Democratic Party is very smart

But what about you? If I'm a Democrat, surely you're a drug dealer. Selling to little kids. That's just horrible. Why do you do that?

There are only two parties that ever have a chance to win the national election.

If you didn't vote for the one that isn;t described the way I described the Democrats, you made it possible for them to win.

Only lazy or cowardly individuals won't do due diligence, and choose the better of the two parties.

So which are you.....lazy or cowardly?
No, we're speaking to a woman with absolutely no critical thinking skills whatsoever. You're a lying piece of shit shill for hate speech and propaganda, and as such are not worthy of the courtesy of a "respectful" response. In fact, you've never given any member of the left a "respectful response" in your entire posting career.

Anyone who has tried to debate you in any sort of respectful way, gets your usual cut and paste insults and abuse. You are crude and vulgar in using posters as punching bags, so don't be surprised if people respond at the same vulgar and rude level you so clearly embrace.

IOW's go fuck yourself, bitch. You bring this on yourself and then claim outrage.

No vulgarity.

Put aside the poor upbringing that made you what you are, and post like an adult.

I can see how upset you are at having championed the, Democrats.....

....repent, and reform yourself.
There are only two parties that ever have a chance to win the national election.
No. That's the exact poison that's killing this country. We need to wake up and crawl out from under that delusion. We need to stop voting for shitty candidates on purpose, merely because we're afraid.
It would be really helpful to your cause if Republicans didn't consistently behave in such a full-on racist manner, and would stop spewing "hate speech" about the "Democratically controlled shit hole cities". Not calling black people "thugs" would be a start.
Well it is the truth that ALL DemoTURD run cities ARE urban shitholes.
No, we're speaking to a woman with absolutely no critical thinking skills whatsoever. You're a lying piece of shit shill for hate speech and propaganda, and as such are not worthy of the courtesy of a "respectful" response. In fact, you've never given any member of the left a "respectful response" in your entire posting career.

Anyone who has tried to debate you in any sort of respectful way, gets your usual cut and paste insults and abuse. You are crude and vulgar in using posters as punching bags, so don't be surprised if people respond at the same vulgar and rude level you so clearly embrace.

IOW's go fuck yourself, bitch. You bring this on yourself and then claim outrage.
Why don't you go back to your hockey and Labatt's you fucking Hoser c*nt!
That's a four letter word ending in "k" that not many colleges teach apparently.

That's a four letter word ending in "k" that not many colleges teach apparently.

Fulfilling the obligation that they signed for is insignificant to these loafers.

No. That's the exact poison that's killing this country. We need to wake up and crawl out from under that delusion. We need to stop voting for shitty candidates on purpose, merely because we're afraid.

No vulgarity.

Post like an adult......unless you are afraid of the answer I would give.
Try paying off a couple hundred thousand dollar loan at market rate by mowing lawns retard

Why would they be mowing yards when he/she has a college degree?
And from what the left says biden produced a bunch of jobs so whats his/hers problem?
Why would they be mowing yards when he/she has a college degree?
And from what the left says biden produced a bunch of jobs so whats his/hers problem?

I'd be remiss if I didn't interject these two points.

1. These former students asked for, signed for, promised to repay, said loans.

2. No one needs to take out a student loan. Therer are a number of ways to go to college and leaves without debt.
Such as these choices.

1. Work Study Programs

2. Work your way through

3. Work at a job where your major will be paid by the job

4. Night school

5. Community College, then transfer

6. ROTC will pay a full scholarship

7. Take eight years….ever hear of anyone asking ‘how long were you in school???'

Anyone ever ask you how much time you spent in college..?’

8. And a very careful analysis of one's that will pay a decent salary.
Very careful

Instead, Democrats plan on bribing those who incurred debt to vote for them by saddling the rest of America with the debt.
You found my quote stupid. Go back and look at what I was responding to

You dumbfuck.
I'm not going to scroll through a shitload of posts to find it.
Just tell me what you were responding to.
If you cant do that I'm just going with you lied.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

You dumbfuck.
I'm not going to scroll through a shitload of posts to find it.
Just tell me what you were responding to.
If you cant do that I'm just going with you lied.
You found my quote. You can find that

It’s self explanatory
Not to disparage those that do. There are a great number of very successful people who got that way by creating their own lawn services without degrees to mow the lawns of those who won't pay their student debt.
/---/ To be clear, I mean the guy pushing the mower, not the guy who owns the landscaping business.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

The GOP has the best strategy for winning minorities over:

Just sit back and let the Democrats talk.

'You ain't black if you don't vote for me.'
-- Joe Biden

'Jill Biden Slammed For Comparing Latinos to TACOS'

Blacks and Latinos are running from the Democrat Party, more and more every time the Bidens / Democrats open their mouths.

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You’re a prancing Nancy boy. Not really sure what that has to do with the OP. Please elaborate.
The reality does not paint a very promising future for the average
black.The Blacks of Thurgood Marshalls era were highly conservative.
Especially during Eisenhower's 50's. MLK was a Republican.Blacks
went to Church and would never dream of going into town without
wearing their Sunday best.That mindset has been usurped the last half
century.Blame it on Sports and those huge paychecks.Blacks grew to not
just like Nice expensive stuff but adore it.Pro Atheletes and their Mansions
5-6 car garages with The most expensive cars in the World.Swimming
pools and ungodly furnishings { best chandeliers on the market }
Best Champagne.Most outlandish jewelry and watches.
There are and have never been Groups like The Amish or Mormons
and Mennonites.Or the strict Orthodox jews,among the Black community.
Just Big Brother Government.L.B.J.'s Great Society Pledge.
Black females have 5 times the number of Abortions than White
Females.Is this some kind of Margaret Sanger inner conspiracy.
That Blacks have failed to notice.
because it ain't as simple as the Movie - Candyman - { 1992 }

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