Democrat Voters Will Settle For A President That Will Not Tell Them The Truth

So you're gonna double down on your tabloid smears, with lots of extra right wing extremist links, that you know darn good and well i'm not gonna read?

How about we do this, how about if you throw one topic out there to address, no doubt from a credible news source. I'll discuss one topic at a time. Sound fair?
I did. You ignored it.


Video shows tarmac welcome, no snipers
Video shows tarmac welcome, no snipers
We have questioned Clinton's previous remarks about her foreign policy experience. We found her statements that she helped bring peace to Northern Ireland and that she stood up to the Chinese government on women's rights to be Half True. We found her statement that she negotiated open borders for Kosovars to be Barely True.

There's no doubt flying into Bosnia was dangerous back in 1996, but the threat of sniper fire is not the same as actual sniper fire, and hustling off the tarmac is not the same as running with your head down. Yes, Clinton later acknowledged that she was mistaken, but it's hard to understand how she could err on something so significant as whether she did or didn't dodge sniper bullets. Quite simply, this kind of hyperbole deserves our harshest assessment. We rule Pants on Fire.

I admit, this is something I view as a non issue, because there are bigger fish to fry. I do agree that Hillary lied about sniper fire, and exaggerated her situation.

But now I'm curious...who are you voting for? There's only two presidential candidates that don't have a "pants on fire" page over on PolitiFact, and one of them is Bernie Sanders.

Trump: Bernie Sanders wants to tax 'you people' at 90 percent

Donald Trump, pants on fire

Jeb Bush: Planned Parenthood isn't involved in women's health

Jeb Bush, pants on fire.

Ben Carson says pediatricians realize need to cut down number and proximity of vaccines

Ben Carson, pants on fire

Chris Christie claims 3 lanes off George Washington Bridge are dedicated to Fort Lee

Chris Christie, pants on fire

Fiorina attacks Boxer for caring more about

Carly Fiorina, pants on fire

Ted Cruz: Democrats threatened to close Catholic Church hospitals and charities over their beliefs

Ted Cruz, pants on fire

Mike Huckabee says if you cut out just four states, U.S. gun-homicide rate drops to Belgium's level

Mike Huckabee, pants on fire

Ohio Gov. John Kasich puts words in Abraham Lincoln's mouth about tax policy

John Kasich, pants on fire

Did Rand Paul propose cutting off aid to Israel?

Rand Paul, pants on fire


IF the system weren't rigged, I might bother to vote. As it is, I won't. I won't support a system that is corrupt and enslaves people minds and spirits.

I went to that site. Even though that site is a good example of how the system is rigged. I used that one, because I knew YOU would accept it as an example of a "good" news source. What crap.

Complete and utter nonsense. Politifact is establishment nonsense.

The establishment determines who is viable, isn't that it? I notice that you didn't list Jill Stein. You know why? Because of her position on trade, the banking cartel, and resource wars will never garner her any amount of coverage on the corporate establishment controlled media. Heaven forbid Americans have an ACTUAL CHOICE?

You do not have a free thinking mind. Free thinkers don't vote for their own enslavement. They certainly don't read propaganda and believe it is, "unbiased truth."

Seriously, you should have no fear about going to conservative pundits to find out what a big fat liar Hillary is, and going to liberal pundits to find out what a big fat scum bag pukes all the Republican clowns are. For information on anyone that would represent YOUR interests, you would have to go to independent media or their actual personal web sites, and the establishment will make sure they aren't even allowed to be on the ballots or allowed in the televised debates. The reason should be obvious.


The point is, IF you deign to vote for Hillary, YOU ARE VOTING for evil. You are responsible for the wars. YOU are responsible for the increasing wealth gap. YOU are responsible for the increase in ethnic conflict. You will be responsible for everything the is on the Agenda 21 and in the planning of the NWO.

You want to support this corrupt system? Show your support, cast your vote. But when other nations and terrorists are bombing us, and invading us, just remember, IT'S YOUR FAULT, you voted for it.

If you're not even voting, then you have no room to bitch over who's elected.

Why are you even on this forum, discussing politics, if you're not planning on voting?

