Democrat Strategists Still Using The "When Bush Was President" When Explaining Current Obama Mess.

:dunno::eusa_think:: This morning on Fox and Ferrets, Elizabeth Hasselbeck was speaking with a "So Called Democrat Strategist" over poor polling numbers for Obama, White House Trust, etc. He could not answer any question without starting off with, "Well When Bush Was President", or, "Well at this time during the Bush Years",yah, the typical, "This is the norm for any President going into their 6 yr in office BS"!
He never did give Elizabeth a straight answer! What a coward! Any Democrat Strategist we see watching cable news is not some genius with all the answers, a Democrat Strategist is just "Another Paid Liar" :smartass:

"Strategist we see watching cable news is not some genius with all the answers, a Strategist is just "Another Paid Liar"

You just realized that?:eek:
of course not! I noticed it as soon as Obama ran for President in 2007(ish) making up all of these wonderful things about Obama, and he is going to be the next Jesus! then again, 47% of Americans believed that. {Maybe they were in a coma during the 2008 campaign?)
Democrats win elections, the progressive agenda advances; Democrats lose elections, the progressive agenda advances.
and so what that when Obama took office we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. well, he never replaced them.

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