s going on with the public schools? The families?
Generations have been destroyed by democrats.. at least republican towns remain old values less police..
all high crimes only come from towns run by democrats

Where do you think a terrorist is going to strike a big city or your hick town?

And I thought things were getting better under Trump? You now say they are getting worse?
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Republicans are rioting ?? Lol where haha

You try your best to lie but republican policies have ruined states and almost sent us into a national depression. Yet you keep trying to lie about how only democratic towns are struggling. But those republican towns in the rust belt are complaining about lost jobs.
Which trump just deregulated and now are getting much better.
EPA was putting people in jail for puddles on farms!
Now democrats want to put taxes on poor people sitting in traffic.. over regulations kill production

Bullshit. Farmers were getting subsidies not to farm. There are farmers in our state who get paid to let their land be part of the prairie. The EPA was not putting people in jail for having puddles on their farms. Try telling the truth. And where did you get the lie that democrats want to tax people for sitting in traffic? You might want "over regulated" food. Or would you rather die from eating tainted meat, fruits and vegetables?

Here is a great example of how the rich are fucking us all IM2. The high cost of college.

Today, the country’s best colleges are an overpriced gated community whose benefits accrue mostly to the wealthy. At 38 colleges, including Yale, Princeton, Brown and Penn, there are more students from the top 1 percent than the bottom 60 percent. This isn't benefitting USMB Republicans but they'll defend the colleges right to charge whatever they want and let whoever they want in. They say that's fairness.

Public university tuition has doubled in the last two decades, tripled in the last three. Prestige-hungry universities admit large numbers of students who can pay ever-increasing fees and only a relative handful of low-income students. The U.S. now has more student loan debt than credit card debt—upward of $1.5 trillion. Nearly 40 percent of borrowers who entered college in the 2003 academic year could default on their loans by 2023, the Brookings Institution predicts.

Now who do you think the majority of the people who will default on their student loans are? White or blacks? Obviously it'll be overwhelmingly a bunch of white men.
Yes and 98% of colleges are run by democrats.. the party of failure

But these colleges are working great for the rich. Colleges are basically corporations run like corporations. You want to call them democrats but that's because you are blind and won't admit the system is rigged against all of us unless you have money.

Every CEO of every Fortune 500 company went to a college. Run by liberals? So are you going to give them credit for the CEO's they produce? They are richer than ever.
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So I will explain this again; if democrats are winning over and over, what republicans are offering is worse. In our state the richest city is located far from the poor. It's an entirely different county and zip code. You don't get to keep lying son.
Because public education in towns that vote blue that are high in crime have democrat principles, they destroyed education for generations, and when most people hear free shit they take it. Poor education produces bad decisions.. voting being one.

Elite democrats are every where.. they prey on the poor. I bet if you look deep into they rich democrat neighborhoods you will find deep roots in the poor neighborhoods.

Bullshit. And I hate to state the obvious but there are many cities run by republicans that are high crime. Republicans give free shit to the rich.
There are no cities with Republican voters that are committing high crimes ...all cries of oppression are only coming from towns affected by Democrats .. that’s a fact

What major US Cities are run by Republicans?

Actually, I think you'll find that the answer is very few. One reason is that, because of suburban migration, very few of the biggest American cities are run by Republicans today and in recent history. Cities that one might think would be Republican-run (Dallas, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City, let's say) because they are in red states are in fact governed by Democrats.

Another reason is that cities in conservative areas that you might think would have been Republican-run in earlier times when the big-city population was whiter and more conservative were in fact Democratic-run then because of the evolution of the parties, especially in the South. For example, let's look at Dallas again: in the 1940s and 1950s a heavily white city (and even more so voting population) with a generally socially conservative and religious bent. Prime territory for Republican mayors, right? Nope. Because of issues too long to go into here (google the "Solid South"), in that era the voting South was thoroughly Democratic, as were Dallas's mayors.

You may have to go to a place like Spokane or Boise to find a big city (and those might not qualify as big cities depending on your definition) that has been consistently Republican-run since the 1940s.

Maybe Republican policies don't work in the big cities. And since we are what makes America great......All the big business and jobs are here. We love our wide open spaces but you can't govern Detroit like you do Hooterville or Mayberry.
But these cities are getting worse.. Boston is a police state, cops cameras everywhere, 5 different gang units .. why can’t people In Democrat cities be civil? What’s going on with the public schools? The families?
Generations have been destroyed by democrats.. at least republican towns remain old values less police..
all high crimes only come from towns run by democrats

Bullshit. And why can't republicans win elections in these cities if their policies are so sucessful?

Flint residents can sue former Michigan governor over water disaster, judge rules

A judge says former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder can be sued by residents in the Flint water scandal, reversing a decision from last summer.