You're really sounding like a partisan hack now. The site, "your source" is only a good one when it bashes Hillary. smh...

Wow. Government schooling and corporate propaganda have really done a number on you, haven't they? You sure love your slave master, don't you?




As far as the source issue? You didn't comprehend what I wrote.

What I meant, is that a source is fine if it bashes Hillary if it is a conservative one, they will dig for the dirt. But you must have missed the part where I ALSO said a source is fine if it digs up dirt on Republicans. I am sure you have no problem with liberal sources that dig up stuff on conservatives. Sure, they have a bias as well. A person with an open mind looks into all sources and doesn't fall for a poisoning the well fallacy. Look at the facts.

How long has it been since you voted last? Since George W. Bush? LOL!
I did. You ignored it.


Video shows tarmac welcome, no snipers
Video shows tarmac welcome, no snipers
We have questioned Clinton's previous remarks about her foreign policy experience. We found her statements that she helped bring peace to Northern Ireland and that she stood up to the Chinese government on women's rights to be Half True. We found her statement that she negotiated open borders for Kosovars to be Barely True.

There's no doubt flying into Bosnia was dangerous back in 1996, but the threat of sniper fire is not the same as actual sniper fire, and hustling off the tarmac is not the same as running with your head down. Yes, Clinton later acknowledged that she was mistaken, but it's hard to understand how she could err on something so significant as whether she did or didn't dodge sniper bullets. Quite simply, this kind of hyperbole deserves our harshest assessment. We rule Pants on Fire.

I admit, this is something I view as a non issue, because there are bigger fish to fry. I do agree that Hillary lied about sniper fire, and exaggerated her situation.

But now I'm curious...who are you voting for? There's only two presidential candidates that don't have a "pants on fire" page over on PolitiFact, and one of them is Bernie Sanders.

Trump: Bernie Sanders wants to tax 'you people' at 90 percent

Donald Trump, pants on fire

Jeb Bush: Planned Parenthood isn't involved in women's health

Jeb Bush, pants on fire.

Ben Carson says pediatricians realize need to cut down number and proximity of vaccines

Ben Carson, pants on fire

Chris Christie claims 3 lanes off George Washington Bridge are dedicated to Fort Lee

Chris Christie, pants on fire

Fiorina attacks Boxer for caring more about

Carly Fiorina, pants on fire

Ted Cruz: Democrats threatened to close Catholic Church hospitals and charities over their beliefs

Ted Cruz, pants on fire

Mike Huckabee says if you cut out just four states, U.S. gun-homicide rate drops to Belgium's level

Mike Huckabee, pants on fire

Ohio Gov. John Kasich puts words in Abraham Lincoln's mouth about tax policy

John Kasich, pants on fire

Did Rand Paul propose cutting off aid to Israel?

Rand Paul, pants on fire


IF the system weren't rigged, I might bother to vote. As it is, I won't. I won't support a system that is corrupt and enslaves people minds and spirits.

I went to that site. Even though that site is a good example of how the system is rigged. I used that one, because I knew YOU would accept it as an example of a "good" news source. What crap.

Complete and utter nonsense. Politifact is establishment nonsense.

The establishment determines who is viable, isn't that it? I notice that you didn't list Jill Stein. You know why? Because of her position on trade, the banking cartel, and resource wars will never garner her any amount of coverage on the corporate establishment controlled media. Heaven forbid Americans have an ACTUAL CHOICE?

You do not have a free thinking mind. Free thinkers don't vote for their own enslavement. They certainly don't read propaganda and believe it is, "unbiased truth."

Seriously, you should have no fear about going to conservative pundits to find out what a big fat liar Hillary is, and going to liberal pundits to find out what a big fat scum bag pukes all the Republican clowns are. For information on anyone that would represent YOUR interests, you would have to go to independent media or their actual personal web sites, and the establishment will make sure they aren't even allowed to be on the ballots or allowed in the televised debates. The reason should be obvious.


The point is, IF you deign to vote for Hillary, YOU ARE VOTING for evil. You are responsible for the wars. YOU are responsible for the increasing wealth gap. YOU are responsible for the increase in ethnic conflict. You will be responsible for everything the is on the Agenda 21 and in the planning of the NWO.

