Democratic Congresswoman Calls For ‘Gender Equality’ In Crash Test Dummies

View attachment 496432Democrats with their majority control are focused like a laser on the key issues facing Americans.
And what of the other 57 Heinz Variety genders you ask? Obviously Democrats are sexist.

Not satire. Satire is impossible with what the Left do

I think you're missing the key thing here

She is discussing anatomical differences between women and men.

I am happy
So we’re supposed to crash 50,000 vehicles instead of one and use science to extrapolate the data.

What’s stupider, her or you idiots thinking it’s a good idea?

So you care about crash dummies more than gender norms?

Do you not understand that people will be shredding her on the left for acknowledging anatomical differences between men and women?

You just got a huge victory for sanity and you're worried about crash dummies? Who gives a shit/

Fucking pleb my god
You are one stupid science hating moron.
Can't we just use male dummies who identify as female dummies? That way all the problems will be solved!
Just say the crash test dummies identify as female.

Just put a dress on the dummy.

Can't we just use male dummies who identify as female dummies?

Brilliant Neo-GOPers. Brilliant!
Not a GOPer dumb ass, I left that party when it was under Bush and see absolutely no reason to return to either party, as both are corrupt and neither have American's best interest at heart. Nice idiotic knee jerk response that I have come to expect from you.
Wow! Just wow! An amazing conflation of anger and ignorance.
The only ignorance is not recognizing that men and women have very different bodies and it is important to have crash test summies that reflect that if you want to improve safety.
no shit....really....DUH
they do

Well, pretty obviously, they DON'T. I'm normally a bit skeptical about taking the word of politicians on anything, but it is a fact that the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit has heard and seen a hell of a lot more information on this subject than I have. I'm hoping to see a lot more background and source documentation on this if the proposed bill comes up for debate, but it appears to me like they weren't trying to make any sort of grandstanding political statement here; it was The Daily Caller that was trying to sensationalize it.
Just say the crash test dummies identify as female.

Just put a dress on the dummy.

Can't we just use male dummies who identify as female dummies?

Brilliant Neo-GOPers. Brilliant!
Not a GOPer dumb ass, I left that party when it was under Bush and see absolutely no reason to return to either party, as both are corrupt and neither have American's best interest at heart. Nice idiotic knee jerk response that I have come to expect from you.
Just a dumb ass or ( idiotic knee jerk) response to a false headline?
The only ignorance is not recognizing that men and women have very different bodies and it is important to have crash test summies that reflect that if you want to improve safety.
To be blunt...bullshit! Body mass is the key. Not how the hips, butt and breasts are specially impacted in
a t-bone collision, for instance.

And if you think a female body reacts in a crash in a unique special way from the male body then you are crazy and a sack of potatoes is either protected during impact of not.

I call on you to look at my citation and educate yourself.
Some people want to make a partisan issue of this and become upset like little children when they
can't have their way.

Elanor Holmes Norton has added her little bit to the partisan cat fight, unfortunately.
Not her first or last time stirring up the pot for partisan clicks.

Is that really all you think exists in the way of differences between male and female physiology? "Women have breasts, and bigger hips and butts"?

Refer back to my post, #70, where I detail the physiological differences between my husband and myself, despite the fact that we're basically the same height, and he weighs only about 30 pounds more than I do.

I'll even quote myself for you:

"Far more of his weight comes from muscle than mine does; his bones have far more density than mine do, and his skeleton is shaped quite a bit differently from mine. My center of gravity is lower than his, making my posture and positioning in the driver's seat quite different from his (I can attest to this every time he drives my car and then I have to re-adjust everything)."

Now, would you really like to tell me that things like lack of muscle density, center of gravity, and body positioning in the car AREN'T going to make my body "react in a unique special way" as opposed to his? Or that his greater bone density and different skeletal shape might change the sort of damage he would sustain in an accident from what I would?

If so, I call on you to take a look at a physics textbook and educate yourself. Also, you might want to get an anatomy and physiology textbook, because it's just sad that an adult male in America actually thinks that women are just men with boobs and bigger butts.

The only people making a partisan issue out of this are you and your "It's about gender, it MUST be identity politics!" compatriots. All the pot-stirring this time is from you guys.
The only ignorance is not recognizing that men and women have very different bodies and it is important to have crash test summies that reflect that if you want to improve safety.
To be blunt...bullshit! Body mass is the key. Not how the hips, butt and breasts are specially impacted in
a t-bone collision, for instance.

I also call on you to look at my citation and educate yourself.
Some people want to make a partisan issue of this and become upset like little children when they
can't have their way.

Elanor Holmes Norton has added her little bit to the partisan cat fight, unfortunately.
Not her first or last time stirring up the pot for partisan clicks.
Body mass alone is not the key. Height matters for examle. This isn’t or shouldn't be a partisan political issue but you are making it one.

As far as I can tell, Eric doesn't seem to realize there IS a difference in body mass between a man and a woman who weigh the same.
In the instance of a sudden impact collision...NO! Your body is NOT different than your husband's
or any man, for that matter.

You are like two sacks of potatoes strapped into car seats, for all intents and purposes, and there is no "reaction" disparities to be had in the split second before the both of you are slammed forward and them thrown back again.

I've been in quite a few accidents. Maybe your body makes a difference on a tennis court.
Not while strapped into a car seat.
As far as I can tell, Eric doesn't seem to realize there IS a difference in body mass between a man and a woman who weigh the same.
The difference in how your mass is distributed makes jack shit all the difference when you are
strapped into a car seat. You can believe what you like. Science doesn't care.

