Democrat senate seat about to flip

"Secret Service has just informed me that Senator Jon Tester's statements on Admiral Jackson are not true," Trump tweeted. "There were no such findings. A horrible thing that we in D.C. must live with, just like phony Russian Collusion. Tester should lose race in Montana. Very dishonest and sick!"

"Allegations made by Senator Jon Tester against Admiral/Doctor Ron Jackson are proving false... Tester should resign," Trump tweeted on Saturday.

"Admiral Jackson is the kind of man that those in Montana would most respect and admire, and now, for no reason whatsoever, his reputation has been shattered. Not fair, Tester!," Trump added.

Jackson, a U.S. Navy rear admiral who has been physician to three presidents, has categorically denied the accusations as false. Trump doubled down on his criticism of Tester in a tweet later on Saturday.
I am beginning to think people should just shoot a Democrat if they see one.

At least put them on trial. They just tried to ruin an innocent man’s life.

When are they going to be stopped from railroading innincent men to prison or smearing innocent men whom they cannot defeat in an honest political contest?

They are becoming political terrorists.
Destroying innocent people is the Democrat modus operandi. They aren't content with merely defeating someone's ideas, they want to put people who disagree with them in prison. At the very least they want to make them lose their jobs. Dims can't win the battle of ideas, so destroying their enemies is the only arrow in their quiver.

They destroy people as a warning to others.....
Secret Service disputes allegation against Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson

Trump calls on Democratic senator to resign after VA pick drops out

Now that Jon Tester's lies about Admiral Jackson have been exposed, it looks like he will be voted out in November. He had dropped 18 points among democrats even before his lies were exposed. He's done. His seat will be republican in November.

You got a link to show the accusations were proven wrong? I know Trump says they weren't true, but he lies more than anybody.

Trump is telling them to lie. It’s a conspiracy!

Seriously though the idea that people getting caught in lies is going to cost anyone a seat is a joke. If liars were kicked out of office almost no one in office would be there.

We are a people are dishonest. So we have liars representing us. Until we begin valuing honesty and truth, that will continue. Unfortunately we literally have half the country who denies truth exists
Trump calls on Democratic senator to resign after VA pick drops out

Now that Jon Tester's lies about Admiral Jackson have been exposed, it looks like he will be voted out in November. He had dropped 18 points among democrats even before his lies were exposed. He's done. His seat will be republican in November.

Jon Tester has not lied. He was repeating what has been told to him by other officers. The fact is that even Republicans took it seriously as they should have. The IG report was enough of a reason to vote against him. The fact that you are not concerned that other officers came forward shows you don't give a damn about the military.

So it’s someone else’s fault. Isn’t it funny how it’s always someone else’s fault?
I am beginning to think people should just shoot a Democrat if they see one.

At least put them on trial. They just tried to ruin an innocent man’s life.

When are they going to be stopped from railroading innincent men to prison or smearing innocent men whom they cannot defeat in an honest political contest?

They are becoming political terrorists.
Destroying innocent people is the Democrat modus operandi. They aren't content with merely defeating someone's ideas, they want to put people who disagree with them in prison. At the very least they want to make them lose their jobs. Dims can't win the battle of ideas, so destroying their enemies is the only arrow in their quiver.

They destroy people as a warning to others.....

Also just because they want to destroy those they hate. You give them too much credit for basing their decisions on some kind of plan.
You got a link to show the accusations were proven wrong? I know Trump says they weren't true, but he lies more than anybody.
You turds keep forgetting that we don't have to prove your salacious accusations to be wrong. You have to prove that they are right, and there isn't a bit of evidence to support the accusations dims have leveled ad Admiral Jackson. It was a despicable smear campaign from the beginning. Dims hate the admiral because he blew up their bogus claims about Trump's health.

If I swapped Trump's name with Jim Jones, you would have fit right in down in Guyana.

If you swapped his name with Jim Jones everyone would rightly conclude that you're a delusional moron. The Dims attacked Admiral Jackson because they want everyone who considers debunking Dim lies that they will never serve in a Republican administration. It was a Mafia hit. It's the same thing they are pulling on Trump.

If anyone hs mafia ties it is Trump. Jackson was unqualified which is why he was losing Republican support. Take your garbage and go home KID.

Total horseshit, like everything you post.

Republican support for Jackson collapses

"GOP support for the Veterans Affairs nominee has cratered in the face of allegations of misconduct as White House physician. Jackson already faced serious doubts over his lack of management experience. "

The only horseshit around here is you. Take your garbage and crawl back into the gutter where you belong BOY!!
Trump calls on Democratic senator to resign after VA pick drops out

Now that Jon Tester's lies about Admiral Jackson have been exposed, it looks like he will be voted out in November. He had dropped 18 points among democrats even before his lies were exposed. He's done. His seat will be republican in November.
Trump is typical of most conservatives – seeking to blame others for their own failures.
Sounds a lot like Dems blaming all of Obummers failures on W ... STFU Hypocrite
I am beginning to think people should just shoot a Democrat if they see one.