You want to support this corrupt system? Show your support, cast your vote. But when other nations and terrorists are bombing us, and invading us, just remember, IT'S YOUR FAULT, you voted for it.

If you're not even voting, then you have no room to bitch over who's elected.

Why are you even on this forum, discussing politics, if you're not planning on voting?

You're really sounding like a partisan hack now. The site, "your source" is only a good one when it bashes Hillary. smh...

Wow. Government schooling and corporate propaganda have really done a number on you, haven't they? You sure love your slave master, don't you?




As far as the source issue? You didn't comprehend what I wrote.

What I meant, is that a source is fine if it bashes Hillary if it is a conservative one, they will dig for the dirt. But you must have missed the part where I ALSO said a source is fine if it digs up dirt on Republicans. I am sure you have no problem with liberal sources that dig up stuff on conservatives. Sure, they have a bias as well. A person with an open mind looks into all sources and doesn't fall for a poisoning the well fallacy. Look at the facts.

How long has it been since you voted last? Since George W. Bush? LOL!
Only an idiot would vote for someone who signed off on the PNAC goals.
He was raised poor with the food stamps. He would have been raised poor without them. And he still would have been raised by the same parent.

Right, with just less to eat, Dingbat.

Again, I'm fascinated and appalled by this leftist theory that parents simply let their children starve if the government doesn't buy them food. The more you talk, the less inclined I would be to even let you own a pet, much less raise a child.

No one here has ever said that poor people would simply let their children starve without Government assistance, you silly dingbat.

I have 4 pugs and two adult children who have never missed a meal, so don't you bring my pets or my children into this, you ignorant bitch.

Ben Carson himself, stated that his mother, who had a 3rd grade education, would not have been unable to put food on the table without assistance from the Government. Who better to listen to than the man himself?

Even with the assistance his mother received, they still had to struggle to make it. I hope Ben Carson remembers where he came from. If not for that assistance, it's highly unlikely he would be where he is today.

I am happy, for the sake of your children and pets, that you have never been put in a position of making hard choices to care for them, you bullshitting troglodyte. Your dislike for the meaning of the words coming out of your keyboard is of supreme indifference to me. You make it abundantly clear that you cannot imagine parenting unless Daddy Government is backing you up and guiding you. So I have no trouble believing that you think it was the food stamps that made Ben Carson who he is today. You're clearly that stupid, and more.

Maybe it's time you read Ben Carson's autobiography, instead of repeating your ridiculous straw man argument.

No doubt, Mother Carson deserves tremendous credit, but — in the words of a political sound bite from the last presidential election — she didn’t do it alone. Carson, in his book, tells how his grades improved tremendously when a government program provided him with free eyeglasses because he could barely see. Not only that, in “Gifted Hands” we read this nugget: “By the time I reached ninth grade, mother had made such strides that she received nothing but food stamps. She couldn’t have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy.”

Ben Carson So Glad His Welfare Mom Wasn't Dependent On Government - Wonkette

I love how you pompously try to instruct me on what I should read and know, and then source your self-aggrandizing rant with Wonkette.

Congratulations. You win today's trophy for Most Useless Organism in Existence. There are literally no words to explain how meaningless you are on every single level of consideration.

Just . . . wow.
Let's be clear... Not so much as ONE individual has ever starved to death in the US because they did not get a welfare check.

This in contrast to the TENS of Millions of Individual lives that have been RUINED BY their dependency upon the lie that is socialism

You wish to bring back starvation because you think it will encourage independence?

How Christian of you.
Right, with just less to eat, Dingbat.

Again, I'm fascinated and appalled by this leftist theory that parents simply let their children starve if the government doesn't buy them food. The more you talk, the less inclined I would be to even let you own a pet, much less raise a child.

No one here has ever said that poor people would simply let their children starve without Government assistance, you silly dingbat.

I have 4 pugs and two adult children who have never missed a meal, so don't you bring my pets or my children into this, you ignorant bitch.

