Democratic Debate Thread: October 13, 2015

Helped themselves the most: Martin O'Malley
Biggest whiny little bitch: Jim Webb
Bumblingest I uh deot: Lincoln Chaffee
Diving deepest into fringe ideas: Bernie Sanders
Most well trained circus monkey: Hillary Clinton
Anderson is really bad as moderater, really slow and can only throw softballs.
I was surprised how well Clinton did, I usually don't care for her debate performance. Sanders did well too. Expected absolutely nothing from Webb and Chafee and that's what we got. I think O'Malley had a chance to gain something here but I think Clinton and Sanders were too strong.




I don't know that I could vote for conscientious objector to be president.

And that toothless looking guy on the end right? Wow, he said he would ask the NRA for suggestions for gun control at the very beginning. The single most tarded thing said all night.

At least they didn't say stupid stuff about the super rich creating jobs, if only they had more money. They have almost all of it now.
I wish we had free college.[/QU

It's never free, someone always pays..legalized thievery mostly.
True, progressives never have a way to pay for their stupid social programs...

As all professional politicians they like to steal what's not theirs...

Judging by the Obama years and well over doubling the national debt, it pretty obvious the Democratic party hates your children and their children's children. Basically, the Democratic Party voters are nothing but selfish it's all about me child abusers.

Whoever legalizes pot and reduces college tuition is getting my vote, I don't care what party I care what the candidate is going to work hard to accomplish.

If you think government can wave a magic wand to lower tuition, then you need to pay more for better classes
That debate did something though improved my bottom line. Any frivolous gun control talk... Sells guns.
I wish we had free college.[/QU

It's never free, someone always pays..legalized thievery mostly.
True, progressives never have a way to pay for their stupid social programs...

As all professional politicians they like to steal what's not theirs...

Judging by the Obama years and well over doubling the national debt, it pretty obvious the Democratic party hates your children and their children's children. Basically, the Democratic Party voters are nothing but selfish it's all about me child abusers.

Whoever legalizes pot and reduces college tuition is getting my vote, I don't care what party I care what the candidate is going to work hard to accomplish.

If you think government can wave a magic wand to lower tuition, then you need to pay more for better classes

I am voting for Bernie, free College!
True, progressives never have a way to pay for their stupid social programs...

As all professional politicians they like to steal what's not theirs...

Judging by the Obama years and well over doubling the national debt, it pretty obvious the Democratic party hates your children and their children's children. Basically, the Democratic Party voters are nothing but selfish it's all about me child abusers.

Whoever legalizes pot and reduces college tuition is getting my vote, I don't care what party I care what the candidate is going to work hard to accomplish.

If you think government can wave a magic wand to lower tuition, then you need to pay more for better classes

I am voting for Bernie, free College!

Cause working for an education is a bad thing.
True, progressives never have a way to pay for their stupid social programs...

As all professional politicians they like to steal what's not theirs...

Judging by the Obama years and well over doubling the national debt, it pretty obvious the Democratic party hates your children and their children's children. Basically, the Democratic Party voters are nothing but selfish it's all about me child abusers.

Whoever legalizes pot and reduces college tuition is getting my vote, I don't care what party I care what the candidate is going to work hard to accomplish.

Reduce college professors pay, get rid of tenure and stop the Democratic Parties monopoly over educational systems and you'll be educated for practically free. Steal more taxpayer hard earned income at it and tuition goes up... check the history...

Pot affects motivation and thought processes, not great things if you want to reach your full potential. eh, the medical aspect looks promising ..

I'm motivated Lumps. ;)

I've always had to work for what I received and expecting someone else to pay for it never really crossed my mind, alas times have changed and the youngsters just don't have the opportunities I did to pay my way. Vote for a President and representatives that realize jobs, jobs jobs for the American people is the top priority.

and good luck, the right attitude is key.
O'malley did very well he should get a poll bump. He was well spoken, clear on his stances, and bold proposing a new Glass-Steagal .

Webb bombed which is too bad as I think he has a lot to offer regarding foreign policy, he is just not good at debates/as a speaker.

Chaffee also bombed, badly. He may have some good stances but he didn't articulate anything well at all.

Bernie is true as ever and continues to drive his message home. Although he probably won't win he wants to make a difference for average Americans. I love the guy you get what you see no BS. Conservatives may be surprised at his voting record regarding guns. He has the best record voting for gun rights than anyone else on the stage. The proof is in his voting record.

Hillary did very well for herself, put in a good showing. I question her sincerity on some issues though and see her as beholden to business and wall street more than I would like.
Anderson Cooper is a real asshole, and I don;t like it when he says voters want to know this or that, he is impolite and rude and shouldn't speak for the audience. SHUT IT COOPER>
Anderson Cooper I think did OK. He's not their to make friends.
I say Hillary won...

Bernie did very well...

One thing the Democrat debate was way better than the GOP ones so far... Far more substance... Clinton and Bernie were playing pass the ball by referring to each other in their answers.

I don't think Biden should run. Top two contenders talked more substance in the first ten minutes that GOP took in 3 hrs.

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