Democrat Trickery...How have they got so many Whites to HATE Whites?

It's a shame you didn't teach your daughter that you should focus on someone's character and their actions and not their skin color.

That’s the foundation of the trickery isn’t it...program White folks to be terrified to acknowledge skin color while all the other side does is talk about and acknowledge skin color?
Am I right?

Yup, you nailed it. Heil Hitler.
My daughter and I were talking about this; she was telling me about the number of White kids in her class whom openly talk like they are disgusted with White people.
It’s actually a brilliant plan for the Party Of Filth.....But what Jedi mind-tricks have they used to execute such a plan?
Gee, the daughter of a White Nationalist like yourself talks like a White Nationalist herself.

Who'd a thunk it? What a surprise. You've infected her.

White Nationalist:
“A White person who loves his country and whom doesn’t pretend that statistics related to ethnicity don’t exist.”
In other words, a patriotic real American who isn’t a scared pussy and who loves facts and truth.
This is an immigrant country. Not a racist redneck country.
My daughter and I were talking about this; she was telling me about the number of White kids in her class whom openly talk like they are disgusted with White people.
It’s actually a brilliant plan for the Party Of Filth.....But what Jedi mind-tricks have they used to execute such a plan?
Gee, the daughter of a White Nationalist like yourself talks like a White Nationalist herself.

Who'd a thunk it? What a surprise. You've infected her.

White Nationalist:
“A White person who loves his country and whom doesn’t pretend that statistics related to ethnicity don’t exist.”
In other words, a patriotic real American who isn’t a scared pussy and who loves facts and truth.
This is an immigrant country. Not a racist redneck country.
Accusing and destroying people for political gain is the mantra of the progressive socialist playbook. And frankly those rednecks have been pussies for the bullcrap that has been going on for a while. The ones that are the small percentage of them who mess with others. We are immigrants. But we are also stewards for the greatest experiment in human history. There is no way this nation will survive if we allow endless millions of people every year into it overwhelming any opportunity to assimilate into the culture. This should not even be a political issue. But the progressives and many Repubs are globalists and sold out. Americans are learning that many are going to be taken down a peg in our drive for world government. And a lot of people are not going to like it when it gets here completely. The real power of the world toys with us as you see the Federal Reserve hijinks.
Accusing and destroying people for political gain is the mantra of the progressive socialist playbook.
Parroting false narratives is the hallmark of someone with the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

Did someone say something about "accusing and destroying people for political gain"?

Did you know Lyin' Ted's dad killed Kennedy?

"Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Accusing and destroying people for political gain is the mantra of the progressive socialist playbook.
Parroting false narratives is the hallmark of someone with the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

Did someone say something about "accusing and destroying people for political gain"?

Did you know Lyin' Ted's dad killed Kennedy?

"Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Did you pay the penalty or massive increase for Obamacare? Tens of millions will watch these ph ukn thieves get exterminated with their families if they get the chance when things get bad. With massive reduction of food and roofs over their head after disasters of any type.
What, exactly, did your daughter say?

The Professor insists on having ‘open discussion sessions’ in her Poli Sci class...obviously an effective method for indoctrination...She didn’t get to descriptive, she just said that White kids will talk about other Whites and their ideals in complete disgust. I guess she brought up something about American values and traditions and everybody lost their fucking minds...she brought up the right to sovereignty for Americans and everybody lost their fucking minds. She said the White kids tend to be the ones that lose their shit the most...FUCKING WEIRD!
All seems a bit vague to me.

Waste of a thread.
How have they got so many Whites to HATE Whites?

I've wondered that myself.

How were Republicans able to get other Republicans to hate so many whites?

They hate white:





college professors


And other whites who don't believe what Republicans believe.

What Democrats hate is hate itself. Republicans have a very long list of hate. We see it every day.
Looking at that list of GOP hate, it makes me wonder what Republicans were thinking starting a thread like this.
OP's like this are designed to turn values voters like myself into race voters. I'll stick with values, thank you very much.
It's a shame you didn't teach your daughter that you should focus on someone's character and their actions and not their skin color.

It’s a shame that your programming forces you to believe that Whites shouldn’t dare “focus” on someone’s skin color while you people do nothing but push affirmative action and celebrate “diversity” / fewer Whites.
My daughter and I were talking about this; she was telling me about the number of White kids in her class whom openly talk like they are disgusted with White people.
It’s actually a brilliant plan for the Party Of Filth.....But what Jedi mind-tricks have they used to execute such a plan?

"Whites"? Define "Whites"

Did you not notice that "whites" were on both sides of the Charlotte event? Some chanting antisemitic hate, and some carrying the Stars and Bars; other whites opposing the hate, racism and bigotry?

Whites on my side of the aisle are disgusted by their behavior, and rightly so. My father and uncles all fought fascism in WW II. I don't want my grandsons fighting the same fight - we need to learn from history, not rewrite it as some of our citizens do routinely.
nothing wrong or illegal with displaying or carrying the 'Stars and Bars' in the USA as far as i am aware . Think its a part of the '1st Amendment' . And lots of ww2 Military were 'Stars and Bars ' supporters and Southerners i am guessing . [lotts Southern Men in WW2 ] --------------- just a comment
My daughter and I were talking about this; she was telling me about the number of White kids in her class whom openly talk like they are disgusted with White people.
It’s actually a brilliant plan for the Party Of Filth.....But what Jedi mind-tricks have they used to execute such a plan?
Gee, the daughter of a White Nationalist like yourself talks like a White Nationalist herself.

