Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam basically supports killing children after they're born

What’s the bill?
Leftard Nirvana. Murdering babies as they are born and afterwards.
You don’t understand your law terms. Not murder, but peace for the family without intrusion by others who don’t understand their sad situation.
My grandson is cerebral palsy. Guess we should just kill em eh? Fk you mthr for. I’m here, come get me you fk! It’s personal

The parents of your Grandson had that decision to make. Not the state.
Tran’s bill would have done away with the state’s forced-ultrasound law and allowed second-trimester abortions to be performed outside state-licensed hospitals. But the provision that has Republicans all worked-up would have given the decision that a third-trimester abortion is necessary for the mother’s health to a woman and her doctor, rather than to the committee of three doctors currently required to sign off on such a decision.
What’s the bill?
Leftard Nirvana. Murdering babies as they are born and afterwards.

While righties kill full grown people !

Anyone have a link to the law . Cause we all know how you righties sling lies .
Of course they lie. They’re conservatives. Lying is all conservatives do.

§ 18.2-74. When abortion or termination of pregnancy lawful after second trimester of pregnancy.

Notwithstanding any of the provisions of § 18.2-71 and in addition to the provisions of §§ 18.2-72 and 18.2-73, it shall be lawful for any physician licensed by the Board of Medicine to practice medicine and surgery to terminate or attempt to terminate a human pregnancy or aid or assist in the termination of a human pregnancy by performing an abortion or causing a miscarriage on any woman in a stage of pregnancy subsequent to the second trimester, provided that the following conditions are met:

1. Said operation is performed in a hospital licensed by the Virginia State Department of Health or operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.

2. The physician certifies and so enters in the hospital record of the woman, that in the physician’s medical opinion, based upon the physician’s best clinical judgment, the continuation of the pregnancy is likely to result in the death of the woman or impair the mental or physical health of the woman.

3. Measures for life support for the product of such abortion or miscarriage shall be available and utilized if there is any clearly visible evidence of viability.

Bill Tracking - 2019 session > Legislation
"GOP senator to Virginia governor: Either protect children's lives or 'get the hell out of office'"

Nebraska GOP Sen. Ben Sasse, in an interview Thursday with Fox News, ramped up his criticism of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam over comments on a controversial late-term abortion bill -- saying the governor effectively discussed "infanticide" and should resign if he won't back down."

“The Democratic Party has not come out and condemned this, and they really should be,” he said."

When a similar bill passed in NY the Dems stood and cheered....

The Virginia governor received around 2 million in campaign money from Planned Parenthood.

It's a racket that makes money off the misery of women and the slaughter of babies. Get a clue people, you will answer for defending it at some point.
Naw, the gloves are off, fk these baby killers
Short drop, quick stop. Let’s wrap this up. Murder is legit now. They got their reasons... I got mine... Let’s not judge... Let’s just get it over with!
It was already the law, ya brainless cultist.
A woman who chooses abortion probably never wants a child.

Mandatory hysterectomy along with the abortion would solve her problem forever.

She could carry on being as irresponsible and promiscuous as she wants to be.
Don't forget to locate and neuter the fuckER and not just spaying the fuckEE

Would the fuckEE know who the fuckER is??
Likely one out of 6 or so.Jerry Springer usually just arranges dna testing. Hey the kid on the screen looks like me !
What’s the bill?
Leftard Nirvana. Murdering babies as they are born and afterwards.

While righties kill full grown people !

Anyone have a link to the law . Cause we all know how you righties sling lies .
Of course they lie. They’re conservatives. Lying is all conservatives do.

§ 18.2-74. When abortion or termination of pregnancy lawful after second trimester of pregnancy.

Notwithstanding any of the provisions of § 18.2-71 and in addition to the provisions of §§ 18.2-72 and 18.2-73, it shall be lawful for any physician licensed by the Board of Medicine to practice medicine and surgery to terminate or attempt to terminate a human pregnancy or aid or assist in the termination of a human pregnancy by performing an abortion or causing a miscarriage on any woman in a stage of pregnancy subsequent to the second trimester, provided that the following conditions are met:

1. Said operation is performed in a hospital licensed by the Virginia State Department of Health or operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.