Residents claim Snyder violated their right to bodily integrity by repeatedly doing nothing as Flint used corrosive water that released lead from old pipes. Judge Judith Levy says a right to bodily integrity is a “fundamental interest” protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Levy says members of Snyder’s administration had warned that switching Flint to the Flint River “could lead to a potential disaster.” The city was under state management in 2014 and 2015. Snyder’s Department of Environmental Quality failed to require corrosion control.

Levy, a federal judge in Ann Arbor, is overseeing lawsuits related to the water crisis. She released a 128-page opinion Monday.

Snyder left office in January. He has apologized for failures that created and prolonged the crisis.

The water crisis began in April 2014, when a state-appointed emergency manager switched the source of the city's water supply from Lake Huron water treated in Detroit to water from the Flint River.

After the switch, no process was in place to require corrosion-control chemicals that could have prevented lead from old pipes from seeping into the water supply. Residents immediately began complaining about brown water coming out of their faucets.

The crisis forced many to use filters and bottled water. The city switched back to Lake Huron water 18 months later, in October 2015.

Flint residents can sue former Michigan governor over water disaster, judge rules

This is one reason why.
All people. The system is rigged black white christian atheist Jew man woman ...

And they use race to divide us.
Sure they do.

White people are the most restricted and most censored people in history while black supremacist psychobabble is considered brilliant academic scholarship.
That’s funny because everyone thriving in metro Detroit. All the CEOs, VPs, hiring managers, bosses, owners, etc... are all white.

Not just in Detroit....all over America as well.

The "poor, maligned" white MALE population represents 31% of the total population in America yet holds nearly 80% of executive positions in the workforce, and the vast majority of positions of power in politics.

You lefties like to whine about that, and institute policies to push back on that.

It doesn't actually do shit against those in power of course.

It falls on the white middle class and white poor.

And when we point out that that is bullshit, you dismiss our real issues, because we are white.

And you wonder why we are pissed off.

You are starting to get it. The rich fuck with you too. Just because they are white doesn't mean they'll ever make you a CEO. That job is slated for their kids.

No one thinks that because the CEO's are white, that they will do shit for us. That is a delusion of the Left.

It's just a coincidence those rich people are all mostly white.

It is irrelevant that those people are white. They made their decisions with no regard for that. They don't care. I don't care. YOu liberals are the only ones that care about the race of the CEOs.

And they use race to divide you and the blacks.

It is not the CEO's that divide whites and blacks. It is liberals, rich and poor, that keep telling the blacks that the Evul REpublicans are out to get them.

They convince you it's blacks who are ruining white America when rich white men are 95% of the executive board room.

They are not convincing me of anything. YOu have this fantasy about what you think that I think, that you made up out of nothing.

That should tell you something. The system is rigged and the rich people (who just happen to be white) are keeping the system rigged and you seem to defend them because you feel that you benefit from this favoritism and you don't want things to change so that blacks and women get a fair chance to reach such levels.

I have no problem with blacks and women having upward mobility. That is you not having a clue about me or mine.

If you ever see me say something that makes you think that, you need to ask me to clarify it for you, because you totally and completely misunderstood me.

I guess AA doesn't benefit a white guy like you but it is a step in the right direction for the rest of America, which is really really diverse.

Odd that. NOt benefiting is not a big deal. If something does "not benefit me" I don't care about it.

Why are you justifying something that is just "not a benefit" to me?

It sounds like you are trying to implicitly admit that AA is at my expense.

But that contradicts the standard liberal position that discrimination for blacks is not discrimination against whites.

Which is obviously absurd of course.

Kudos for you if you are admitting that though.

And no. I am done paying for the crimes of other people's ancestors. I will not support AA and it's ilk.

I want equal and fair treatment. I cannot afford to be discriminated against, nor do I want that for my child.

No reason why the executive boardrooms are so so white and male dominated unless an unfair bias is at play.

Nice assumption. Of course there are plenty of other possible reasons.

You are probably like women. Women don't seem to give a shit about affirmative action until they realize they are the ones who benefit most from it. If you benefitted from AA then I bet you'd be all for it. But you aren't so you're not.

I generally dont' like to brag about what I would do in hypothetical circumstances.

It is easy to talk shit about what one would do, in the comfort of your living room, on a lap top.

In the same vein, it is equally wrong for you to cast aspersions on me, based on your assumptions what I would do in hypothetical circumstances.

Me and mine are discriminated against by AA, and it's associated programs and practices NOW.

I am not "all for it", because it is morally wrong, and it is wrong at our expense.
Lol not according to crime data, the towns
High in crime all vote democrat, local mayors local municipalities all democrats..
yes usually the richest towns are elite libs locates next to the poor.. they use the poor for local votes

So I will explain this again; if democrats are winning over and over, what republicans are offering is worse. In our state the richest city is located far from the poor. It's an entirely different county and zip code. You don't get to keep lying son.
Because public education in towns that vote blue that are high in crime have democrat principles, they destroyed education for generations, and when most people hear free shit they take it. Poor education produces bad decisions.. voting being one.

