Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam basically supports killing children after they're born

Dominoes are falling to bring two things to western democracies


Women's voting rights stopped or a logic test for voters !!!!
Things are definitely set in motion that suggest a drastic change is on the horizon. Western civilization has historically been a stunning success since the days of Ancient Greece. From that time, till the beginning of the 20th century, it’s progress has bettered both western nations, and the world as a whole. Throughout that time from the beginning Western Civilization was a patriarchy.
Upon giving women voting rights, and therefore access to the public treasury, Western Civilization has been in decline. The current model is categorically unsustainable, and will collapse. It’s already in the process of collapse, really. Western Nations are now strangled by insurmountable debt. Birth rates amongst native inhabitants of western nations are in stark decline. And half the population of these nations keep voting to expand the power, and cost of government, in the face of a dwindling taxable foundation. Which is why you see the desperate rush to import 3rd worlders into western nations.
All the great collectivist programs, and ideas half the population voted into existence require an ever growing tax base to fund. But Western women have checked out of the baby making game in favor of wealth production instead. This of course is promoted by the state from the earliest years of public education, right on through graduation. They place higher import on “career”, than family. Because the sooner they can get this half of the population into the work force the sooner they can be used to generate tax revenue to support the socialist programs of the state. Additionally by keeping women out of the motherhood game as long as possible; this socialist/collectivist state is paying out less money to support those who voted it into existence to begin with.

So trump has to stop women's voting or make a logic test for voters
Trump will do no such thing. He couldn’t, even if he wanted to. And there is nothing to suggest that he does want to.

Wrong Dead Wrong

Trump was horrified at women when he told billy bush on the bus that if one is a star you can do anything to women even grabbing their private parts

He saw how women gave their interests to rock stars and not the vets and real heroes

And how they vote on killing a human life

Trump wifi declare a national security issue and stop women's vote or make logic tests for voters as the compromise.
Who knows? I highly doubt it myself... I find many people think there is someway to rewind, and undo the mistakes that brought us to where we are today... There is no reset button. The damage has been done. The debt is real. And this debt will remain no matter the change in voting structure. There is only one way out of the debt that this nation has accrued by allowing women to run reckless with the check book. And it isn’t going to be pretty...
Instead of desperately pumping, in vain on the chest of this flat lined nation; in the hopes of recussitating back to its former glory... Folks would be better served looking to the future. Recognizing the dangers, and challenges that lay before us. And tempering our plans for this future with the knowledge of past failures, and the wisdom this knowledge brings.
There is only one direction available to us. Forward. Best to prepare for that. With diligence, discipline, and a recognition of past failures...
Perhaps we can build a more durable, and sustainable future than our forefathers laid out for us. It was a great run, and it was fun while it lasted. But the test of time has revealed its weaknesses. We now have the luxury, and opportunity to learn from history, and take the best of what works in the long term, and discard the failure prone aspects, and forge an even better, stronger, and enduring nation going forward. Because like it; or not... Forward is where we’re headed. We can either take the wheel, or scream helplessly from the passenger seat...
What’s the bill?
Leftard Nirvana. Murdering babies as they are born and afterwards.
You don’t understand your law terms. Not murder, but peace for the family without intrusion by others who don’t understand their sad situation.
My grandson is cerebral palsy. Guess we should just kill em eh? Fk you mthr for. I’m here, come get me you fk! It’s personal

The parents of your Grandson had that decision to make. Not the state.
and he lived. born at 2 lbs with a brain bleed. yes I taught my daughter that life was life. you are just a baby killer. just admit punk.
What’s the bill?
Leftard Nirvana. Murdering babies as they are born and afterwards.
You don’t understand your law terms. Not murder, but peace for the family without intrusion by others who don’t understand their sad situation.
My grandson is cerebral palsy. Guess we should just kill em eh? Fk you mthr for. I’m here, come get me you fk! It’s personal

The parents of your Grandson had that decision to make. Not the state.
and he lived. born at 2 lbs with a brain bleed. yes I taught my daughter that life was life. you are just a baby killer. just admit punk.
It’s really something to behold... They pretend to be unabashedly in favor of what they stand for, and what they do. However they are terrified to just say it plainly, and call it what they, and we know it is... Murder. Reveals further, their shameful cowardice. As if the murder of innocents wasn’t enough...
Dominoes are falling to bring two things to western democracies


