Democratic Congresswoman Calls For ‘Gender Equality’ In Crash Test Dummies

it's probably beneficial to use various sizes for dummies to test with and record the differences and what they can improve if anything. I wonder why anyone would be against this. LOL
it's probably beneficial to use various sizes for dummies to test with and record the differences and what they can improve if anything. I wonder why anyone would be against this. LOL

Different sizes of dummies is one thing.

But the libs are insisting on having dummies of different genders, ethnicities as well as sexual preferences.
Nice to hear dummies are men. I always thought they are "what a damned mass"-instruments.

By the way: In very most cases the German word "Dummies" (spoken "doomies") is translated wrong. "Dumm sein" means "to be stupid". "To be a 'Dummie'" means "to be a little stupid". No one doubts that dummies are a little stupid - otherwise they would look for a new job - for example to be a "Dummie" (an idiot), who proclaims a gender for dummies.
... You can’t smash 50,000 cars for every body size. You create a standard and extrapolate. It’s called science.
Exactly. And well made crash tests are expensive. It would by the way not make a big sense to simulate female breasts or other attractive fatty tissue with silicon or something like this. This would only dampen forces.
it's probably beneficial to use various sizes for dummies to test with and record the differences and what they can improve if anything. I wonder why anyone would be against this. LOL
Because, Shitforbrains, they already have tested all sizes in order to extrapolate the test data.
Just the FACT that the Dementocrats have more interest in large chunks of plastic, and have NO interest in the problems of human beings, should be reason enough to eliminate them all!!

That is completely unfair. Maybe you should have read the article.

“More important than differences in average height between males and females, there are also biological differences in anatomy, such as average neck strength and posture, that affect how female and male bodies react in a crash,” Norton’s office said in a statement.

Car companies still typically use a dummy modeled off of the 50th percentile male, which was standardized in the 1970’s, according to Consumer Reports. The dummy is a 171-pound, five-foot nine-inch male, even though the average male today is 26 pounds heavier, according to the report.

While males tend to drive more miles than women and are more likely to speed, drive under the influence and not wear a seatbelt, according to Consumer Reports, women are more likely to die.

Female drivers and passengers are roughly 17% more likely to be killed in a car crash than a male occupant of the same age, according to a report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

“Females are not just smaller versions of males,” co-scientific director of the Center for Injury Research and Prevention at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Kristy Abrogast said, according to Consumer Reports. “They’re put together differently. Their material properties–their structure– is different.”

Sounds to me like, in the context of a transportation committee, she IS showing reasonable concern for actual people.

If thats your argument, then there should be over 10,000 different dummies for "male" dummies and "female" dummies! Too many variables in humans. Dummies are made to a national average of human beings, not any one particular sex..........regardless of what PERSONAL OPINIONS are told by these consumer reports dungheads.

Standard dummies are fitted with a LOT of sensors and adjustment features to mimic ANY KIND OF HUMAN body or trait that is needed, in order for those testing the machines to get a good idea of what is happening!!

For the kind of testing YOU want, they would have to use REAL.........LIVE..........PEOPLE!! And aren't you a sick one for wanting that! Although I would agree prisoners, illegals, Libtardz, Snowflakes, BLM's, and Democrats could easily be sacrificed for such strides in safety.
View attachment 496432Democrats with their majority control are focused like a laser on the key issues facing Americans.
And what of the other 57 Heinz Variety genders you ask? Obviously Democrats are sexist.

Not satire. Satire is impossible with what the Left do

There's actually some solid science behind that request. Women and men are built differently, in case you haven't noticed.

You don't say?

I really don't see the difference in build between an average "broad" like Caitlyn Jenner and any other retired male athlete.

But I guess i'm not as discerning as you are. Do you care to elaborate?
The birds and the bees ain't my job, Son. Go talk to your parents or something.
thats because you know nothing about them....son
Oh please, is that really the best you can do?