Elite democrats are every where.. they prey on the poor. I bet if you look deep into they rich democrat neighborhoods you will find deep roots in the poor neighborhoods.

Bullshit. And I hate to state the obvious but there are many cities run by republicans that are high crime. Republicans give free shit to the rich.
They don't run any big cities. Any cities run by Republicans are very rich, very heavily police patrolled, have the best schools, gated communities, and did I mention money?

No shit Republican cities aren't shit holes. They have all the money. And yet still white men are so so very angry and afraid.

Actually there are some. And what's worse is the republicans come in from the burbs and work in those cities. Some of them run city agencies or influence city policy as business owners, financial execs, etc. Last you have city councils who are not going to be all democrats who each have the same one vote as the Mayor.
lol oh yea.. that influence must be stong to accept all
Those republican policies hahah it’s almost like republicans are running the city right?? Haha
BS. Barter doesn't pay for the equipment needed for medical services. That bushel of corn just won't buy that x-ray machine.
And then these rural hicks beg the federal government to pay to bring them high speed internet.

And it’s very expensive to pay a mailman to drive all the way out to their farms to deliver mail but we do it for the cost of a stamp. They should be paying $20 and have their mail delivered once a week.
So they should have high regulations that destroy jobs because of a long trip for a mail man? :21:
Huh? I'm not following you. The point is you guys sure do like to crawl to the US FEDERAL GUBMENT when you want us to pay to put the high speed internet lines to your farms or when you want us to drive all the way out to your hick farm just to deliver the mail for 50 cents.

I wish the GOP would do away with the USPS so you have to pay $10 just to get your pills.

OMG I tried to write the name of a pill that makes you get an erection and it's a term that is banned here? Weird. Starts with a V and ends with iagra. LOL. You can't say that here???
America’s future is small rural towns,small government.. might want to get used to it

That was the past.
History will repeat always does
So I will explain this again; if democrats are winning over and over, what republicans are offering is worse. In our state the richest city is located far from the poor. It's an entirely different county and zip code. You don't get to keep lying son.
Because public education in towns that vote blue that are high in crime have democrat principles, they destroyed education for generations, and when most people hear free shit they take it. Poor education produces bad decisions.. voting being one.

Elite democrats are every where.. they prey on the poor. I bet if you look deep into they rich democrat neighborhoods you will find deep roots in the poor neighborhoods.

Bullshit. And I hate to state the obvious but there are many cities run by republicans that are high crime. Republicans give free shit to the rich.
They don't run any big cities. Any cities run by Republicans are very rich, very heavily police patrolled, have the best schools, gated communities, and did I mention money?

No shit Republican cities aren't shit holes. They have all the money. And yet still white men are so so very angry and afraid.
Lol bettyville Kentucky is the poorest town in America everyone owns a gun and almost no crime lol

bettyville Kentucky has 1,300 people. That's smaller than my high school and I didn't grow up in a big city. Now you put 1.3 million people there and it's that poor, you'd have to ban guns. So you are just off when you try making such claims as you try doing here.
Lol you said all republican towns are poor I just proved you wrong,, and poverty doesn’t lead to violence
You try your best to lie but republican policies have ruined states and almost sent us into a national depression. Yet you keep trying to lie about how only democratic towns are struggling. But those republican towns in the rust belt are complaining about lost jobs.
Which trump just deregulated and now are getting much better.
EPA was putting people in jail for puddles on farms!
Now democrats want to put taxes on poor people sitting in traffic.. over regulations kill production

Bullshit. Farmers were getting subsidies not to farm. There are farmers in our state who get paid to let their land be part of the prairie. The EPA was not putting people in jail for having puddles on their farms. Try telling the truth. And where did you get the lie that democrats want to tax people for sitting in traffic? You might want "over regulated" food. Or would you rather die from eating tainted meat, fruits and vegetables?

Here is a great example of how the rich are fucking us all IM2. The high cost of college.

Today, the country’s best colleges are an overpriced gated community whose benefits accrue mostly to the wealthy. At 38 colleges, including Yale, Princeton, Brown and Penn, there are more students from the top 1 percent than the bottom 60 percent. This isn't benefitting USMB Republicans but they'll defend the colleges right to charge whatever they want and let whoever they want in. They say that's fairness.

Public university tuition has doubled in the last two decades, tripled in the last three. Prestige-hungry universities admit large numbers of students who can pay ever-increasing fees and only a relative handful of low-income students. The U.S. now has more student loan debt than credit card debt—upward of $1.5 trillion. Nearly 40 percent of borrowers who entered college in the 2003 academic year could default on their loans by 2023, the Brookings Institution predicts.