Elanor Norton Holmes is delusional. If you buy her crap, you are too. Post # 96.
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View attachment 496432Democrats with their majority control are focused like a laser on the key issues facing Americans.
And what of the other 57 Heinz Variety genders you ask? Obviously Democrats are sexist.

Not satire. Satire is impossible with what the Left do

I think you're missing the key thing here

She is discussing anatomical differences between women and men.

I am happy
So we’re supposed to crash 50,000 vehicles instead of one and use science to extrapolate the data.

What’s stupider, her or you idiots thinking it’s a good idea?

So what's the upper limit of the number of cars you're willing to sacrifice to people's safety, before it's too expensive for you to say, "Fuck it, you bitches are safe enough if we just guess at it"?
Could the smaller, lighter, less muscled frames of women themselves be a reason for more
injuries during auto crashes?

Perhaps women would be better served by autos that encase women in the sort of air filled plastic
bubbles that broken arms or legs get?

Well, gee, do you think maybe that very question, that you apparently think you just now brilliantly thought of all by yourself, MIGHT just be what Representative Norman would like the experts to test? I've been trying to tell you this all along, dumbass, and now you think you're presenting some "Aha!" refutation? What fucking planet is your brain on today?

It's like talking to a brick wall here. Worse, it's like talking to a leftist. Enjoy knowing how much you resemble them right now.
In the instance of a sudden impact collision...NO! Your body is NOT different than your husband's
or any man, for that matter.

You are like two sacks of potatoes strapped into car seats, for all intents and purposes, and there is no "reaction" disparities to be had in the split second before the both of you are slammed forward and them thrown back again.

I've been in quite a few accidents. Maybe your body makes a difference on a tennis court.
Not while strapped into a car seat.

Yes, actually, in EVERY physical event, my body is different from my husband's. And I can't even express how incredibly stupid you are to think, "You're no different from a sack of potatoes" is an intelligent thing to say. Or that, "I've been in accidents, so that makes me an expert on the science of crashes" is really a thing.

You continue to sound more like a leftist with every post. "I know what I've decided that I know, so fuck the science that tells me there's more to it than my own ASSumptions!" Decades of research and experimentation to study the effects of impact on the human body and how to find newer, safer constructions for automobiles, and you want to just wave it away with, "It's all the same, all accidents kill everyone and no one has any chance, because I say so."

The studies say there are disparities in survival rates and injury rates. The partisan dumbass on the Internet who thinks wrecking his car makes him a physicist says there aren't. Whoever shall I believe? :rolleyes:
As far as I can tell, Eric doesn't seem to realize there IS a difference in body mass between a man and a woman who weigh the same.
The difference in how your mass is distributed makes jack shit all the difference when you are
strapped into a car seat. You can believe what you like. Science doesn't care.

Elanor Norton Holmes is delusional. If you buy her crap, you are too. Post # 96.

"There's no difference, because I don't know about any differences, and I'm sure science agrees with me, because I'm sure my opinion is science." Typical left-think. Please do cite me the "science" that tells you that there are absolutely no differences in survival and injury rates in accidents, because all bodies are exactly alike when they're in a car. Because I value your "This is the truth, because I assert that it is REALLY FIRMLY!" every bit as much as I value it when some other kneejerking jagoff does it.

I read post #96, thanks. Believe me, you only think you want to encourage people to remember it.

I will continue to believe you're a moron asserting facts you just made up until you prove you deserve more.
Just say the crash test dummies identify as female.

Problem solved.

More "I just read the headline, and then jumped to a conclusion I can mock" crap. My estimation of the ability of anyone in this country to think and conduct reasonable debate continues to drop.
Just say the crash test dummies identify as female.

Just put a dress on the dummy.

Can't we just use male dummies who identify as female dummies?

Brilliant Neo-GOPers. Brilliant!
Not a GOPer dumb ass, I left that party when it was under Bush and see absolutely no reason to return to either party, as both are corrupt and neither have American's best interest at heart. Nice idiotic knee jerk response that I have come to expect from you.

Doesn't seem to me like YOUR idiotic kneejerk responses deserved any better. From where I sit, you're exactly like Blind, just from the opposite direction.
Well, gee, do you think maybe that very question, that you apparently think you just now brilliantly thought of all by yourself, MIGHT just be what Representative Norman would like the experts to test? I've been trying to tell you this all along, dumbass, and now you think you're presenting some "Aha!" refutation? What fucking planet is your brain on today?

It's like talking to a brick wall here. Worse, it's like talking to a leftist. Enjoy knowing how much you resemble them right now.
My condolences to your husband.
Rep. Holmes-Norton (not "Norman", by the way) will not get to
the bottom of testing why women are injured more in car crashes by making the test dummy population more woke. But maybe you were too busy being a condescending butt-hole to notice.

My link from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety specifically addressed the reasons for
a higher rate of female injury in accidents.
But again, you were too busy acting the jerk to notice.
It addresses issues you never even thought of because you were too busy running down the
Holmes-Norton rabbit hole.

So keep investigating those binary crash test dummies. By all means. Or whatever it is you think you
are doing.
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Just say the crash test dummies identify as female.

Just put a dress on the dummy.

Can't we just use male dummies who identify as female dummies?

Brilliant Neo-GOPers. Brilliant!
Not a GOPer dumb ass, I left that party when it was under Bush and see absolutely no reason to return to either party, as both are corrupt and neither have American's best interest at heart. Nice idiotic knee jerk response that I have come to expect from you.

Doesn't seem to me like YOUR idiotic kneejerk responses deserved any better. From where I sit, you're exactly like Blind, just from the opposite direction.

Not a chance cupcake. I read the article before I posted and I fully understand the differences she Congresswoman is speaking about. You did as well. Which is far more than the three posters I quoted.

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