Democratic Congresswoman Calls For ‘Gender Equality’ In Crash Test Dummies

"There's no difference, because I don't know about any differences, and I'm sure science agrees with me, because I'm sure my opinion is science." Typical left-think. Please do cite me the "science" that tells you that there are absolutely no differences in survival and injury rates in accidents, because all bodies are exactly alike when they're in a car.
I never said differences in injury and survival rates because all bodies are exactly alike when in a car.
That is utter bullshit!
When you have to make up the fake arguments of others to make it seem like
you have "won" something then you know you are ass deep in stupidity.

Because I value your "This is the truth, because I assert that it is REALLY FIRMLY!" every bit as much as I value it when some other kneejerking jagoff does it.
Okay. Have fun in your deteriorated mental condition.
Just say the crash test dummies identify as female.

Just put a dress on the dummy.

Can't we just use male dummies who identify as female dummies?

Brilliant Neo-GOPers. Brilliant!
Not a GOPer dumb ass, I left that party when it was under Bush and see absolutely no reason to return to either party, as both are corrupt and neither have American's best interest at heart. Nice idiotic knee jerk response that I have come to expect from you.
Just a dumb ass or ( idiotic knee jerk) response to a false headline?
It's called sarcasm and you are not that bright to catch it or you have no sense of humor. This country has seen a white women claim she was black and was head of a chapter of the NAACP. We have high school males that identify as females and compete in girls sports, we have people that identify as non-human or reincarnated from another life. So why not a male dummy identifying as a female dummy.
Just say the crash test dummies identify as female.

Just put a dress on the dummy.

Can't we just use male dummies who identify as female dummies?

Brilliant Neo-GOPers. Brilliant!
Not a GOPer dumb ass, I left that party when it was under Bush and see absolutely no reason to return to either party, as both are corrupt and neither have American's best interest at heart. Nice idiotic knee jerk response that I have come to expect from you.

Doesn't seem to me like YOUR idiotic kneejerk responses deserved any better. From where I sit, you're exactly like Blind, just from the opposite direction.

Not a chance cupcake. I read the article before I posted and I fully understand the differences she Congresswoman is speaking about. You did as well. Which is far more than the three posters I quoted.
I read the entire article, man are you stupid! I just think it is amusing to me and you are amusing as well. Your silly comments put a smile on my face.
Just say the crash test dummies identify as female.

Just put a dress on the dummy.

Can't we just use male dummies who identify as female dummies?

Brilliant Neo-GOPers. Brilliant!
Not a GOPer dumb ass, I left that party when it was under Bush and see absolutely no reason to return to either party, as both are corrupt and neither have American's best interest at heart. Nice idiotic knee jerk response that I have come to expect from you.
Just a dumb ass or ( idiotic knee jerk) response to a false headline?
It's called sarcasm and you are not that bright to catch it or you have no sense of humor. This country has seen a white women claim she was black and was head of a chapter of the NAACP. We have high school males that identify as females and compete in girls sports, we have people that identify as non-human or reincarnated from another life. So why not a male dummy identifying as a female dummy.
Thanks for the excellent example of why the crafters of the Click-bait headlines choose to use Gender instead of Physiological differences. So Trump Partiers can make fun of the Congresswoman who demands we put lipstick on crash dummies.

Keep up the good work.
Just say the crash test dummies identify as female.

Just put a dress on the dummy.

Can't we just use male dummies who identify as female dummies?

Brilliant Neo-GOPers. Brilliant!
Not a GOPer dumb ass, I left that party when it was under Bush and see absolutely no reason to return to either party, as both are corrupt and neither have American's best interest at heart. Nice idiotic knee jerk response that I have come to expect from you.
Just a dumb ass or ( idiotic knee jerk) response to a false headline?
It's called sarcasm and you are not that bright to catch it or you have no sense of humor. This country has seen a white women claim she was black and was head of a chapter of the NAACP. We have high school males that identify as females and compete in girls sports, we have people that identify as non-human or reincarnated from another life. So why not a male dummy identifying as a female dummy.
Thanks for the excellent example of why the crafters of the Click-bait headlines choose to use Gender instead of Physiological differences. So Trump Partiers can make fun of the Congresswoman who demands we put lipstick on crash dummies.

Keep up the good work.
Claiming to have a physiological difference does not change your physical make up. A male will always be a male and their is nothing that can be done to change that fact. Claiming you identify as a black person does not change your DNA and make you black. Believing you are reincarnated doesn't make you reincarnated and identifying as a non-human does not make you non-human. It is called science, the mental aspects are those of disturbed people that have a disorder, just as a manic-depressive or schizophrenic have mental disorders. Again, it is science.

BTW, I identify as a male lesbian. That should give me all sorts of rights.
Just say the crash test dummies identify as female.

Just put a dress on the dummy.

