DEMOCRAT STRATEGIST: Bernie Supporters Will Cross Over to Vote for Trump Instead of Hillary

Your OPINION means absolutely NOTHING, And that is why Trump is leading....Hey how about that OLD, WHITE Socialist/DemoRAT, the Bern within 2 points of the Lying, corrupt, criminal, murderous Hildebeast in the latest polls.... who would have ever thought you scumbags would out yourselves as Commie sympathizers!
Hmm so why is it that Bernie beats any republican in hypothetical match ups? What's your brilliant analysis for that?

The allure of .....


Free shit huh? You mean like highways, police, fire, and public schools? Yeah paid for by taxes. So is Bernie's plan for "free shit".

Fucking FOOL, the Bern wants to TAX everyone that's middle class and above to PAY for BUYING VOTES of the poor and minorities. His Socialism scheme has been known and quoted for decades....


Thatcher described it even better...made it simple so even a LOW IQ'D idiot, like you should be able to understand....


You Socialist/Commie/DemoRATS will RUIN this world!
lol you would have to be a complete fucking moron to think Mexico would pay for a wall but sure enough, we have idiots like you. We also have idiots like you that like president who has what, a grand total of only 3 policy ideas? All of them are something a 5 year old could come up with. Absolutely none of them would "make America great". really are this fucking stupid...amazing! Trump has a website with all sorts of policy statements and positions, but you're such a fucking Commie bastard, you wouldn't read it, much less understand it!
Hmm so why is it that Bernie beats any republican in hypothetical match ups? What's your brilliant analysis for that?

The allure of .....


Free shit huh? You mean like highways, police, fire, and public schools? Yeah paid for by taxes. So is Bernie's plan for "free shit".

Fucking FOOL, the Bern wants to TAX everyone that's middle class and above to PAY for BUYING VOTES of the poor and minorities. His Socialism scheme has been known and quoted for decades....


Thatcher described it even better...made it simple so even a LOW IQ'D idiot, like you should be able to understand....


You Socialist/Commie/DemoRATS will RUIN this world!
lol you would have to be a complete fucking moron to think Mexico would pay for a wall but sure enough, we have idiots like you. We also have idiots like you that like president who has what, a grand total of only 3 policy ideas? All of them are something a 5 year old could come up with. Absolutely none of them would "make America great". really are this fucking stupid...amazing! Trump has a website with all sorts of policy statements and positions, but you're such a fucking Commie bastard, you wouldn't read it, much less understand it!
Statements and positions aren't policy ideas you retard. My god, do you really not know the difference? We know next to nothing what this Neanderthal will actually do as president.
The allure of .....


Free shit huh? You mean like highways, police, fire, and public schools? Yeah paid for by taxes. So is Bernie's plan for "free shit".

Fucking FOOL, the Bern wants to TAX everyone that's middle class and above to PAY for BUYING VOTES of the poor and minorities. His Socialism scheme has been known and quoted for decades....


Thatcher described it even better...made it simple so even a LOW IQ'D idiot, like you should be able to understand....


You Socialist/Commie/DemoRATS will RUIN this world!
lol you would have to be a complete fucking moron to think Mexico would pay for a wall but sure enough, we have idiots like you. We also have idiots like you that like president who has what, a grand total of only 3 policy ideas? All of them are something a 5 year old could come up with. Absolutely none of them would "make America great". really are this fucking stupid...amazing! Trump has a website with all sorts of policy statements and positions, but you're such a fucking Commie bastard, you wouldn't read it, much less understand it!
Statements and positions aren't policy ideas you retard. My god, do you really not know the difference? We know next to nothing what this Neanderthal will actually do as president.

BUT we know EXACTLY what your fucking Commie/DemoRATS will do! FUCK THIS COUNTRY EVEN FURTHER!
The next best thing to a conservative is someone a socialist will elect?

Why settled when we can have the real deal?

Rump isn't a conservative and Sanders isn't a socialist, so the point is moot. And it's based on accepting the premise of the interviewee in the OP, which premise is absurd anyway.

Why should anyone accept your premises?
The allure of .....


Free shit huh? You mean like highways, police, fire, and public schools? Yeah paid for by taxes. So is Bernie's plan for "free shit".

Fucking FOOL, the Bern wants to TAX everyone that's middle class and above to PAY for BUYING VOTES of the poor and minorities. His Socialism scheme has been known and quoted for decades....


Thatcher described it even better...made it simple so even a LOW IQ'D idiot, like you should be able to understand....


You Socialist/Commie/DemoRATS will RUIN this world!
lol you would have to be a complete fucking moron to think Mexico would pay for a wall but sure enough, we have idiots like you. We also have idiots like you that like president who has what, a grand total of only 3 policy ideas? All of them are something a 5 year old could come up with. Absolutely none of them would "make America great". really are this fucking stupid...amazing! Trump has a website with all sorts of policy statements and positions, but you're such a fucking Commie bastard, you wouldn't read it, much less understand it!
Statements and positions aren't policy ideas you retard. My god, do you really not know the difference? We know next to nothing what this Neanderthal will actually do as president.