Ben Carson himself, stated that his mother, who had a 3rd grade education, would not have been unable to put food on the table without assistance from the Government. Who better to listen to than the man himself?

Even with the assistance his mother received, they still had to struggle to make it. I hope Ben Carson remembers where he came from. If not for that assistance, it's highly unlikely he would be where he is today.

I am happy, for the sake of your children and pets, that you have never been put in a position of making hard choices to care for them, you bullshitting troglodyte. Your dislike for the meaning of the words coming out of your keyboard is of supreme indifference to me. You make it abundantly clear that you cannot imagine parenting unless Daddy Government is backing you up and guiding you. So I have no trouble believing that you think it was the food stamps that made Ben Carson who he is today. You're clearly that stupid, and more.

Maybe it's time you read Ben Carson's autobiography, instead of repeating your ridiculous straw man argument.

No doubt, Mother Carson deserves tremendous credit, but — in the words of a political sound bite from the last presidential election — she didn’t do it alone. Carson, in his book, tells how his grades improved tremendously when a government program provided him with free eyeglasses because he could barely see. Not only that, in “Gifted Hands” we read this nugget: “By the time I reached ninth grade, mother had made such strides that she received nothing but food stamps. She couldn’t have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy.”

Ben Carson So Glad His Welfare Mom Wasn't Dependent On Government - Wonkette

I love how you pompously try to instruct me on what I should read and know, and then source your self-aggrandizing rant with Wonkette.

Congratulations. You win today's trophy for Most Useless Organism in Existence. There are literally no words to explain how meaningless you are on every single level of consideration.

Just . . . wow.

That's from his book, dumbass. The article from Wonkette is discussing what Ben Carson said himself.

Never Give Up

Ben was lost, hopelessly behind in his schoolwork in a school that was competitive. The other kids picked on him and called him “dummy.” Ben lashed back with his fists. He resigned himself to thinking he was stupid.

With both boys’ grades suffering, Sonya took away the TV and replaced it with library cards. She required both sons to read two books a week and turn in book reports. The boys left the reports on the table for her before going to bed. In the morning, they found red check marks on their papers, signifying her approval.

Reading changed Ben Carson’s life. Books became an escape for him. He enjoyed reading about animals and nature and found self-confidence in his newfound knowledge.

‘Got free glasses from a government program’

This, too, is correct.

An eye exam in the fifth grade proved life-changing for Carson. In the fourth chapter of Gifted Hands, he says it wasn’t until he failed to read letters on a chart on the wall that he realized his eyesight had deteriorated over time, contributing in part to his struggles at school.

"The school provided glasses for me, free," he wrote.

Carson counts his glasses as a significant reason for his improvement in school because he could finally see the chalkboard.

Does Ben Carson want to 'eliminate dependency on government' despite benefiting from welfare?
[‘Ben Gots free glasses frum a gubbament program’]

Huh... Ben Got Free Glasses!


Yes... Ben rejected socialism and became: A SUCCESS! And this DESPITE SOCIALISM... not due to it.
[‘Ben Gots free glasses frum a gubbament program’]

Huh... Ben Got Free Glasses!


Yes... Ben rejected socialism and became: A SUCCESS! And this DESPITE SOCIALISM... not due to it.

Here you are calling Ben a liar.

Carson counts his glasses as a significant reason for his improvement in school because he could finally see the chalkboard.

Does Ben Carson want to 'eliminate dependency on government' despite benefiting from welfare?

After more than a hundred days of leading in every national poll, a New York Times/CBS poll released Tuesday shows Dr. Ben Carson edging into a 26% to 22% national lead over Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination. The margin of error is a high 6%. But in this same poll, the trend shows that Trump has lost -5 points, while Carson gained +5 points.

Ben Carson Takes National Lead Over Donald Trump In NYT/CBS Poll - Breitbart

Here you are calling Ben a liar.

No... I'm simply pointing out that YOU are a liar.

Ben is the one who said it. I'm just pointing out what he said.

Ben said "it"? Where did Ben Carson say that he became the world's most renowned pediatric neurosurgeon, because he "gots him some free gubmint glasses".

