Democrat slogans 2020

"Trump can't grab my pussy" - Michelle Obama

"I'm black! I'm Indian. I'm Blindian" Harris

"America has the world's greatest economy for far too long. I will put a stop to it!" Bernie

"I'm a bigot, and I am proud of it! Vote Trump"

''Vote for Vladimir's puppet, make Russia Great Again"

"Vote for the billionaire, who favors billionaires"

"Swamp Creatures are Bigger and Better, Under Me! Vote Trump! Always the Best at Everything!"

"Make America LAST again, vote Trump!"

"Healthcare is for Pussies, Vote Trump!"

"Make America White Again!"

"Vote Trump! The BEST Deceiver in the running!"

No you have it wrong, Keep America White, because we dont want to look like some country that is ruled by browns or blacks.

African house....................................................Latino house...……………………..Is this what you want to live in, in the US of A? Egad you are such a stupid fuck.

africahut.jpg Venezuela-Crisis-Numa.jpg
"Trump can't grab my pussy" - Michelle Obama

"I'm black! I'm Indian. I'm Blindian" Harris

"America has the world's greatest economy for far too long. I will put a stop to it!" Bernie

"God is Gay" - Mayor Buttplug

"Hamburgers Kill" - Kamala Harris
Trump can't grab my pussy" - Michelle Obama
Bwaaaaahhaaaaaa….of course not, he doesnt have a pussy(Michael Obama that is)...

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