Democratic Debate Thread: October 13, 2015

Government has done a lot to make this a better country...You people that say government is just evil is just wrong.
-Ended slavery
-Ended child labor
-Cleaned up the work place
-Regulated monoplies so they couldn't rule the entire market and cheat. Anti-trust laws.
-Cleaned up our air, water and make sure our food is clean.
-Make sure a corporation can't pay you pennies like they want to do..So you can survive.
-Helped unions have a voice and make wages higher, limited the work day number of hours and allows us to have the weekends off.

There's so many things that the government does that is good for us the people that it is a disgusting joke to say that government is just bad.

And yes, the government can solve other problems. What the fuck have the republicans done? Oh'yes, deregulated corporations, cut their taxes and want to reverse everyone of the above.
Government has done a lot to make this a better country...You people that say government is just evil is just wrong.
-Ended slavery
-Ended child labor
-Cleaned up the work place
-Regulated monoplies so they couldn't rule the entire market and cheat. Anti-trust laws.
-Cleaned up our air, water and make sure our food is clean.
-Make sure a corporation can't pay you pennies like they want to do..So you can survive.
-Helped unions have a voice and make wages higher, limited the work day number of hours and allows us to have the weekends off.

There's so many things that the government does that is good for us the people that it is a disgusting joke to say that government is just bad.

And yes, the government can solve other problems. What the fuck have the republicans done? Oh'yes, deregulated corporations, cut their taxes and want to reverse everyone of the above.

Yep! Microsoft would have been a monopoly and regulated as such had the Democrats said "YES" to that.
The only thing small powerless government does is allow corporations to form monopoly and screw over the American people.

History shows that this is just wrong. Mexico has too little government...So they have shitty food standards, air standards and shitty water. China has the same....Oh'you'll say that china has this big power government!@!!!! You red commie bastard!!!! That is true, but it doesn't work for the betterment of their people. Ours has and does.
Government has done a lot to make this a better country...You people that say government is just evil is just wrong.
-Ended slavery
-Ended child labor
-Cleaned up the work place
-Regulated monoplies so they couldn't rule the entire market and cheat. Anti-trust laws.
-Cleaned up our air, water and make sure our food is clean.
-Make sure a corporation can't pay you pennies like they want to do..So you can survive.
-Helped unions have a voice and make wages higher, limited the work day number of hours and allows us to have the weekends off.

There's so many things that the government does that is good for us the people that it is a disgusting joke to say that government is just bad.

And yes, the government can solve other problems. What the fuck have the republicans done? Oh'yes, deregulated corporations, cut their taxes and want to reverse everyone of the above.
You keep on worshipping the federal government, some dolt has too.
The only thing small powerless government does is allow corporations to form monopoly and screw over the American people.

History shows that this is just wrong. Mexico has too little government...So they have shitty food standards, air standards and shitty water. China has the same....Oh'you'll say that china has this big power government!@!!!! You red commie bastard!!!! That is true, but it doesn't work for the betterment of their people. Ours has and does.
The scariest phase ever said - we are from the government and are here to help.... That's when you need to start shooting.
So the Democrats solution to every problem is to raise taxes, what a shocker. Put a fork in the Dem's they are done, they can't win running on tax increases.
The only thing small powerless government does is allow corporations to form monopoly and screw over the American people.

History shows that this is just wrong. Mexico has too little government...So they have shitty food standards, air standards and shitty water. China has the same....Oh'you'll say that china has this big power government!@!!!! You red commie bastard!!!! That is true, but it doesn't work for the betterment of their people. Ours has and does.

The biggest monopoly in this country is the highly flawed public educational system, do you feel it should be dissolved?

Just wondering.

Hillary nailed it.
Not really. No hardball questions...just as planned.
I say Hillary won...

Bernie did very well...

One thing the Democrat debate was way better than the GOP ones so far... Far more substance... Clinton and Bernie were playing pass the ball by referring to each other in their answers.

I don't think Biden should run. Top two contenders talked more substance in the first ten minutes that GOP took in 3 hrs.

sanders screwed her over on gun control i see

“As a senator from a rural state — What I can tell Secretary Clinton is that all the shouting in the world is not going to do what I would hope all of us want: and that is keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have those guns and end this horrible violence that we are seeing,”
The republican party along with the super rich has destroyed our middle class. These people have done everything in their power to drive down wages for our workers and offshore.

The republican party starting with reaganomics in the 80's has done this.

They have blood and the destruction of our industrial might on their hands...
It's funny how the democrats keep talking about the super rich like the Democrat candidates are paupers! How many jobs have the rich supplied to the middle class? Where would the gdp be if there was no Steve Jobs, Apple, Nike, Google? Don't bite the hand that feeds you!
There'd be a lot more jobs if they didn't get tax breaks for off-shoring their factories.
Fix those trade treaties. Trump can do that.

Trump needs to fix his fucking hair.
I've seen some pics that make me question if Hillary washes hers.
The only thing small powerless government does is allow corporations to form monopoly and screw over the American people.

History shows that this is just wrong. Mexico has too little government...So they have shitty food standards, air standards and shitty water. China has the same....Oh'you'll say that china has this big power government!@!!!! You red commie bastard!!!! That is true, but it doesn't work for the betterment of their people. Ours has and does.

why do you think a commie government here would work any better then the commie government of china

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