Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam basically supports killing children after they're born

Party of Satan.

In the video, which is just a clip, you hear Del. Tran say her bill would allow an abortion even if a woman was dilating.

She released a statement saying, "we need to trust women to make their own healthcare decisions" and Democrats called it an "orchestrated attack."

House tables bill about late-term abortions in Virginia after video goes viral

Did you actually read the bill? I'm gonna guess no, since you're here making yourself look stupid.

The part of the bill you're crying about only deals with a mother's life being on the line. It's not something that a woman can just request as they're going into labor.

Fake news topic.
The sponsor of the bill was asked if her bill would allow an infant to be killed if the mother was in labor and dilating. She answered in the affirmative.

If you watched the video in the OP link, you would know that, willfully blind monkey.
Del. Kathy Tran, D-Fairfax, sponsored HB 2491, which would have eliminated certain requirements before undergoing an abortion, such as approval from three physicians and an ultrasound. At Monday’s subcommittee hearing on the bill, a Republican lawmaker asked Tran whether the bill would allow for an abortion to occur when a woman is in labor and about to give birth; Tran said yes. The subcommittee voted 5-3 to table the measure.On Thursday, Tran corrected herself. “I should have said: ‘Clearly, no, because infanticide is not allowed in Virginia, and what would have happened in that moment would be a live birth.’”

Republicans, Democrats clash over ‘disturbing’ abortion bill least we now know where the abortion slippery slope leads.

Virginia governor under fire for comments on late-term abortion bill

Soulless ghouls.
We’ve always known where it would lead. And just think... We haven’t even arrived at the destination yet..: This road takes us straight to Government run death panels. Don’t worry though... There won’t be any age, or race discrimination. Just a quick evaluation of what you’re worth to the state, versus what it’s going to cost the state to allow you to live, or keep you alive...
It’s just business. Nothing personal...

I hate when my neighbor says that. :mad:

I do multi-thousand dollar contracts on handshakes, mostly.

Sometimes somebody needs a write-off or I get a funny feeling about them, 99% of the time it's the former. least we now know where the abortion slippery slope leads.

Virginia governor under fire for comments on late-term abortion bill

Soulless ghouls.
We’ve always known where it would lead. And just think... We haven’t even arrived at the destination yet..: This road takes us straight to Government run death panels. Don’t worry though... There won’t be any age, or race discrimination. Just a quick evaluation of what you’re worth to the state, versus what it’s going to cost the state to allow you to live, or keep you alive...
It’s just business. Nothing personal...

Yep and when ppl post memes of " kill granny" it goes right the fk over their heads.
I actually held a pretty high view of Governor Northam until he made this sickening comment. I am very surprised and shocked that he would say such a thing. It's disgusting.
The governor went beyond what even the sponsor of the bill said. The sponsor, Kathy Tran, says it's okay to kill a baby in the third trimester, during labor. The governor said it is okay to kill a baby after it is born.

He even called it an "infant".
Two-thirds of Americans believe abortion should be illegal after the first trimester.


That means even people who self identify as "pro-choice" hold beliefs which are opposed to Roe v. Wade, which says abortion should be unrestricted all the way through the second trimester.

Now we have ghouls trying to kill babies in the third trimester.

RUSSERT: Partial birth abortion. The eliminating of abortion in the third trimester. Big issue in Washington. Would President Trump ban partial birth abortion?

TRUMP: I'm very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But, still, I just believe in choice! And, again, it may be a little bit of a New York background because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country, and you know I was raised in New York, and grew up and work and everything else in New York City. But I am strongly for choice and yet I hate the concept of abortion.

RUSSERT: But you would not ban it?


RUSSERT: Or ban partial birth abortion.

TRUMP: No, I am pro-choice in every respect.
Say that's a nice frothy circle jerk ya'll have going.

The Gov. was clearly talking about a baby with such severe deformities that it would only survive for a few hours after birth.

Shouldn't ya'll be screaming and wailing about euthanasia?

I hear Ms. Garrison is scheduled to introduce the "Infanticide" bill later on in the year!
RUSSERT: Partial birth abortion. The eliminating of abortion in the third trimester. Big issue in Washington. Would President Trump ban partial birth abortion?

TRUMP: I'm very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But, still, I just believe in choice! And, again, it may be a little bit of a New York background because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country, and you know I was raised in New York, and grew up and work and everything else in New York City. But I am strongly for choice and yet I hate the concept of abortion.