Now who do you think the majority of the people who will default on their student loans are? White or blacks? Obviously it'll be overwhelmingly a bunch of white men.
Yes and 98% of colleges are run by democrats.. the party of failure

But these colleges are working great for the rich. Colleges are basically corporations run like corporations. You want to call them democrats but that's because you are blind and won't admit the system is rigged against all of us unless you have money.

Every CEO of every Fortune 500 company went to a college. Run by liberals? So are you going to give them credit for the CEO's they produce? They are richer than ever.
Are we talking about graduates? Or we talking about how awful college are run by Democrats
Because public education in towns that vote blue that are high in crime have democrat principles, they destroyed education for generations, and when most people hear free shit they take it. Poor education produces bad decisions.. voting being one.

Elite democrats are every where.. they prey on the poor. I bet if you look deep into they rich democrat neighborhoods you will find deep roots in the poor neighborhoods.

Bullshit. And I hate to state the obvious but there are many cities run by republicans that are high crime. Republicans give free shit to the rich.
There are no cities with Republican voters that are committing high crimes ...all cries of oppression are only coming from towns affected by Democrats .. that’s a fact

What major US Cities are run by Republicans?

Actually, I think you'll find that the answer is very few. One reason is that, because of suburban migration, very few of the biggest American cities are run by Republicans today and in recent history. Cities that one might think would be Republican-run (Dallas, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City, let's say) because they are in red states are in fact governed by Democrats.

Another reason is that cities in conservative areas that you might think would have been Republican-run in earlier times when the big-city population was whiter and more conservative were in fact Democratic-run then because of the evolution of the parties, especially in the South. For example, let's look at Dallas again: in the 1940s and 1950s a heavily white city (and even more so voting population) with a generally socially conservative and religious bent. Prime territory for Republican mayors, right? Nope. Because of issues too long to go into here (google the "Solid South"), in that era the voting South was thoroughly Democratic, as were Dallas's mayors.

You may have to go to a place like Spokane or Boise to find a big city (and those might not qualify as big cities depending on your definition) that has been consistently Republican-run since the 1940s.

Maybe Republican policies don't work in the big cities. And since we are what makes America great......All the big business and jobs are here. We love our wide open spaces but you can't govern Detroit like you do Hooterville or Mayberry.
But these cities are getting worse.. Boston is a police state, cops cameras everywhere, 5 different gang units .. why can’t people In Democrat cities be civil? What’s going on with the public schools? The families?
Generations have been destroyed by democrats.. at least republican towns remain old values less police..
all high crimes only come from towns run by democrats

Bullshit. And why can't republicans win elections in these cities if their policies are so sucessful?

Flint residents can sue former Michigan governor over water disaster, judge rules

A judge says former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder can be sued by residents in the Flint water scandal, reversing a decision from last summer.

Residents claim Snyder violated their right to bodily integrity by repeatedly doing nothing as Flint used corrosive water that released lead from old pipes. Judge Judith Levy says a right to bodily integrity is a “fundamental interest” protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Levy says members of Snyder’s administration had warned that switching Flint to the Flint River “could lead to a potential disaster.” The city was under state management in 2014 and 2015. Snyder’s Department of Environmental Quality failed to require corrosion control.

Levy, a federal judge in Ann Arbor, is overseeing lawsuits related to the water crisis. She released a 128-page opinion Monday.

Snyder left office in January. He has apologized for failures that created and prolonged the crisis.

The water crisis began in April 2014, when a state-appointed emergency manager switched the source of the city's water supply from Lake Huron water treated in Detroit to water from the Flint River.

After the switch, no process was in place to require corrosion-control chemicals that could have prevented lead from old pipes from seeping into the water supply. Residents immediately began complaining about brown water coming out of their faucets.

The crisis forced many to use filters and bottled water. The city switched back to Lake Huron water 18 months later, in October 2015.

Flint residents can sue former Michigan governor over water disaster, judge rules

This is one reason why.
Lol why would you sue the gov and not mayor who’s responsible for all the municipalities
Because public education in towns that vote blue that are high in crime have democrat principles, they destroyed education for generations, and when most people hear free shit they take it. Poor education produces bad decisions.. voting being one.

Elite democrats are every where.. they prey on the poor. I bet if you look deep into they rich democrat neighborhoods you will find deep roots in the poor neighborhoods.

Bullshit. And I hate to state the obvious but there are many cities run by republicans that are high crime. Republicans give free shit to the rich.
There are no cities with Republican voters that are committing high crimes ...all cries of oppression are only coming from towns affected by Democrats .. that’s a fact

What major US Cities are run by Republicans?

