Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam basically supports killing children after they're born

RUSSERT: Partial birth abortion. The eliminating of abortion in the third trimester. Big issue in Washington. Would President Trump ban partial birth abortion?

TRUMP: I'm very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But, still, I just believe in choice! And, again, it may be a little bit of a New York background because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country, and you know I was raised in New York, and grew up and work and everything else in New York City. But I am strongly for choice and yet I hate the concept of abortion.

RUSSERT: But you would not ban it?


RUSSERT: Or ban partial birth abortion.

TRUMP: No, I am pro-choice in every respect.
And then he changed his mind just like the Surrender Monkey did about The WALL, and GAY MARRIAGE!!!
What’s the bill?
Leftard Nirvana. Murdering babies as they are born and afterwards.
You don’t understand your law terms. Not murder, but peace for the family without intrusion by others who don’t understand their sad situation.
My grandson is cerebral palsy. Guess we should just kill em eh? Fk you mthr for. I’m here, come get me you fk! It’s personal
Its personal for EACH family, you egocentric idiot.
If my wife’s fetus was deformed, WE would make the stop/go decision, NOT YOU, “mthr fker” (your emotions, not intellect).
Grow up.
Just to be clear, THIS is the new point where DemonRATS say it is still safe to ABORT.....Any questions?

That pic appeals to simplistic thinkers who don’t like complicated issues, like Trump who reads less than a page from his advisors before making his uninformed decision.
Just to be clear, THIS is the new point where DemonRATS say it is still safe to ABORT.....Any questions?

That pic appeals to simplistic thinkers who don’t like complicated issues, like Trump who reads less than a page from his advisors before making his uninformed decision.
You sound just like the Nazis you parrot.
Say that's a nice frothy circle jerk ya'll have going.

The Gov. was clearly talking about a baby with such severe deformities that it would only survive for a few hours after birth.

Shouldn't ya'll be screaming and wailing about euthanasia?

I hear Ms. Garrison is scheduled to introduce the "Infanticide" bill later on in the year!

You are either being disingenuous or you are ignorant,

That’s not at all what he was talking about.

Why not listen to the whole interview rather than lying to yourself?
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'Evolution of Democratic policy: Dems 2009: "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." Dems 2019: "If you like your doctor, he will kill your baby for you.
the only sane person who supports abortion i can think of is Dave Rubin!
We see why now since he is racist and hates blacks. He comes from that sanger bunch who call blacks stock or weeds. He's "deeply sorry" but yet no dems calling him out or asking for his resignation.
Say that's a nice frothy circle jerk ya'll have going.

The Gov. was clearly talking about a baby with such severe deformities that it would only survive for a few hours after birth.

Shouldn't ya'll be screaming and wailing about euthanasia?

I hear Ms. Garrison is scheduled to introduce the "Infanticide" bill later on in the year!

You are slither being disingenuous or you are ignorant,

That’s not at all what he was talking about.

Why not listen to the whole interview rather than lying to yourself?

Slithering away and will not call out his own racists.
We see why now since he is racist and hates blacks. He comes from that sanger bunch who call blacks stock or weeds. He's "deeply sorry" but yet no dems calling him out or asking for his resignation.
He's in the governor's mansion and you're not. deal with it, snowflake!

That’s a lie . A fetus isn’t an infant .

And why is it ok to kill a criminal?

When is a fetus a “human”?
When it begins to grow . Inception. What do you believe it is? Dog poop?

The cells start dividing at conception o. It's on its way to an adult thru many stages

Conception. Fetus infant toddler kid teenager

Killing at conception is the same as any of those stages

And each stage it has its own DNA code name

Education should be locked up for going against science on this
We see why now since he is racist and hates blacks. He comes from that sanger bunch who call blacks stock or weeds. He's "deeply sorry" but yet no dems calling him out or asking for his resignation.
He's in the governor's mansion and you're not. deal with it, snowflake!

I want no part of his racism.
i'm talking about abortion. i havent seen the racist photo everyone is speaking of
We see why now since he is racist and hates blacks. He comes from that sanger bunch who call blacks stock or weeds. He's "deeply sorry" but yet no dems calling him out or asking for his resignation.
He's in the governor's mansion and you're not. deal with it, snowflake!

I want no part of his racism.
i'm talking about abortion. i havent seen the racist photo everyone is speaking of

I want no part of that either.
why not the same standard for Robert Byrd? if its 1954 its ok, but in 1984 its not?
Abortion is a very easy issue to understand

Trump may have to call the military out and declare this a national security issue

With New York making it legal at 9 months he may call the military out on New York leaders and set up a logic test for voters to stop electing crooks
Abortion has now become a national security issue

Because it has brought this harmful big imbalance of young to old

He may call the military out on New York first
Kamala has called on him to resign. SHE should resign too!
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