Next time at least try to get the punctuation right.
next time, try to locate a brain b4 you type lies
View attachment 496432Democrats with their majority control are focused like a laser on the key issues facing Americans.
And what of the other 57 Heinz Variety genders you ask? Obviously Democrats are sexist.

Not satire. Satire is impossible with what the Left do

There's actually some solid science behind that request. Women and men are built differently, in case you haven't noticed.

You don't say?

I really don't see the difference in build between an average "broad" like Caitlyn Jenner and any other retired male athlete.

But I guess i'm not as discerning as you are. Do you care to elaborate?
The birds and the bees ain't my job, Son. Go talk to your parents or something.
thats because you know nothing about them....son
Oh please, is that really the best you can do?

Next time at least try to get the punctuation right.
next time, try to locate a brain b4 you type lies
What did I say that was a lie?

And this time you fucked up the capitalization as well as punctuation.
Rep. Norton want car companies to be required to use more female crash test dummies to help improve car safety standards. The article (if you read past the headline) actually makes a compelling case for Norton's bill.
so you obviously think that they have to have a slit down there, for the demmies. i mean dummies--still the same..... and that they don't already practice that brain dead demonRATS..... i bet, just gave CR, or the car companies a new idea(LOL)

It's okay, you and scores of other incurious dipshits didn't read past the headline either.
didn't have to...i'm way ahead of you....,i can see why shit stain demonRATS need to gender the demmies.....because you are stupid
And you freaks feel the need to go after crash test dummies.
Leftists are freaks.

In reality the headline is a lie.
You’re a lie. You can’t smash 50,000 cars for every body size. You create a standard and extrapolate. It’s called science.
Crafters of the click bait headline(s) know that a significant portion of the population will simply conflate Gender to the re- Fauxrage over "Lola's rights" and not even read past the headlines. In reality the issue, according to the Congresswomen is that women's bodies sizes are under represented the test data.

Ain't that America?
Rep. Norton want car companies to be required to use more female crash test dummies to help improve car safety standards. The article (if you read past the headline) actually makes a compelling case for Norton's bill.
so you obviously think that they have to have a slit down there, for the demmies. i mean dummies--still the same..... and that they don't already practice that brain dead demonRATS..... i bet, just gave CR, or the car companies a new idea(LOL)

It's okay, you and scores of other incurious dipshits didn't read past the headline either.
didn't have to...i'm way ahead of you....,i can see why shit stain demonRATS need to gender the demmies.....because you are stupid
Most people usually try to shield the world of their own ignorance, but that's clearly not your style. Do you, bro.
Crafters of the click bait headline(s) know that a significant portion of the population will simply conflate Gender to the re- Fauxrage over "Lola's rights" and not even read past the headlines. In reality the issue, according to the Congresswomen is that women's bodies sizes are under represented the test data.

Ain't that America?
Elanor Holmes Norton may just be drumming up some free publicity for herself. Other democrats make headlines by claiming Guam will tip over. Or the planet will perish in twelve years or so.

Norton does it by claiming that women are under represented in auto crash tests.
Women, who travel in autos like men and who may be involved in a crash, are protected by
seat belts and safety air bags (safety engineered into an auto body itself, notwithstanding).

Presumably a seat belt that would restrain a 220 lbs. man in an accident would also protect a
140 lbs. woman. Seems like a woke issue to me.
Maybe Elanor Holmes Norton is just more of an automotive safety expert than I am.

Or maybe she needs to prove to voters that she exists.
Crafters of the click bait headline(s) know that a significant portion of the population will simply conflate Gender to the re- Fauxrage over "Lola's rights" and not even read past the headlines. In reality the issue, according to the Congresswomen is that women's bodies sizes are under represented the test data.

Ain't that America?
Elanor Holmes Norton may just be drumming up some free publicity for herself. Other democrats make headlines by claiming Guam will tip over. Or the planet will perish in twelve years or so.

Norton does it by claiming that women are under represented in auto crash tests.
Women, who travel in autos like men and who may be involved in a crash, are protected by
seat belts and safety air bags (safety engineered into an auto body itself, notwithstanding).