Of course statements and positions are policy ideas, you retard. If not, then what form to policy ideas take?
And a DemoRAT strategist said this!!!!!!!!

Gateway Pundit ^ | April 15,2016 | Jim Hoft
Democratic strategist Harlan Hill told Neil Cavuto today that up to 40% of Bernie Sanders supporters will cross over to Donald Trump if Bernie is eliminated. Harlan Hill: Almost 40% of Bernie Sanders supporters say they will not support Hillary Clinton in the general election. And I expect that number to grow. Neil Cavuto: Alright, will where will they go? Harlan Hill: Well, I think they will either stay home or they will cross over. Neil Cavuto: Who will they cross over to? Harlan Hill: Donald Trump. That’s it. They’re not going to vote for Ted Cruz… I think that...
I gurantee you the large majority of the Bernie or Bust crowd won't vote at all.
Good. I hope you are right.
Carter was beating Reagan by 8 on this date in did that work out?
Reagan also wasn't a little insecure girl trapped in grown man's body. That's what Trump is. Reagan knew had to play the political game by, you know, acting like an adult?

Your OPINION means absolutely NOTHING, And that is why Trump is leading....Hey how about that OLD, WHITE Socialist/DemoRAT, the Bern within 2 points of the Lying, corrupt, criminal, murderous Hildebeast in the latest polls.... who would have ever thought you scumbags would out yourselves as Commie sympathizers!
Hmm so why is it that Bernie beats any republican in hypothetical match ups? What's your brilliant analysis for that?

The allure of .....


Free shit huh? You mean like highways, police, fire, and public schools? Yeah paid for by taxes. So is Bernie's plan for "free shit".

At least I use highways, police, fire and public schools, as much as they suck, but how do I benefit from welfare?
The next best thing to a conservative is someone a socialist will elect?

Why settled when we can have the real deal?

Rump isn't a conservative and Sanders isn't a socialist, so the point is moot. And it's based on accepting the premise of the interviewee in the OP, which premise is absurd anyway.

Why should anyone accept your premises?

Well I don't represent myself as a little kid giving the finger with jelly smeared all over his face, for a start.... much less a flasher in a trenchcoat.
The next best thing to a conservative is someone a socialist will elect?

Why settled when we can have the real deal?

Rump isn't a conservative and Sanders isn't a socialist, so the point is moot. And it's based on accepting the premise of the interviewee in the OP, which premise is absurd anyway.

Why should anyone accept your premises?

Well I don't represent myself as a little kid giving the finger with jelly smeared all over his face, for a start.... much less a flasher in a trenchcoat.

It takes a true moron to think an Avatar reflects on a poster's credibility. You ability to commit logic doesn't exist.
The next best thing to a conservative is someone a socialist will elect?

Why settled when we can have the real deal?

Rump isn't a conservative and Sanders isn't a socialist, so the point is moot. And it's based on accepting the premise of the interviewee in the OP, which premise is absurd anyway.

Why should anyone accept your premises?

Well I don't represent myself as a little kid giving the finger with jelly smeared all over his face, for a start.... much less a flasher in a trenchcoat.

It takes a true moron to think an Avatar reflects on a poster's credibility. You ability to commit logic doesn't exist.

And what sort of moron does it take to pick that avatar?

Look, I get it --- I see myself as a mellifluous troubadour, you see yourself as a juvenile brat with jelly all over his face, and Pissyante sees himself as the old fart making grunting noises at the adult movie theater. And we all shine on.
It's true that some Sanders supporters will not be voting for Clinton. I don't think most will vote for Trump though. The ones not voting for Clinton will vote Stein or Johnson or write in Sanders or not vote at all. There will be some crossover to Trump.
The next best thing to a conservative is someone a socialist will elect?

Why settled when we can have the real deal?

Rump isn't a conservative and Sanders isn't a socialist, so the point is moot. And it's based on accepting the premise of the interviewee in the OP, which premise is absurd anyway.

Why should anyone accept your premises?

Well I don't represent myself as a little kid giving the finger with jelly smeared all over his face, for a start.... much less a flasher in a trenchcoat.

It takes a true moron to think an Avatar reflects on a poster's credibility. You ability to commit logic doesn't exist.

And what sort of moron does it take to pick that avatar?

Look, I get it --- I see myself as a mellifluous troubadour, you see yourself as a juvenile brat with jelly all over his face, and Pissyante sees himself as the old fart making grunting noises at the adult movie theater. And we all shine on.
Actually it’s a football hooligan in training:

Mikey Wilson (Middle Finger kid) | Know Your Meme
And a DemoRAT strategist said this!!!!!!!!

