Democratic Debate (Bernie vs. Hillary): February 11, 2016


Bernie Sander's hilarious closing argument.
Bill Clinton didn't do all the things he said he would do. And he did a lot of things he shouldn't have done. I can see a hillary presidency. She won't fight too hard but Bernie will. She's saying what bill told her to say
Bill Clinton didn't do all the things he said he would do. And he did a lot of things he shouldn't have done. I can see a hillary presidency. She won't fight too hard but Bernie will. She's saying what bill told her to say

Bullshit. Hillary is her own woman.
Yawn......who cares? Neither can win the general election. hiLIARy is under investigation by the FBI, and is an untrustworthy liar who can't even get the female vote (unless they're over 65!) . Bernie Sanders is a crackpot that simply cannot be taken seriously.

I won't be watching that tripe......

As much as I'd like to believe that I can't. After all the nation did vote Obama twice.

But Republicans have an awesome chance to not only win but get a constitutionalist in. Let's just hope we are going wise enough
I'm OK with trump Bernie or hillary being president before

Kasich, jeb, Cruz, carson, rubio.

And I can only see maybe the GOP going with kasich or maybe bush but that would be lame. No Republican can beat trump. This is getting so freaking good.

How can a Republican debate these two? They cant
Yep, you're right.
I rememb
Bill Clinton didn't do all the things he said he would do. And he did a lot of things he shouldn't have done. I can see a hillary presidency. She won't fight too hard but Bernie will. She's saying what bill told her to say

Bullshit. Hillary is her own woman.
Primaries are when you fall in love. Just remember eventually one of us has to fall in line.

I can't believe Christie is out. He's the only one who could have beat these two. I didn't want to say anything till he dropped out. Lol
Stealing from one to support another is also a criteria for judgement.
Come on...really?

These wealthy people are kicking ass with their tax breaks basically ripping off the system by their write offs and money over seas.
You think it is ok for them to make the money by greed while someone is on the street living with their children?

You say that it is up to the churches, not the government...but it is good for the rich to get the breaks..

It is not taking money from fucking anyone, it is a tax that is rightfully due...geeezzzzz

I want to hear one Republican candidate say "stealing from one to support another" in their next debate. Or in the debate against our nominee. These guys would eat the Republican up.

So do I. It would galvanize the real victims.
Who? The millionaires and billionaires? They've never been richer.

If you catch a pirate do you let them keep their booty?

You must first prove piracy, or they are within their rights to run you through.
Lookit who this guy is defending.


Bernie should be running as an Independent.
We watch their debates they should watch ours.

No wonder they're so one sided. They won't even listen to the truth.

But I don't agree with free college. Make it only $5k a year but not free. Nothing is free.

College should be free as public school k-high school.

You realize they aren't free, right?


College can be done the same way as all other public education.
Bill Clinton didn't do all the things he said he would do. And he did a lot of things he shouldn't have done. I can see a hillary presidency. She won't fight too hard but Bernie will. She's saying what bill told her to say
And Republicans fought everything Bill wanted do. But they have been worse with Obama.

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