Democratic Liberal P.C. vs American Free Speech

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Pretty soon you'll have to check with the Democratic Party, 'Acceptable Word Commission' before you're allowed to speak.

Alive .. Temporarily metabolically abled.
Bald .. Follicularly challenged
Body Odour .. Non discretionary fragrance
Broken Home .. Dysfunctional family
Caretaker .. Site Engineer
Clumsy .. Uniquely coordinated
Criminal ..Behaviourally challenged
Dead .. Living impaired
Dishonest .. Ethically disoriented
Drunk .. Chemically inconvenienced
Dustman .. Sanitation Engineer
Fail ..Achieve a deficiency
Fairy .. Petite airborne humanoid with mystical powers
Fat .. Horizontally challenged
Foreign Food .. Ethnic cuisine
Ghetto .. Economically disadvantaged area
Girlfriend .. Unpaid sex worker
Gossip .. Speedy transmission of near-factual information
Housewife .. Domestic Engineer
Ignorant .. Knowledge-based non-possessor
Illegal Aliens .. Undocumented Immigrants
Jailer .. Custodial Artist
Jungle .. Rain Forest
Late .. Rescheduled arrival time
Lazy .. Motivationally deficient
Lumberjack .. Tree Murderer
Natural Disaster .. Global Warming occurrence
Prostitute .. Sex worker
Sex change .. Gender reassignment
Short .. Vertically challenged
Shy .. Conversationally selective
Spendthrift .. Negative saver
Talkative .. Abundantly verbal
Tall .. Vertically enhanced
Trailer Park .. Mobile Home community
Tramp .. Homeless person
Ugly ..Cosmetically different
Unemployed .. Involuntarily leisured
Vagrant .. Nonspecifically destinationed individual
White Trash ..White Trash
Worst .. Least best
Wrong .. Differently logical

Banned words
Pretty soon you'll have to check with the Democratic Party, 'Acceptable Word Commission' before you're allowed to speak.

Alive .. Temporarily metabolically abled.
Bald .. Follicularly challenged
Body Odour .. Non discretionary fragrance
Broken Home .. Dysfunctional family
Caretaker .. Site Engineer
Clumsy .. Uniquely coordinated
Criminal ..Behaviourally challenged
Dead .. Living impaired
Dishonest .. Ethically disoriented
Drunk .. Chemically inconvenienced
Dustman .. Sanitation Engineer
Fail ..Achieve a deficiency
Fairy .. Petite airborne humanoid with mystical powers
Fat .. Horizontally challenged
Foreign Food .. Ethnic cuisine
Ghetto .. Economically disadvantaged area
Girlfriend .. Unpaid sex worker
Gossip .. Speedy transmission of near-factual information
Housewife .. Domestic Engineer
Ignorant .. Knowledge-based non-possessor
Illegal Aliens .. Undocumented Immigrants
Jailer .. Custodial Artist
Jungle .. Rain Forest
Late .. Rescheduled arrival time
Lazy .. Motivationally deficient
Lumberjack .. Tree Murderer
Natural Disaster .. Global Warming occurrence
Prostitute .. Sex worker
Sex change .. Gender reassignment
Short .. Vertically challenged
Shy .. Conversationally selective
Spendthrift .. Negative saver
Talkative .. Abundantly verbal
Tall .. Vertically enhanced
Trailer Park .. Mobile Home community
Tramp .. Homeless person
Ugly ..Cosmetically different
Unemployed .. Involuntarily leisured
Vagrant .. Nonspecifically destinationed individual
White Trash ..White Trash
Worst .. Least best
Wrong .. Differently logical

Banned words

My favorite...

White Trash ..White Trash
what about when i go to wal mart? will i get tazed and manhandled as if I was a 14 year old girl if i ask an employee where the watermelon or redskin potatoes are?
The thing about all this that gets me...

There is nothing wrong with being polite.

But when people within a demographic are just being hypersensitive, or people not of that demographic are hypersensitive...they can come up with an alternate term, and that's still not a big deal.

When they start to demonize people who use the discarded term, it becomes a huge problem.

Having said that, non blacks are not doing black people a favor by not using the "N" word.

If someone tells me they're offended by whatever term I use to characterize or describe them, I'll stop as a courtesy.
The thing about all this that gets me...

There is nothing wrong with being polite.

But when people within a demographic are just being hypersensitive, or people not of that demographic are hypersensitive...they can come up with an alternate term, and that's still not a big deal.

When they start to demonize people who use the discarded term, it becomes a huge problem.

Having said that, non blacks are not doing black people a favor by not using the "N" word.

If someone tells me they're offended by whatever term I use to characterize or describe them, I'll stop as a courtesy.

Courtesy is a two way street. The problem is that our current crop of progressive social flowers can't just stop at realizing that someone disagrees with them, they assume that the person disagreeing with them must be the most horrible person on the planet, and must be removed from polite society.
just wait till the far left makes a list of things u can never say to a server. especially a minority server. when you think of all the flavors that are slang words for blacks, hispanics, italians, asians and the other 14 nationalities,. its quite a long list. I am surprised they allow McDonalds to call its big burger a "Whopper" I am italian and I am offended!! and what about "**** and Span"? If i was latino, I would be sueing for 4.5 Million !!!
The thing about all this that gets me...

There is nothing wrong with being polite.

But when people within a demographic are just being hypersensitive, or people not of that demographic are hypersensitive...they can come up with an alternate term, and that's still not a big deal.

When they start to demonize people who use the discarded term, it becomes a huge problem.

Having said that, non blacks are not doing black people a favor by not using the "N" word.

If someone tells me they're offended by whatever term I use to characterize or describe them, I'll stop as a courtesy.

Courtesy is a two way street. The problem is that our current crop of progressive social flowers can't just stop at realizing that someone disagrees with them, they assume that the person disagreeing with them must be the most horrible person on the planet, and must be removed from polite society.
You're changing the subject.

You're now demonizing "progressives", and none of the progressives I know, have ever told me they think non PC folks are the most horrible people on the planet and they need to be removed.

When you demonize people you dissagree with, even if they demonized you first, you can't fight them effectively, because you're fighting something they're not.

On the other hand, what is the big deal about letting them think you are the most horrible person on the planet? If you know you're not the worst person on the planet...that should be enough to let it roll right off your back. I know that politicians, love to use the perception of victimization to get their potential supporters all fired up. I try to be carefull not to get caught up in that, or I'll be fighting demons that don't exist.

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