Presumably a seat belt that would restrain a 220 lbs. man in an accident would also protect a
140 lbs. woman. Seems like a woke issue to me.
Maybe Elanor Holmes Norton is just more of an automotive safety expert than I am.

Or maybe she needs to prove to voters that she exists.


To me Gender equality is more cosmetics, not facts based on physiological differences . I don't know any of the specs involved in crash test dummies so I don't know if she's right or not.

To me Gender equality is more cosmetics, not facts based on physiological differences . I don't know any of the specs involved in crash test dummies so I don't know if she's right or not.
Me neither. But I do know that seat belts and air bags are built into cars to cover a very wide range
of body types, male or female, young or old. Whoever might be in a car as a passenger or driver.

I never heard that a woman hurled forward by a sudden impact in an accident was significantly
different in terms of body mass than a man. I didn't realize that the laws of physics and Newtonian
forces acting on matter depended so much on gender.
What a revelation!

I foolishly thought a 150 pound man or woman required the same exact safety restraints to keep
auto passengers from hurtling through a wind shield at impact.

Maybe Elanor Holmes Norton can take time out from representing the District of Columbia
to explain her understanding of the laws of physics.
it's probably beneficial to use various sizes for dummies to test with and record the differences and what they can improve if anything. I wonder why anyone would be against this. LOL

Different sizes of dummies is one thing.

But the libs are insisting on having dummies of different genders, ethnicities as well as sexual preferences.

No, that's just how your hyper partisan mind is interpreting it. Have democrats called for putting long wigs on dummies? Have they demanded female dummies wear dresses and wear makeup? You and the OP and a lot of you right wingers continually sound like idiots every time you post. I want you to prove a single thing you just said. I'll wait.

a 2019 study from the University of Virginia showed that for a female occupant, the odds of being seriously injured in a frontal crash are 73 % greater than for a male occupant. These alarming numbers suggest an urgent safety issue, but the problem is neither new nor unfamiliar to regulators and automakers,” the report said, noting how the current female dummy in use is “just a scaled-down version of a male dummy that represents only the smallest 5 percent of women by the standards of the mid-1970s—so small that it can work double-duty as a 12- or 13-year-old child, ” and that no dummies take into account the biological differences between male and female bodies and how they perform in crashes. Most dummies currently represented in crash tests are based on a 171-pound, 5-foot-9-inch dummy that was first standardized in the 1970s, according to the report. Today, it said, the average American man is about 26 pounds heavier. - Forbes

Look at this study and look at those numbers. That's pretty ugly. Would you want your mother, wife, sister having a 73% greater chance of injury? Lets all agree to update our standards for car safety instead of making every little thing into some sort of political debate.
Look at this study and look at those numbers. That's pretty ugly. Would you want your mother, wife, sister having a 73% greater chance of injury? Lets all agree to update our standards for car safety instead of making every little thing into some sort of political debate.
Interesting. There is always a logical answer if one wishes to find why men and women should
receive differing degrees of injury in auto accidents. And it's not due to gender differences in
crash test dummies. Basic size differences account for a lot but not for all the problem.

Maybe look at Elanor Holmes Norton if you want to find someone politicizing the issue.
Wait, there aren't any theys or trannies either. This is an outrage. Automobile corps use different sizes and proportions in their test dummies. Gender has nothing to do with it.

They do use different proportions and sizes. That is correct.
based on what?

In the US, regulatory testing is conducted using midsize-male and small-female ATDs. These are commonly referred to as 50th percentile male and 5 th percentile female ATDs, but in fact their reference body dimensions do not correspond to those percentiles for any particular population of interest. For example, the body weight of the midsize-male ATDs used for the majority of frontal- and side-impact tests (approximately 78 kg) is now the 33rd percentile of U.S. adult body weight.

They should probably upgrade to obese sizes.
exactly. based on gender.

