DEMOCRAT UTOPIA... Do You Want This In Your Town?

San Francisco is such a shit hole that people are willing to cough up $1 million for a two bedroom bungalow on a 60 X 80 plot.

Which means.........
People living there must REALLY enjoy watching people defecate while The things you leftist call "Utopia" (Not terribly surprised anyway)
I thought it was Los Angeles. The picture is common in Westwood.
marty, you can't even take care of your own posts.

If you don't like the way cities handle their hoemless problem then don't go to them. Go to the places the homeless are fleeing from instead, I'm sure they're great. Why make yourself miserable?

Single bit error when I hit the quote button, it's fixed.

I have family here, can't leave. Why don't they just actually try to fix the homeless problem instead of throwing money at it to give useless people jobs?
marty, you can't even take care of your own posts.

If you don't like the way cities handle their hoemless problem then don't go to them. Go to the places the homeless are fleeing from instead, I'm sure they're great. Why make yourself miserable?

Single bit error when I hit the quote button, it's fixed.

I have family here, can't leave. Why don't they just actually try to fix the homeless problem instead of throwing money at it to give useless people jobs?

Move the whole family then. I mean if you guys don't like living in a liberal city and just want to complain about it, then pick yourself up by your bootstraps and move westward or southward or some place that only recognizes 2 genders or whatever shit your into.

Obviously you're not interested in fixing the problem, they're just "useless people" according to you. Never mind that many are children, mentally ill, addicted to drugs or even veterans. Hell, many are women escaping abusive relationships. If you don't think there is a solution then move.
Yeah, what a shithole.


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You think this proves that San Francisco is a beautiful city still. No. This proves that San Francisco is a city without a middle class. This proves that San Francisco is the prototype of the medieval city updated to present day. There is the wealthy who live mostly on the hills. It is beautiful, manicured and clean.

Like any medieval city the poor live in filth and squalor. They shit in the streets and throw garbage and slop. They sleep among the rats in the shit slicked alleys.

The workers, the craftsmen, shopkeepers and scrivners don't live in medieval cities. They can't afford to live among the clean wealthy. They won't live among the diseased poor. They live in the surrounding area. Every morning they come to tge city and perform their functions. Then they leave.

That's the future. The past.
How do we even know that's San Francisco?

marty, you can't even take care of your own posts.

If you don't like the way cities handle their hoemless problem then don't go to them. Go to the places the homeless are fleeing from instead, I'm sure they're great. Why make yourself miserable?

Single bit error when I hit the quote button, it's fixed.

I have family here, can't leave. Why don't they just actually try to fix the homeless problem instead of throwing money at it to give useless people jobs?

Move the whole family then. I mean if you guys don't like living in a liberal city and just want to complain about it, then pick yourself up by your bootstraps and move westward or southward or some place that only recognizes 2 genders or whatever shit your into.

Obviously you're not interested in fixing the problem, they're just "useless people" according to you. Never mind that many are children, mentally ill, addicted to drugs or even veterans. Hell, many are women escaping abusive relationships. If you don't think there is a solution then move.

Yeah, because that's a viable solution, instead of maybe progressive pols worrying about running things instead of trying to social engineer people.

Guess what? progressives aren't interested in fixing the problem either, then they would have to lay off the 1000's of people working on the problem.

They just want $$ to spend, and to lord over, and to do just enough so they can give themselves awards about it,and think they really really "care"
marty, you can't even take care of your own posts.

If you don't like the way cities handle their hoemless problem then don't go to them. Go to the places the homeless are fleeing from instead, I'm sure they're great. Why make yourself miserable?

Single bit error when I hit the quote button, it's fixed.

I have family here, can't leave. Why don't they just actually try to fix the homeless problem instead of throwing money at it to give useless people jobs?

Move the whole family then. I mean if you guys don't like living in a liberal city and just want to complain about it, then pick yourself up by your bootstraps and move westward or southward or some place that only recognizes 2 genders or whatever shit your into.

Obviously you're not interested in fixing the problem, they're just "useless people" according to you. Never mind that many are children, mentally ill, addicted to drugs or even veterans. Hell, many are women escaping abusive relationships. If you don't think there is a solution then move.

Yeah, because that's a viable solution, instead of maybe progressive pols worrying about running things instead of trying to social engineer people.

Guess what? progressives aren't interested in fixing the problem either, then they would have to lay off the 1000's of people working on the problem.

They just want $$ to spend, and to lord over, and to do just enough so they can give themselves awards about it,and think they really really "care"

Well as a liberal I can't tell you how many times I have been told to move out of the country because Trump was elected.

Listen, if you can't live without New York then stop bitching and whining and do something about it instead of being a crybaby.
I have my own viewpoint as a resident of the other progressive utopia, NYC.

Homeless on the trains is up, street cleaning is down, and more and more middle class people are leaving. But the pols worry about plastic bags and bullshit like that instead.

