Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam basically supports killing children after they're born

This is a game changer

The anger is exploding

It's clear to all with half of brain that abortion with fetus has a heartbeat Is murder

This is spreading like wildfire and will sink the crooked deep state
The anger is spreading like wildfire

All democrats must now hide like rats and pretend they never was democrat
So let me get this straight. VA has always allowed this procedure in order to save a mother's life, but it required three doctors to sign off on it. Now it only requires one doctor and people are screaming "Late term abortions on demand!!".

Because that seems like the gist of this topic.

For the love of god people, learn to read and stop believing what other people tell you.

Actually the governor literally said that after birth abortion would be fine.

Learn to not be an idiot yourself. Leftists always projecting.

I don't give a rat's ass what the governor said. Because what was said isn't law, but what's in the bill is. Read the bill.

Do you think that everything Trump says is automatically the law of the land?

This has woke up the sleeping giant
All democrats must now hide like rats

If someone says abortion is ok with fetus having a heartbeat. Big time anger will desend on them
So let me get this straight. VA has always allowed this procedure in order to save a mother's life, but it required three doctors to sign off on it. Now it only requires one doctor and people are screaming "Late term abortions on demand!!".

Because that seems like the gist of this topic.

For the love of god people, learn to read and stop believing what other people tell you.

Actually the governor literally said that after birth abortion would be fine.

Learn to not be an idiot yourself. Leftists always projecting.

I don't give a rat's ass what the governor said. Because what was said isn't law, but what's in the bill is. Read the bill.

Do you think that everything Trump says is automatically the law of the land?

He was talking ABOUT THE BILL you idiot.

He also added "it's no big deal". Because he also is a leftist moron.

The pro-choice people aren't actually pro-choice. They are pro-death.

Not quite the correct term

Not quite pro death

The real term is pro murder the anger is rising where all now will scream murderers !!
America has just woke up to the fact that the democrat party is pro murder

The anger is rising so fast that this term
will now STICK !!!
More proof that conservatives are anti-woman. They don't care about babies. They just hate women.
Not wanting babies killed is anti-women.
You don't see a problem with that statement is the problem.
And you do want women killed. My previous statement stands.
It comes to a point that it is not worth dying to protect a woman anymore. To much whining, biatching, getting violent, believing the world revolves around them, and never ever being satisfied. And we even have a nation that is less competitive then it should be because of it. This is not anti women, its just don't go away mad, just go away.
More proof that conservatives are anti-woman. They don't care about babies. They just hate women.
Not wanting babies killed is anti-women.
You don't see a problem with that statement is the problem.
And you do want women killed. My previous statement stands.
It comes to a point that it is not worth dying to protect a woman anymore. To much whining, biatching, getting violent, believing the world revolves around them, and never ever being satisfied. And we even have a nation that is less competitive then it should be because of it. This is not anti women, its just don't go away mad, just go away.

Giving women the vote was a mistake, just as it was a mistake to give men who have no skin in the game the vote. Now we have endless freeloader voters who only care about hedonism. They are tied to their democrat plantation masters providing the free pork at the expense of the nation.
The founders did not let women vote

Even tho they could own
Property. So they did have skin in the game

They were seen as less wise and used a property test to find the wise males from the white males

Now trump can call a national
Security issue and call out the military to give logic tests for voters

The unwise voters must be stopped from electing crooks and murderers
More proof that conservatives are anti-woman. They don't care about babies. They just hate women.
Not wanting babies killed is anti-women.
You don't see a problem with that statement is the problem.
And you do want women killed. My previous statement stands.
It comes to a point that it is not worth dying to protect a woman anymore. To much whining, biatching, getting violent, believing the world revolves around them, and never ever being satisfied. And we even have a nation that is less competitive then it should be because of it. This is not anti women, its just don't go away mad, just go away.

Giving women the vote was a mistake, just as it was a mistake to give men who have no skin in the game the vote. Now we have endless freeloader voters who only care about hedonism. They are tied to their democrat plantation masters providing the free pork at the expense of the nation.