2. The physician certifies and so enters in the hospital record of the woman, that in the physician’s medical opinion, based upon the physician’s best clinical judgment, the continuation of the pregnancy is likely to result in the death of the woman or impair the mental or physical health of the woman.

3. Measures for life support for the product of such abortion or miscarriage shall be available and utilized if there is any clearly visible evidence of viability.

Bill Tracking - 2019 session > Legislation
A. There is no medical reason in the world to kill a baby in the third trimester.

B. The proposed law removes the requirement the baby be killed in a hospital.

C. It removes the requirement the age of the baby be verified with ultrasound.

D. It eliminates ultrasound completely along with the option for the mother to see the ultrasound. The Left hate informing women.
Dominoes are falling to bring two things to western democracies


Women's voting rights stopped or a logic test for voters !!!!
Bottem line abortion is killing a human life

And it has created the death sentence for western democracies this

Monster Imbalance of young to old

This makes nations run
in the young of low IQ people then the nation is replaced and dies

Trump will lead the way by stopping women's voting or a logic test for voters

This is a National Security Issue.

The commander in chief must act now!
Dominoes are falling to bring two things to western democracies


Women's voting rights stopped or a logic test for voters !!!!
Things are definitely set in motion that suggest a drastic change is on the horizon. Western civilization has historically been a stunning success since the days of Ancient Greece. From that time, till the beginning of the 20th century, it’s progress has bettered both western nations, and the world as a whole. Throughout that time from the beginning Western Civilization was a patriarchy.
Upon giving women voting rights, and therefore access to the public treasury, Western Civilization has been in decline. The current model is categorically unsustainable, and will collapse. It’s already in the process of collapse, really. Western Nations are now strangled by insurmountable debt. Birth rates amongst native inhabitants of western nations are in stark decline. And half the population of these nations keep voting to expand the power, and cost of government, in the face of a dwindling taxable foundation. Which is why you see the desperate rush to import 3rd worlders into western nations.
All the great collectivist programs, and ideas half the population voted into existence require an ever growing tax base to fund. But Western women have checked out of the baby making game in favor of wealth production instead. This of course is promoted by the state from the earliest years of public education, right on through graduation. They place higher import on “career”, than family. Because the sooner they can get this half of the population into the work force the sooner they can be used to generate tax revenue to support the socialist programs of the state. Additionally by keeping women out of the motherhood game as long as possible; this socialist/collectivist state is paying out less money to support those who voted it into existence to begin with.

Bottem line abortion is killing a human life

And it has created the death sentence for western democracies this

Monster Imbalance of young to old

This makes nations run
in the young of low IQ people then the nation is replaced and dies

Trump will lead the way by stopping women's voting or a logic test for voters

This is a National Security Issue.

The commander in chief must act now!
Dominoes are falling to bring two things to western democracies


Women's voting rights stopped or a logic test for voters !!!!
Things are definitely set in motion that suggest a drastic change is on the horizon. Western civilization has historically been a stunning success since the days of Ancient Greece. From that time, till the beginning of the 20th century, it’s progress has bettered both western nations, and the world as a whole. Throughout that time from the beginning Western Civilization was a patriarchy.
Upon giving women voting rights, and therefore access to the public treasury, Western Civilization has been in decline. The current model is categorically unsustainable, and will collapse. It’s already in the process of collapse, really. Western Nations are now strangled by insurmountable debt. Birth rates amongst native inhabitants of western nations are in stark decline. And half the population of these nations keep voting to expand the power, and cost of government, in the face of a dwindling taxable foundation. Which is why you see the desperate rush to import 3rd worlders into western nations.
All the great collectivist programs, and ideas half the population voted into existence require an ever growing tax base to fund. But Western women have checked out of the baby making game in favor of wealth production instead. This of course is promoted by the state from the earliest years of public education, right on through graduation. They place higher import on “career”, than family. Because the sooner they can get this half of the population into the work force the sooner they can be used to generate tax revenue to support the socialist programs of the state. Additionally by keeping women out of the motherhood game as long as possible; this socialist/collectivist state is paying out less money to support those who voted it into existence to begin with.

