Democrat Stunt Pulling... Again

Simply a waste of time and tax dollars. All so the Dems can feel good about themselves.
They never "feel good about themselves". These pieces of animated shit are the most most miserable, petty, despotic, spoiled and nasty assholes on earth. There isn't a one of them that isn't a sniveling pathetic child.

Even after they got away with stuffing mail boxes full of ballots, they still can't be content because they know the guy who was installed in the WH is a senile criminal at best.

Trump must stand trial for being impeached that is just the breaks. We do know you want yer syndicate boss to walk and go back to the mob but he must be tried.

You realize he isn't in office anymore...........
I noticed that you right wingers always say there aren't enough votes to convict, but never want to discuss whether he is guilty of the charges.

And I always notice how you and snowflakes always avoid bringing up all the previous threads, discussions, links, & evidence...

Of course Trump is innocent. Just reading the transcripts of his 6 January speech proves that.

Nancy Pelosi's admission during her interveiw that this whole thing is about protecting the Democrat Party from Trump in 2024 and beyond proves his innocense.

All of the Democrats support for, incitement of violence - from inspiring an attempted assassination of GOP politivcians to Maxine Waters encouraging harasse=ment and violence against the GOP and Trump's team to Schumer's threat against the USSC Justices to the VP's incitement and call for continued Antifa/BLM terrorist violence, not to mention her helping bail out terrorists and return them to the streets to commit more crime - the Democrats are FAR MORE guilty of 'Inciting Violence / Insurrection' than Trump ever was.
The QOP is the party of no accountability.

I love when snowflakes / democrats accuse others of being who THEY are and of foing what THEY do,,,

The Democrats know they once again can NOT affect their full confessed political partisan Impeachment because they do not have the votes to do so. Still, they continue to waste time and tax payer dollars to carry out another failed partisan political stunt.

I noticed that you right wingers always say there aren't enough votes to convict, but never want to discuss whether he is guilty of the charges. It's easy to see that since your party discarded integrity, It no longer matters if he actually did what he is charged for. It only matters that you have the political power to force.
We can listen to his entire speech on youtube and other places and see that he is being falsely accused once again....maybe you should listen to the whole speech before sound like a moron...
We can listen to his entire speech on youtube and other places and see that he is being falsely accused once again....maybe you should listen to the whole speech before sound like a moron...
I don’t think Trump committed any crimes, but the riot resulted directly because of his actions after the election.

If he had conceded the election like he should have, it never would have happened.
I noticed that you right wingers always say there aren't enough votes to convict, but never want to discuss whether he is guilty of the charges.

And I always notice how you and snowflakes always avoid bringing up all the previous threads, discussions, links, & evidence...

Of course Trump is innocent. Just reading the transcripts of his 6 January speech proves that.

Nancy Pelosi's admission during her interveiw that this whole thing is about protecting the Democrat Party from Trump in 2024 and beyond proves his innocense.

All of the Democrats support for, incitement of violence - from inspiring an attempted assassination of GOP politivcians to Maxine Waters encouraging harasse=ment and violence against the GOP and Trump's team to Schumer's threat against the USSC Justices to the VP's incitement and call for continued Antifa/BLM terrorist violence, not to mention her helping bail out terrorists and return them to the streets to commit more crime - the Democrats are FAR MORE guilty of 'Inciting Violence / Insurrection' than Trump ever was.

Democrats doesn't care about the Constitution, they are usurping the Chief Justice chair for the trial, which he refused to attend because it isn't a legal trial.

Debasing the Constitution: Why Chief Justice Roberts is Not Presiding over Trump’s Impeachment Trial

Article written by: William Levin is a graduate of Yale Law School and a former special assistant in the Office of Legal Counsel in the Department of Justice.
Poll: Most voters think Trump should be convicted, barred from running for office
GAHAHAHAH!!!! Yahoo? Really? Tell you what. This is Trump's response to the blatantly partisan power grab by the Communist Democrats:

View attachment 454704
Damn I could have sworn that's what the American Voters said to Trumpybear?

The 1st Trump impeachment was to de-legitimize him going into the election. The 2nd one is to de-legitimize the GOP senators and representatives.

Who deserve it, because the majority of them supported treason, and still support treason. That puts the Democrats solidly on the side of the angels.

Remember, 2/3 of the Republicans in the House voted to overturn the election, even though they knew the conspiracy theories of vote fraud were all bull. The Republican senate will also largely vote to excuse sedition. That means they and those who back them are traitors. The Democrats are highlighting that now, thus the GQP rage-weeping.

Remember, whenever Trump cultists are crying about something, that means good things are happening in the USA. Just look at them all crying here. Excellent.
I noticed that you right wingers always say there aren't enough votes to convict, but never want to discuss whether he is guilty of the charges.

And I always notice how you and snowflakes always avoid bringing up all the previous threads, discussions, links, & evidence...

Of course Trump is innocent. Just reading the transcripts of his 6 January speech proves that.