Women's voting rights stopped or a logic test for voters !!!!
Things are definitely set in motion that suggest a drastic change is on the horizon. Western civilization has historically been a stunning success since the days of Ancient Greece. From that time, till the beginning of the 20th century, it’s progress has bettered both western nations, and the world as a whole. Throughout that time from the beginning Western Civilization was a patriarchy.
Upon giving women voting rights, and therefore access to the public treasury, Western Civilization has been in decline. The current model is categorically unsustainable, and will collapse. It’s already in the process of collapse, really. Western Nations are now strangled by insurmountable debt. Birth rates amongst native inhabitants of western nations are in stark decline. And half the population of these nations keep voting to expand the power, and cost of government, in the face of a dwindling taxable foundation. Which is why you see the desperate rush to import 3rd worlders into western nations.
All the great collectivist programs, and ideas half the population voted into existence require an ever growing tax base to fund. But Western women have checked out of the baby making game in favor of wealth production instead. This of course is promoted by the state from the earliest years of public education, right on through graduation. They place higher import on “career”, than family. Because the sooner they can get this half of the population into the work force the sooner they can be used to generate tax revenue to support the socialist programs of the state. Additionally by keeping women out of the motherhood game as long as possible; this socialist/collectivist state is paying out less money to support those who voted it into existence to begin with.

So trump has to stop women's voting or make a logic test for voters
Trump will do no such thing. He couldn’t, even if he wanted to. And there is nothing to suggest that he does want to.

Wrong Dead Wrong

Trump was horrified at women when he told billy bush on the bus that if one is a star you can do anything to women even grabbing their private parts

He saw how women gave their interests to rock stars and not the vets and real heroes

And how they vote on killing a human life

Trump wifi declare a national security issue and stop women's vote or make logic tests for voters as the compromise.
Who knows? I highly doubt it myself... I find many people think there is someway to rewind, and undo the mistakes that brought us to where we are today... There is no reset button. The damage has been done. The debt is real. And this debt will remain no matter the change in voting structure. There is only one way out of the debt that this nation has accrued by allowing women to run reckless with the check book. And it isn’t going to be pretty...
Instead of desperately pumping, in vain on the chest of this flat lined nation; in the hopes of recussitating back to its former glory... Folks would be better served looking to the future. Recognizing the dangers, and challenges that lay before us. And tempering our plans for this future with the knowledge of past failures, and the wisdom this knowledge brings.
There is only one direction available to us. Forward. Best to prepare for that. With diligence, discipline, and a recognition of past failures...
Perhaps we can build a more durable, and sustainable future than our forefathers laid out for us. It was a great run, and it was fun while it lasted. But the test of time has revealed its weaknesses. We now have the luxury, and opportunity to learn from history, and take the best of what works in the long term, and discard the failure prone aspects, and forge an even better, stronger, and enduring nation going forward. Because like it; or not... Forward is where we’re headed. We can either take the wheel, or scream helplessly from the passenger seat...

Who knows??

It's history that knows the future

How many nations in history has women ruling over men??

How many that lasted a while ?

Abortion is the issue that is easy to understand and will lead to men rising up to stop this harmful democracy system

Ancient Greece became a democracy and wild sex came and then they became weak and got destroyed

History repeats because of universal laws
What’s the bill?
Leftard Nirvana. Murdering babies as they are born and afterwards.

While righties kill full grown people !

Anyone have a link to the law . Cause we all know how you righties sling lies .
Comparing a baby with a mass murderer, how Leftard of you.

Do you have to kill the murderer ? No.

As For late term. That means shit is seriously wrong wh the fetus.

Murderers should be killed with medium-drop hanging in the public square within 2 weeks of being found guilty. Doing so would cut at least 1/3 off of the funds necessary for the Justice system.
Men have a choice

Stop the women's vote or see the nation fall

In the past these wise simply left which hurried the fall of the crooked nation

But today no place to run to

And men will rise up to stop this

A logic test for voters is coming
Things are definitely set in motion that suggest a drastic change is on the horizon. Western civilization has historically been a stunning success since the days of Ancient Greece. From that time, till the beginning of the 20th century, it’s progress has bettered both western nations, and the world as a whole. Throughout that time from the beginning Western Civilization was a patriarchy.
Upon giving women voting rights, and therefore access to the public treasury, Western Civilization has been in decline. The current model is categorically unsustainable, and will collapse. It’s already in the process of collapse, really. Western Nations are now strangled by insurmountable debt. Birth rates amongst native inhabitants of western nations are in stark decline. And half the population of these nations keep voting to expand the power, and cost of government, in the face of a dwindling taxable foundation. Which is why you see the desperate rush to import 3rd worlders into western nations.
All the great collectivist programs, and ideas half the population voted into existence require an ever growing tax base to fund. But Western women have checked out of the baby making game in favor of wealth production instead. This of course is promoted by the state from the earliest years of public education, right on through graduation. They place higher import on “career”, than family. Because the sooner they can get this half of the population into the work force the sooner they can be used to generate tax revenue to support the socialist programs of the state. Additionally by keeping women out of the motherhood game as long as possible; this socialist/collectivist state is paying out less money to support those who voted it into existence to begin with.

