Democratic Congresswoman Calls For ‘Gender Equality’ In Crash Test Dummies

This hilarious thing happened at a local restaurant last night. There was a group of democrats meeting for a local candidate. I walked in and looked around. They asked me what i was doing. I said i wanted to see what a room full of crash test dummies look like. Everyone burst out laughing, even the democrats.
it's probably beneficial to use various sizes for dummies to test with and record the differences and what they can improve if anything. I wonder why anyone would be against this. LOL
Midget dummies?
Crafters of the click bait headline(s) know that a significant portion of the population will simply conflate Gender to the re- Fauxrage over "Lola's rights" and not even read past the headlines. In reality the issue, according to the Congresswomen is that women's bodies sizes are under represented the test data.

Ain't that America?
Elanor Holmes Norton may just be drumming up some free publicity for herself. Other democrats make headlines by claiming Guam will tip over. Or the planet will perish in twelve years or so.

Norton does it by claiming that women are under represented in auto crash tests.
Women, who travel in autos like men and who may be involved in a crash, are protected by
seat belts and safety air bags (safety engineered into an auto body itself, notwithstanding).

Presumably a seat belt that would restrain a 220 lbs. man in an accident would also protect a
140 lbs. woman. Seems like a woke issue to me.
Maybe Elanor Holmes Norton is just more of an automotive safety expert than I am.

Or maybe she needs to prove to voters that she exists.

The question isn't whether a seat belt would restrain a woman. The question is, why are women 17% more likely to die in an accident than a male in the same car, and how can we do a better job of finding out why? Seat belts and air bags can actually be more harmful to some people than not having them, and we've known this for a while. I used to carpool with a rather petite, slender woman, and I had to turn off the passenger side airbag when she was in the car, because if it had gone off, it would have killed her.

Seems to ME like you want to just kneejerk to "Democrat, genders, it's woke and stupid and that's all!!"

I don't know anything about Norton, but insofar as she's the Chair of the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, she probably does know at least a bit more about automotive safety than you do. I doubt she's an expert, but she certainly has heard more on the subject from the experts than either you or I have.

This entire thread is just a demonstration of how dangerously mired in divisive partisanship BOTH political sides have become. No one is willing to research and give objective consideration to anything said by someone "on the other side", preferring instead to just read a headline and run off half-cocked, screaming about what they "know" that must be about because of whatever the fuck their personal hobby horse is.

I'm frankly embarrassed and ashamed of how we're not just letting the division peddlers in our society influence us, but are enthusiastically embracing such garbage with both hands.

To me Gender equality is more cosmetics, not facts based on physiological differences . I don't know any of the specs involved in crash test dummies so I don't know if she's right or not.
Me neither. But I do know that seat belts and air bags are built into cars to cover a very wide range
of body types, male or female, young or old. Whoever might be in a car as a passenger or driver.

I never heard that a woman hurled forward by a sudden impact in an accident was significantly
different in terms of body mass than a man. I didn't realize that the laws of physics and Newtonian
forces acting on matter depended so much on gender.
What a revelation!

I foolishly thought a 150 pound man or woman required the same exact safety restraints to keep
auto passengers from hurtling through a wind shield at impact.

Maybe Elanor Holmes Norton can take time out from representing the District of Columbia
to explain her understanding of the laws of physics.

"Well, I know that this MUST be what's happening, and I've never heard any different, so that's obviously how the world works, because my knowledge is the sum total of all knowledge."

Too bad that what you "know" about seat belts and air bags has less to do with the actual facts, and more to do with what you just comfortably ASSumed. In fact, both seat belts and air bags can provide serious dangers to people who fall outside the "normal" range of adult size. This isn't news. Department of Transportation safety advisories routinely tell parents not to allow their children to ride in the front passenger seat until they reach a certain height and weight, precisely because the seat belts and air bags - especially air bags - are more hazard than help to people smaller than those minimums. That same injunction also applies to any adult who doesn't meet those standards, for exactly the same reasons.

If you didn't know that physics is very much influenced by things like size and mass, then it's only because you don't know jack shit about physics. Also, if you think the only concern in an auto accident is "hurtling through the windshield at impact", then you also know jack shit about auto accidents, and should pipe the fuck down with your lame attempts to assume a smug superiority you aren't qualified for.

Furthermore, if you're really going to go with "Men and women are no different so long as they're the same height and weight", then you must not have any objections to transgenders competing in women's sports, right? Because if you do, then you're a hypocrite.

And no, before you give me more kneejerks of, "Everything I spew is true conservatism, and disagreeing means you're an eeeeevil leftist and you must hold XYZ positions", spare me. I am considering the possibility that Representative Norton has a point for exactly the same reason I oppose transgenders in women's sports: because I know that men and women are fundamentally different in all kinds of ways, and unlike you, I'm both consistent and thinking rationally, rather than just reacting.
Look at this study and look at those numbers. That's pretty ugly. Would you want your mother, wife, sister having a 73% greater chance of injury? Lets all agree to update our standards for car safety instead of making every little thing into some sort of political debate.
Interesting. There is always a logical answer if one wishes to find why men and women should
receive differing degrees of injury in auto accidents. And it's not due to gender differences in
crash test dummies. Basic size differences account for a lot but not for all the problem.

Maybe look at Elanor Holmes Norton if you want to find someone politicizing the issue.

No, he's looking in exactly the right place for someone politicizing this issue. You just desperately want to dismiss this because she's a Democrat. And if that requires you to sound stupid and hypocritical, that's fine in service of "Democrats = WRONG!!"
Why do they want to see female dummies torn to pieces in car wrecks?

That's just sick.
They've got female mannequins with breasts and slightly wider hips who sit with their legs crossed in the front passenger seat and use the mirror on the windshield visor to apply makeup.