Actually, I think you'll find that the answer is very few. One reason is that, because of suburban migration, very few of the biggest American cities are run by Republicans today and in recent history. Cities that one might think would be Republican-run (Dallas, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City, let's say) because they are in red states are in fact governed by Democrats.

Another reason is that cities in conservative areas that you might think would have been Republican-run in earlier times when the big-city population was whiter and more conservative were in fact Democratic-run then because of the evolution of the parties, especially in the South. For example, let's look at Dallas again: in the 1940s and 1950s a heavily white city (and even more so voting population) with a generally socially conservative and religious bent. Prime territory for Republican mayors, right? Nope. Because of issues too long to go into here (google the "Solid South"), in that era the voting South was thoroughly Democratic, as were Dallas's mayors.

You may have to go to a place like Spokane or Boise to find a big city (and those might not qualify as big cities depending on your definition) that has been consistently Republican-run since the 1940s.

Maybe Republican policies don't work in the big cities. And since we are what makes America great......All the big business and jobs are here. We love our wide open spaces but you can't govern Detroit like you do Hooterville or Mayberry.
But these cities are getting worse.. Boston is a police state, cops cameras everywhere, 5 different gang units .. why can’t people In Democrat cities be civil? What’s going on with the public schools? The families?
Generations have been destroyed by democrats.. at least republican towns remain old values less police..
all high crimes only come from towns run by democrats

Bullshit. And why can't republicans win elections in these cities if their policies are so sucessful?

Flint residents can sue former Michigan governor over water disaster, judge rules

A judge says former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder can be sued by residents in the Flint water scandal, reversing a decision from last summer.

Residents claim Snyder violated their right to bodily integrity by repeatedly doing nothing as Flint used corrosive water that released lead from old pipes. Judge Judith Levy says a right to bodily integrity is a “fundamental interest” protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Levy says members of Snyder’s administration had warned that switching Flint to the Flint River “could lead to a potential disaster.” The city was under state management in 2014 and 2015. Snyder’s Department of Environmental Quality failed to require corrosion control.

Levy, a federal judge in Ann Arbor, is overseeing lawsuits related to the water crisis. She released a 128-page opinion Monday.

Snyder left office in January. He has apologized for failures that created and prolonged the crisis.

The water crisis began in April 2014, when a state-appointed emergency manager switched the source of the city's water supply from Lake Huron water treated in Detroit to water from the Flint River.

After the switch, no process was in place to require corrosion-control chemicals that could have prevented lead from old pipes from seeping into the water supply. Residents immediately began complaining about brown water coming out of their faucets.

The crisis forced many to use filters and bottled water. The city switched back to Lake Huron water 18 months later, in October 2015.

Flint residents can sue former Michigan governor over water disaster, judge rules

This is one reason why.

And now their homes are worthless and no company will relocate to a place like this. This is a perfect example of how Republicans fuck big cities.

Also, what happened to Flint? All those high paying Ford, GM & Chrysler jobs gone. Republicans said union workers make too much and they sent their jobs overseas.

And Republicans down south don't realize Toyota in Tennessee or Arkansas is only paying them decent wages because they fear if they don't they'll unionize. In fact when they've voted it's pretty close to half the employees want to unionize. But the corporations threaten they'll leave which scares people into voting for sub pay jobs.

Ultimately Republicans are why middle class people are now lower middle class. Every policy they enact widens the gap between the rich and poor. By fucking southern factory workers the rich CEO and VP's at Toyota get richer. Thus widening the gap between them and the poor free hicks down south.

And they blame liberals and democrats. Can you believe them?
Sure they do.

White people are the most restricted and most censored people in history while black supremacist psychobabble is considered brilliant academic scholarship.
That’s funny because everyone thriving in metro Detroit. All the CEOs, VPs, hiring managers, bosses, owners, etc... are all white.

Not just in Detroit....all over America as well.

The "poor, maligned" white MALE population represents 31% of the total population in America yet holds nearly 80% of executive positions in the workforce, and the vast majority of positions of power in politics.

You lefties like to whine about that, and institute policies to push back on that.

It doesn't actually do shit against those in power of course.

It falls on the white middle class and white poor.

And when we point out that that is bullshit, you dismiss our real issues, because we are white.

And you wonder why we are pissed off.

You are starting to get it. The rich fuck with you too. Just because they are white doesn't mean they'll ever make you a CEO. That job is slated for their kids.

No one thinks that because the CEO's are white, that they will do shit for us. That is a delusion of the Left.

It's just a coincidence those rich people are all mostly white.

It is irrelevant that those people are white. They made their decisions with no regard for that. They don't care. I don't care. YOu liberals are the only ones that care about the race of the CEOs.

And they use race to divide you and the blacks.

It is not the CEO's that divide whites and blacks. It is liberals, rich and poor, that keep telling the blacks that the Evul REpublicans are out to get them.