Thanks for proving my point perfectly guys.
It's gotta be grounds for impeachment when a governor says "after they are born and resuscitated if necessary, and made comfortable, the mother can discuss it with the doctor". The word "it" of course means committing a felony by killing a living newborn infant. Gov. Northam is a pediatric doctor for God's sake. Who would take a kid anywhere near this pervert?
No link no believe..
I watched it live on TV from his own lips. Well taped.

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Party of Satan.

In the video, which is just a clip, you hear Del. Tran say her bill would allow an abortion even if a woman was dilating.

She released a statement saying, "we need to trust women to make their own healthcare decisions" and Democrats called it an "orchestrated attack."

House tables bill about late-term abortions in Virginia after video goes viral

Did you actually read the bill? I'm gonna guess no, since you're here making yourself look stupid.

The part of the bill you're crying about only deals with a mother's life being on the line. It's not something that a woman can just request as they're going into labor.

Fake news topic.

Are you saying that demonrats are not the party of Evil?

you know what? try again!
No, they are saying Republiscum are the party of dumb and liars. Read the fucking bill.
This anger will sweep across the world and then knowing how this has brought the big harm of a big imbalance of young to old

That imbalance makes nations run in the youth of people that made third world nations

America's men now will rise and stop abortions being legal
More proof that conservatives are anti-woman. They don't care about babies. They just hate women.
Not wanting babies killed is anti-women.
You don't see a problem with that statement is the problem.
Yes, it’s anti-women since cases such as this involves women whose life or health are in jeopardy, or cases where the child born is not viable. By rejecting that bill, you’re calling for women to die at childbirth rather than to let such women choose their own life over that of their unborn child.
Party of Satan.

In the video, which is just a clip, you hear Del. Tran say her bill would allow an abortion even if a woman was dilating.

She released a statement saying, "we need to trust women to make their own healthcare decisions" and Democrats called it an "orchestrated attack."

House tables bill about late-term abortions in Virginia after video goes viral

Did you actually read the bill? I'm gonna guess no, since you're here making yourself look stupid.

The part of the bill you're crying about only deals with a mother's life being on the line. It's not something that a woman can just request as they're going into labor.

Fake news topic.

Are you saying that demonrats are not the party of Evil?

you know what? try again!
No, they are saying Republiscum are the party of dumb and liars. Read the fucking bill.
Democrats are the party of lawlessness. They want abortions to delivery, and even after delivery according to our VA governor. They want open borders and restricted ICE. Sancturary cities and states. They elect Sharia law believers to US official positions. They want to rob working people through taxation so that they can have something for nothing.

They are some sick puppies.

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk
Party of Satan.

In the video, which is just a clip, you hear Del. Tran say her bill would allow an abortion even if a woman was dilating.

She released a statement saying, "we need to trust women to make their own healthcare decisions" and Democrats called it an "orchestrated attack."

House tables bill about late-term abortions in Virginia after video goes viral

Did you actually read the bill? I'm gonna guess no, since you're here making yourself look stupid.

The part of the bill you're crying about only deals with a mother's life being on the line. It's not something that a woman can just request as they're going into labor.

Fake news topic.

Are you saying that demonrats are not the party of Evil?

you know what? try again!
No, they are saying Republiscum are the party of dumb and liars. Read the fucking bill.
Democrats are the party of lawlessness. They want abortions to delivery, and even after delivery according to our VA governor. They want open borders and restricted ICE. Sancturary cities and states. They elect Sharia law believers to US official positions. They want to rob working people through taxation so that they can have something for nothing.

They are some sick puppies.

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk
You must be one of those lying or dumb ones since you’re actually ignoring the extreme circumstances under which the law would allow for such abortions, just so you can [fail to] make your point. Seems you too are promoting women be forced to sacrifice their own lives when late term pregnancies turn lethal for the pregnant woman.

”They elect Sharia law believers to US official positions.”

What’s wrong with that? People are allowed to believe whatever they want. Even those in government. When did you become the thought police?
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Does anyone know where to find a link to the actual bill? I've tried several site that link to HB2491, but every time you click on it, you are taken to a virginia website that the site is unreachable or is broken.

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