At least put them on trial. They just tried to ruin an innocent man’s life.

When are they going to be stopped from railroading innincent men to prison or smearing innocent men whom they cannot defeat in an honest political contest?

They are becoming political terrorists.
Destroying innocent people is the Democrat modus operandi. They aren't content with merely defeating someone's ideas, they want to put people who disagree with them in prison. At the very least they want to make them lose their jobs. Dims can't win the battle of ideas, so destroying their enemies is the only arrow in their quiver.

They destroy people as a warning to others.....

No one is destroying anyone. It's a shame that you put Trump above the healthcare of our veterans. The fact is that these allegations are serious and sweeping them under the rug would be disrespectful to pour veterans.
Trump calls on Democratic senator to resign after VA pick drops out

Now that Jon Tester's lies about Admiral Jackson have been exposed, it looks like he will be voted out in November. He had dropped 18 points among democrats even before his lies were exposed. He's done. His seat will be republican in November.

Jon Tester has not lied. He was repeating what has been told to him by other officers. The fact is that even Republicans took it seriously as they should have. The IG report was enough of a reason to vote against him. The fact that you are not concerned that other officers came forward shows you don't give a damn about the military.

So it’s someone else’s fault. Isn’t it funny how it’s always someone else’s fault?
And you underestimate them.

How do you think the final world government forms?

It doesn’t happen by accident.

How do you think men like Hitler and Stalin rose to power?

What is an “Insurance Policy” if not a plan?

How do you think orchestrated propaganda works?

There are people that make Lying Deception and Ruining Innocent Men’s Lives a 24-7 Profession, and they have many allies.

Remember That.

I am beginning to think people should just shoot a Democrat if they see one.

At least put them on trial. They just tried to ruin an innocent man’s life.

When are they going to be stopped from railroading innincent men to prison or smearing innocent men whom they cannot defeat in an honest political contest?

They are becoming political terrorists.
Destroying innocent people is the Democrat modus operandi. They aren't content with merely defeating someone's ideas, they want to put people who disagree with them in prison. At the very least they want to make them lose their jobs. Dims can't win the battle of ideas, so destroying their enemies is the only arrow in their quiver.

They destroy people as a warning to others.....

Also just because they want to destroy those they hate. You give them too much credit for basing their decisions on some kind of plan.
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Trump calls on Democratic senator to resign after VA pick drops out

Now that Jon Tester's lies about Admiral Jackson have been exposed, it looks like he will be voted out in November. He had dropped 18 points among democrats even before his lies were exposed. He's done. His seat will be republican in November.

You got a link to show the accusations were proven wrong? I know Trump says they weren't true, but he lies more than anybody.
You turds keep forgetting that we don't have to prove your salacious accusations to be wrong. You have to prove that they are right, and there isn't a bit of evidence to support the accusations dims have leveled ad Admiral Jackson. It was a despicable smear campaign from the beginning. Dims hate the admiral because he blew up their bogus claims about Trump's health.

If I swapped Trump's name with Jim Jones, you would have fit right in down in Guyana.
If Jim Jones were alive today, he would be a governor or senator of a blue state(California, most likely).

He perfectly exemplifies the lunacy and ignorance of the modern left. He was just a little ahead of his time.
I am beginning to think people should just shoot a Democrat if they see one.

At least put them on trial. They just tried to ruin an innocent man’s life.

When are they going to be stopped from railroading innincent men to prison or smearing innocent men whom they cannot defeat in an honest political contest?

They are becoming political terrorists.
Destroying innocent people is the Democrat modus operandi. They aren't content with merely defeating someone's ideas, they want to put people who disagree with them in prison. At the very least they want to make them lose their jobs. Dims can't win the battle of ideas, so destroying their enemies is the only arrow in their quiver.

They destroy people as a warning to others.....

No one is destroying anyone. It's a shame that you put Trump above the healthcare of our veterans. The fact is that these allegations are serious and sweeping them under the rug would be disrespectful to pour veterans.

So far every allegation has been shown to be a lie. How does that help

This guy may have been the answer to the VA problem and a lying
democrat got him to say to himself, this shit ain't worth it.

Tester may have harmed Vets more than he helped them.

He's history in Montana.
I actually think Drunken Jackson is fine because I don't give a fuck about veterans or the VA.
Well fuck you too. You can get the hell out of this country we veterans bought and paid for with our blood sweat and tears.

Please. I know plenty of vets. Most go in because either a) their dad was in the military, or b) because they aren't very bright and need an income. There are of course jobs in the military that require a brain, as well, but your typical army grunt is a fucking idiot who joined because he needed something to do with his life, not because of some noble higher calling. So shove the righteous indignation right up your ass, please. Thanks.
Regardless of why they joined it's better than choosing to live as a ward of the state. Shows more character, personal responsibility, and the willingness to risk ones life for ones country.

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