Progressive policies create a 1984 situation, except in the case of NY and SF, the Outer Party is leaving, with only the Inner Party and the Proles remaining.

A 1984 situation? We went from poop to big brother?

I think big cities should be concerned about the environment as well as people.

I'm sorry Bumfuck Alabama doesn't have a subway system for the homeless to fall asleep on.

Bumfuck Alabama doesn't advertise that they will take care of anyone who decides to show up and be a burden on society.

I don't remember that as being a slogan for San Francisco.

NY and SF do that. You subsidize something, you get more of it.

No, I don't remember a campaign by either city asking for the nations homeless.

And I think anyone who doesn't actually shop anymore, like Governor Cuomo-douche should shut the fuck up about bags.

I don't like Cuomo and could care less what you think of him, he's sold his own party out to create an alliance with the Republicans in the state legislature.

Personally I'm buying a case of 500 for my own personal use when I go shopping, because 1)they are hypocrites, and 2) I don't respond well to government force over chickenshit items

Yeah, I don't think they or anyone really cares what you do.

When you provide plenty of homeless services with no questions asked, you are telling people "come here and live off the government"

You, OK. I see. So you're problem with San Francisco and New York is they take care of other locales homeless problems? Gee, how...Christian of them.

[quote[If they don't care what I do, why did they pass the bag ban?

I meant if you boarded up your house and died they wouldn't care.[/QUOTE]
Being Christian of them is the reason you are being a blowhard. The baker was being a Christian and you did not like it. You evil critins have set people up who have faith and destroyed them. This won't last forever.
marty, you can't even take care of your own posts.

If you don't like the way cities handle their hoemless problem then don't go to them. Go to the places the homeless are fleeing from instead, I'm sure they're great. Why make yourself miserable?

Single bit error when I hit the quote button, it's fixed.

I have family here, can't leave. Why don't they just actually try to fix the homeless problem instead of throwing money at it to give useless people jobs?

Move the whole family then. I mean if you guys don't like living in a liberal city and just want to complain about it, then pick yourself up by your bootstraps and move westward or southward or some place that only recognizes 2 genders or whatever shit your into.

Obviously you're not interested in fixing the problem, they're just "useless people" according to you. Never mind that many are children, mentally ill, addicted to drugs or even veterans. Hell, many are women escaping abusive relationships. If you don't think there is a solution then move.

Yeah, because that's a viable solution, instead of maybe progressive pols worrying about running things instead of trying to social engineer people.

Guess what? progressives aren't interested in fixing the problem either, then they would have to lay off the 1000's of people working on the problem.

They just want $$ to spend, and to lord over, and to do just enough so they can give themselves awards about it,and think they really really "care"

Well as a liberal I can't tell you how many times I have been told to move out of the country because Trump was elected.

Listen, if you can't live without New York then stop bitching and whining and do something about it instead of being a crybaby.

Then respond with reasons not to, like I did.

And usually its because you want the US to be "more like X", thus leaving yourself open to the "just move there" response.

I vote for non progressives every chance I get, which in NYC isn't much.

It has to get worse before the people here get sick of things and vote someone like Giuliani in to fix the mess.
Which means.........
People living there must REALLY enjoy watching people defecate while The things you leftist call "Utopia" (Not terribly surprised anyway)

You ever been to San Francisco?

Yes, I have. And like every other big city, it has its good sections and its not so good sections.

But, in order to be a proper right wing asshole, one needs to take an isolated incident and make it the norm.

And to be a proper left wing drone, one needs to ignore anything that goes against the narrative.

It's ironic someone named Mr Clean is in favor of people being able to shit wherever they want.

Nobody said that. Why can't the right wing idiots on this board stop making shit up?

All the lefties seem to brush it off as no big deal, so it must imply support of it.

That's just stupid. This is a wingertard concern troll thread that can be summed up in a sentence: If you don't like Ca., don't move there.

No one will care either way.
marty, you can't even take care of your own posts.

If you don't like the way cities handle their hoemless problem then don't go to them. Go to the places the homeless are fleeing from instead, I'm sure they're great. Why make yourself miserable?

Single bit error when I hit the quote button, it's fixed.

I have family here, can't leave. Why don't they just actually try to fix the homeless problem instead of throwing money at it to give useless people jobs?

Move the whole family then. I mean if you guys don't like living in a liberal city and just want to complain about it, then pick yourself up by your bootstraps and move westward or southward or some place that only recognizes 2 genders or whatever shit your into.

Obviously you're not interested in fixing the problem, they're just "useless people" according to you. Never mind that many are children, mentally ill, addicted to drugs or even veterans. Hell, many are women escaping abusive relationships. If you don't think there is a solution then move.

Yeah, because that's a viable solution, instead of maybe progressive pols worrying about running things instead of trying to social engineer people.