Has nothing to do with gender. Its physics, velocity, and size.

No, there are a lot more differences between male and female bodies than just their relative size. I believe the entire country has been discussing just recently the differences in male and female muscle mass, bone density, etc. Now, suddenly, you want to dismiss all that. Why?
Prog politicians like to promote their views from a stage. Issues like this could be on the backburner and quietly dealt with.

Oh, please, as though left-wing politicians are the only ones who do that. Also, I don't see that Norton was particularly trying to put herself on stage to promote a view at all. Looks to me like she just issued a standard, low-key (to the extent that such things are ever low-key) statement about introducing the bill, and the Daily Caller decided to make a big deal out of it.
it's probably beneficial to use various sizes for dummies to test with and record the differences and what they can improve if anything. I wonder why anyone would be against this. LOL

Different sizes of dummies is one thing.

But the libs are insisting on having dummies of different genders, ethnicities as well as sexual preferences.

I didn't see anything about different ethnicities, let alone sexual preferences. Care to point that out? Sounds to me like you're projecting your own issues onto the topic.

Norton IS suggesting that they should use dummies that are made to reflect more differences between men and women than just size differentials, that's true. Again, that does not sound unreasonable to me at all, since we ARE different in more than just size.
... You can’t smash 50,000 cars for every body size. You create a standard and extrapolate. It’s called science.
Exactly. And well made crash tests are expensive. It would by the way not make a big sense to simulate female breasts or other attractive fatty tissue with silicon or something like this. This would only dampen forces.

Who said anything about simulating breasts?
Just the FACT that the Dementocrats have more interest in large chunks of plastic, and have NO interest in the problems of human beings, should be reason enough to eliminate them all!!

That is completely unfair. Maybe you should have read the article.

“More important than differences in average height between males and females, there are also biological differences in anatomy, such as average neck strength and posture, that affect how female and male bodies react in a crash,” Norton’s office said in a statement.

Car companies still typically use a dummy modeled off of the 50th percentile male, which was standardized in the 1970’s, according to Consumer Reports. The dummy is a 171-pound, five-foot nine-inch male, even though the average male today is 26 pounds heavier, according to the report.

While males tend to drive more miles than women and are more likely to speed, drive under the influence and not wear a seatbelt, according to Consumer Reports, women are more likely to die.

Female drivers and passengers are roughly 17% more likely to be killed in a car crash than a male occupant of the same age, according to a report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

“Females are not just smaller versions of males,” co-scientific director of the Center for Injury Research and Prevention at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Kristy Abrogast said, according to Consumer Reports. “They’re put together differently. Their material properties–their structure– is different.”

Sounds to me like, in the context of a transportation committee, she IS showing reasonable concern for actual people.

If thats your argument, then there should be over 10,000 different dummies for "male" dummies and "female" dummies! Too many variables in humans. Dummies are made to a national average of human beings, not any one particular sex..........regardless of what PERSONAL OPINIONS are told by these consumer reports dungheads.

Standard dummies are fitted with a LOT of sensors and adjustment features to mimic ANY KIND OF HUMAN body or trait that is needed, in order for those testing the machines to get a good idea of what is happening!!

For the kind of testing YOU want, they would have to use REAL.........LIVE..........PEOPLE!! And aren't you a sick one for wanting that! Although I would agree prisoners, illegals, Libtardz, Snowflakes, BLM's, and Democrats could easily be sacrificed for such strides in safety.

Wow, that was certainly a whole lot of "This is how I see it, therefore this MUST be the only thing anyone could have meant!" there.

Come back and see me if you ever want to discuss the actual story, and not the partisan kneejerk fantasies you invented in your own head, won't you? I understand that all you can hear is, "Democrat, talking about genders, MUST BE IDENTITY POLITICS, HAS TO BE WRONG, I MUST OPPOSE ALL DEMOCRATS ON EVERYTHING!!" but I don't waste a lot of time talking to unhinged party fanatics as though they were real people, no matter what side they think they're on.

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