Stop putting words in Ben's mouth. I've already covered this topic.

Never Give Up

Ben was lost, hopelessly behind in his schoolwork in a school that was competitive. The other kids picked on him and called him “dummy.” Ben lashed back with his fists. He resigned himself to thinking he was stupid.

With both boys’ grades suffering, Sonya took away the TV and replaced it with library cards. She required both sons to read two books a week and turn in book reports. The boys left the reports on the table for her before going to bed. In the morning, they found red check marks on their papers, signifying her approval.

Reading changed Ben Carson’s life. Books became an escape for him. He enjoyed reading about animals and nature and found self-confidence in his new found knowledge.

‘Got free glasses from a government program’

This, too, is correct.

An eye exam in the fifth grade proved life-changing for Carson. In the fourth chapter of Gifted Hands, he says it wasn’t until he failed to read letters on a chart on the wall that he realized his eyesight had deteriorated over time, contributing in part to his struggles at school.

"The school provided glasses for me, free," he wrote.

Carson counts his glasses as a significant reason for his improvement in school because he could finally see the chalkboard.

Does Ben Carson want to 'eliminate dependency on government' despite benefiting from welfare?
LMAO!!! Boy, that is rich! His mother taught him to not be dependent on the system, by being dependent on the system?

LOL! You absolutely SUCK at this don't ya sis?

If he was dependent, he wouldn't be independent. His Mother worked her ass off... provided for her children and would have done so, just as well, without welfare. They would not have starved, they would not have died... they would have prevailed, as both her sons have long since done.

See how that works?

Leftists really, REALLY want to believe that people are handicapped to the point of being braindead and will simply collapse and lie there until they waste away without government life support.

I particularly liked the charming leftist who informed us that poor people have and can see no alternatives to government dependence other than prostitution and other crimes.
It is simply amazing that so many LOW IQ scum, can be bought off with a little FREE SHIT, and the promise (always broken, when given by a DemocRAT) of more free shit, and don't have the morals, ethics or principles of their fathers and grandfathers!


If you listen to parts of the media.....Hillary is doing a victory lap after winning the White House. She came off so smooth and practiced in comparison to the sometimes flustered investigators, who knew she was lying her ass off, it was the media. They wanted the truth.....and she only gave them half of the truth and at times none of the truth. It was masterful. How can a person lie that convincingly, knowing that what they're saying is a lie, and everyone in the room knows they're lying, and not feel a particle of remorse? This is what was amazing. Hillary feels no shame. He feels that regardless of the fact that her negligence caused the deaths of friends that she sent there personally, she doesn't feel any real remorse. If she voices any, it's only to gain sympathy, not show embarrassment. I would have loved to put a lie-detector machine on her to see if her pulse went up while she was relating testimony that she knew was total BS.

Is this what Democrat voters want? A president that lies so blatantly that even though everyone in the room knows it's a bold-faced doesn't seem to matter. A president has to make life and death decisions all of the time. If your decision making is faulty....people die. I prefer wisdom and sound judgment over an attitude that nothing you do wrong will come back to haunt you, or that you aren't accountable for any mistake you make. Is that the kind of president we want? I prefer the first interview over this one. At least her arrogance was in full display when she pounded her desk and said "What Difference Does It Make" that these killers were terrorists or just protesters out to raise Hell over a video. That was the real Hillary. Or was it? That's the problem here. What is Hillary really like....because we rarely ever see it.


October 25, 2015
Do Hillary's Lies Matter?
By Clarice Feldman

It is of little concern to me that the corporate media says Hillary aced the Benghazi hearing, To me she didn’t, and I care more that the public is being inured to public officials’ lying. Were I running for president against her I’d produce a simple campaign video.

My campaign video would be short -- it would be Hillary before the caskets of the four Americans slaughtered in Benghazi blaming an obscure video and its maker for the incident; Hillary telling the father of one of the deceased, Ty Woods, that the video maker would be arrested (“we are going to have the film maker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son"), and her testimony before the committee that she never blamed it on the video. The ad would take just a couple of minutes. . Message at end -- are you ready for a president who lies over the bodies of dead American patriots?