Can't we just use male dummies who identify as female dummies?

Brilliant Neo-GOPers. Brilliant!
Not a GOPer dumb ass, I left that party when it was under Bush and see absolutely no reason to return to either party, as both are corrupt and neither have American's best interest at heart. Nice idiotic knee jerk response that I have come to expect from you.
Just a dumb ass or ( idiotic knee jerk) response to a false headline?
It's called sarcasm and you are not that bright to catch it or you have no sense of humor. This country has seen a white women claim she was black and was head of a chapter of the NAACP. We have high school males that identify as females and compete in girls sports, we have people that identify as non-human or reincarnated from another life. So why not a male dummy identifying as a female dummy.
Thanks for the excellent example of why the crafters of the Click-bait headlines choose to use Gender instead of Physiological differences. So Trump Partiers can make fun of the Congresswoman who demands we put lipstick on crash dummies.

Keep up the good work.
Claiming to have a physiological difference does not change your physical make up. A male will always be a male and their is nothing that can be done to change that fact. Claiming you identify as a black person does not change your DNA and make you black. Believing you are reincarnated doesn't make you reincarnated and identifying as a non-human does not make you non-human. It is called science, the mental aspects are those of disturbed people that have a disorder, just as a manic-depressive or schizophrenic have mental disorders. Again, it is science.

BTW, I identify as a male lesbian. That should give me all sorts of rights.
Right, because the word Gender brings those imagines to mind in some folks these days but the Congresswoman was talking about the actual physical differences between men and women and the crash test dummies, not the psychological aspect of Lola's gender identity.
Just say the crash test dummies identify as female.

Just put a dress on the dummy.

Can't we just use male dummies who identify as female dummies?

Brilliant Neo-GOPers. Brilliant!
Not a GOPer dumb ass, I left that party when it was under Bush and see absolutely no reason to return to either party, as both are corrupt and neither have American's best interest at heart. Nice idiotic knee jerk response that I have come to expect from you.
Just a dumb ass or ( idiotic knee jerk) response to a false headline?
It's called sarcasm and you are not that bright to catch it or you have no sense of humor. This country has seen a white women claim she was black and was head of a chapter of the NAACP. We have high school males that identify as females and compete in girls sports, we have people that identify as non-human or reincarnated from another life. So why not a male dummy identifying as a female dummy.
Thanks for the excellent example of why the crafters of the Click-bait headlines choose to use Gender instead of Physiological differences. So Trump Partiers can make fun of the Congresswoman who demands we put lipstick on crash dummies.

Keep up the good work.
Claiming to have a physiological difference does not change your physical make up. A male will always be a male and their is nothing that can be done to change that fact. Claiming you identify as a black person does not change your DNA and make you black. Believing you are reincarnated doesn't make you reincarnated and identifying as a non-human does not make you non-human. It is called science, the mental aspects are those of disturbed people that have a disorder, just as a manic-depressive or schizophrenic have mental disorders. Again, it is science.

BTW, I identify as a male lesbian. That should give me all sorts of rights.
Right, because the word Gender brings those imagines to mind in some folks these days but the Congresswoman was talking about the actual physical differences between men and women and the crash test dummies, not the psychological aspect of Lola's gender identity.
Again, it was humor, sorry you don't get it. What a dweeb you are.
It sounds ridiculous on the surface. But there are reasons for her demands.

from the OP link: "“More important than differences in average height between males and females, there are also biological differences in anatomy, such as average neck strength and posture, that affect how female and male bodies react in a crash,” Norton’s office said in a statement."
It's one thing to have male, female, and have them represent different sizes and shapes in order to see the effects of crashes on them. That's fine because that scientific research for the sake of keeping drivers safe.

But to specifically say there needs to be more diversity is just shameless and moronic pandering to idiocy for the sake of being able to pat yourself on the back.

The people performing crashes know what the hell they are doing, it's their job so that bitch needs to shut the fuck up and let them work. Worry about your own job.
Just say the crash test dummies identify as female.

Just put a dress on the dummy.

Can't we just use male dummies who identify as female dummies?

Brilliant Neo-GOPers. Brilliant!
Not a GOPer dumb ass, I left that party when it was under Bush and see absolutely no reason to return to either party, as both are corrupt and neither have American's best interest at heart. Nice idiotic knee jerk response that I have come to expect from you.
Just a dumb ass or ( idiotic knee jerk) response to a false headline?
It's called sarcasm and you are not that bright to catch it or you have no sense of humor. This country has seen a white women claim she was black and was head of a chapter of the NAACP. We have high school males that identify as females and compete in girls sports, we have people that identify as non-human or reincarnated from another life. So why not a male dummy identifying as a female dummy.
Thanks for the excellent example of why the crafters of the Click-bait headlines choose to use Gender instead of Physiological differences. So Trump Partiers can make fun of the Congresswoman who demands we put lipstick on crash dummies.