Guess what? progressives aren't interested in fixing the problem either, then they would have to lay off the 1000's of people working on the problem.

They just want $$ to spend, and to lord over, and to do just enough so they can give themselves awards about it,and think they really really "care"

Well as a liberal I can't tell you how many times I have been told to move out of the country because Trump was elected.

Listen, if you can't live without New York then stop bitching and whining and do something about it instead of being a crybaby.

Then respond with reasons not to, like I did.

And usually its because you want the US to be "more like X", thus leaving yourself open to the "just move there" response.

I vote for non progressives every chance I get, which in NYC isn't much.

It has to get worse before the people here get sick of things and vote someone like Giuliani in to fix the mess.

I want the United States to have a basic social safety net that helps those in need the most. That is as American as applle pie.
Yep... welcome to the DEMOCRAT UTOPIA of America. They want this EVERYWHERE. They want this to be YOUR TOWN. They want to take over America and make it ALL JUST LIKE THIS. This is their idea of UTOPIA... you all LOVE this... RIGHT? Of course you do... you want to see some dumbass taking a SHIT right in front of you while you're EATING... IN PUBLIC... just wonderful... the DEMOCRAT vision for the REST OF AMERICA... RIGHT HERE... vote DEMOCRAT if this is what you want...

Nancy Pelosi must be so PROUD!
Single bit error when I hit the quote button, it's fixed.

I have family here, can't leave. Why don't they just actually try to fix the homeless problem instead of throwing money at it to give useless people jobs?

Move the whole family then. I mean if you guys don't like living in a liberal city and just want to complain about it, then pick yourself up by your bootstraps and move westward or southward or some place that only recognizes 2 genders or whatever shit your into.

Obviously you're not interested in fixing the problem, they're just "useless people" according to you. Never mind that many are children, mentally ill, addicted to drugs or even veterans. Hell, many are women escaping abusive relationships. If you don't think there is a solution then move.

Yeah, because that's a viable solution, instead of maybe progressive pols worrying about running things instead of trying to social engineer people.

Guess what? progressives aren't interested in fixing the problem either, then they would have to lay off the 1000's of people working on the problem.

They just want $$ to spend, and to lord over, and to do just enough so they can give themselves awards about it,and think they really really "care"

Well as a liberal I can't tell you how many times I have been told to move out of the country because Trump was elected.

Listen, if you can't live without New York then stop bitching and whining and do something about it instead of being a crybaby.

Then respond with reasons not to, like I did.

And usually its because you want the US to be "more like X", thus leaving yourself open to the "just move there" response.

I vote for non progressives every chance I get, which in NYC isn't much.

It has to get worse before the people here get sick of things and vote someone like Giuliani in to fix the mess.

I want the United States to have a basic social safety net that helps those in need the most. That is as American as applle pie.

Then Deport 20-30 Million Illegals and let American Citizens have their Safety Net.

Yes, it's that simple.
You ever been to San Francisco?

Yes, I have. And like every other big city, it has its good sections and its not so good sections.

But, in order to be a proper right wing asshole, one needs to take an isolated incident and make it the norm.

And to be a proper left wing drone, one needs to ignore anything that goes against the narrative.

It's ironic someone named Mr Clean is in favor of people being able to shit wherever they want.

Nobody said that. Why can't the right wing idiots on this board stop making shit up?

All the lefties seem to brush it off as no big deal, so it must imply support of it.

That's just stupid. This is a wingertard concern troll thread that can be summed up in a sentence: If you don't like Ca., don't move there.

No one will care either way.
I keep hoping like many Dem Tards do that North Korea Launches a Nuclear ICBM at California, and everyone is too busy taking a Siesta to shoot it down.
Yes, I have. And like every other big city, it has its good sections and its not so good sections.

But, in order to be a proper right wing asshole, one needs to take an isolated incident and make it the norm.

And to be a proper left wing drone, one needs to ignore anything that goes against the narrative.

It's ironic someone named Mr Clean is in favor of people being able to shit wherever they want.

Nobody said that. Why can't the right wing idiots on this board stop making shit up?

All the lefties seem to brush it off as no big deal, so it must imply support of it.

That's just stupid. This is a wingertard concern troll thread that can be summed up in a sentence: If you don't like Ca., don't move there.

No one will care either way.
I keep hoping like many Dem Tards do that North Korea Launches a Nuclear ICBM at California, and everyone is too busy taking a Siesta to shoot it down.

Good for you.
And to be a proper left wing drone, one needs to ignore anything that goes against the narrative.

It's ironic someone named Mr Clean is in favor of people being able to shit wherever they want.

Nobody said that. Why can't the right wing idiots on this board stop making shit up?

All the lefties seem to brush it off as no big deal, so it must imply support of it.