Who'd a thunk it? What a surprise. You've infected her.

White Nationalist:
“A White person who loves his country and whom doesn’t pretend that statistics related to ethnicity don’t exist.”
In other words, a patriotic real American who isn’t a scared pussy and who loves facts and truth.
This is an immigrant country. Not a racist redneck country.

Predominantly White Europeans, some very productive Asians and 100 million second-class citizens. (Brown people here illegally or with illegal roots)
My daughter and I were talking about this; she was telling me about the number of White kids in her class whom openly talk like they are disgusted with White people.
It’s actually a brilliant plan for the Party Of Filth.....But what Jedi mind-tricks have they used to execute such a plan?

"Whites"? Define "Whites"

Did you not notice that "whites" were on both sides of the Charlotte event? Some chanting antisemitic hate, and some carrying the Stars and Bars; other whites opposing the hate, racism and bigotry?

Whites on my side of the aisle are disgusted by their behavior, and rightly so. My father and uncles all fought fascism in WW II. I don't want my grandsons fighting the same fight - we need to learn from history, not rewrite it as some of our citizens do routinely.

LefTard Logic:
Caucasians chanting “Jews will not replace us.” = BAD
Foreigners and White guilt Loons celebrating fewer Whites. = GOOD
The Professor insists on having ‘open discussion sessions’ in her Poli Sci class...obviously an effective method for indoctrination...She didn’t get to descriptive, she just said that White kids will talk about other Whites and their ideals in complete disgust. I guess she brought up something about American values and traditions and everybody lost their fucking minds...she brought up the right to sovereignty for Americans and everybody lost their fucking minds. She said the White kids tend to be the ones that lose their shit the most...FUCKING WEIRD!
Isn't that just normal disgust?

Why are you playing the racecard? Are you some kind of snowflake?
The Professor insists on having ‘open discussion sessions’ in her Poli Sci class...obviously an effective method for indoctrination...She didn’t get to descriptive, she just said that White kids will talk about other Whites and their ideals in complete disgust. I guess she brought up something about American values and traditions and everybody lost their fucking minds...she brought up the right to sovereignty for Americans and everybody lost their fucking minds. She said the White kids tend to be the ones that lose their shit the most...FUCKING WEIRD!
Isn't that just normal disgust?

Why are you playing the racecard? Are you some kind of snowflake?

Not at all...just hoping Caucasians wake the fuck up, stop being so programmed and nutless and engage in the fight against them.
The Professor insists on having ‘open discussion sessions’ in her Poli Sci class...obviously an effective method for indoctrination...She didn’t get to descriptive, she just said that White kids will talk about other Whites and their ideals in complete disgust. I guess she brought up something about American values and traditions and everybody lost their fucking minds...she brought up the right to sovereignty for Americans and everybody lost their fucking minds. She said the White kids tend to be the ones that lose their shit the most...FUCKING WEIRD!
Isn't that just normal disgust?

Why are you playing the racecard? Are you some kind of snowflake?

Not at all...just hoping Caucasians wake the fuck up, stop being so programmed and nutless and engage in the fight against them.
Its called "virtue signaling". They say "whites are bad" because black people LOVE it. Blacks gobble that shit up like its candy, so you cant really blame these lefties for it.
Yes education is a total fraud

All polls shows a direction that when time to learn the direction goes to conservatives that proves the most wise and successful principles over liberal principles

At 18 the voter becomes more conservative at 50 and that experience direction proves conservatives as the more wise.

Educators not explaining all polls show how liberalism comes from the unwise proves educators a total fraud
So young conservatives are a fraud to the conservative minority?
The Professor insists on having ‘open discussion sessions’ in her Poli Sci class...obviously an effective method for indoctrination...She didn’t get to descriptive, she just said that White kids will talk about other Whites and their ideals in complete disgust. I guess she brought up something about American values and traditions and everybody lost their fucking minds...she brought up the right to sovereignty for Americans and everybody lost their fucking minds. She said the White kids tend to be the ones that lose their shit the most...FUCKING WEIRD!
Isn't that just normal disgust?

Why are you playing the racecard? Are you some kind of snowflake?

Not at all...just hoping Caucasians wake the fuck up, stop being so programmed and nutless and engage in the fight against them.
Caucasian is a race not a skin tone and Caucasians are not just white in complexion..
What, exactly, did your daughter say?

The Professor insists on having ‘open discussion sessions’ in her Poli Sci class...obviously an effective method for indoctrination...She didn’t get to descriptive, she just said that White kids will talk about other Whites and their ideals in complete disgust. I guess she brought up something about American values and traditions and everybody lost their fucking minds...she brought up the right to sovereignty for Americans and everybody lost their fucking minds. She said the White kids tend to be the ones that lose their shit the most...FUCKING WEIRD!
Why is the word "Whites" capitalized?
What, exactly, did your daughter say?

The Professor insists on having ‘open discussion sessions’ in her Poli Sci class...obviously an effective method for indoctrination...She didn’t get to descriptive, she just said that White kids will talk about other Whites and their ideals in complete disgust. I guess she brought up something about American values and traditions and everybody lost their fucking minds...she brought up the right to sovereignty for Americans and everybody lost their fucking minds. She said the White kids tend to be the ones that lose their shit the most...FUCKING WEIRD!
Why is the word "Whites" capitalized?

I like to fuck with the trash in the show me state.

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