So trump has to stop women's voting or make a logic test for voters
Trump will do no such thing. He couldn’t, even if he wanted to. And there is nothing to suggest that he does want to.

Wrong Dead Wrong

Trump was horrified at women when he told billy bush on the bus that if one is a star you can do anything to women even grabbing their private parts

He saw how women gave their interests to rock stars and not the vets and real heroes

And how they vote on killing a human life

Trump wifi declare a national security issue and stop women's vote or make logic tests for voters as the compromise.
Who knows? I highly doubt it myself... I find many people think there is someway to rewind, and undo the mistakes that brought us to where we are today... There is no reset button. The damage has been done. The debt is real. And this debt will remain no matter the change in voting structure. There is only one way out of the debt that this nation has accrued by allowing women to run reckless with the check book. And it isn’t going to be pretty...
Instead of desperately pumping, in vain on the chest of this flat lined nation; in the hopes of recussitating back to its former glory... Folks would be better served looking to the future. Recognizing the dangers, and challenges that lay before us. And tempering our plans for this future with the knowledge of past failures, and the wisdom this knowledge brings.
There is only one direction available to us. Forward. Best to prepare for that. With diligence, discipline, and a recognition of past failures...
Perhaps we can build a more durable, and sustainable future than our forefathers laid out for us. It was a great run, and it was fun while it lasted. But the test of time has revealed its weaknesses. We now have the luxury, and opportunity to learn from history, and take the best of what works in the long term, and discard the failure prone aspects, and forge an even better, stronger, and enduring nation going forward. Because like it; or not... Forward is where we’re headed. We can either take the wheel, or scream helplessly from the passenger seat...

Who knows??

It's history that knows the future

How many nations in history has women ruling over men??

How many that lasted a while ?

Abortion is the issue that is easy to understand and will lead to men rising up to stop this harmful democracy system

Ancient Greece became a democracy and wild sex came and then they became weak and got destroyed

History repeats because of universal laws
Precisely. And in history... How many nations (not geographical regions), have fallen from greatness; only to rise again, just as great, or even greater than before?
Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia, who is a pediatric neurologist, said in a press conference on Thursday that he does not regret what he said yesterday about letting a born baby die or the way he said it.
Virginia Governor Says He Doesn’t Regret What He Said–or Way He Said It—About Letting Born Baby Die

Well Karma will find this pos douche bag I hope he gets to view all his wrong as he lies on his death bed and it's all too late to say, I was wrong.

A lot of nasty peeps out there. How are these creeps getting into public office?
You either can't read or you is lying..
Democrats are the party of death. A late term child is simply delivered early.

You don't know what you're talking about, but that's par for the course.
They all claim they are for the rights of the unborn the born can go to hell for all they care..
Says shitforbrains who admits he gives nothing to charity.
I have an obligation to donate 100% to my family first.
A heart for helping strangers makes the world a better place.

When Democrat pediatrician Ralph Northam decided to run for the governor of Virginia in 2017, he wasn’t going to be alone: Planned Parenthood pledged to accompany him on his journey.

“It’s really clear that Virginians want and need a fierce champion like Dr. Northam to stand up for them and to stand up for women’s health,” Jennifer Allen, chief executive of Planned Parenthood Virginia PAC and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia, noted as she announced that abortion supporters would spend up to $3 million to elect Northam, who also served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps, The Washington Post reported at the time.

Read more at least we now know where the abortion slippery slope leads.

Virginia governor under fire for comments on late-term abortion bill

Soulless ghouls.
We’ve always known where it would lead. And just think... We haven’t even arrived at the destination yet..: This road takes us straight to Government run death panels. Don’t worry though... There won’t be any age, or race discrimination. Just a quick evaluation of what you’re worth to the state, versus what it’s going to cost the state to allow you to live, or keep you alive...
It’s just business. Nothing personal...

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