Democrat votes 19 times. But there's no voter fraud

A woman commits voter fraud in a state that has Voter ID. The rubes then claim this fraud proves we need Voter ID. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! many fricking times have I said on this forum to these idiot rubes that Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur? I've lost count. At least a hundred times, I'm sure.
Her fraud was she continued to vote in her old district after she had moved.
She never voted more than once in an election
That is nowhere in evidence. You make shit up.
Read the post above your own for the actual facts

Once again you get humiliated in your own thread
The only one humiliated is you for your failure to read and your pathetic attempt at a strawman.
Too funny

Still looking for you to show she voted illegally 19 times

You are either gullible as all hell or dishonest as all hell
You have failed to show she is a terrorist. You are dismissed.
Her fraud was she continued to vote in her old district after she had moved.
She never voted more than once in an election
That is nowhere in evidence. You make shit up.
Read the post above your own for the actual facts

Once again you get humiliated in your own thread
The only one humiliated is you for your failure to read and your pathetic attempt at a strawman.
Too funny

Still looking for you to show she voted illegally 19 times

You are either gullible as all hell or dishonest as all hell
You have failed to show she is a terrorist. You are dismissed.

Poor Rabbi...his head is exploding

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