RUSSERT: But you would not ban it?


RUSSERT: Or ban partial birth abortion.

TRUMP: No, I am pro-choice in every respect.
People can change opinion. His appointment of Kav says he has.

After all, the Roe of Roe v Wade became an avid pro-life advocate.
Say that's a nice frothy circle jerk ya'll have going.

The Gov. was clearly talking about a baby with such severe deformities that it would only survive for a few hours after birth.

Shouldn't ya'll be screaming and wailing about euthanasia?

I hear Ms. Garrison is scheduled to introduce the "Infanticide" bill later on in the year!
Why not just admit you love killing babies it simplifies it for you. Since when did you believe retarded babies have no say?
There are so many really stupid fkn retards who think they know about Roe vs Wade because they know just those words meanwhile half the other dumbasses will say we have that case because she was RAPED news flash morons

Roe v. Wade has shaped up to be the most catastrophic U.S. Supreme Court decision of all time. 60 million innocent children’s lives have been lost, with mothers suffering immense pain and regret as a result — and all because of a bad law which was completely based on lies. Here are six:

Lie #1: Jane Roe had been raped.

The truth: She wasn’t raped… and she never had an abortion.

Jane Roe, whom we now know as Norma McCorvey, was just 21 years old when she became pregnant for the third time and sought an abortion in the state of Texas. Texas law, however, stated that a woman could only undergo an abortion if the mother’s life was at risk. McCorvey was put in contact with two lawyers, Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington, who were looking for a pregnant woman to help them build a case to legalize abortion. McCorvey lied and said she had been raped. That lie became the basis for the legal fight against the District Attorney of Dallas County, Henry Wade. The lawyers knew that the case would never be finished in time for McCorvey to get an abortion and she ended up giving birth and placing the child for adoption. McCorvey not only admitted later on that she had lied about being raped, but she became pro-life and worked to end legal abortion up until her death in 2017.

Lie #2: 60% of Americans wanted legalized abortion.

The truth: Abortion advocates told the media they had public opinion on their side. They didn’t.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson was one of the main proponents of legalized abortion. He founded NARAL but later became pro-life. He admitted, “We persuaded the media that the cause of permissive abortion was a liberal,

Exposing the six lies of Roe v. Wade that led to legal abortion
Once a child has been delivered of its mother it isn't even a fetus. It is an infant. Killing it at that point is murder.

A fetus is a human being in a stage of development. It is never another species. People who support killing babies should just admit it and admit to being okay with killing the infants. Killing these children is so uncomfortable that they have to fool themselves. It's okay to kill it because it's not like it's a real person. It's a real person and you can still be okay with murdering the child.

The same thing used to be said about black people. They don't look right. They can't be human.

And if we can kill an infant at birth, why can we kill our elderly in-laws who suffer dementia? I have one that stress’s me out all the time. To me cheapening life, when taking a life becomes nothing more then pushing a button or a quick stab and snip of a scissors we are on a slippery slope. I do hope this is not okay with voters in the future.
That is certainly one of the goals. In the Netherlands assisted suicide is legal. If the person is not demented they surely would commit suicide . One old woman fought so hard against her murderer she had to be held down for the kill shot.
Meh, what can you expect from the party that invented the Klan?

Virginians can handle Virginia.
So you’ll stay silent when Texas legalizes shooting illegals crossing the border.
I can't vote there pard, not a resident, cheers.
So shut the fuck up about what illegal immigration then, twat.
No you've really left your skull. Fuck Don, Mexico can pay for his wall like he promised.
build the wall and charge a toll.
Say that's a nice frothy circle jerk ya'll have going.

The Gov. was clearly talking about a baby with such severe deformities that it would only survive for a few hours after birth.

Shouldn't ya'll be screaming and wailing about euthanasia?

I hear Ms. Garrison is scheduled to introduce the "Infanticide" bill later on in the year!
Why not just admit you love killing babies it simplifies it for you. Since when did you believe retarded babies have no say?

Oh man you got me.

Virginians can handle Virginia.
So you’ll stay silent when Texas legalizes shooting illegals crossing the border.
I can't vote there pard, not a resident, cheers.
So shut the fuck up about what illegal immigration then, twat.
No you've really left your skull. Fuck Don, Mexico can pay for his wall like he promised.
You don’t live near the border, it’s none of your business.

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