Keep up the good work.
Claiming to have a physiological difference does not change your physical make up. A male will always be a male and their is nothing that can be done to change that fact. Claiming you identify as a black person does not change your DNA and make you black. Believing you are reincarnated doesn't make you reincarnated and identifying as a non-human does not make you non-human. It is called science, the mental aspects are those of disturbed people that have a disorder, just as a manic-depressive or schizophrenic have mental disorders. Again, it is science.

BTW, I identify as a male lesbian. That should give me all sorts of rights.
Right, because the word Gender brings those imagines to mind in some folks these days but the Congresswoman was talking about the actual physical differences between men and women and the crash test dummies, not the psychological aspect of Lola's gender identity.
Again, it was humor, sorry you don't get it. What a dweeb you are.
I get that the obvious humor was the object of the headline, to take a swipe at the imagined culture war, or rather reinforce the feelings amongst those who believe.
Wow! Just wow! An amazing conflation of anger and ignorance.
The only ignorance is not recognizing that men and women have very different bodies and it is important to have crash test summies that reflect that if you want to improve safety.
no shit....really....DUH
they do

Well, pretty obviously, they DON'T. I'm normally a bit skeptical about taking the word of politicians on anything, but it is a fact that the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit has heard and seen a hell of a lot more information on this subject than I have. I'm hoping to see a lot more background and source documentation on this if the proposed bill comes up for debate, but it appears to me like they weren't trying to make any sort of grandstanding political statement here; it was The Daily Caller that was trying to sensationalize it.
so the demmies in car seats are my imagination....thanx....
Well, gee, do you think maybe that very question, that you apparently think you just now brilliantly thought of all by yourself, MIGHT just be what Representative Norman would like the experts to test? I've been trying to tell you this all along, dumbass, and now you think you're presenting some "Aha!" refutation? What fucking planet is your brain on today?

It's like talking to a brick wall here. Worse, it's like talking to a leftist. Enjoy knowing how much you resemble them right now.
My condolences to your husband.
Rep. Holmes-Norton (not "Norman", by the way) will not get to
the bottom of testing why women are injured more in car crashes by making the test dummy population more woke. But maybe you were too busy being a condescending butt-hole to notice.

My link from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety specifically addressed the reasons for
a higher rate of female injury in accidents.
But again, you were too busy acting the jerk to notice.
It addresses issues you never even thought of because you were too busy running down the
Holmes-Norton rabbit hole.

So keep investigating those binary crash test dummies. By all means. Or whatever it is you think you
are doing.

My husband says not to worry about it, HE'S man enough not to fear strong women.

Since your link was "proving" your "brilliant" announcement of what I've been telling you all along, I saw no need to read it or comment on it. The operative point was that you ignored it all the times I said it, and then popped out with it like it was an original idea.

So keep thinking you're an icon of reasonable conservative thought instead of a emotion-driven, kneejerk left-thinker. By all means.
It's one thing to have male, female, and have them represent different sizes and shapes in order to see the effects of crashes on them. That's fine because that scientific research for the sake of keeping drivers safe.

But to specifically say there needs to be more diversity is just shameless and moronic pandering to idiocy for the sake of being able to pat yourself on the back.

The people performing crashes know what the hell they are doing, it's their job so that bitch needs to shut the fuck up and let them work. Worry about your own job.

Who said, "There needs to be more diversity"? Did that appear in the article, or only in your own ASSumptions about what the article involved?

The people performing crash tests work for the Department of Transportation, which is overseen by Norton's sub-committee. They do what the government that pays them tells them to do, so why don't you tell us more about how the Congressional sub-committee's chair "needs to shut the fuck up" about the directions she gets paid to give the crash-testers and just let them "do their job" without any actual instructions from their bosses? I'm just fascinated to hear more of your ignorant pronouncements on how the government works. Maybe afterward, you can go tell your boss how he needs to shut the fuck up and mind his own business about YOUR job? See how that works out for you.

Fucking moron.
My husband says not to worry about it, HE'S man enough not to fear strong women.

Since your link was "proving" your "brilliant" announcement of what I've been telling you all along, I saw no need to read it or comment on it. The operative point was that you ignored it all the times I said it, and then popped out with it like it was an original idea.

So keep thinking you're an icon of reasonable conservative thought instead of a emotion-driven, kneejerk left-thinker. By all means.
I have no idea what you're going on about.
Just say the crash test dummies identify as female.

Just put a dress on the dummy.

Can't we just use male dummies who identify as female dummies?