They convince you it's blacks who are ruining white America when rich white men are 95% of the executive board room.

They are not convincing me of anything. YOu have this fantasy about what you think that I think, that you made up out of nothing.

That should tell you something. The system is rigged and the rich people (who just happen to be white) are keeping the system rigged and you seem to defend them because you feel that you benefit from this favoritism and you don't want things to change so that blacks and women get a fair chance to reach such levels.

I have no problem with blacks and women having upward mobility. That is you not having a clue about me or mine.

If you ever see me say something that makes you think that, you need to ask me to clarify it for you, because you totally and completely misunderstood me.

I guess AA doesn't benefit a white guy like you but it is a step in the right direction for the rest of America, which is really really diverse.

Odd that. NOt benefiting is not a big deal. If something does "not benefit me" I don't care about it.

Why are you justifying something that is just "not a benefit" to me?

It sounds like you are trying to implicitly admit that AA is at my expense.

But that contradicts the standard liberal position that discrimination for blacks is not discrimination against whites.

Which is obviously absurd of course.

Kudos for you if you are admitting that though.

And no. I am done paying for the crimes of other people's ancestors. I will not support AA and it's ilk.

I want equal and fair treatment. I cannot afford to be discriminated against, nor do I want that for my child.

No reason why the executive boardrooms are so so white and male dominated unless an unfair bias is at play.

Nice assumption. Of course there are plenty of other possible reasons.

You are probably like women. Women don't seem to give a shit about affirmative action until they realize they are the ones who benefit most from it. If you benefitted from AA then I bet you'd be all for it. But you aren't so you're not.

I generally dont' like to brag about what I would do in hypothetical circumstances.

It is easy to talk shit about what one would do, in the comfort of your living room, on a lap top.

In the same vein, it is equally wrong for you to cast aspersions on me, based on your assumptions what I would do in hypothetical circumstances.

Me and mine are discriminated against by AA, and it's associated programs and practices NOW.

I am not "all for it", because it is morally wrong, and it is wrong at our expense.

Sorry but bias plays a role. Even CEO's recognize this

What does the term unconscious bias really mean? Is it being prejudiced about an individual? Is it having a negative mindset about a group of people? In 3 Keys to Defeating Unconscious Bias, Sondra Thiederman defines a bias as “an inflexible, positive or negative, often unconscious belief about a particular group of people.”

So white male ceo's tend to want to hire white males.
Bullshit. And I hate to state the obvious but there are many cities run by republicans that are high crime. Republicans give free shit to the rich.
There are no cities with Republican voters that are committing high crimes ...all cries of oppression are only coming from towns affected by Democrats .. that’s a fact

What major US Cities are run by Republicans?

Actually, I think you'll find that the answer is very few. One reason is that, because of suburban migration, very few of the biggest American cities are run by Republicans today and in recent history. Cities that one might think would be Republican-run (Dallas, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City, let's say) because they are in red states are in fact governed by Democrats.

Another reason is that cities in conservative areas that you might think would have been Republican-run in earlier times when the big-city population was whiter and more conservative were in fact Democratic-run then because of the evolution of the parties, especially in the South. For example, let's look at Dallas again: in the 1940s and 1950s a heavily white city (and even more so voting population) with a generally socially conservative and religious bent. Prime territory for Republican mayors, right? Nope. Because of issues too long to go into here (google the "Solid South"), in that era the voting South was thoroughly Democratic, as were Dallas's mayors.

You may have to go to a place like Spokane or Boise to find a big city (and those might not qualify as big cities depending on your definition) that has been consistently Republican-run since the 1940s.

Maybe Republican policies don't work in the big cities. And since we are what makes America great......All the big business and jobs are here. We love our wide open spaces but you can't govern Detroit like you do Hooterville or Mayberry.
But these cities are getting worse.. Boston is a police state, cops cameras everywhere, 5 different gang units .. why can’t people In Democrat cities be civil? What’s going on with the public schools? The families?
Generations have been destroyed by democrats.. at least republican towns remain old values less police..
all high crimes only come from towns run by democrats

Bullshit. And why can't republicans win elections in these cities if their policies are so sucessful?

Flint residents can sue former Michigan governor over water disaster, judge rules

A judge says former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder can be sued by residents in the Flint water scandal, reversing a decision from last summer.

Residents claim Snyder violated their right to bodily integrity by repeatedly doing nothing as Flint used corrosive water that released lead from old pipes. Judge Judith Levy says a right to bodily integrity is a “fundamental interest” protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Levy says members of Snyder’s administration had warned that switching Flint to the Flint River “could lead to a potential disaster.” The city was under state management in 2014 and 2015. Snyder’s Department of Environmental Quality failed to require corrosion control.

