Democrat slogans 2020

AOC/Tlaib/Omar/Ayana Pressley: The 4 Horsemen of the apocalypse

credit Tucker for that one!
"It could be worse - elect us, and we will prove it!"

"Don't Worry - WE are using Other People's Money!"

Make America Ok again
Vote Dem and

Critical thinking is racist and closed minded.

No perversion left behind.

Your fair share is in other people's wallets.

Borders are for xenophobes.

Make Mexico great again.

Give back the Mexican Cession.

It's not your money.
Yang 2020: Comrade Yang!

Yang 2020: he'll turn the White House into the Gold House

Yang 2020: the opposite of Trump is an Asian who likes Math

i guess you could say there's a "caravan" of candidates running!
“Make America Appease Again”
“ taxes, energy must go up”
“ Fundamental Transformation of America ll”
Democratic Party's new slogan: "This country belongs to everyone." (AOC just now on every single network.)
"Trump can't grab my pussy" - Michelle Obama

"I'm black! I'm Indian. I'm Blindian" Harris

"America has the world's greatest economy for far too long. I will put a stop to it!" Bernie

"I'm a bigot, and I am proud of it! Vote Trump"

''Vote for Vladimir's puppet, make Russia Great Again"

"Vote for the billionaire, who favors billionaires"

"Swamp Creatures are Bigger and Better, Under Me! Vote Trump! Always the Best at Everything!"

"Make America LAST again, vote Trump!"

"Healthcare is for Pussies, Vote Trump!"

"Make America White Again!"

"Vote Trump! The BEST Deceiver in the running!"

I gathered everyone here are scared of 2020 presidential election. Your orange clown will be gone.

The 2016 was just a freak accident winning.

Once again, Trump has no path to the White House. We really mean it this time!
"America has the world's greatest economy for far too long. I will put a stop to it!" -- Bernie
If you don't see the light, you will see the fire -Ayanna Pressley
democrats 2020

"A little Fascism never hurt anybody"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

"244 years is long enough!"

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