Democratic Party is very smart

Those 'very fine people on both sides' included all forms of racists and traitors - and a murderer.
I'm disappointed to see that you class racists, traitors and murderers as "very fine people on both sides." Reasonable people don't use that description in reference to these criminals. You have no argument--even when you try to fabricate one.
I'm disappointed to see that you class racists, traitors and murderers as "very fine people on both sides." Reasonable people don't use that description in reference to these criminals. You have no argument--even when you try to fabricate one.

Are you trying for the King Bullshitter of the day?

You know very well that I was quoting Trump.

Are you truly that stupid?
Your highlights mean nothing. Trump said that there were "very fine people on both sides" and the whole world knows it.
He said there were ALSO after he said the Neo Nazis were assholes. It is highlighted in yellow for the mentally ill. Aka you.
End of conversation...

I have better things to do than argue with 2 idiots that just deny truth and reality.
Run away, little broomstick cowboy. When a democrat is shown the fallacy of their argument, that is what they typically do. Quit lying and your debate may have a longer life.
Didn't you say you were an educator? No wonder the school system is putting out such failures with teachers unable to use proper grammar. You are either incompetent if you were a teacher or a liar, which is it?
Taught French and History and I am slumming on here I don't give a damn about grammar around here. You know what I'm saying. I am not typing, I am talking into this stupid smart phone. Try and focus lol The GOP and Trump have been a total disaster on the vaccine. Anyone with a brain would have gotten vaccines as quickly as possible. Pheizers vaccine had nothing to do with Trump at all. Republicans not getting vaccinated and spreading bologna are the reason we are all screwed the supply crisis the inflation crisis you name it because people don't want to go out with you idiots around. Starting fights on airplanes etc because you are totally missinformed ignoramuses.
And yet again you have proven that I am never wrong.....and you simply lie.

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The Real Student Loan Crisis Is The One Obama Created ... › politics › editorials › obama-created-student-loan-crisis-with-1-trillion-in-loans
In 2010, Obama eliminated the federal guaranteed loan program, which let private lenders offer student loans at low interest rates. Now, the Department of Education is the only place to go for ...

Did the Obama administration commit 'the biggest ... › news › obama-administration-student-loans-experts-113140861.html
The WSJ op-ed also highlighted the rising number of severely delinquent student loans since then and blamed the Obama administration for expanding plans in 2012 for new borrowers "to reduce ...

President Obama's horrible, terrible legacy on student loans › blogs › congress-blog › education › 279512-president-obamas-horrible-terrible-legacy-on-student-loans
President Obama's horrible, terrible legacy on student loans. When he announced his candidacy in 2007, Barack Obama looked like he could be the one to finally stand up to the student lending ...

You should give serious consideration to starting a religion based on my life.
Try paying off a couple hundred thousand dollar loan at market rate by mowing lawns retard
/——-/ Sorry the nuance of the political cartoon was lost on you. Hopefully you got a marketable degree and can get a better job than mowing lawns. But if you owe hundreds of thousands of dollars for a degree in gender studies, you’re Shyt Out Of Luck, and mowing lawns is your only option. It must suck being you.
/——-/ Sorry the nuance of the political cartoon was lost on you. Hopefully you got a marketable degree and can get a better job than mowing lawns. But if you owe hundreds of thousands of dollars for a degree in gender studies, you’re Shyt Out Of Luck, and mowing lawns is your only option. It must suck being you.

It certainly seems that that occupation is commensurate with his skill set.

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