Brilliant Neo-GOPers. Brilliant!
Not a GOPer dumb ass, I left that party when it was under Bush and see absolutely no reason to return to either party, as both are corrupt and neither have American's best interest at heart. Nice idiotic knee jerk response that I have come to expect from you.
Just a dumb ass or ( idiotic knee jerk) response to a false headline?
It's called sarcasm and you are not that bright to catch it or you have no sense of humor. This country has seen a white women claim she was black and was head of a chapter of the NAACP. We have high school males that identify as females and compete in girls sports, we have people that identify as non-human or reincarnated from another life. So why not a male dummy identifying as a female dummy.
Thanks for the excellent example of why the crafters of the Click-bait headlines choose to use Gender instead of Physiological differences. So Trump Partiers can make fun of the Congresswoman who demands we put lipstick on crash dummies.

Keep up the good work.
Claiming to have a physiological difference does not change your physical make up. A male will always be a male and their is nothing that can be done to change that fact. Claiming you identify as a black person does not change your DNA and make you black. Believing you are reincarnated doesn't make you reincarnated and identifying as a non-human does not make you non-human. It is called science, the mental aspects are those of disturbed people that have a disorder, just as a manic-depressive or schizophrenic have mental disorders. Again, it is science.

BTW, I identify as a male lesbian. That should give me all sorts of rights.
Right, because the word Gender brings those imagines to mind in some folks these days but the Congresswoman was talking about the actual physical differences between men and women and the crash test dummies, not the psychological aspect of Lola's gender identity.
Again, it was humor, sorry you don't get it. What a dweeb you are.
I get that the obvious humor was the object of the headline, to take a swipe at the imagined culture war, or rather reinforce the feelings amongst those who believe.
I get it you have to make sure there is some agenda going on to make yourself feel better. You can sleep with, identify with, be with anyone you want, I don't give a damn, it is not my life and not my business. You believe what you need to so you can sleep at night and feel right, because it seems that feelings are very important to you.
Thanks for the excellent example of why the crafters of the Click-bait headlines choose to use Gender instead of Physiological differences. So Trump Partiers can make fun of the Congresswoman who demands we put lipstick on crash dummies.

Keep up the good work.
Certainly one would be hard pressed to find jokes and all sorts of insulting comments at Donald Trump's
Wow! Just wow! An amazing conflation of anger and ignorance.
The only ignorance is not recognizing that men and women have very different bodies and it is important to have crash test summies that reflect that if you want to improve safety.
no shit....really....DUH
they do

Well, pretty obviously, they DON'T. I'm normally a bit skeptical about taking the word of politicians on anything, but it is a fact that the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit has heard and seen a hell of a lot more information on this subject than I have. I'm hoping to see a lot more background and source documentation on this if the proposed bill comes up for debate, but it appears to me like they weren't trying to make any sort of grandstanding political statement here; it was The Daily Caller that was trying to sensationalize it.
so the demmies in car seats are my imagination....thanx....

Next time, trying reading the actual words, instead of just looking at the pretty pictures and thinking you know everything about the article.

"The NHTSA does have two female crash dummies, one which represents the 5th percentile adult female who is four-feet eleven-inches and weighs 108 pounds, and a “small adult female” with the same height but weighing only 97 pounds.

But Consumer Reports notes the dummies do not take into account “the biological differences between male and female bodies” and that in frontal crash tests performed using the 5th percentile female dummy, the dummy rides as a passenger rather than the driver’s seat."

Is there any other reading and thinking you need me to do for you while I'm at it?
My husband says not to worry about it, HE'S man enough not to fear strong women.

Since your link was "proving" your "brilliant" announcement of what I've been telling you all along, I saw no need to read it or comment on it. The operative point was that you ignored it all the times I said it, and then popped out with it like it was an original idea.

So keep thinking you're an icon of reasonable conservative thought instead of a emotion-driven, kneejerk left-thinker. By all means.
I have no idea what you're going on about.

Why am I not surprised to hear that you talk without listening to what you're saying?
... You can’t smash 50,000 cars for every body size. You create a standard and extrapolate. It’s called science.
Exactly. And well made crash tests are expensive. It would by the way not make a big sense to simulate female breasts or other attractive fatty tissue with silicon or something like this. This would only dampen forces.

Who said anything about simulating breasts?

I. What do you suggest how to give such instruments a more "female" painting? Or if someone paints them blue makes this dummies more "male"? So what is this discussion really about? The discussion of laymen to tell technicians, physicians, scientistst and economists what they have to do in which way so romantic feelings ("free female dummies") about the equality of men and women start to create an absurde artificial reality? What about more public toiletts for women in all cities worldwide? 5 toilets for women per 1 toilet for men would produce much more equality between women and men than many other things. Equality comes not by handling everyone and everything in the same way. Why likes someone to see "female" dummies damaged in such destructive tests? What kind of perversity is this? Men have for example in average 1/3 more surface of bones - what changes nothing fro example of a higher danger to lose a left leg on a passenger seat in case of a crash - so it makes sense to use airbags for knees for example or it make sense to make another construction of the passenger compartement.
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