Democratic Party is very smart

When the leader of the GOP calls Neo-Nazis, KKK members and other racists "very good people", it's kind of easy to convince non-white people that the GOP is a racist party.
That never happened. Are you ever not a deranged troll? You are such a gullible little fool. Want to bet? If I prove that never happened, you leave this site forever. Deal? Or are you a pussy? LMK.
just get vaccinated and stop spreading doubt and garbage propaganda. Everything the GOP based believes is wrong. Election fraud vaccine conspiracies conspiracies in general for crying out loud. And the Wall Street journal is Rupert Murdoch too. Poor America. Poor world.
Rupert Murdoch lives in your brain. You're a moron. Get your vax and STFU--and stay out of MY business.
Rupert Murdoch lives in your brain. You're a moron. Get your vax and STFU--and stay out of MY business.
Rupert Murdoch is the worst thing that has happened to America in my lifetime and I'm 70. Everything you know is crap propaganda. Of course I am already vaccinated I'm not a goddam idiot oops brainwashed functional idiot. Change the goddamn channel. Murdoch is an international pariah who is not allowed to have major media anywhere else in the world anymore except here. Bring back some debate on your goddamn propaganda channel including swine on the internet. Ronald Reagan a catastrophe including you lol. You believe the Democrats stole the election? Poor America absolutely no evidence of that. Just scum bags repeating it endlessly.
Murdoch is an international pariah who is not allowed to have major media anywhere else in the world
You might want to rethink that moronic biased statement. Murdoch owns Sky News in Australia as well as numerous international media outlets in Latin America and Asia.
Here is a list of his holdings as of 2015
For your edification, here is a list of major media owners, so you won't appear to be the brainwashed functional idiot that you are---and you can change your own damn channel, moron.
Try again.
You might want to rethink that moronic biased statement. Murdoch owns Sky News in Australia as well as numerous international media outlets in Latin America and Asia.
Here is a list of his holdings as of 2015
For your edification, here is a list of major media owners, so you won't appear to be the brainwashed functional idiot that you are---and you can change your own damn channel, moron.
Try again.
he is highly leashed in Australia. He was just sued again. Totally thrown out of New Zealand which New Zealanders say is what saved them during the pandemic. He is a total catastrophe. And internet crazies are worse. And they seem to run the GOP now. Stuff is scary. So are you
he is highly leashed in Australia. He was just sued again. Totally thrown out of New Zealand which New Zealanders say is what saved them during the pandemic. He is a total catastrophe. And internet crazies are worse. And they seem to run the GOP now. Stuff is scary. So are you
Why? Because I called you out on your lies and proved that you are a brainwashed functional moron that spouts pure lies? There is a solution to that. QUIT LYING.
Why? Because I called you out on your lies and proved that you are a brainwashed functional moron that spouts pure lies? There is a solution to that. QUIT LYING.
Every respected media and law enforcement and courtrooms in the world agrees with me. All you have is slimy pundits on Murdoch news and internet crazies and the GOP politicians they run it seems. I see 4% of Republicans think the pandemic is a problem for crying out loud when it is what is causing every single problem unbelievable. You people are terrifying you have no clue and no connection to reality. And GOP propaganda goes around the world of conspiracy nuts.
Every respected media and law enforcement and courtrooms in the world agrees with me.
Another lying generalization. Try again moron.
I see 4% of Republicans think the pandemic is a problem for crying out loud when it is what is causing every single problem unbelievable.
Failed English composition I see. Try writing something that is intelligible. Punctuation makes a difference.
Every respected media and law enforcement and courtrooms in the world agrees with me. All you have is slimy pundits on Murdoch news and internet crazies and the GOP politicians they run it seems. I see 4% of Republicans think the pandemic is a problem for crying out loud when it is what is causing every single problem unbelievable. You people are terrifying you have no clue and no connection to reality. And GOP propaganda goes around the world of conspiracy nuts.

"Biden inflation reaches 30-year high in October"​

Biden inflation reaches 30-year high in October

Prices just keep getting higher in Biden’s America, with inflation now reaching a 30-year high in October: WSJ – U.S. inflation hit a three-decade high in October—rising at a 6.2% annua…

"Consumer Price Inflation Accelerates to Fastest Rate in 31 Years"

Consumer Price Inflation Accelerates to Fastest Rate in 31 Years

Economists polled by Bloomberg predict that, when the U.S. government releases its consumer price index (CPI) data later in the day on Nov. 10, the numbers will show that October's over-the-year pace of inflation was the highest in 30 years.

"Is Biden Oblivious to a Mounting Economic Disaster?"​

Is Biden Oblivious to a Mounting Economic Disaster? | National Review

New economy numbers raise the question of whether the Biden administration realizes how bad the problem is and how ineffective its actions look.