Levy, a federal judge in Ann Arbor, is overseeing lawsuits related to the water crisis. She released a 128-page opinion Monday.

Snyder left office in January. He has apologized for failures that created and prolonged the crisis.

The water crisis began in April 2014, when a state-appointed emergency manager switched the source of the city's water supply from Lake Huron water treated in Detroit to water from the Flint River.

After the switch, no process was in place to require corrosion-control chemicals that could have prevented lead from old pipes from seeping into the water supply. Residents immediately began complaining about brown water coming out of their faucets.

The crisis forced many to use filters and bottled water. The city switched back to Lake Huron water 18 months later, in October 2015.

Flint residents can sue former Michigan governor over water disaster, judge rules

This is one reason why.
Lol why would you sue the gov and not mayor who’s responsible for all the municipalities
Because they are to blame. They are the ones who test the water. They are the ones who covered it up.

This is for you and correll Council Post: Unconscious Bias In The Workplace: You Can't Afford To Ignore It
There are no cities with Republican voters that are committing high crimes ...all cries of oppression are only coming from towns affected by Democrats .. that’s a fact

What major US Cities are run by Republicans?

Actually, I think you'll find that the answer is very few. One reason is that, because of suburban migration, very few of the biggest American cities are run by Republicans today and in recent history. Cities that one might think would be Republican-run (Dallas, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City, let's say) because they are in red states are in fact governed by Democrats.

Another reason is that cities in conservative areas that you might think would have been Republican-run in earlier times when the big-city population was whiter and more conservative were in fact Democratic-run then because of the evolution of the parties, especially in the South. For example, let's look at Dallas again: in the 1940s and 1950s a heavily white city (and even more so voting population) with a generally socially conservative and religious bent. Prime territory for Republican mayors, right? Nope. Because of issues too long to go into here (google the "Solid South"), in that era the voting South was thoroughly Democratic, as were Dallas's mayors.

You may have to go to a place like Spokane or Boise to find a big city (and those might not qualify as big cities depending on your definition) that has been consistently Republican-run since the 1940s.

Maybe Republican policies don't work in the big cities. And since we are what makes America great......All the big business and jobs are here. We love our wide open spaces but you can't govern Detroit like you do Hooterville or Mayberry.
But these cities are getting worse.. Boston is a police state, cops cameras everywhere, 5 different gang units .. why can’t people In Democrat cities be civil? What’s going on with the public schools? The families?
Generations have been destroyed by democrats.. at least republican towns remain old values less police..
all high crimes only come from towns run by democrats

Bullshit. And why can't republicans win elections in these cities if their policies are so sucessful?

Flint residents can sue former Michigan governor over water disaster, judge rules

A judge says former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder can be sued by residents in the Flint water scandal, reversing a decision from last summer.

Residents claim Snyder violated their right to bodily integrity by repeatedly doing nothing as Flint used corrosive water that released lead from old pipes. Judge Judith Levy says a right to bodily integrity is a “fundamental interest” protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Levy says members of Snyder’s administration had warned that switching Flint to the Flint River “could lead to a potential disaster.” The city was under state management in 2014 and 2015. Snyder’s Department of Environmental Quality failed to require corrosion control.

Levy, a federal judge in Ann Arbor, is overseeing lawsuits related to the water crisis. She released a 128-page opinion Monday.

Snyder left office in January. He has apologized for failures that created and prolonged the crisis.

The water crisis began in April 2014, when a state-appointed emergency manager switched the source of the city's water supply from Lake Huron water treated in Detroit to water from the Flint River.

After the switch, no process was in place to require corrosion-control chemicals that could have prevented lead from old pipes from seeping into the water supply. Residents immediately began complaining about brown water coming out of their faucets.

The crisis forced many to use filters and bottled water. The city switched back to Lake Huron water 18 months later, in October 2015.

Flint residents can sue former Michigan governor over water disaster, judge rules

This is one reason why.
Lol why would you sue the gov and not mayor who’s responsible for all the municipalities
Because they are to blame. They are the ones who test the water. They are the ones who covered it up.

This is for you and correll Council Post: Unconscious Bias In The Workplace: You Can't Afford To Ignore It
The mayor is responsible for the water and sewer.. are you this desperate lol so sad stop your lynching
Sure they do.

White people are the most restricted and most censored people in history while black supremacist psychobabble is considered brilliant academic scholarship.
That’s funny because everyone thriving in metro Detroit. All the CEOs, VPs, hiring managers, bosses, owners, etc... are all white.

Not just in Detroit....all over America as well.

The "poor, maligned" white MALE population represents 31% of the total population in America yet holds nearly 80% of executive positions in the workforce, and the vast majority of positions of power in politics.

You lefties like to whine about that, and institute policies to push back on that.

It doesn't actually do shit against those in power of course.