They usually have a female partner to drive them around, because of course it doesn't work very well for them to pick up too many other guys at the same time when there's already a hot guy in the driver's seat.
No, he's looking in exactly the right place for someone politicizing this issue. You just desperately want to dismiss this because she's a Democrat. And if that requires you to sound stupid and hypocritical, that's fine in service of "Democrats = WRONG!!"
What Holmes Norton is saying is just ignorant anti science and anti factual bullshit.
Read my link on the matter for some education for your angry triggered raw nerves.

I don't have time to talk you down and you won't listen anyway.
Wow! Just wow! An amazing conflation of anger and ignorance.
The only ignorance is not recognizing that men and women have very different bodies and it is important to have crash test summies that reflect that if you want to improve safety.
Rep. Norton want car companies to be required to use more female crash test dummies to help improve car safety standards. The article (if you read past the headline) actually makes a compelling case for Norton's bill.
so you obviously think that they have to have a slit down there, for the demmies. i mean dummies--still the same..... and that they don't already practice that brain dead demonRATS..... i bet, just gave CR, or the car companies a new idea(LOL)

It's okay, you and scores of other incurious dipshits didn't read past the headline either.
didn't have to...i'm way ahead of you....,i can see why shit stain demonRATS need to gender the demmies.....because you are stupid
Most people usually try to shield the world of their own ignorance, but that's clearly not your style. Do you, bro.
first off, im not related to a retard (YOU), you are not my bro, shit stain.....the only ignorance (stupidity), is coming out of you...and, it is your style to show it (ignorance)....go figure
The only ignorance is not recognizing that men and women have very different bodies and it is important to have crash test summies that reflect that if you want to improve safety.
To be blunt...bullshit! Body mass is the key. Not how the hips, butt and breasts are specially impacted in
a t-bone collision, for instance.

And if you think a female body reacts in a crash in a unique special way from the male body then you are crazy and a sack of potatoes is either protected during impact of not.

I call on you to look at my citation and educate yourself.
Some people want to make a partisan issue of this and become upset like little children when they
can't have their way.

Elanor Holmes Norton has added her little bit to the partisan cat fight, unfortunately.
Not her first or last time stirring up the pot for partisan clicks.
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The only ignorance is not recognizing that men and women have very different bodies and it is important to have crash test summies that reflect that if you want to improve safety.
To be blunt...bullshit! Body mass is the key. Not how the hips, butt and breasts are specially impacted in
a t-bone collision, for instance.

I also call on you to look at my citation and educate yourself.
Some people want to make a partisan issue of this and become upset like little children when they
can't have their way.

Elanor Holmes Norton has added her little bit to the partisan cat fight, unfortunately.
Not her first or last time stirring up the pot for partisan clicks.
Body mass alone is not the key. Height matters for examle. This isn’t or shouldn't be a partisan political issue but you are making it one.
Body mass alone is not the key. Height matters for examle. This isn’t or shouldn't be a partisan political issue but you are making it one.
Yes. Of course height counts also but presumably someone wearing a seat belt has his/her upper body
strapped into place to prevent whiplash.

So ironic you would bitch about making this issue a political one. You are the one lending credence to
the absurd idea of a shortage of female specific crash dummies. It's comical.

I STILL invite you to look at my citation about this specific issue and how it debunks this idiocy
but of course you won't look. Post # 96.

With all due respect you are too gutless to actually do the work
I have done.
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View attachment 496432Democrats with their majority control are focused like a laser on the key issues facing Americans.
And what of the other 57 Heinz Variety genders you ask? Obviously Democrats are sexist.

Not satire. Satire is impossible with what the Left do

I think you're missing the key thing here

She is discussing anatomical differences between women and men.

I am happy
Unless you think men and women are the same. Which i'm sure most of you bitching about this do not

You should embrace this sorta shit.

We're fighting over the idea of gender norms and you people are worried about this? Idiots

She just embraced all the gender norms you could possibly do in this discussion. She just started listing off differences hahaha

Take the W for sanity and move on. What the fuck?
View attachment 496432Democrats with their majority control are focused like a laser on the key issues facing Americans.
And what of the other 57 Heinz Variety genders you ask? Obviously Democrats are sexist.

Not satire. Satire is impossible with what the Left do

I think you're missing the key thing here

She is discussing anatomical differences between women and men.

I am happy
So we’re supposed to crash 50,000 vehicles instead of one and use science to extrapolate the data.

What’s stupider, her or you idiots thinking it’s a good idea?
View attachment 496432Democrats with their majority control are focused like a laser on the key issues facing Americans.
And what of the other 57 Heinz Variety genders you ask? Obviously Democrats are sexist.

Not satire. Satire is impossible with what the Left do

I think you're missing the key thing here

She is discussing anatomical differences between women and men.

I am happy
So we’re supposed to crash 50,000 vehicles instead of one and use science to extrapolate the data.

What’s stupider, her or you idiots thinking it’s a good idea?

So you care about crash dummies more than gender norms?

Do you not understand that people will be shredding her on the left for acknowledging anatomical differences between men and women?

You just got a huge victory for sanity and you're worried about crash dummies? Who gives a shit/

Fucking pleb my god
View attachment 496432Democrats with their majority control are focused like a laser on the key issues facing Americans.
And what of the other 57 Heinz Variety genders you ask? Obviously Democrats are sexist.

Not satire. Satire is impossible with what the Left do

/——/ They should tie liberal dummies to the front bumper then crash them.
Could the smaller, lighter, less muscled frames of women themselves be a reason for more
injuries during auto crashes?

Perhaps women would be better served by autos that encase women in the sort of air filled plastic
bubbles that broken arms or legs get?

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