That's just stupid. This is a wingertard concern troll thread that can be summed up in a sentence: If you don't like Ca., don't move there.

No one will care either way.
I keep hoping like many Dem Tards do that North Korea Launches a Nuclear ICBM at California, and everyone is too busy taking a Siesta to shoot it down.

Good for you.
Well it's better they get Nuked than God Rain Fire and Brimstone down upon them. Less People will die with a North Korea Nuke vs. God's Wrath against CaliPedoFornia
Move the whole family then. I mean if you guys don't like living in a liberal city and just want to complain about it, then pick yourself up by your bootstraps and move westward or southward or some place that only recognizes 2 genders or whatever shit your into.

Obviously you're not interested in fixing the problem, they're just "useless people" according to you. Never mind that many are children, mentally ill, addicted to drugs or even veterans. Hell, many are women escaping abusive relationships. If you don't think there is a solution then move.

Yeah, because that's a viable solution, instead of maybe progressive pols worrying about running things instead of trying to social engineer people.

Guess what? progressives aren't interested in fixing the problem either, then they would have to lay off the 1000's of people working on the problem.

They just want $$ to spend, and to lord over, and to do just enough so they can give themselves awards about it,and think they really really "care"

Well as a liberal I can't tell you how many times I have been told to move out of the country because Trump was elected.

Listen, if you can't live without New York then stop bitching and whining and do something about it instead of being a crybaby.

Then respond with reasons not to, like I did.

And usually its because you want the US to be "more like X", thus leaving yourself open to the "just move there" response.

I vote for non progressives every chance I get, which in NYC isn't much.

It has to get worse before the people here get sick of things and vote someone like Giuliani in to fix the mess.

I want the United States to have a basic social safety net that helps those in need the most. That is as American as applle pie.

Then Deport 20-30 Million Illegals and let American Citizens have their Safety Net.

Yes, it's that simple.

Republicans were in charge for 2 years, what happened?
And to be a proper left wing drone, one needs to ignore anything that goes against the narrative.

It's ironic someone named Mr Clean is in favor of people being able to shit wherever they want.

Nobody said that. Why can't the right wing idiots on this board stop making shit up?

All the lefties seem to brush it off as no big deal, so it must imply support of it.

That's just stupid. This is a wingertard concern troll thread that can be summed up in a sentence: If you don't like Ca., don't move there.

No one will care either way.
I keep hoping like many Dem Tards do that North Korea Launches a Nuclear ICBM at California, and everyone is too busy taking a Siesta to shoot it down.

Good for you.

He's an American don't ya' know. I'd never wish that sort of thing on Alabama.
Single bit error when I hit the quote button, it's fixed.

I have family here, can't leave. Why don't they just actually try to fix the homeless problem instead of throwing money at it to give useless people jobs?

Move the whole family then. I mean if you guys don't like living in a liberal city and just want to complain about it, then pick yourself up by your bootstraps and move westward or southward or some place that only recognizes 2 genders or whatever shit your into.

Obviously you're not interested in fixing the problem, they're just "useless people" according to you. Never mind that many are children, mentally ill, addicted to drugs or even veterans. Hell, many are women escaping abusive relationships. If you don't think there is a solution then move.

Yeah, because that's a viable solution, instead of maybe progressive pols worrying about running things instead of trying to social engineer people.

Guess what? progressives aren't interested in fixing the problem either, then they would have to lay off the 1000's of people working on the problem.

They just want $$ to spend, and to lord over, and to do just enough so they can give themselves awards about it,and think they really really "care"

Well as a liberal I can't tell you how many times I have been told to move out of the country because Trump was elected.

Listen, if you can't live without New York then stop bitching and whining and do something about it instead of being a crybaby.

Then respond with reasons not to, like I did.

And usually its because you want the US to be "more like X", thus leaving yourself open to the "just move there" response.

I vote for non progressives every chance I get, which in NYC isn't much.

It has to get worse before the people here get sick of things and vote someone like Giuliani in to fix the mess.

I want the United States to have a basic social safety net that helps those in need the most. That is as American as applle pie.

Even if it's designed to keep them in poverty and just give them enough to live?

People need to be challenged to move forward, not coddled.

But of course, serfs are easier to placate then free citizens.
Nobody said that. Why can't the right wing idiots on this board stop making shit up?

All the lefties seem to brush it off as no big deal, so it must imply support of it.

That's just stupid. This is a wingertard concern troll thread that can be summed up in a sentence: If you don't like Ca., don't move there.

No one will care either way.
I keep hoping like many Dem Tards do that North Korea Launches a Nuclear ICBM at California, and everyone is too busy taking a Siesta to shoot it down.

Good for you.
Well it's better they get Nuked than God Rain Fire and Brimstone down upon them. Less People will die with a North Korea Nuke vs. God's Wrath against CaliPedoFornia

The whole naming yourself after a tree thing is making sense.

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