Maybe I’ve misjudged the voters. Maybe they really would like a brazen, self-seeking consummate liar. Because that’s what she certainly is.

She dissembled so often in the hearings I cannot possibly keep you awake while detailing them all. Let me pick just a few of her more outrageous lies -- the video and her correspondence with Sidney Blumenthal.

Links Krauthammer: "We're Living In An Age Where What You Say And Its Relation With The Facts Is Completely Irrelevant"

Roskam vs. Clinton: Before Benghazi Happened You Were Preparing To Take Political Credit For Libya

State Can’t Verify Clinton Email Claim Made At Benghazi Hearing

Other media deceptions......
Trump leading everywhere but the one poll the media wants us to focus on in Iowa - RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Funny how you guys are so concerned about Hillary when all you need to do is put out a better candidate. The trouble is that you don't have one.

If you listen to parts of the media.....Hillary is doing a victory lap after winning the White House. She came off so smooth and practiced in comparison to the sometimes flustered investigators, who knew she was lying her ass off, it was the media. They wanted the truth.....and she only gave them half of the truth and at times none of the truth. It was masterful. How can a person lie that convincingly, knowing that what they're saying is a lie, and everyone in the room knows they're lying, and not feel a particle of remorse? This is what was amazing. Hillary feels no shame. He feels that regardless of the fact that her negligence caused the deaths of friends that she sent there personally, she doesn't feel any real remorse. If she voices any, it's only to gain sympathy, not show embarrassment. I would have loved to put a lie-detector machine on her to see if her pulse went up while she was relating testimony that she knew was total BS.

Is this what Democrat voters want? A president that lies so blatantly that even though everyone in the room knows it's a bold-faced doesn't seem to matter. A president has to make life and death decisions all of the time. If your decision making is faulty....people die. I prefer wisdom and sound judgment over an attitude that nothing you do wrong will come back to haunt you, or that you aren't accountable for any mistake you make. Is that the kind of president we want? I prefer the first interview over this one. At least her arrogance was in full display when she pounded her desk and said "What Difference Does It Make" that these killers were terrorists or just protesters out to raise Hell over a video. That was the real Hillary. Or was it? That's the problem here. What is Hillary really like....because we rarely ever see it.


October 25, 2015
Do Hillary's Lies Matter?
By Clarice Feldman

It is of little concern to me that the corporate media says Hillary aced the Benghazi hearing, To me she didn’t, and I care more that the public is being inured to public officials’ lying. Were I running for president against her I’d produce a simple campaign video.

My campaign video would be short -- it would be Hillary before the caskets of the four Americans slaughtered in Benghazi blaming an obscure video and its maker for the incident; Hillary telling the father of one of the deceased, Ty Woods, that the video maker would be arrested (“we are going to have the film maker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son"), and her testimony before the committee that she never blamed it on the video. The ad would take just a couple of minutes. . Message at end -- are you ready for a president who lies over the bodies of dead American patriots?

Maybe I’ve misjudged the voters. Maybe they really would like a brazen, self-seeking consummate liar. Because that’s what she certainly is.

She dissembled so often in the hearings I cannot possibly keep you awake while detailing them all. Let me pick just a few of her more outrageous lies -- the video and her correspondence with Sidney Blumenthal.

Links Krauthammer: "We're Living In An Age Where What You Say And Its Relation With The Facts Is Completely Irrelevant"

Roskam vs. Clinton: Before Benghazi Happened You Were Preparing To Take Political Credit For Libya

State Can’t Verify Clinton Email Claim Made At Benghazi Hearing

Other media deceptions......
Trump leading everywhere but the one poll the media wants us to focus on in Iowa - RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Funny how you guys are so concerned about Hillary when all you need to do is put out a better candidate. The trouble is that you don't have one.

So now the theory is that noticing the other party's candidate and pointing out his/her flaws is a sign of no viable candidates? How interesting. So you have never posted a single time about any of the Republican candidates, and intend never to do so this entire election cycle, because Hillary is so amazing?

You have to know I will be referring you back to this post of yours every time you so much as mention a GOP candidate for the next year.

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