Democrats 2014 Strategy (lead by Obama, Pelosis and Reid)


Apr 22, 2007
Pander, slander, divide and do whatever to ignore the bleak economy!

(1) The so called Women's fairness act: You know the one. The myth that women supposedly make less for the same job. 1. Working in the corporate world for 14 years I can tell you I don't see it. I see women as BOD, executives, high level managers, top paid sales people etc. I think it's bogus. I do think (given the rate of women going to college vs men) women are going to overtake men in the legal field (go to any law school and see more women than men there), as executives, in sales (many many sales departments are filled with women) etc. This was a bogus play for the Dimocrats to keep women.

(2) Immigration Push: The majority of Americans want border security. They want eVerify and they don't want amnesty. This is the majority of Republicans and Democrats alike. The Democrats aren't concerned with immigration reform, they are concern with pushing a bill that they know Republicans will reject and they can't turn and use as propaganda to gain Latino votes.

(3) Voter ID: Funny that in Iraq where they had 70% voter turn out they had strict voter ID. Just this week I might add. They have it all over Europe and Latin America. Yet in AMERICA, the left tells us having voter ID is racist and the majority of low educated (which most blacks in the inner city are) eat it up and believe the Dimocrat lie that Republicans want to keep them from the polls. Instead they should feel insult that Democrats believe they are too stupid to obtain ID.

(4) Joe Biden's speech on College Rape:
Yes rape is wrong and should be punished, but the push by the Feds are this point to attack it, led by Joe Biden is suspect at best. They want to push something to continue the so called propaganda - War on women.

(5) Increase Minimum Wage:
This is where I think the Republicans should have caved, but that is what the Democrats wanted. They didn't care about low wage workers, they cared about winning votes.

(6) Increased Regulations:
Let me explain something to you. Why do many large corps contribute more money to Democrats over Republicans? The same Democrats that push over-burdensome regulations. It eliminates their small business competition. Make no mistake in many markets and products small business wins. They can move fast, innovate quicker and change processes to compete better. However, they have a much much harder time complying with deep regulations. The big corp's bitch to the media, but the cherish it. They take small cost cutting steps at first, then change process and procedures, adapt and push the cost to the consumer. Small businesses can't cut costs in the ST (too slim of margins) and they have a tough time changing their processes and they can't just push their cost to the consumer like big businesses, because they are much more sensitive to prices increases. So many small business become unable to compete and go out of business or are forced to sell to their competition. These regulations also prevent small businesses from entering the market, because regulation and compliance costs are too high. The large corps get richer, because they now have less competition to compete with. SIDE NOTE: the consumer always loses. Just take the cable companies. Since their is regulated lack of competition. Consumers have to deal with HORRENDOUS customer service (always ranked as some of the worst in the world) and high costs for the same product!

Democrats aren't addressing high TRUE unemployment rate, a .1 GDP growth rate, inflation growing quicker than wages and an all around shitty economy. Nope they prefer to pander and divide!

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