"Consumer Price Index in October rose 6.2%, highest in over 30 years"​

Consumer prices rose 6.2% annualized in October, highest in three decades

The report shows the cost of a range of goods in the United States

"Fmr. WH doc says angry Obama contacted him over doubts: ‘I’m 100% sure Joe Biden is incapable of doing job’"​

Fmr. WH doc says angry Obama contacted him over doubts: 'I’m 100% sure Joe Biden is incapable of doing job'

The Texas congressman reveals that he received an 'unbelievable' email from his new-found pen pal, the 44th U.S. president.

I forgot......who'd you vote for again??????

"Biden inflation reaches 30-year high in October"​

Biden inflation reaches 30-year high in October

Prices just keep getting higher in Biden’s America, with inflation now reaching a 30-year high in October: WSJ – U.S. inflation hit a three-decade high in October—rising at a 6.2% annua…

"Consumer Price Inflation Accelerates to Fastest Rate in 31 Years"

Consumer Price Inflation Accelerates to Fastest Rate in 31 Years

Economists polled by Bloomberg predict that, when the U.S. government releases its consumer price index (CPI) data later in the day on Nov. 10, the numbers will show that October's over-the-year pace of inflation was the highest in 30 years.

"Is Biden Oblivious to a Mounting Economic Disaster?"​

Is Biden Oblivious to a Mounting Economic Disaster? | National Review

New economy numbers raise the question of whether the Biden administration realizes how bad the problem is and how ineffective its actions look.

"Consumer Price Index in October rose 6.2%, highest in over 30 years"​

Consumer prices rose 6.2% annualized in October, highest in three decades

The report shows the cost of a range of goods in the United States

"Fmr. WH doc says angry Obama contacted him over doubts: ‘I’m 100% sure Joe Biden is incapable of doing job’"​

Fmr. WH doc says angry Obama contacted him over doubts: 'I’m 100% sure Joe Biden is incapable of doing job'

The Texas congressman reveals that he received an 'unbelievable' email from his new-found pen pal, the 44th U.S. president.

I forgot......who'd you vote for again??????
Every everything will keep getting worse until Republicans get vaccinated and stop spreading misinformation around the world. A total disaster. Poor you
Every everything will keep getting worse until Republicans get vaccinated and stop spreading misinformation around the world. A total disaster. Poor you

Every everything will keep getting worse until Republicans get vaccinated and stop spreading misinformation around the world. A total disaster. Poor you

So.....some folks getting vaccinated will stop inflation.....and change Obama's opinion of your candidate?

I love forcing you to reveal yourself as a total imbecile.
That never happened. Are you ever not a deranged troll? You are such a gullible little fool. Want to bet? If I prove that never happened, you leave this site forever. Deal? Or are you a pussy? LMK.

If you had a brain, you'd know that it is not possible for you or anyone to prove that something did not happen. It's only possible to prove something did happen.

Here's Trump's remarks. He may have tried to weasel out of what he said when he realized how bad the political fall out was, but he said what he said.

So, are you going to live up to your own challenge and leave this site forever?

No? I didn't think so - you're a lying bag of shit and a total pussy - loser!

If you had a brain, you'd know that it is not possible for you or anyone to prove that something did not happen. It's only possible to prove something did happen.

Here's Trump's remarks. He may have tried to weasel out of what he said when he realized how bad the political fall out was, but he said what he said.

So, are you going to live up to your own challenge and leave this site forever?

No? I didn't think so - you're a lying bag of shit and a total pussy - loser!

Nope. You are. Adios, asshole.

Meister please make sure this idiot leftist leaves.


If you had a brain, you'd know that it is not possible for you or anyone to prove that something did not happen. It's only possible to prove something did happen.

Here's Trump's remarks. He may have tried to weasel out of what he said when he realized how bad the political fall out was, but he said what he said.

So, are you going to live up to your own challenge and leave this site forever?

No? I didn't think so - you're a lying bag of shit and a total pussy - loser!

Politifact has more experience at lying than you do---and that's saying a lot.
I posted the actual quotes you idiot. He never called the Neo Nazis very fine people. It is there highlighted for you.

View attachment 562588

Trump said what he said - then he tried back tracking out of it because he's an idiot. Those 'very fine people on both sides' included all forms of racists and traitors - and a murderer.

Just the fact that they objected to the removal of Robert E. Lees statue shows that they supported both a racist and a traitor - a man responsible for more American deaths than just about anyone in history.

You can try to weasel out all you want, but Trump said what he said and all your lying and twisting in the world won't change it
Trump said what he said - then he tried back tracking out of it because he's an idiot. Those 'very fine people on both sides' included all forms of racists and traitors - and a murderer.

Just the fact that they objected to the removal of Robert E. Lees statue shows that they supported both a racist and a traitor - a man responsible for more American deaths than just about anyone in history.

You can try to weasel out all you want, but Trump said what he said and all your lying and twisting in the world won't change it
I have the actual quotes highlighted in yellow. You fucked up. Adios. The site will not miss you.

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