Gateway Pundit ^ | April 15,2016 | Jim Hoft
Democratic strategist Harlan Hill told Neil Cavuto today that up to 40% of Bernie Sanders supporters will cross over to Donald Trump if Bernie is eliminated. Harlan Hill: Almost 40% of Bernie Sanders supporters say they will not support Hillary Clinton in the general election. And I expect that number to grow. Neil Cavuto: Alright, will where will they go? Harlan Hill: Well, I think they will either stay home or they will cross over. Neil Cavuto: Who will they cross over to? Harlan Hill: Donald Trump. That’s it. They’re not going to vote for Ted Cruz… I think that...

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are two complete opposites. Donald Trump is Wall Street, he's definitely the top 1% that Sanders continually attacks. In fact Trump is the "ultra" top 1%. There is nothing similar about them or about what they campaign on.

So I think it would be a real stretch to say that they're going to go running to another candidate that in no way represents anything close to what Sanders represents to them. Sanders is a socialist--Trump is a capitalist. Sanders supporters hate Wall Street & Capitalism.

And a DemoRAT strategist said this!!!!!!!!

Gateway Pundit ^ | April 15,2016 | Jim Hoft
Democratic strategist Harlan Hill told Neil Cavuto today that up to 40% of Bernie Sanders supporters will cross over to Donald Trump if Bernie is eliminated. Harlan Hill: Almost 40% of Bernie Sanders supporters say they will not support Hillary Clinton in the general election. And I expect that number to grow. Neil Cavuto: Alright, will where will they go? Harlan Hill: Well, I think they will either stay home or they will cross over. Neil Cavuto: Who will they cross over to? Harlan Hill: Donald Trump. That’s it. They’re not going to vote for Ted Cruz… I think that...
so 60% of Bernie supporters WILL SUPPORT Hillary and 40% of Bernie supporters will either stay home or perhaps vote for Trump IF Mr. Trump changes and plays his cards right? that's what the guy this truly good news for Trump? Getting the Donald to change his ways or play his cards right seems a bit ''iffy'' to me....?:D

btw, who the heck is Harlan Hill? Never heard of or seen the guy before?
The next best thing to a conservative is someone a socialist will elect?

Why settled when we can have the real deal?

Rump isn't a conservative and Sanders isn't a socialist, so the point is moot. And it's based on accepting the premise of the interviewee in the OP, which premise is absurd anyway.

Why should anyone accept your premises?

Well I don't represent myself as a little kid giving the finger with jelly smeared all over his face, for a start.... much less a flasher in a trenchcoat.

It takes a true moron to think an Avatar reflects on a poster's credibility. You ability to commit logic doesn't exist.

And what sort of moron does it take to pick that avatar?

Look, I get it --- I see myself as a mellifluous troubadour, you see yourself as a juvenile brat with jelly all over his face, and Pissyante sees himself as the old fart making grunting noises at the adult movie theater. And we all shine on.

The only thing I identify with as far as my avatar is concerned with is the fact that he's giving you the middle finger salute. Any other comparisons are the result of your rage at your inability to win an argument.
Rump isn't a conservative and Sanders isn't a socialist, so the point is moot. And it's based on accepting the premise of the interviewee in the OP, which premise is absurd anyway.

Why should anyone accept your premises?

Well I don't represent myself as a little kid giving the finger with jelly smeared all over his face, for a start.... much less a flasher in a trenchcoat.

It takes a true moron to think an Avatar reflects on a poster's credibility. You ability to commit logic doesn't exist.

And what sort of moron does it take to pick that avatar?

Look, I get it --- I see myself as a mellifluous troubadour, you see yourself as a juvenile brat with jelly all over his face, and Pissyante sees himself as the old fart making grunting noises at the adult movie theater. And we all shine on.

The only thing I identify with as far as my avatar is concerned with is the fact that he's giving you the middle finger salute. Any other comparisons are the result of your rage at your inability to win an argument.
Your avatar portrays you as a rude child and is fairly accurate.
Why should anyone accept your premises?

Well I don't represent myself as a little kid giving the finger with jelly smeared all over his face, for a start.... much less a flasher in a trenchcoat.

It takes a true moron to think an Avatar reflects on a poster's credibility. You ability to commit logic doesn't exist.

And what sort of moron does it take to pick that avatar?

Look, I get it --- I see myself as a mellifluous troubadour, you see yourself as a juvenile brat with jelly all over his face, and Pissyante sees himself as the old fart making grunting noises at the adult movie theater. And we all shine on.

The only thing I identify with as far as my avatar is concerned with is the fact that he's giving you the middle finger salute. Any other comparisons are the result of your rage at your inability to win an argument.
Your avatar portrays you as a rude child and is fairly accurate.

Why do you believe lying douche bags like you should be treated with respect?

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