So trump has to stop women's voting or make a logic test for voters
Dominoes are falling to bring two things to western democracies


Women's voting rights stopped or a logic test for voters !!!!
Things are definitely set in motion that suggest a drastic change is on the horizon. Western civilization has historically been a stunning success since the days of Ancient Greece. From that time, till the beginning of the 20th century, it’s progress has bettered both western nations, and the world as a whole. Throughout that time from the beginning Western Civilization was a patriarchy.
Upon giving women voting rights, and therefore access to the public treasury, Western Civilization has been in decline. The current model is categorically unsustainable, and will collapse. It’s already in the process of collapse, really. Western Nations are now strangled by insurmountable debt. Birth rates amongst native inhabitants of western nations are in stark decline. And half the population of these nations keep voting to expand the power, and cost of government, in the face of a dwindling taxable foundation. Which is why you see the desperate rush to import 3rd worlders into western nations.
All the great collectivist programs, and ideas half the population voted into existence require an ever growing tax base to fund. But Western women have checked out of the baby making game in favor of wealth production instead. This of course is promoted by the state from the earliest years of public education, right on through graduation. They place higher import on “career”, than family. Because the sooner they can get this half of the population into the work force the sooner they can be used to generate tax revenue to support the socialist programs of the state. Additionally by keeping women out of the motherhood game as long as possible; this socialist/collectivist state is paying out less money to support those who voted it into existence to begin with.

So trump has to stop women's voting or make a logic test for voters
Trump will do no such thing. He couldn’t, even if he wanted to. And there is nothing to suggest that he does want to.
Dominoes are falling to bring two things to western democracies


Women's voting rights stopped or a logic test for voters !!!!
Things are definitely set in motion that suggest a drastic change is on the horizon. Western civilization has historically been a stunning success since the days of Ancient Greece. From that time, till the beginning of the 20th century, it’s progress has bettered both western nations, and the world as a whole. Throughout that time from the beginning Western Civilization was a patriarchy.
Upon giving women voting rights, and therefore access to the public treasury, Western Civilization has been in decline. The current model is categorically unsustainable, and will collapse. It’s already in the process of collapse, really. Western Nations are now strangled by insurmountable debt. Birth rates amongst native inhabitants of western nations are in stark decline. And half the population of these nations keep voting to expand the power, and cost of government, in the face of a dwindling taxable foundation. Which is why you see the desperate rush to import 3rd worlders into western nations.
All the great collectivist programs, and ideas half the population voted into existence require an ever growing tax base to fund. But Western women have checked out of the baby making game in favor of wealth production instead. This of course is promoted by the state from the earliest years of public education, right on through graduation. They place higher import on “career”, than family. Because the sooner they can get this half of the population into the work force the sooner they can be used to generate tax revenue to support the socialist programs of the state. Additionally by keeping women out of the motherhood game as long as possible; this socialist/collectivist state is paying out less money to support those who voted it into existence to begin with.

So trump has to stop women's voting or make a logic test for voters
Trump will do no such thing. He couldn’t, even if he wanted to. And there is nothing to suggest that he does want to.

Wrong Dead Wrong

Trump was horrified at women when he told billy bush on the bus that if one is a star you can do anything to women even grabbing their private parts

He saw how women gave their interests to rock stars and not the vets and real heroes

And how they vote on killing a human life

Trump wifi declare a national security issue and stop women's vote or make logic tests for voters as the compromise.
What’s the bill?
Leftard Nirvana. Murdering babies as they are born and afterwards.

While righties kill full grown people !

Anyone have a link to the law . Cause we all know how you righties sling lies .
Comparing a baby with a mass murderer, how Leftard of you.

Do you have to kill the murderer ? No.

As For late term. That means shit is seriously wrong wh the fetus.
based on what?

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