It falls on the white middle class and white poor.

And when we point out that that is bullshit, you dismiss our real issues, because we are white.

And you wonder why we are pissed off.

You are starting to get it. The rich fuck with you too. Just because they are white doesn't mean they'll ever make you a CEO. That job is slated for their kids.

No one thinks that because the CEO's are white, that they will do shit for us. That is a delusion of the Left.

It's just a coincidence those rich people are all mostly white.

It is irrelevant that those people are white. They made their decisions with no regard for that. They don't care. I don't care. YOu liberals are the only ones that care about the race of the CEOs.

And they use race to divide you and the blacks.

It is not the CEO's that divide whites and blacks. It is liberals, rich and poor, that keep telling the blacks that the Evul REpublicans are out to get them.

They convince you it's blacks who are ruining white America when rich white men are 95% of the executive board room.

They are not convincing me of anything. YOu have this fantasy about what you think that I think, that you made up out of nothing.

That should tell you something. The system is rigged and the rich people (who just happen to be white) are keeping the system rigged and you seem to defend them because you feel that you benefit from this favoritism and you don't want things to change so that blacks and women get a fair chance to reach such levels.

I have no problem with blacks and women having upward mobility. That is you not having a clue about me or mine.

If you ever see me say something that makes you think that, you need to ask me to clarify it for you, because you totally and completely misunderstood me.

I guess AA doesn't benefit a white guy like you but it is a step in the right direction for the rest of America, which is really really diverse.

Odd that. NOt benefiting is not a big deal. If something does "not benefit me" I don't care about it.

Why are you justifying something that is just "not a benefit" to me?

It sounds like you are trying to implicitly admit that AA is at my expense.

But that contradicts the standard liberal position that discrimination for blacks is not discrimination against whites.

Which is obviously absurd of course.

Kudos for you if you are admitting that though.

And no. I am done paying for the crimes of other people's ancestors. I will not support AA and it's ilk.

I want equal and fair treatment. I cannot afford to be discriminated against, nor do I want that for my child.

No reason why the executive boardrooms are so so white and male dominated unless an unfair bias is at play.

Nice assumption. Of course there are plenty of other possible reasons.

You are probably like women. Women don't seem to give a shit about affirmative action until they realize they are the ones who benefit most from it. If you benefitted from AA then I bet you'd be all for it. But you aren't so you're not.

I generally dont' like to brag about what I would do in hypothetical circumstances.

It is easy to talk shit about what one would do, in the comfort of your living room, on a lap top.

In the same vein, it is equally wrong for you to cast aspersions on me, based on your assumptions what I would do in hypothetical circumstances.

Me and mine are discriminated against by AA, and it's associated programs and practices NOW.

I am not "all for it", because it is morally wrong, and it is wrong at our expense.

I know this is liberal college bullshit to you but this is what white male CEO's are doing because they realize in a country as diverse as ours, there is something wrong when 95% of the CEO's are white. You can't explain it. And if you can, the reasons are problems that need to be corrected. No it's not because women put their family first and no it's not because blacks aren't smart enough. These CEO's realize that a diverse country is not going to put up with the white privilege that is going on. White male bias. So like half of the fortune 500 ceo's have signed the diversity pledge. They better or the diverse consumers won't buy their shit. That's about the only power we have anymore. Put pressure on their bottom line. Then maybe they'll act responsibily and fairly. And when they do it, you white poor men can cry all you want. You had your chance to climb the corporate latter. In fact most of the guys at the top are white men so quit your complaining.

  • I will check my own biases and take meaningful action to understand and mitigate them.
  • I will initiate meaningful, complex, and sometimes difficult, conversations with my friends and colleagues.
  • I will ask myself, “Do my actions and words reflect the value of inclusion?”
  • I will move outside my comfort zone to learn about the experiences and perspectives of others.
  • I will share my insights related to what I have learned.
The CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™ aims to rally the business community to advance diversity and inclusion within the workplace by working collectively across organizations and sectors. It outlines a specific set of actions the undersigned companies will take to cultivate a trusting environment where all ideas are welcomed and employees feel comfortable and empowered to discuss diversity and inclusion.

All the signatories serve as leaders of their companies and have committed to implementing the following pledge within their workplaces. Where companies have already implemented one or several of the commitments, the undersigned commit to support other companies in doing the same.

The persistent inequities across our country underscore our urgent, national need to address and alleviate racial, ethnic and other tensions and to promote diversity within our communities. As leaders of some of America’s largest corporations, we manage thousands of employees and play a critical role in ensuring that inclusion is core to our workplace culture and that our businesses are representative of the communities we serve. Moreover, we know that diversity is good for the economy; it improves corporate performance, drives growth and enhances employee engagement.

Simply put, organizations with diverse teams perform better.

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