Democratic party: a criminal organization?

I am the reasonable one. You're an old white woman with severe "racial biases." Nothing you claim has happened. That is a fact.
Really. The magic 8 ball says try again, IM2. The thing about Liberals, they think their world is the be all end all. it isn't. Explain why Nancy Pelosi and her Husband NVIDIA insider trading. Explain the 2020 democrats bailing out race rioters, and tacitly supporting those riots, But condemning Jan 6th.
Pelosi insider trading, the democrat scandalous support of race riots in 2020, the abusive treatment of those linked to, and the Democrat run senate hearings on Jan. 6th. Persecuting the one and only party that stands against them. Democrats warn of a threat to democracy...Mostly it's the "Democrats" pushing hegemony.

Government . . . all government . . . is the ultimate mafia.
Really. The magic 8 ball says try again, IM2. The thing about Liberals, they think their world is the be all end all. it isn't. Explain why Nancy Pelosi and her Husband NVIDIA insider trading. Explain the 2020 democrats bailing out race rioters, and tacitly supporting those riots, But condemning Jan 6th.
None of the things you claim has happened. Nancy Pelosis husband gor busted, not Nancy. Democrats didn't bail out and rioters or tacitly support any. And that includes the insurrectionists. Your problem is that you use an a ball which means you don't see anything. Try using a crystal ball. You will see things then.
There is one very notable exception: delusion. And that is the key component of most these Trump supporter arguments.
No delusion. The deluded ones believe whatever the MSM tells them. And one of those things they say are exactly what you just said. You are just a repeater of lies never based on fact only opinion.
There is no doubt the ones who wield power have sold out. That is partisan. I do not know which party is worse. The one destroying this country or the other party for doing nothing about it.
The only way this gets solved is, IF they turn both houses of congress around this November, the republicans should go after democrats just as hard as they’ve done to Trump and Democrats the last 6years. That means trials, impeachments, indictments…for crimes that actually occurred.

But that’s a big if since we know the Democrats are capable of doing anything to retain power. Including but not limited to starting an all out war with either China or Russia.
The only way this gets solved is, IF they turn both houses of congress around this November, the republicans should go after democrats just as hard as they’ve done to Trump and Democrats the last 6years. That means trials, impeachments, indictments…for crimes that actually occurred.

But that’s a big if since we know the Democrats are capable of doing anything to retain power. Including but not limited to starting an all out war with either China or Russia.
They need to secure the borders and rebuild the military again. They need to strengthen election integrity then they can try to throw those bastards in jail or send them to China or Iran.
When democrats ignore the race riots of 2020, and they bailed out rioters, and tactility supported that...Um Billions of damage and countless dead. But "Trump might have maybe perhaps sorta could have might have done something"? Fuck the democrats.

Not even with someone else's "equipment"!

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