Nancy Pelosi's admission during her interveiw that this whole thing is about protecting the Democrat Party from Trump in 2024 and beyond proves his innocense.

All of the Democrats support for, incitement of violence - from inspiring an attempted assassination of GOP politivcians to Maxine Waters encouraging harasse=ment and violence against the GOP and Trump's team to Schumer's threat against the USSC Justices to the VP's incitement and call for continued Antifa/BLM terrorist violence, not to mention her helping bail out terrorists and return them to the streets to commit more crime - the Democrats are FAR MORE guilty of 'Inciting Violence / Insurrection' than Trump ever was.
When did any of the people you mentioned instigate a coup that attacked congress in an effort to void the constitutionally required work of congress and overthrow an election to ensconce a tyrant into the presidency? Setting a car on fire is wrong, and certainly deserves punishment to the fullest extent of the law, but it doesn't compare to the treason planned and executed by trump.
We can listen to his entire speech on youtube and other places and see that he is being falsely accused once again....maybe you should listen to the whole speech before sound like a moron...
I don’t think Trump committed any crimes, but the riot resulted directly because of his actions after the election.

If he had conceded the election like he should have, it never would have happened.
That's impossible the capitol uprising was underway and planned before Trump's speech at the white house...and if the capitol cops had done their job properly the rioters would not have gotten inside....
But knowing all of this the trial is still going to happen?....this could bring on even more animosity...we could be looking at a police state before Pelosi is finished....

Keep poking the bear and you could lose a hand.....
I noticed that you right wingers always say there aren't enough votes to convict, but never want to discuss whether he is guilty of the charges.

And I always notice how you and snowflakes always avoid bringing up all the previous threads, discussions, links, & evidence...

Of course Trump is innocent. Just reading the transcripts of his 6 January speech proves that.

Nancy Pelosi's admission during her interveiw that this whole thing is about protecting the Democrat Party from Trump in 2024 and beyond proves his innocense.

All of the Democrats support for, incitement of violence - from inspiring an attempted assassination of GOP politivcians to Maxine Waters encouraging harasse=ment and violence against the GOP and Trump's team to Schumer's threat against the USSC Justices to the VP's incitement and call for continued Antifa/BLM terrorist violence, not to mention her helping bail out terrorists and return them to the streets to commit more crime - the Democrats are FAR MORE guilty of 'Inciting Violence / Insurrection' than Trump ever was.
When did any of the people you mentioned instigate a coup that attacked congress in an effort to void the constitutionally required work of congress and overthrow an election to ensconce a tyrant into the presidency? Setting a car on fire is wrong, and certainly deserves punishment to the fullest extent of the law, but it doesn't compare to the treason planned and executed by trump.
It would if it were your car dummy...or your business and livelihood...
I noticed that you right wingers always say there aren't enough votes to convict, but never want to discuss whether he is guilty of the charges. It's easy to see that since your party discarded integrity, It no longer matters if he actually did what he is charged for. It only matters that you have the political power to force.

Guilty of what specifically, Bulldyke?

Defeating Hillary? Supporting America over China? Derailing the Iranian nuclear program?

In 2018, Nancy Pigshit incited insurgents to storm the Capitol and disrupt senate proceedings. Oddly, Ashley Judd was not shot to death the way Ashli Babbit was. But Nazi scum Pelosi declared that what Judd and other insurgents did was acceptable because "it's the people's house."

I get it, different laws for the Reich.

What do you claim the last legitimate president is guilty of?
The 1st Trump impeachment was to de-legitimize him going into the election. The 2nd one is to de-legitimize the GOP senators and representatives. The Let cares nothing for truth and justice, they only care about political power. And they will ANYTHING to achieve as much power as they can get.

Trumpybear was first impeached for attempting to extort a private political favor from the head of a foreign nation. Democrats called that a corrupt political act. Republicans accepted it. His second one is for his participation in the ill-fated attempt to thwart the Ceremonial counting of the States Certified EC votes that resulted in the deadly Mob Riot on Jan. 6th. Republicans are likely going to accept that too.

Let them be Albatrosses hung around their necks for 6 years.
We can listen to his entire speech on youtube and other places and see that he is being falsely accused once again....maybe you should listen to the whole speech before sound like a moron...
I don’t think Trump committed any crimes, but the riot resulted directly because of his actions after the election.

If he had conceded the election like he should have, it never would have happened.
That's impossible the capitol uprising was underway and planned before Trump's speech at the white house...and if the capitol cops had done their job properly the rioters would not have gotten inside....
But knowing all of this the trial is still going to happen?....this could bring on even more animosity...we could be looking at a police state before Pelosi is finished....

Keep poking the bear and you could lose a hand.....
The riot was not merely a response to Trump’s speech but a response to two months of his rhetoric. He spent months telling his supporters he was about to prevail and that rhetoric was smashing headlong into Congress certifying the election for Biden resulting in violence.

Trump invited them to DC that day. Of course it was planned.

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