Democrat Senator Caught Keying Car With Anti-Biden Bumper Sticker


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

The lowest of lows, this is what the far left does. You could hear the Democratic senator saying “oh, the guy was a gun nut”. Translation he’s talking about a guy who supports the second amendment.

This is exclusively a one-way street. Anybody can put on a Black Lives Matter T-shirt go anywhere they want in the country…. no southerner or Trump supporter is going to touch them or mess with them. They might disagree with him, but they won’t touch them.

But if you wear a make Americangreat again hat into a BLM Space, you probably will get attacked at the very least thrown out of there. If you have a “Biden sucks” bumper sticker at some point or another don’t be surprised if the car gets keyed or something of that nature.

this is the type of stuff that turns off main stream democrat voters. Lots of Democrats are turning away from the far left Democrats because of things like this. People are waking up all over the country, democrats and republican for the better. That’s why Robert F Kennedy junior and Donald Trump are getting big time support.
No. The story can't be true. Democrats are all about tolerance, love, and inclusivity.


The lowest of lows, this is what the far left does. You could hear the Democratic senator saying “oh, the guy was a gun nut”. Translation he’s talking about a guy who supports the second amendment.

This is exclusively a one-way street. Anybody can put on a Black Lives Matter T-shirt go anywhere they want in the country…. no southerner or Trump supporter is going to touch them or mess with them. They might disagree with him, but they won’t touch them.

But if you wear a make Americangreat again hat into a BLM Space, you probably will get attacked at the very least thrown out of there. If you have a “Biden sucks” bumper sticker at some point or another don’t be surprised if the car gets keyed or something of that nature.

this is the type of stuff that turns off main stream democrat voters. Lots of Democrats are turning away from the far left Democrats because of things like this. People are waking up all over the country, democrats and republican for the better. That’s why Robert F Kennedy junior and Donald Trump are getting big time support.

A Rhode Island state Democrat...and you use him to clutch your pearls regarding your sense of victim-hood as regards being a conservative?

I sure hope you're right about people turning away from the far-left..just as I hope that people will turn away from the far-right.

BTW..just for yer info...if dude sported a BLM T-shirt here in Twin Falls Idaho, I doubt not that some knucklehead would, over time, say or do something. Would depend on a lot of factors..most of them alcohol related.
2 things.

Typical democrat politician. Keyes guys car because of a Biden sticker. Then claims victimhood that he was afraid the guy would harm him due to faux threats of violence from alleged “gun nuts”….and only admits (barely) that he keyed the guys car because he was caught on video.

This guy should resign for being a big fat liar. Who will lie directly to your face even in the presence of proof of wrong doing. I’m sick of these people and their sense of entitlement.

The police treated this guy with kid gloves. Asking the idiot how they should handle his arrest. Allowing him to drive himself to the police station because he states “ I am NOT going to be handcuffed”. Talking to him like he is a child that they need to explain the situation delicately to him. No other citizen would be treated in this fashion. They would be hand cuffed and dragged away.

Then people wonder why law enforcement has a bad reputation.
The old story already had a thread. And this is one guy who makes your plural outrage most laughable.
That may be, but it's not a "one off" event. This is a frequent occurrence and potential concern in almost all Democrat dominated cities/neighborhoods.

For decades now we have see where the Left believes anything and everything against the laws and civic decency is legit if it's in the name of their causes.

It wasn't the right-wing of this nation that had "Autonomous(above all laws) Occupation (Illegal trespass) Zones"* in scores of major USA cities across this nation for months on end during the Summer of 2020. Which the Loonie Left Fascists will likely repeat if another conservative/Republican (especially Trump) is elected POTUS in 2024.
*- with rioting, looting, arson, assaults, murders, insurrections and sedition, etc.

IIRC, it's been decades or more since (if ever) the conservative right-wing of this nation did anything closely similar to such nationwide riots, insurrection and sedition in scores of cities lasting more than one day.
Come on now. Regardless of your political affiliation every guy knows the guy code, you don't mess with another man's car or home. Those two things are off limits.

But the whole "he scared me so much I came back when he wasn't around and keyed his car" is just plain ridiculous. He should be jailed for vandalism and lying to the police at least for a couple days so he has a record of the incident and have to pay to get the car repainted.

That's just bush league bullshit stuff right there.
Come on now. Regardless of your political affiliation every guy knows the guy code, you don't mess with another man's car or home. Those two things are off limits.

But the whole "he scared me so much I came back when he wasn't around and keyed his car" is just plain ridiculous. He should be jailed for vandalism and lying to the police at least for a couple days so he has a record of the incident and have to pay to get the car repainted.

That's just bush league bullshit stuff right there.

Male leftists are not “guys”. They don’t know the guy code.

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